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11-19-2013 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
I guess most men are losers then.
If you got over this hangup, you'd have much better sex....longer and probably more passionate sex.
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11-19-2013 , 05:18 PM
It's really weak to make a judgement over the quality of sex that I have based on that.
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11-19-2013 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
It's really weak to make a judgement over the quality of sex that I have based on that.
I didn't. Your sex could be good now, I don't know. I am just saying it could be better if you got over this fear.
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11-19-2013 , 05:21 PM
If a girl wouldn't let me kiss her after I go down on her I'd think she was weird and would probably get taken out of the moment

So if a girl gives you a BJ (not to completion) before sex you wouldn't kiss her at all until she washed her mouth out? Presumably after sex and any cuddling?
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11-19-2013 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
I guess most men are losers then. Anyway you're boring and a bit of a mental case, I'm done talking to you.
I guess what you're saying is that "most men" aren't above average at sex, which seems obvious so I'll agree with you.
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11-19-2013 , 05:24 PM
Debt Vulture,

You're probably right. I mean, if the Girl is worth it then I would probably do it, if she's just a hook up then lolno. My initial point was that it is weird to be surprised about men having a problem with this, I thought it was pretty damn common.
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11-19-2013 , 05:30 PM
So wait, are there that many women out there that refuse and are grossed out when a guy tries to kiss them after going downtown? I never have been with one that had an issue with it
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11-19-2013 , 05:35 PM
cuz a girl's cum doesn't taste like anything
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11-19-2013 , 05:37 PM
Lol @ making a freakshow out of kissing a girl after she went down on you. Way to ruin a moment with a woman by acting like a dickhead.

If it was just a one night stand or a hit & run with a bopper, then fine, all is good. Then again I wouldn't go down on a one nighter to begin with (lolbad). But anyway, if it's someone you are seeing and/or having sex with regularly, then I agree with Yowsa that regularly showing that kind of sexually inhibitive behavior probably makes you a sub-optimal lover and leaves a bad taste in her mouth (no pun intended) after the whole encounter

Proper laying of pipe is about letting go of all inhibitions and just gettin in touch with your animal instincts imo
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11-19-2013 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by 3BetBluffing

If it was just a one night stand or a hit & run with a bopper, then fine, all is good. Then again I wouldn't go down on a one nighter to begin with (lolbad). But anyway, if it's someone you are seeing and/or having sex with regularly, then I agree with Yowsa that regularly showing that kind of sexually inhibitive behavior probably makes you a sub-optimal lover and leaves a bad taste in her mouth (no pun intended) after the whole encounter
Woah there cowboy, nobody is saying to make a spectacle of things.
I only do one night stands and casual hookups, so there you go. No love lost, Case closed.
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11-19-2013 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
Woah there cowboy, nobody is saying to make a spectacle of things.
I only do one night stands and casual hookups, so there you go. No love lost, Case closed.
So you're a gigolo
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11-19-2013 , 06:00 PM
Standard not to go down on a girl on a one night stand I assume.

How about condom on for any blowjob? I want to keep STIs to an absolute minimum and girls having one night stand seem way more likely to have something.
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11-19-2013 , 06:02 PM
No, I'm just not interested in the idea of serious dating just yet. If a Girl considers me a sub-optimal lover because I didn't kiss her after she had given me head then 1. Unless you're not attractive, it's not enough to make you a sub-optimal lover, you'd have to be seriously lacking in other areas 2. I don't really care, there's plenty of other Girls that don't give a ****
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11-19-2013 , 06:04 PM
Not being willing to kiss after a bj reeks of insecurities.

Most men are not losers, most men are insecure.
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11-19-2013 , 06:05 PM
That said:

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11-19-2013 , 06:15 PM
That video makes my point CCuster. If not wanting to kiss a Girl after head wasn't common phenomena, then why are there so many videos, jokes, movies that reference it? That was the point I was trying to make, how could Yowsa be shocked that rungoodrun finds it unappealing, when it's so common?
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11-19-2013 , 06:17 PM
That clip is great.
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11-19-2013 , 06:23 PM
I understand a majority of guys do it, thats why the post before uses the term most.
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11-19-2013 , 06:31 PM
Ah ****, UnoTrap is making me feel like a loser for having no problem-> getting turned on when the girl kisses afterwards (SHOCKER).

I'd say its way more of a macho kind of thing to say that 'you aint kissin that bitch after she sucks on my knob lolomgimsoawesome' and thats probably partly why there are so much ridiculous jokes about it.

Last edited by Yakmelk; 11-19-2013 at 06:35 PM. Reason: I guess its a dominance thing
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11-19-2013 , 06:32 PM
Anybody want to check out and review my OKC profile? It features a photo of my new beard!
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11-19-2013 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Girls get told they give great head, because guys love head and want you to do it again. Girls are silly enough to believe it.

You just meet the minimum threshold to enjoy your head jenni, thats all you know.

"Dont bite the hand that feeds you"


"Dont insult the face that blows you"
LOL, totally this.

Originally Posted by Yakmelk
Is anyone actually doing that on purpose ? Get dates before winter, hit it in winter, get new ones in spring/summer ? Its so cold outside during winter.
I haven't exactly done it on purpose, but I definitely thought about it a couple of months ago. I was seeing quite a few women and was getting excited that I wouldn't have to try to go on first dates when the temperature really started dropping. Hopefully the ones I have will keep me warm through the winter...

Originally Posted by UnoTrap
Solid trolling. Pretty much everyone knows that most men have a problem with this. It's referenced all the time in popular media. Nobody wants to kiss a woman after she's given head, sure some men do it, but they don't want to. The majority of us stand our ground and say enough is enough.
Do you also think that women don't enjoy sex as much as men? Because that is said in popular media as well.
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11-19-2013 , 06:38 PM
Winter wife up is a real thing(well the term is just something people say, but people are def more likely to be in a relationship during winter), girls probably practice it more than guys because I imagine they become more easily depressed about being single than guys do during the colder months. Although that is just my opinion.
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11-19-2013 , 06:42 PM
With all of this blowjob talk, how do you guys deal with a girl who doesn't like giving head?

My current girl said she doesn't like doing it because of a past experience where the idiot grabbed the back of her head and basically jammed her face into his knob.

It's the only real stumbling block I have with her as she is always up for sex. I'm hoping she'll eventually come around to it as she gets more comfortable with me.
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11-19-2013 , 06:45 PM
Got some seriously hot Tinder matches but can't be bothered to message new people.

Think I have actually found my perfect woman and she is only 2 miles away.


That a 10?
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11-19-2013 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
With all of this blowjob talk, how do you guys deal with a girl who doesn't like giving head?

My current girl said she doesn't like doing it because of a past experience where the idiot grabbed the back of her head and basically jammed her face into his knob.

It's the only real stumbling block I have with her as she is always up for sex. I'm hoping she'll eventually come around to it as she gets more comfortable with me.
Tell her you won't grab the back of her head and basically jam her face into your knob.
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