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11-02-2013 , 12:12 PM
After both of us being unavailable a few times this past week, set date to see a friend's comedy show with an OKC girl on Thursday, for tonight. Texted her early yesterday, she's gone dark and the show is in 6 hours, not holding my breath here. Good chance I run into her at some point IRL anyway since we have a few mutual friends (though one of them has a grudge against me right now and might go out of the way to sabotage me) and she's starting to get into comedy storytelling
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11-02-2013 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Yakmelk

RGR seems to be steamrolling this thread with his insane succes, very good job on that =)! Hoping to get some epic TRs out of you.
Thanks mate.

Seems to be I put up more artistic photo of myself with good lighting and girls have flocked to it. Tinder really picked up and now I get great selection. Meant I am able to date exactly my type, next step is just weed out the dull/uneducated to find someone I can be with long term.

Luckily get to have some fun along the way to finding that person!

Got loads of stuff lined up for this, so will give some TRs/Pics. (How unethical is videoing snap chats?)

Glad I didn't chase my 6"3 model now

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11-02-2013 , 12:35 PM
^ see, there was no way shed get offended by that harmless joke. Gj and gl.
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11-02-2013 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by rungoodrun
Glad I didn't chase my 6"3 model now
I have an arbitrary rule that seems to work -- until it's been a week, you can't be conclude you've been ignored. So many posters come into this thread saying that the convo was great and moving quickly and then silence. They'd get all upset and want to freak out, but before the day ended they got a response.

Here's an update on me for anyone who wants to pretend to care (and for those who don't know me and would inevitably ask, yes, I'm gay). My search is over! I joined OKCupid in January of this year, had a couple of rather successful dates, several meh ones. At the end of July, I met up with a guy I've posted about itt before a few times. Rather soon after he basically moved in (I'm 28 and own my own condo, he's 24 and lives at home and hates his step-father). I mean, he still lives at home but spends very little time there.

We've been exclusive since we met (as far as I know), but I've never been in a relationship before and don't know how to talk about feelings so it wasn't until 3 days ago, after a bit more than 3 months of dating, that he took me out to a nice dinner and asked to be officially boyfriends. Yesterday I gave him a card and small gift for our 100 day anniversary of having met and he teared up a bit, so

I'm not leaving this thread, though. Some of you guys are just too entertaining...
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11-02-2013 , 02:21 PM

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11-02-2013 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman

We've been exclusive since we met (as far as I know), but I've never been in a relationship before and don't know how to talk about feelings so it wasn't until 3 days ago, after a bit more than 3 months of dating, that he took me out to a nice dinner and asked to be officially boyfriends. Yesterday I gave him a card and small gift for our 100 day anniversary of having met and he teared up a bit, so
congrats though
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11-02-2013 , 02:50 PM
Way to go, Gansta
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11-02-2013 , 03:18 PM
Just back in the dating game and I've had some moderate success using tinder, but I wanna give OKcupid a go again. I never had much success with it: several numbers, bunch of messages, never a date.

I just really want a **** buddy. I don't want to date. In your guys' experience, what is the best way to go about this? Are there any chicks on there that are down without being totally nasty? (I am willing to get a little nasty)
How do you broach this topic with girls on there? I feel like they are out there.

I'm in "**** everything that moves" mode, and trying to expand.
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11-02-2013 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
Just back in the dating game and I've had some moderate success using tinder, but I wanna give OKcupid a go again. I never had much success with it: several numbers, bunch of messages, never a date.

I just really want a **** buddy. I don't want to date. In your guys' experience, what is the best way to go about this? Are there any chicks on there that are down without being totally nasty? (I am willing to get a little nasty)
How do you broach this topic with girls on there? I feel like they are out there.

I'm in "**** everything that moves" mode, and trying to expand.
Pretty sure with the paid OKC membership you can search by questions answered. I would think easiest would be to search for girls who make it obv they are only after sex based on the answers to these questions. Most will never state it in their profiles, but the answers make it pretty obvious.

Mass msg them and profit???

Easy game.
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11-02-2013 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
Pretty sure with the paid OKC membership you can search by questions answered. I would think easiest would be to search for girls who make it obv they are only after sex based on the answers to these questions.

Mass msg them and profit???

Easy game.
How do you do this? And can you search by one specific question?
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11-02-2013 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
How do you do this? And can you search by one specific question?

I thought you could. I could be wrong though since I don't have a paid OKC account.
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11-02-2013 , 03:34 PM
So the hooker is coming down in a week. Situation is eerily similar to my last escapade. Tall blonde chick from the Midwest with half black children coming down for the week. This will also be my first time interacting with a women who I have sexual interest since the fiasco in August. I'm more confident about this one though and feel I will be successful
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11-02-2013 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Tyler Durden
The date I had two nights ago and the date I have tonight were both from meetups. It was a group hike by moonlight. I think I have had four or five dates from meetups. Great way to meet women.
I had a first date with moonlight hike girl #2 last night and it went well. We met at a bar in DC where you can play board games. I owned her soul at five games of Connect Four and then she beat me at Sorry!, which is a terrible and long game. Lots of fun chatting and flirting. At one point during a game of CF, right before she was about to lose, she said "I feel like I'm going to get ****ed" and I replied "uh, no comment" and she gave me a sly grin. Then she mentioned something about "Next time I am going to choose the games" and I said "Oh you're already thinking about the second date?" and she giggled. She is 31 and really cool. I walked her home afterwards and we made out a little bit and made plans for Tuesday evening.

I have a second date with the other girl from the hike tomorrow night and a first date from OKC on Wednesday and I am pretty sure that one is just looking for a fwb, which would be super.
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11-02-2013 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by swag_check
congrats though
Only 86%? Not bad.

Online dating thread Quote
11-02-2013 , 03:47 PM
Congrats gansta
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11-02-2013 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
I thought you could. I could be wrong though since I don't have a paid OKC account.
Nope. There is an option for "questions answered" but the search criteria is 25+, 50+, 100+, etc. Pretty worthless option.
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11-02-2013 , 04:11 PM

Just be pretty direct about it. Lots of totally cool normal chicks just like to have fun and sex until they find a boyfriend.

Suggest like 930p drinks for all your first dates.
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11-02-2013 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Tyler Durden
We met at a bar in DC where you can play board games.
What bar is this? Sounds like a good date spot.
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11-02-2013 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by d10
What bar is this? Sounds like a good date spot.
The Board Room in Dupont.
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11-02-2013 , 05:21 PM
Is it pretty well known that tinder is for hooking up? Is that the expectation most girls on there have, vs more traditional dating?
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11-02-2013 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by 3BetBluffing
Is it pretty well known that tinder is for hooking up? Is that the expectation most girls on there have, vs more traditional dating?
Sort of? Some girls are purely on there for ego boosts, but then again they are probably the ones not responding.

Some girls are delusional enough to believe its actually a bonafied dating app.

The rest know its for hooking up, but most of these girls wil not **** you without convincing unless you are great looking.
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11-02-2013 , 05:51 PM
Ccuster, do you live in AC? Ill be there tomorrow
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11-02-2013 , 05:55 PM
No, Austin, lived in AC from jan-may of this year
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11-02-2013 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Sort of? Some girls are purely on there for ego boosts, but then again they are probably the ones not responding.

Some girls are delusional enough to believe its actually a bonafied dating app.

The rest know its for hooking up, but most of these girls wil not **** you without convincing unless you are great looking.
Even if we meet up? I got like 5 numbers off there past couple weeks since I've been on but not sure what game plan to pursue as far as actual dating or just go for the one hitta quitta

Def the latter if they are down. Guess I'll see
Online dating thread Quote
11-02-2013 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
Just back in the dating game and I've had some moderate success using tinder, but I wanna give OKcupid a go again. I never had much success with it: several numbers, bunch of messages, never a date.

I just really want a **** buddy. I don't want to date. In your guys' experience, what is the best way to go about this? Are there any chicks on there that are down without being totally nasty? (I am willing to get a little nasty)
How do you broach this topic with girls on there? I feel like they are out there.

I'm in "**** everything that moves" mode, and trying to expand.
I imagine that it would be so much easier to find a **** buddy in real life opposed to searching for one on an online dating site. Most Girls online are probably expecting some sort of date before they get intimate with you, this obviously doesn't have to be the case in the club/bar scene etc.

You should probably ask this question in the "Ask a girl out" thread in the student life forum.
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