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Online dating thread Online dating thread

12-24-2019 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by YaySportsTeamWins
Probably the biggest tip I can give younger guys is be geographically convenient if at all possible, and if not get a hotel room that is. 'Come up for one drink' still works wayyyy more than you'd think.
This 100%, rest is great too and mirrors my experience 100%

I've lived downtown, in upscale neighborhoods, in the dumps, way out in the suburbs, etc etc etc and the location of my bed is by far the largest factor in getting someone else to jump in it

Location>Personality>Success by whatever subjective metric they use to determine that (clothes, education, job, etc)>Height>Looks>Quality of apartment

In my opinion you can always improve everything here but height and simply dumping an extra 25% or so each month into rent/mortgage to be located where the target female demographic is located is the easiest fix possible

It really is the lowest hanging fruit

Grew up in a small town at an isolated boarding school, like a 15 drive to just get milk. If there was a young teacher at the school you knew they'd be alone. If another young teacher of the opposite sex joined the school you could easily predict they'd end up as a couple.

Do not underestimate just how compatible most people find each other once given enough exposure. If you aren't conveniently located your soul mate will fall for someone else who is
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12-27-2019 , 04:30 PM
Strangely not my experience.

If we didn't have a place to bang, we found one.

I really can't think of an instance that ended because i didn't have a place to have sex.

But i also had a lot of sex on first dates, first meetings or because their boyfriend/husband wasn't around, so i think im an outlier all the way around.

Going into the New Year single and no prospects on the horizon.

The last few months weren't too bad, had a couple of FWBs(fatties with benefits) so meh sex was available.

Just getting to the point that I'd actually like to hang out with the person rather than putting up with them.

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12-28-2019 , 11:59 PM
Live TR happening! I'm at a football party, hosts team has lost, girlfriend is mad at him.

Got a little handy earlier, host is drunk.

Probably gonna get something if Clemson wins...

Just a feeling.

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12-29-2019 , 10:56 AM
GF of the host?
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12-29-2019 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
Live TR happening! I'm at a football party, hosts team has lost, girlfriend is mad at him.

Got a little handy earlier, host is drunk.

Probably gonna get something if Clemson wins...

Just a feeling.

Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk

Updates? Don’t leave us hanging!
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12-29-2019 , 09:38 PM
Well, don't get too hammered after a victory is the lesson.

Drank some wine that tasted like **** but it was the only thing they had.

Ended up puking.


I didn't even try anything after destroying the bathroom.

Oh well.

Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk
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12-29-2019 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by YaySportsTeamWins
6.5 years of observation: Guys get better looking and girls age badly.

It's probably the easiest time in history to get dates with multiple hot girls if you're over 35. 39 was easier than 34 was easier than 29. If you avoid the obvs social media whores you can do fine. I typically date btw 20-24.

Stay in shape and dress well and the girls will notice. I got picked up at a bar yesterday by a 24y in nursing school, meh face but rocking body. She was lonely and wanted sex, problem solved. I had another cuter girl, 22, approach me at the mall because she liked my suit and now we're talking on snap.

I would say you get flaked on more now but it's also easier to find girls who just want easy/deniable sex or a FWB, esp with an older guy who's not going to freak if: a) she doesn't text for a week, and b) she orders more than one margarita at a nice bar, c) not looking for anything serious.

Being older I find it easier to be more honest, straightforward and self-confident in my dealings with women. They know upfront who I am and what I'm looking for. If they don't know what they want, they often allow me to convince them that what they want is what I am at least for a few weeks. Some of them are literally just looking for a dominant guy to submit to, whether in grad school or working a 9-5, or anything. I would say that most guys have zero idea how to flirt, lead the interaction --ask for the #, ask for the date, tell them where you're meeting-- escalate, and if you believe these girls most guys have no idea what good sex is either.

Sure the glory days of Tinder are over but the same girls are on the same half-dozen to a dozen apps and sites. Girls will blow you off on one and then match with you on Tinder then happily meet you for a drink. Girls watch a ton of porn, true then but even more true now. They're more upfront about their needs and wants and if you can accept that they'll bang you repeatedly [which can be their submission not just 'I like toys.']

Probably the biggest tip I can give younger guys is be geographically convenient if at all possible, and if not get a hotel room that is. 'Come up for one drink' still works wayyyy more than you'd think.

I think FB and IG are mostly a waste of time because of the type of girl it attracts.
wow good stuff
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12-29-2019 , 11:55 PM
that was a seriously damp squib, sir.
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12-30-2019 , 01:54 PM
Same thing happens to me all the time

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01-02-2020 , 06:07 AM
Looking for a line check, nothing current just for future reference.

Let's say they always do something really dumb and refuse to adapt their behavior and pushing it makes her defensive and creates a much bigger fight.

For example it could be something like always buying way too many groceries to the point where a lot of them will go bad before they can be eaten. Carelessly throwing away anything in a plastic bag without even looking at it's contents (like she brings something home from the pharmacy, leaves it on the kitchen table and in her morning rush sees a bag and just tosses it out).

I'm talking about stuff where you're the dick if you make a big deal about it but it drives you insane watching her repeatedly make those mistakes and refuse to learn and grow from them. Not a dumb person per se, just has a few leaks that refuse to fix.

Is this something you just learn to ignore and let go? I feel like this should be a deal breaker.
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01-02-2020 , 08:20 AM
Also, is there ever any point where sliding into dms is appropriate?

Girl I follow on Twitter for professional reasons is traveling where I've spent several months. I commented on a tweet regarding travel and that elicited a friendly back and forth

She still doesn't follow me but dm is available. She's quite plausibly attractive and works on sports analytics. I mentioned her earlier. This wasn't stalking, just showed up in my feed.

A. It's her ancestral country so any advice I give could be redundant/patronizing despite that she's tweeting as if she's just a regular tourist
B. I have no face photo on this Twitter and it'll stay that way

Would it be creepy or appropriate to dm her something like "hey if your looking for ideas on where to visit next there feel free to hit me up"

Given the reputation of dming, I'm unsure if that's creepy or not. Another thing I've considered is I could add in a few pics of me there to subtley show I'm a feasible match but definitely think cold photo sharing would for sure cross the line even if under the guise of "this is what I did when I was there"

Bear in mind I have a much more professional excuse to dm her to get coffee and talk analytics down the road in the future that would be far more professional and thus not the creepy "sliding into dms" so there's not much fold equity here.

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01-02-2020 , 09:11 AM
Send a dick pic and get it over with.
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01-02-2020 , 10:19 AM
I know you're joking but that's another thing, as someone who's never sent one, I'd love an earnest TR is sending those without request is actually a thing
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01-02-2020 , 10:59 AM
It wasn't Twitter/IG but I did message and friend-request a Z-list female celeb from a reality TV show once maybe 9 years ago - recall having a bit of alcohol in me when doing it, but we hit it off and hung out a few times when she was in town
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01-02-2020 , 11:00 AM
Post 1 is a deal breaker. This is a personal tolerance level unique to all, but you've already expressed that it drives you crazy.

Post 2: it's always appropriate if they deem it so.

I've only sent dick pics when requested. I think the requests were for size standards more than anything
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01-02-2020 , 05:33 PM
rick, unless shes a co worker, I dont see why you wouldn't "shoot yourshot"
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01-03-2020 , 08:00 AM
Happy New Year online daters!

Cuffing season FINALLY taken off. Endless matches right now
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01-04-2020 , 11:53 AM
Got an 801 flake text for an 800 date last night and was pretty salty about it. Went home and was tilting through my phone on my couch with my jacket still on. Get a match and a "hi " message from a super cute 22 y/o a town over. I do my normal tinder line to get to some version of "im good but we could make it better" and she responds "yes we can" and then a few minutes later "want to be my daddy?". Score. I say "I'll certainly consider it" and get her number. We video chat for like 20 minutes while she gets ready to go out and agree for me to pick her up from the bar in a couple of hours.

God damn she was fun. 4'11, tiny, perky ass and tits. I stayed the night and we hung out a couple hours this morning and get along really well. Will definitely see her again, and if things go well I might have found a new travel/festival partner. The karma gods smiled upon me this day.
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01-04-2020 , 05:00 PM
good stuff. are you in your 20s or 30s
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01-05-2020 , 12:19 AM
33. Just a moment of luck. Shes the hottest girl I've hooked up with on Tinder in probably 2 years.
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01-05-2020 , 12:39 AM
luck plus you being you and on your game.

good job. hope this rides well and a few more boucne your way
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01-05-2020 , 03:20 AM
Ok but has anyone found a chick with a high 6-figure+ gig?

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01-05-2020 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Ok but has anyone found a chick with a high 6-figure+ gig?

Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
I've matched with a few but this was abroad. One had a net worth that would make your head spin. Are these women not on tinder in America? I hope so, that's deeply upsetting if not (not the money but the correlated career/education values that I care about).

Pro tip, if you've been dating then living with a woman and she still won't introduce you to friends or family then despite living together, you're not in the long term plans.

Sent the DM on Twitter, just mentioned it looks like she had a good handle on the situation but suggested a little known museum to check out and said she could always write back for more info. My chat game is weak and it's very intimating not having the crutch of good photos and silence. On the road non stop for work and not even in the mood for attempting random "I can fit you in between 9 and 12 tonight only" like I used to when on the road in my twenties.

Will report back if anything happens but it'll be at least a month before I physically arrive in the city where she lives anyway.
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01-05-2020 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Ok but has anyone found a chick with a high 6-figure+ gig?

Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk

Is that what you want? You want to leech off a woman?
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01-05-2020 , 11:55 AM
Who wouldn't?
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