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11-12-2013 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by rungoodrun
Easy to clear 100k for not many hours a week
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11-12-2013 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by rungoodrun
Move to UK and crush online. Easy to clear 100k for not many hours a week and all tax free.
Only top players are clearing 100K with few hours played. Also, moving to the UK and being so far from home wouldn't be worth the money even if I could make 6 figures
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11-12-2013 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by 3BetBluffing
He sure isn't. Nobody is winning at life making 40k a year. But he will be if he doesn't plateau at 40k. Your experience ends there but will be irrelevant if he surpasses that

I earn significantly more than that, but I would quit my reg full time job for the chance to make 40k playing poker because I am 23, love poker, absolutely hate my soul-sucking job, and the prospect of climbing up the ladder to eventually make more than my soul-killing office job sounds so juicy. Hell I romanticize the idea of playing 12 hours a day and get in 16 hour sessions on the weekends when I can. If I could just play poker and survive that would be heaven for me right now
I can coach
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11-12-2013 , 08:57 PM

Yes, it would be nice to know what neighborhoods are convenient for her before asking her to a specific location. No one is going to disagree with that. However, "Where in the city do you call home?" is just super awkward English. Maybe try something a normal person would say, not some broken AI bot, like "What neighborhood do you live in?" or "Where do you like to go out?"

See how the expected answer to my questions are things like "I live in Pilsen," as opposed to "Englewood is where I call home"? One of those responses is normal to conversation and one is not. Why are you trying to speak / trying to make women decipher Yoda-ese?

Also, regarding "the Cheerleader" - I think you should go back and review your posting on this woman. You've repeatedly said things like:

- I'm going to give this one more shot
- If things don't escalate I'm done
- She clearly doesn't know what she wants, so I'm out
- I'm going to press the issue and find out what she really wants

From all indications (unless you are just reporting very poorly to this thread), this woman is not interested in you and you are chasing after her in a pretty pathetic manner. You're not even really dating her and now you want to send her flowers. What is the intended/expected result? I get it that you feel you had good sex with her, but she's not being presented as someone who wants to have more sex with you. It seems like she'd be interested in potentially having you as a friend (but maybe that's only because she likes feeling wanted, who knows), but that you are not mature enough to have female friends. So you should really just stop seeing this woman or speaking to her.
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11-12-2013 , 09:33 PM
citanul: you do understand ATF is an obsessive sociopath, right?
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11-12-2013 , 09:53 PM
I feel bad that cit wasted well thought out advise for ATF
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11-12-2013 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by swag_check

amazing, don't let the dude who's too busto to afford a car bigtime you like this.
Do a lot of students have income to afford a car with no parental help?

That said I could afford a cheap car, I just dont have a desire or need for a cheap car. BRB free bus system, BRB car rental system. BRB nothing near austin worth going to.

I will also come out in 8 months earning 70k+ so there is that.
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11-12-2013 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Do a lot of students have income to afford a car with no parental help?

That said I could afford a cheap car, I just dont have a desire or need for a cheap car. BRB free bus system, BRB car rental system. BRB nothing near austin worth going to.

I will also come out in 8 months earning 70k+ so there is that.
What are you studying?
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11-12-2013 , 10:10 PM
I am getting a masters in Business Analytics(undergrad a BS in Math), although right now I am focusing on getting a job at a startup here in Austin, and they don't recruit until spring(for obvious reasons), but peeps in my class with similar backgrounds(outside of being a poker coach obv), are getting offers ranging from 68k->105k already(from being corps and firms)

Similar programs graduate 75-80k average salary.
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11-12-2013 , 11:26 PM
Every entitled prick ever thinks they're going to graduate and insta make 100k a year. I bet you even felt modest typing "80k". Cannot believe I just witnessed you trying to peacock around Amazin' when you're basically delusional thinking some broke start-up is going to pay near 6 figs for entry-level. What a joke

To me a man working hard to provide a comfortable lifestyle for himself and living out his dream is winning at life. #TeamAmazin
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11-12-2013 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by Jennitron
Every entitled prick ever thinks they're going to graduate and insta make 100k a year. I bet you even felt modest typing "80k". Cannot believe I just witnessed you trying to peacock around Amazin' when you're basically delusional thinking some broke start-up is going to pay near 6 figs for entry-level. What a joke

To me a man working hard to provide a comfortable lifestyle for himself and living out his dream is winning at life. #TeamAmazin
Oh dear god this whole thing is brilliant.

Also the term start up probably wasnt entirely correct(but doesn't change the fact you couldn't be more wrong). <100 employees is ideal for me. I wasnt talking to amazin until he asked a question and I expanded.

Well played woman.
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11-12-2013 , 11:51 PM
you can start at 85k if you do BA for a bank. not so much a start up.
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11-12-2013 , 11:52 PM
I will bite, dont know why I am humoring your(jenni) incompetency but o well:


Last edited by CCuster_911; 11-12-2013 at 11:54 PM. Reason: first year program at UT or I would give data from them.
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11-13-2013 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Jennitron
To me a man working hard to provide a comfortable lifestyle for himself and living out his dream is winning at life. #TeamAmazin
This. I have Berkeley degree and a job within the sort of range you've provided, and still, as I said earlier, I'd dump it in a nanosecond if I forsure knew I could make 40k/yr at the lowest stakes (haven't played near the amt of hours to know). But then again, I am 23, single w/ no kids, and I personally think it's worth it to take a shot at something that can pay the bills, has a lot of potential upside, and is something I'm passionate about. Operative word being "passionate." The other operative word is "personally," because to each their own.

"I don't want to be like you and dad, working 9 to 5, 40 hours a week, and just living a mediocre lifestyle" - Young Ivey
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11-13-2013 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
I just stated that next year I'll be playing higher limits and earning more. Thanks for the advice though
Yo be fair there have probably been a few other players who have said that and then found out its not as easy as just play higher limits and make more money.
You could be the exception, but as a general rule, if you are playing 1/2 live full time at 26, I doubt you are going to be a baller poker player. Similarly to sports, while there are exceptions, if you are a 26yo semi pro baller, you're NBA dreams probably aren't going to be realized.

Again, not expecting you to heed this, as I didn't and many people I know didn't, but I think most poker players assume moving up and making big money is easier than it really is. Yiu can't just say 'I'll make more next year' unless there are very good reasons why you aren't making more this year

Sorry for derail though

Sent from my HTC_PN071 using 2+2 Forums
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11-13-2013 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by The-fryke
Yo be fair there have probably been a few other players who have said that and then found out its not as easy as just play higher limits and make more money.
You could be the exception, but as a general rule, if you are playing 1/2 live full time at 26, I doubt you are going to be a baller poker player. Similarly to sports, while there are exceptions, if you are a 26yo semi pro baller, you're NBA dreams probably aren't going to be realized.

Again, not expecting you to heed this, as I didn't and many people I know didn't, but I think most poker players assume moving up and making big money is easier than it really is. Yiu can't just say 'I'll make more next year' unless there are very good reasons why you aren't making more this year

Sorry for derail though

Sent from my HTC_PN071 using 2+2 Forums
I know this is aimed at Amazin, but its also relevant to what I want to do. Why on earth is 26 to late to become a ballin poker player? You do realize the legal age to play poker is 21 in most casinos right? And you also realize that most pro athletes started playing in little league/elementary? How is there a comparison? I picked up poker at age 22, 1 year ago, and you think it's too late for me to achieve a top level??

At most I am 7 years behind the people who started at age 15, and even that is debatable due to my intelligence, motivation and drive -relative to theirs at that age. But ultimately poker can be played until old age (Brunson), so why is it that I am doomed and not simply "delayed" relative to most young pros?
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11-13-2013 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by The-fryke
Yo be fair there have probably been a few other players who have said that and then found out its not as easy as just play higher limits and make more money.
You could be the exception, but as a general rule, if you are playing 1/2 live full time at 26, I doubt you are going to be a baller poker player. Similarly to sports, while there are exceptions, if you are a 26yo semi pro baller, you're NBA dreams probably aren't going to be realized.

Again, not expecting you to heed this, as I didn't and many people I know didn't, but I think most poker players assume moving up and making big money is easier than it really is. Yiu can't just say 'I'll make more next year' unless there are very good reasons why you aren't making more this year

Sorry for derail though

Sent from my HTC_PN071 using 2+2 Forums
The reason I'm not playing 2-5 is simple, I'm not rolled. My skills exceed my roll for now. Yea, I'm aware that players improve as you move up stakes. Thanks for the sage advice again though.
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11-13-2013 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by 3BetBluffing
This. I have Berkeley degree and a job within the sort of range you've provided, and still, as I said earlier, I'd dump it in a nanosecond if I forsure knew I could make 40k/yr at the lowest stakes (haven't played near the amt of hours to know). But then again, I am 23, single w/ no kids, and I personally think it's worth it to take a shot at something that can pay the bills, has a lot of potential upside, and is something I'm passionate about. Operative word being "passionate." The other operative word is "personally," because to each their own.

"I don't want to be like you and dad, working 9 to 5, 40 hours a week, and just living a mediocre lifestyle" - Young Ivey
Have you regularly put in 16 hours a day grinding on and off for months at a time? While I enjoy poker, I doubt I enjoy anything that much. The fact that you likely won't make it and the fact that you could stunt your career if you don't make it, typically make it a pretty bad bet unless you are truly dedicated to mastering poker. Poker isn't what it used to be. Maybe it'll get better with more legal online poker in the US. But it's still not an easy job and it's pretty damn risky and of course has a bad cache to many women. I was on a date with a girl last Friday, I told her I had played the weekend before and won a modest $500 bucks. Of course the first thing she asks me, "but how much did you lose?"
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11-13-2013 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by capone0
Have you regularly put in 16 hours a day grinding on and off for months at a time? While I enjoy poker, I doubt I enjoy anything that much. The fact that you likely won't make it and the fact that you could stunt your career if you don't make it, typically make it a pretty bad bet unless you are truly dedicated to mastering poker. Poker isn't what it used to be. Maybe it'll get better with more legal online poker in the US. But it's still not an easy job and it's pretty damn risky and of course has a bad cache to many women. I was on a date with a girl last Friday, I told her I had played the weekend before and won a modest $500 bucks. Of course the first thing she asks me, "but how much did you lose?"
Yea, I told 3betbluffing that I'd never advise a gainfully employed person to leave their job to pursue a poker career.

Unless they've got a time machine handy
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11-13-2013 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by capone0
Have you regularly put in 16 hours a day grinding on and off for months at a time? While I enjoy poker, I doubt I enjoy anything that much. The fact that you likely won't make it and the fact that you could stunt your career if you don't make it, typically make it a pretty bad bet unless you are truly dedicated to mastering poker. Poker isn't what it used to be. Maybe it'll get better with more legal online poker in the US. But it's still not an easy job and it's pretty damn risky and of course has a bad cache to many women. I was on a date with a girl last Friday, I told her I had played the weekend before and won a modest $500 bucks. Of course the first thing she asks me, "but how much did you lose?"
Ok.. #1 props on bringing this back to dating somehow, and talking poker seriously is generally supposed to be a buzzkill for chicks. Second, that was pretty good that you actually heard "but how much did you lose" line from an actual date.

That being said, the part where you said I likely won't make it is exactly what I need and want.
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11-13-2013 , 12:44 AM
There is obviously a lot of delusion into the life of a poker player. I played semi professionally, I say semi because I was only doing it to take a year off and postpone having to figure out what I wanted to do. SO I am going to break this advice into two parts, one for 3 bet, and one for amazin, because you are both semi delusional about the poker lifestyle, but for different reasons.

Amazin, you severely overestimate the value of 1/2. Like a lot. You obviously havent been playing it long or you would be playing 2/5. This is where your biggest flaw stems from IMO. You either dont make 40k a year(or havent I should say, on pace means nothing to me), or you should be playing 2/5. No good player should ever make 40k at 1/2 in a year outside of a prop bet. If you are on pace for this, you should be moving up to 2/5 prior to actually hitting it. Unless you are a life nit or loose with money, in which case change that up. You should be living frugally playing 1/2 and moving up to 2/5 as fast as possible. You also should be playing more than 40 hours a week(assuming you can play B+ game or better), to minimize the time frame you are at 1/2.

Swings at 1/2 exist, and you will eventually hit one. GL with that.

3 bet: You are overestimating your future earning potential, and also (probably) your love for the game. There is a reason the words 'withered live pro', are foten used together. Its a boring ****ing life style. PLO and tourneys are probably your best bets in terms of earning potential right now, and even those are looking bleak. You were not around back 8 eyars ago(neither was I), or even 4 eyars ago, when games were soft. The future looked bright, and things were good for a lot of people. The games now are tough. If you are not beating 2/4+ on American sites(I am assuming you are american), then you are way too far behind pace(imo) to make this a long term career choice. feasible for 2-3 years? ya sure, knock yourself out, but its a tortuous lifestyle for pretty much everyone who isnt playing 5/10+ on their own, or has binked a tourney of decent size in the last year.

I final tabled a few tourneys in my year off between undergrad and grad. Two with first 70k+ and both I had CL at final table at one point. I obviously fail at life(lost AA<Ak for huge pot in one though). If I would have won 70k in one(aka 20k cause I sold shares) or even did good in both and saw liek 30-35k, I probably wouldnt be in grad school right now, or maybe I would have. But I am kind of glad I didnt. I can always play poker on the side, see like 5-10k side income a year and not worry too much about losing my love for the game.

GL tho
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11-13-2013 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by 3BetBluffing
This. I have Berkeley degree and a job within the sort of range you've provided, and still, as I said earlier, I'd dump it in a nanosecond if I forsure knew I could make 40k/yr at the lowest stakes (haven't played near the amt of hours to know). But then again, I am 23, single w/ no kids, and I personally think it's worth it to take a shot at something that can pay the bills, has a lot of potential upside, and is something I'm passionate about. Operative word being "passionate." The other operative word is "personally," because to each their own.

"I don't want to be like you and dad, working 9 to 5, 40 hours a week, and just living a mediocre lifestyle" - Young Ivey
If you knew for sure that you would make $40k playing poker full time (for instance, if someone paid you $20/hour to play regardless of whether you won or last), you probably wouldn't want to play poker full time. A big part of the appeal of poker over a regular job is the adrenaline rush that comes with the uncertainly, and also the feeling that your decisions are meaningful to your bottom line. If your winnings were predetermined, and the results of the game had no bearing, would poker actually be any fun?
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11-13-2013 , 12:46 AM
Actually in Connecticut 1/2 is more profitable than 2/5
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11-13-2013 , 12:47 AM
Custer, thanks for the useless advice
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11-13-2013 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
Actually in Connecticut 1/2 is more profitable than 2/5
That can't be true unless you lack the skill to beat 2/5
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