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Online dating thread Online dating thread

05-31-2013 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by jack4321
anyone that is good at this want to set up a profile for me and manage the account? i will pay based on # of dates or something.
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05-31-2013 , 02:56 PM
Puke, as her text persona is not even particularly interesting. I threw the kitchen sink of weird at her, eventually provoking her to ask if I'm trying to scare her, but she kept texting me daily. I get **** like "how do you romance girls", "pick the spot you where you want to woo me", "I need to know where we're going so I know how to dress", etc. The whole time I'm thinking "WTF, it's a couple of drinks. Re-****ing-lax". Going into this one with trepidation which is a first. There's been a few where I wasn't excited about going into them but with this girl I'm actively thinking of an exit strategy.
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05-31-2013 , 03:00 PM
"I'm no longer interested" is a good exit strategy...
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05-31-2013 , 03:12 PM
Yup. I guess I'm kind of soft in that if a girl puts in a ton of effort and she isn't a total beast, I feel almost obligated to meet up with her. I'll keep a positive mindset and at the very least level-up the experience points. A bit tortured by the fact that the girls I'm into ignore me or aren't interested while the one's I'm not are blowing up my phone.
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05-31-2013 , 03:17 PM
To wit, vagina/tits girl has sent me a dozen-plus texts, emails, and on-site messages to which I haven't responded. She's getting extremely desperate. I know it's trouble but her last email kinda has me intrigued:

And now that I'm finally sober... 4th period. I could and should have done without either of those messages, huh? Oh jeebus. I plead drunk. That's all I got. I'm mostly an ok gal. I know, you thought I was perfect.
For the sake of redemption... These nearly are.

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05-31-2013 , 03:22 PM
For guys that struggle with text and asking girls out read this article by manwhore, it's gold.

1. The MAIN Point

The entire premise behind texting a girl is to get her on a date with you. This is your main objective, there are other things you do over text, but they are ALL to support that main objective. Do not be a penpal.. pull the ****ing trigger. Shoot her with your STGG 1000. (Solid Text Game Gun)

2. Switch it up!

Not all of your texts can be about asking her to meet up. I know I said in the first one that it’s your prime directive, but if you do it too often, it will turn her off because you will look 1) needy 2) like you don’t have a regular life, and 3) you don’t know how to carry a normal conversation. A lot of guys mess this one up! Just because you had a good time with her when you met her does NOT mean you can just keep hammering away at her with “Hey want to get drinks tonight? No? What about Tuesday? And I’m free Thursday too!”

2a. A good rule to follow is FOUR regular texts for every text you send that has something to do with her meeting up with you. If you find that hard to do, read the rest of the article for great tips on keeping a conversation going strong, and fun.

3. Be Flexible

You MUST be flexible in how you ask her out! Have three or four ideas for a date/meetup. Be a little more creative than asking a girl to get coffee with you five times in a row! Too many guys are one-trick ponies. And it is quite frustrating to girls. Because NO.. they do NOT want to get coffee with you. Some girls don’t like coffee! So be flexible and have different ideas for meeting up with a girl. You can ask her out for coffee, and if she can’t make it, plan something else besides coffee for your next attempt at a meetup with her. She might be more receptive to just heading to a bar for drinks, or she might want to go bowling, OR, she might just be interested in coming over scoot and boot and then never see you again. You don’t know until you try something new!

How to Ask Her Out Correctly

4. Figure Out Her Schedule First

If you already know she’s busy tonight, or busy on Tuesday, why would you ask her to hang out then? You already know she’s going to say no, and you definitely want to limit the amount of “No’s” you get from her! You don’t want it to start becomeing a pattern So before you ask her if she wants to hang out with you later, ask first if she’s got plans already! “Hey tiger what are you getting your dirty little paws into tonight!”

5. Distract

Distract her from the potential awkwardness of meeting up with a new guy! Don’t make the meetup be a formal date! Here’s some big news: girls are nervous about going on dates. They hate them actually. Dates are not fun, they are analogous to having to rip a band-aid off so the wound can breathe and heal faster. Girls hate the awkwardness of a guy who’s nervous on the date (95% of guys are more than a little nervous on a first date), the boring polite questions, the guy’s clumsy attempts to kiss her, or the weird questions guys ask to try to figure out how fast they can sleep with her. So it is your job to make her realize this is not what meeting up with you is going to be like.

The best way to do this:

5a. Come up with a plan that sounds casual and fun, and involves doing some kind of activity. Sitting with a new guy at a supposedly “romantic” dinner is way too heavy for most girls. Keep it social and fun. Shooting pool, having drinks at a bar, going for a quick coffee, meeting at a bookstore for some project you’re doing, or maybe some kind of party idea, like “beating her ass at beerpong”, or inviting her to some dinner you and your friends throw every Sunday *this is a great idea my friends and I do this constantly*

5b. Always phrase your meetup requests smoothly and without putting a lot of unwanted pressure on her. You do this by taking the emphasis off the date, you do that by never simply saying “Hey want to go do x with me at y?” Add something fun to it! So instead of “Hey want to go get drinks with me this Thursday at Paco’s?”, instead say “So here’s the deal this place Paco’s gets really good reviews on Yelp. I say we crash the place this Thursday at 8 and ruin their rep.” See how the first text puts way too much emphasis on the “date”, but the other sounds like an awesome adventure. Which one do you think girls would rather do??

6. Don’t Forget About Her!
Just because she agreed to meet up with you doesn’t mean you can ignore her till your date! That’s the #1 reason why girls flake. Stay engaged. Don’t just set up the date and then go radio silent! That’s so awkward for a girl, lol. Shoot her a text a couple days before you’re scheduled to meet up, and definitely text the day before and the day of. Keep it fun and light. Read below for more ways of keeping text conversations going.

General Rules for Starting and Developing Text Conversations with a Girl


My rule is as soon as I get a girl’s number I start texting her. Many times this can lead to meetups the same day/night that you met her! But regardless even if it doesn’t, you are fresh in her mind! Don’t wait too long so she doesn’t remember who you are!

8. First Texts

The rule is: they must be awesome! Never say, “Hi it’s chode from club x last night. How are you?” Base it off something you and her talked about when you met, or maybe something that was going on at the place you were at! Don’t say something like, “Hi Jenny, nice to meet you. Hope you get home ok.” Make it juicy. “What’s going on gawjus. I got home safe, which is a miracle considering what we were doing at club x”

9. “Who’s this?”

Never give a straight answer to this. It’s so boring, and to be boring at the start of a text relationship usually means instant death. Make up something spectacular. “This is Kevin Federline’s backup dancer. Don’t you remember? You offered me a job last night! j/k what’s up girl it’s mr. [insert_username] from last night. How are ya gorgeous?”

10. Don’t look like a ******!

Use proper spelling and punctuation, and spell words out- don’t use abbreviations. E.g. don’t send texts that look like, “c u later huny. Wuz coo meetin you.” It’s just not attractive, it might sound ok in real life (I personally don’t think talking ghetto is ever attractive), but on a text screen it can’t help but make you look dumb and ignorant. The only time I’ve seen misspelling work is when you’ve made it obvious you ARE intelligent. E.g. “I enjoyed meeting ya, was perving your FB you’re gawjus” (taken from another user on my text game forum )


this is probably one of the most important skill sets in text game. If you haven’t spoken to a girl in a couple days, or even a couple hours, you cannot restart the conversation with a boring question or just randomly ask her out! Make sure you first start the conversation with something funny, and after trading a text or two back and forth, then ask her out. So an example of a good reengagement text might be: “I think I’m pregnant with your child.” There is no girl on the planet that wouldn’t answer that text! Get her laughing with a good line, it can even be a mass text you get off the internet and once you’ve gotten her attention and you guys are having fun with each other, you can then ask her out.

12. Talk about Real ****!

Don’t just be mr. funnyman, actually share some details about your life, and ask her stuff about hers. It’s fun and builds a connection and gets her more comfortable with the thought of meeting up with a complete stranger that could maybe murder her! :b

13. Send Funny Pictures!

Enough said. They’re amazing for getting a girl comfortable with the idea of meeting up with you. Especially if the pic is of you doing something silly/******ed but awesome at the same time. You can also use internet memes to convey emotions. These are hilarious, and show your creative side. I have several friends that send girls American Psycho memes every chance they get. Patrick Bateman is a very emotionally flexible character

14. Pet Names!

this is fundamental to my game. I make up all kinds of names for girls. Everything from darth vader kitty to daisy schmookums. Don’t get too sexual, and keep it playful and endearing. Lovebug, or boo, or pumpkin (just keep it simple) work just as well.

15. Dealing with Flakiness

this is one of my favorite subjects! Just kidding, it’s not, but it is a reality in the dating world. Girls are busy, fickle, beautiful little creatures, with lots and lots of options. Sometimes she’s just not down to hang out with a guy that’s got your particular style of haircut! Oh well, maybe next time buster! The solution is to emotionally let it go, be patient, and send her a funny text that says everything’s cool but it would have been way cooler if she had shown up! A good example might be, “I told the oompa loompas you were coming. That’s ****ed up.” Then just start texting her again a day or so later. See how the text showed your disapproval while not actually directing the negative energy at her? Great job! Also, sometimes after texts like that it reminds the girl to have better manners and she then may apologize. This is good because she will feel like she “earned” your continued attention. This leads to blowjobs!

16. No Sexting

with girls you’ve never banged! I’m a master at this and I still don’t do it except in super rare situations where the girl just really needs that kind of incentive to show up lol. And NO DICK PICS. Ever

17. Be Patient

too many guys get frustrated with the process, get pissed at the girl for being too busy, or not paying them enough attention.. and they overreact and write the girl horrendous ****ty texts that are needy and overly demanding. “Why did you give me your number if you aren’t going to text me back?” Or, “So when are we finally going to meet up? Hello!?” Never lose your cool, never lose your icy demeanor. If a girl isn’t responding, let her be, there are other girls out there. Ease off and text her back up again in a few days. She might be in a more receptive mood. Girls are very touchy, she might have just lost her pet goldfish, and is mad at boys because of it. Or she might have recently broken up with a guy she was dating, and is mad at boys over it. Or she just recently broke a nail, and is mad at boys over it. Just reengage her properly a few days later, or give her a call and leave a simple, smooth voicemail. These do great with reengaging a girl you’ve lost contact with.

18. Be Emotionally Aware-

Sometimes a girl is just having a bad day, and you need to realize this! If she’s acting different all of a sudden, is maybe short with you or even rude, just ask her, “Everything cool? What’s up boo you seem a bit different today.”

19. Be Honest and Open!

Does your car suck and you can’t get out of the house? Tell her you’re having car problems, or that your mom says you have to be all tucked in and snug by 8:30pm, or that you’re under house arrest for GTA. Girls understand! I remember one summer I was broke as ****, didn’t have a car that worked, and couldn’t meet a girl anywhere. So guess what?? I got really good at figuring out ways of luring the girl to my house for our first date . And guess how most of those dates turned out, lol.
Online dating thread Quote
05-31-2013 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
This doesn't compute with me. A girl isn't going to respond to you simply because you are a wordsmith who came up with a clever message. Looks and showing you aren't a dolt is just as important, if not more.

If you look like a troll she isn't responding no matter how impressed she is by your message.
I didn't say be a wordsmith, I was disagreeing with being able to approach a woman the same way she can get away with approaching a guy. All the women I know get bombarded with hundreds of messages a week. While profile is somewhat important, taking the time to write something beyond generic has the best chance to even be bothered with. A lot of great profiles with great pics email, what makes someone stand out is the approach that has the best chance with them.

Fwiw, these are early 30somethings, so maybe different for 20somethings.
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05-31-2013 , 03:46 PM
Here's an example of a bad online date from a female perspective. She's an "online friend" I met through some game, we share war stories, and she actually has done two casual sex dates:

Her: So...super enviro protest man showed up at my house, no car, no money, no shower....did I mention 2 hours late? RAWR. Anyways...I was chatting with you last night while he was over, let him sleep in the spare room because he had no way home. ****....this dating **** can suck my toe!
Sent at 12:35 PM on Friday

me: holy **** and here i thought that maybe i'm just not ready to date yet
you're either awesome or insane for letting the guy crash
Sent at 12:37 PM on Friday

Her: He was a nice guy...sweet and all. But was not really ready I don't think. His goal is to grow pot....not even kidding. Is working for landscaping until first crop comes in. I didnt even know what to say at that point. Followed up with he doesn't think we should go after natural resources, has a kid in another state, and protests everything from floride in the water to fracing....not a good date
Sorry for venting lol
Sent at 12:40 PM on Friday

me: no problem. hearing stories like this helps to make me feel much, much less weird lol
Online dating thread Quote
05-31-2013 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Zophar
I didn't say be a wordsmith, I was disagreeing with being able to approach a woman the same way she can get away with approaching a guy. All the women I know get bombarded with hundreds of messages a week. While profile is somewhat important, taking the time to write something beyond generic has the best chance to even be bothered with. A lot of great profiles with great pics email, what makes someone stand out is the approach that has the best chance with them.

Fwiw, these are early 30somethings, so maybe different for 20somethings.
Obviously a unique message is better than some generic one. However I'm curious about the difference in the response rate, specifically whether it is marginal enough to warrant generic over unique. Surprised someone hasn't tested it yet while there are still popular free sites to act as laboratories.
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05-31-2013 , 04:18 PM
Gawjus. God that's so tilting that I'm gonna start calling girls it.
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05-31-2013 , 04:24 PM
That was a good read, Bad Lieutenant. I feel like I do almost everything written about in that article but it was a good refresher on initial texting, dealing with flaking, and flirting.
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05-31-2013 , 04:34 PM
nice post BL

my favorite cold text to send is something along the lines of "hey, what are you up to thursday? i need a shuffleboard partner"

it never gets ignored and pings on a lot of things listed
Online dating thread Quote
05-31-2013 , 04:55 PM
Yeah its an awesome article,read it earlier today. I was doing something similar but it's nice to have some kind of "structure" when dealing with lots of numbers.
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05-31-2013 , 05:15 PM
“I enjoyed meeting ya, was perving your FB you’re gawjus*”

*sick intentional misspelling to indicate intelligence.

Some of the texts were awful but the general text game stuff is pretty solid.
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05-31-2013 , 05:30 PM
some useful stuff in there I'm looking forward to trying. Hard to believing opening with a dickie is suboptimal but we'll see
Online dating thread Quote
05-31-2013 , 06:02 PM
Girl's photo caption: A good friend of mine. Hes like a big brother

I want so badly to troll her and tell her that he prob has a huge crush on her or ask if he knows he's in the friend zone.
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05-31-2013 , 06:12 PM
I saw one caption of a girl obviously on a date, "he's just a friend I SWEAR"
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05-31-2013 , 06:30 PM
Have seen a "don't worry, he's gay" myself
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05-31-2013 , 06:54 PM
More interesting is that they feel a need to explain why they're in a picture with a male. Many probably have dated jealous guys or have jealousy issues themselves.
Online dating thread Quote
05-31-2013 , 07:29 PM
Received a response to a message from a pretty decent looking chick, apparently she was a trampoline competitor at the national level, so she appears quite fit.

Anyway, she ended her response to me with this question completely out of the blue... "Do you get into any trouble as of late?"

Caught me a bit off guard since it didn't flow at all with the rest of her message, but obviously she is dropping a huge hint as to where she wants the conversation to go. You guys have any clever response ideas???
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05-31-2013 , 07:38 PM
She could be subtly looking for potential deal breakers?

"My middle name is trouble. On Wednesday I didn't come to a complete stop when making a right hand turn on a red light."
Online dating thread Quote
05-31-2013 , 07:48 PM
I was dating/sleeping with two girls from OKC (one for a few weeks, the other for a few afterwards) and neither of them really interested me on a relationship level...but last night I had one of the best first dates I've ever had with a gorgeous girl. As much as I think it's too soon for me to have done this, I already broke it off with the girl I was still 'seeing' from beforehand. I wasn't sure if I was looking for something serious or not but if this girl stays even 60% as great as she seems, I'd definitely "wife her up" (****in stupidest term ever)
Online dating thread Quote
05-31-2013 , 09:17 PM
Have any of you guys used the iPhone app 'Tinder'??
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05-31-2013 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by lazer
I was dating/sleeping with two girls from OKC (one for a few weeks, the other for a few afterwards) and neither of them really interested me on a relationship level...but last night I had one of the best first dates I've ever had with a gorgeous girl. As much as I think it's too soon for me to have done this, I already broke it off with the girl I was still 'seeing' from beforehand. I wasn't sure if I was looking for something serious or not but if this girl stays even 60% as great as she seems, I'd definitely "wife her up" (****in stupidest term ever)
I get this... after I had a great first date, I delayed messaging two girls I was sleeping with. After a great third date, I just broke it off entirely. Sometimes you just know they're relationship material.
Online dating thread Quote
06-01-2013 , 01:38 AM
TR w/ the "whale" aka approaching normal?

Was pleasantly surprised with the woman's looks. She was much taller than I had expected which means her self-identification of "curvy" was more about being insecure with her body than anything else. I got to the bar, an old stomping ground of mine, 20 minutes early and was 1/2 of the way into a scotch before she arrived. The place had changed, the music was abnormally loud for a half filled joint, and was unpleasant for a first date experience. After I finished my drink I suggested that we bounce to a place a few storefronts away and she was fine with it. We spent the next few hours chatting and, while she was only a beer into it, was pretty forward physically; a relatively new experience for me within my current strategy of no physical escalation. In between me apologizing for being weird we spent time kissing, roving hands, etc. and on a number of occasions I offered that we go back to my place. She declined. I walked her to her car and we had a pretty heavy makeout session and parted ways.

ETA: I made sure to apologize for my texts pretty early on into the date, explaining that I was being as weird as possible. About 2/3 into our time I got back from tapping a kidney and she disclosed that her friend had texted her "are you murdered yet?".

Last edited by AnonymousTextField; 06-01-2013 at 01:54 AM.
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