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01-30-2020 , 12:37 PM
It's pretty insane. You are clearly gushing with love lol
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01-30-2020 , 12:55 PM
Meh, tons of people like roleplaying, we've just worked languages into it.

And yes, I'm pretty enamored.
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01-30-2020 , 01:58 PM
Definitely started having quite a bit more fun in the bedroom when we started roleplaying over here too

I'm also very independent fwiw and my wife doesn't mind, she mostly does her own thing too, I don't think we spend much more than 2 hours/day on average together. To each their own I suppose but I definitely needed a woman that isn't too clingy, guess I got lucky
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01-30-2020 , 03:57 PM
I posted in the wrong forum earlier so here's the C&P job:

I just wanted to stop in and say that I'm genuinely happy and excited for Fossil.

Within the past 3 weeks, I've found myself dating 3 new women. 2 of them know about all of the rest. The third was kind of a thing that just happened where we went out 2 nights in a row and had sex the second night. She wants to come over tonight but I am probably going to pass, just to cut down the frequency so it doesn't lead to anything more serious too fast. This is really helping me get over the girl I was falling for hard up until the beginning of this month.

Girl #1: 36, A Department of Defense contractor. Says she designs surveillance programs. She's from KY, has a very cute southern accent, and is in "fling" mode as she got divorced about 9 months ago.

Girl #2: 29, A Spanish teacher. This is the one that doesn't know about the other 2 girls I've been seeing. This is the first Jewish girl I've ever dated, although from appearance she looks more Latina. 5'1...amazing body. Super cute and sweet. She stares at me when we talk like she's falling in love and is clinging onto every word I say. I'm treading light with this one as I've had enough deep emotions for the time being.

Girl #3: 34, a "Conservative's Dream" ;-) She refers to herself as "Non-Binary & Polyamorous" (born a woman), and will correct me on my "wokeness". She's what the olds would call a Tom-boy, but I personally think she's more confused Lesbian that likes to dabble. Sexually she's very submissive and feminine, but only in bed. It's an oddly fun dynamic. She's not looking for anything serious, lives 1 block away, and insists on only meeting when she initiates contact. So it's the perfect FWB scenario. Not sure how long I can take the extreme liberal stance on everything though.

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01-30-2020 , 04:08 PM
Nice work foatie! Sounds like you've got great awareness of where you're at emotionally and are doing a solid job managing expectations with each girl.

Be careful with the latina, they have a way of working their charms and ramping up the intensity before you even know what's happening!

Have you found that Baltimore is a much better dating market for you than DC?
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01-30-2020 , 04:15 PM
Baltimore is like night and day compared to DC. If i actively and selectively swipe in a 10-15 mile radius, i have no problems getting 4-5 matches a day. Its unreal.

I've also noticed, listing your job title and (try at your own risk) company that you work for, you get a huge match rate. My job title is for a really big company around here so I'm sure it gives off a "professional and financially secure" vibe. So the quality of matches I've been getting is way better than in the past. Many more career professional matches. Less/no riff raff.

Women are much more interested in your current employment status than some college you went to 25 years ago (lol gen-x'ers).

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01-30-2020 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by foatie
Baltimore is like night and day compared to DC. If i actively and selectively swipe in a 10-15 mile radius, i have no problems getting 4-5 matches a day. Its unreal.

I've also noticed, listing your job title and (try at your own risk) company that you work for, you get a huge match rate. My job title is for a really big company around here so I'm sure it gives off a "professional and financially secure" vibe. So the quality of matches I've been getting is way better than in the past. Many more career professional matches. Less/no riff raff.

Women are much more interested in your current employment status than some college you went to 25 years ago (lol gen-x'ers).

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
But what about the shoes, man?


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01-30-2020 , 04:34 PM
LOL. They DGAF about your shoes lol. I own like 8-9 pairs of shoes and only ever get compliments on my $40 boots from Nordstrom rack, and a $30 running shoes from amazon. I do have a pair of "Yeezys" that i got as a gift. Every girl ive dated so far thinks they're atrocious, and it conveys a bit of douchiness. Color coordination and a button up shirt that rests perfect on the shoulders goes way further. I've showed up to dates in jeans and a nice, unconventional hoodie and usually have more success that route because it stands out.

Last edited by foatie; 01-30-2020 at 04:53 PM.
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01-30-2020 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
Meh, tons of people like roleplaying, we've just worked languages into it.

And yes, I'm pretty enamored.
Oh, I thought you meant your rant was insane. The role play is solid. Roleplay is a great way to get people doing insane things in a persona they might not be comfortable otherwise
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01-31-2020 , 05:20 AM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93

I had a 2-year relationship w/a girl in Montreal that was incredible while we were only seeing other sparingly, and quickly fell apart once we moved in together. I always felt like she never fully understood online poker.
I have a full-time job but play quite a few online donkaments on the side (I played almost 2,000 last year) and a monthly live donkament with day 1s on Friday and Saturday with the final day on Sunday.

I feel really good about my MTT game right now and want to play more this year, so the Sunday grind is a must for me. It would be nice if I could find a girl who I could see like Friday night and most of Saturday, or at least all of Saturday, stay over then left on Sunday, then I could play either the Friday or Saturday Day 1 of the live and always at least the Sunday grind. Then I could see her midweek too a give up one midweek night of poker.

I feel like there is almost zero way of explaining that rationally to a woman though. And definitely zero if you're living with her. At least you would have had the 'But this is how I make a living' excuse, which there is some % chance of her understanding.
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01-31-2020 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
BTW, dating a girl who speaks another language is incredible.

Amazingly, in the 7 months we'd been together before Mazatlán, we'd never once spoken English outside a word or two, but in Mazatlán I forced her to speak more. I found out that I freakin' love her accent and she's so adorable in English. It's honestly like being with a different girl b/c her personality changes a lot.

Eventually, we made a game out of it. She would have an English and Spanish version and I had an English/Spanish/French version. Eventually we took it to the bedroom and she realized that in English I would talk way more dirty to her "I'm gonna pound the **** out of you" and things like that, so we found the sex was way different depending on the mood set by the language we were speaking. I find that this all helps keep things fresh and exciting.

I don't like to wear glasses, but do occasionally to movies and sporting events. So I roleplayed that when I wear glasses I'm the French version of myself. The French fossil is extremely shy with women, doesn't know how to touch/kiss them, and wanted to maintain his virginity until marriage. She got an absolute kick out of this and was a fun change from our normal routine. Sad to say, she eventually "raped" French fossil and he's no longer a virgin.

Hopefully this doesn't all sound completely insane. My overall point is that it's super fun dating girls from other countries, especially who speak different languages, b/c you're always learning new things about each other's cultures and evolving as your mastery of each language grows.
Hah, good for you for sharing IMO. We all have our own crazy **** and preferences when it comes to sexual behaviour
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02-01-2020 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus
But those same women recoil from you and won’t take your money. Strippers who never turn down money....
Not exactly true. I just got kicked out of a strip club today (a first for me), but to understand why lets go back to the beginning of the story.

I was renting a room to a model girl who has her own bikini line and claimed to be working at a spa. I had my suspicions from the get go that she was a stripper and those suspicions were confirmed to me after she claimed to be a bartender (obvious lie) at a strip club. She wouldn't tell me which club but out of the dozens of strip clubs in Dallas i knew exactly which club a girl that looked like her would dance at.

Anyways, she didn't want me to visit the club (even though she was still kind of putting up the front like she was a bartender) so I respected her wishes while she was my tenant. However, then she moved out so in my eyes we no longer have any sorts of relationship. She's moving out of state so I will not see her again except we will see each other briefly for her to pick up a few items she asked me to hold for her for a couple months.

So I figured now I can go to the strip club and see her. So today I went to the strip club and I saw her. However she was busy and I kept my distance figuring she can approach me if she wants or not approach me if she doesn't. I brought over $3k which I fully intended to spend if given the opportunity.

Anyways, I was there for about an hour. One girl approached me when I first got there, but I hadn't settled in yet. However, aside from that no girls approached me. There were tons of girls working and the place seemed pretty dead still but like I said they don't like to approach me for whatever reason. I wasn't sure if this girl had seen me or not but apparently she had because then the floor guy told me to go to the front with him and then informed me that one of the employees was not comfortable with me being at the club and he told me I could return tomorrow.
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02-01-2020 , 08:43 PM
That was so creepy i gots to go shower.

Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
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02-01-2020 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Not exactly true. I just got kicked out of a strip club today (a first for me), but to understand why lets go back to the beginning of the story.

I was renting a room to a model girl who has her own bikini line and claimed to be working at a spa. I had my suspicions from the get go that she was a stripper and those suspicions were confirmed to me after she claimed to be a bartender (obvious lie) at a strip club. She wouldn't tell me which club but out of the dozens of strip clubs in Dallas i knew exactly which club a girl that looked like her would dance at.

Anyways, she didn't want me to visit the club (even though she was still kind of putting up the front like she was a bartender) so I respected her wishes while she was my tenant. However, then she moved out so in my eyes we no longer have any sorts of relationship. She's moving out of state so I will not see her again except we will see each other briefly for her to pick up a few items she asked me to hold for her for a couple months.

So I figured now I can go to the strip club and see her. So today I went to the strip club and I saw her. However she was busy and I kept my distance figuring she can approach me if she wants or not approach me if she doesn't. I brought over $3k which I fully intended to spend if given the opportunity.

Anyways, I was there for about an hour. One girl approached me when I first got there, but I hadn't settled in yet. However, aside from that no girls approached me. There were tons of girls working and the place seemed pretty dead still but like I said they don't like to approach me for whatever reason. I wasn't sure if this girl had seen me or not but apparently she had because then the floor guy told me to go to the front with him and then informed me that one of the employees was not comfortable with me being at the club and he told me I could return tomorrow.
Wtf is wrong with you?
Stay away from women. Probably just stay at home and don't interact with people in real life at all. Jfc
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02-01-2020 , 10:07 PM
Wanting to spend money on a stripper is creepy?
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02-01-2020 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by cs3
Wtf is wrong with you?
Stay away from women. Probably just stay at home and don't interact with people in real life at all. Jfc
Maybe it's because I was beaten and left alone for days at a time by my mother when I was a small child with few toys and no TV/computer/internet to keep me entertained Not sure. Can you please elaborate as to what exactly you take issue with?
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02-01-2020 , 10:15 PM
Having strippers turn down $3k means you are super creepy or a troll. Purposely visiting an ex-tenant at her job is creepy even if she no longer rents from you. WTF?
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02-01-2020 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Randall Stevens
Having strippers turn down $3k means you are super creepy or a troll.
She didn't know I had $3k on me at the time. I didn't communicate with her regarding it because she is a terrible communicator. Very beautiful but communicating with others is not her forte. Her and I had a pretty good rapport but, as an example, for some unknown reason she would completely ignore some of my other renters when they would talk to her, giving them the impression that she was mad at them but then she would tell me there is no problem.

Originally Posted by Randall Stevens
Purposely visiting an ex-tenant at her job is creepy even if she no longer rents from you. WTF?
Why is that? I'm going there to pay her (and others) for a service. I guess she wanted to keep the stripper life on the down low and keep that secret life separate from other parts of her life but regardless I'm no longer a part of her life (and wasn't really that big of a part of her life anyways) so I don't see what the issue is.
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02-02-2020 , 01:17 AM
DC, let's get some things out of the way.

1. You know she didn't want you watching her strip hence why she never told you where or what or invited you to come.

2. You went there not to go to the strip club but to check her out specifically.

3. She has no idea if this is harmless or step one of a rape and abduction plot.

4. She's now going to be deeply concerned that you installed hidden cameras on her bedroom and bathroom etc etc.

5. She's going to feel uncomfortable for some time. This is especially not good because most strippers come from broken homes and are already super paranoid about bad things happening.

But on another note, most strippers want to segment their lives into a stripping box and a non stripping. You were clearly penciled into the non stripping side of her life.

Think of the million of women who work in the sex industry in their twenties and go raise a family and tell people they were a model or worked in sales. We all know former hookers and strippers but have no idea that's what they used to do because it's shameful.

You knew you were crossing a line too because you waited for her to know longer be your official tenant.

I'm telling you man, if you can afford to dump 3k on lap dances you should have no problem attracting quality women. And I mean this very seriously, although unlikely, it's possible she didn't want you to know about the stripper side of her life because she liked you. Remember, she doesn't want to settle down and have children with someone who knows about her dark past.
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02-02-2020 , 01:23 PM
I don't consider stripping shameful. I'd say the guys at the club seemed to be the ones that were pathetic. Anyways, I ended up dumping $3k in a poker game instead. Fingers crossed, the experience will save me more money in the long run though because I'm planning on no more poker and no more strip clubs in the future.
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02-02-2020 , 02:01 PM
You brought over 3k to the strip club willing to spend it all. WTF would you want to do that, seriously, what value are you getting worth more then 20$?
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02-02-2020 , 02:24 PM
Well, it certainly can't be less enjoyable than dropping $3k in a poker game. But yeah, I'm really not the type that drops $3k in a strip club. This would have been a one time thing. Guys do spend that kind of money all the time though. I didn't really think about the specifics in regards to how I would spend the money. It would be up to the dancer(s) as to the services offered. I just had $3k+ in cash (I don't have much cash anymore since I rarely play poker) and was willing to spend it. Dropping $3k is not going to materially affect my life in any way.
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02-02-2020 , 02:56 PM
i get that, but what value are you getting? I assume the best thing that can happen is you take great looking girl home and she spends the night with you, that i can get, i mean not for that kind of money, but i can get it. Is that what you are prepared to drom the 3k on or we are talking lap dances , to me that;s crazy, but then again i am sure there are people doing that all the time..fall in love with a stripper and spend ridic amounts on spending time with her..
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02-02-2020 , 04:49 PM
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02-02-2020 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Well, it certainly can't be less enjoyable than dropping $3k in a poker game. But yeah, I'm really not the type that drops $3k in a strip club. This would have been a one time thing. Guys do spend that kind of money all the time though. I didn't really think about the specifics in regards to how I would spend the money. It would be up to the dancer(s) as to the services offered. I just had $3k+ in cash (I don't have much cash anymore since I rarely play poker) and was willing to spend it. Dropping $3k is not going to materially affect my life in any way.

You didn’t at all for any reason bring the 3k in an attempt to impress and/or possibly solicit your ex-Tennant? That is hard to believe considering how the story has unraveled.
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