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06-05-2019 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by the pleasure
im going to be in vegas for a week due to wsop 50 and grinding cash games. when I come back I think if everything is settled in my professional life i want to fire up some apps.


ive said this before but lets say you are 5'7 or shorter, i remember talkign to fossil about it by making it seem playful with height, i was thinking about saying in my bio "im 6'5'' TALL" kinda like a playful way or saying "5'7 deal with it" or something in that way? idk what woudl you guys do?

2nd quyestion

im super introverted but i can be pretty enrgetic, almost TOO ENREGTIC when I talk, I talk with my hands, I have no problems touching peoepl ion the shoulder and upper arm on first time meets, its natural for me. Its better to be low energy than high energy right off the bat, any suggestions on how to cope with this IF this appears on meetups?

the reason i ask this is because I seemed to get friendzoned quite a bit and had some say I would make a great friend but nothing they are looking for in a romantic/dating capacity sort of way. I think the above might be a slight reason why
I would swipe left. Uck, dont sound self conscious about your height or make any statements that aren't confident.
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06-05-2019 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
Dude, if that 40 year old is down, you ride that **** as long as possible.

She's actually the hottest one out of the 7.


For some reason the 7 strikes me as a little fake, and if shes coming across as pushy to meet, that's the one who might need a kidney.
Yes, the 40 year old looks really good. She has a kid and lives super far away, so not sure about the logistics, but hopefully we can hook up a couple times.

Not really pushy, more like we matched a couple weeks ago and she's actually reconnected herself 2-3 times. Not in a weird way, but I like that she actually seems interested in meeting me.

Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
Eres guapo!

For real, you are really attractive. Great body, great jaw....yeah, your mouth and eyes look awkward from the squinting but you are cute.
How tall are you?
Muchas gracias!

I'm 5'11", which is like 6'2" in Mexico.
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06-06-2019 , 06:05 PM
Anyone ever dabbled with any of the paid sites like Match and EHarmony?

My mate met his girlfriend through Match so there's some value in it but not sure if it has any benefits over the free sites?
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06-07-2019 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by Csaba
Anyone ever dabbled with any of the paid sites like Match and EHarmony?

My mate met his girlfriend through Match so there's some value in it but not sure if it has any benefits over the free sites?
It’ll depend on your city. I tried both in Memphis and it was terrible. Maybe in the right city, it’ll work. My friend met his wife on March in Philadelphia. He had just gotten out of a long relationship and signed up for match. In one of his first few dates, he said he planned to date around, he met his future wife.
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06-07-2019 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by capone0
It’ll depend on your city. I tried both in Memphis and it was terrible. Maybe in the right city, it’ll work. My friend met his wife on March in Philadelphia. He had just gotten out of a long relationship and signed up for match. In one of his first few dates, he said he planned to date around, he met his future wife.
Think I'll give it a go. I'm getting sick of people flaking on me after a few messages or stringing me along with mindless banter. I figure that people that are paying something will probably be more inclined to meetup and see what happens. Trick is, avoiding sites where all the traffic is created by bots.
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06-07-2019 , 09:15 AM
The issue I found with match is you don’t know who’s paying or not, so they may have a profile but can’t respond. Maybe that’s changed.
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06-07-2019 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by capone0
The issue I found with match is you don’t know who’s paying or not, so they may have a profile but can’t respond. Maybe that’s changed.
Most of the paid sites, if you didn't pay you can't initiate conversations but can respond to paid members. I thought that was how match worked as well.

Last edited by chillrob; 06-07-2019 at 10:05 AM.
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06-07-2019 , 11:00 AM
Any opinion on what the best paid site is?
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06-07-2019 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Csaba
Anyone ever dabbled with any of the paid sites like Match and EHarmony?

My mate met his girlfriend through Match so there's some value in it but not sure if it has any benefits over the free sites?
No, but have been told that the success rate for those looking for an actual relationship are higher. No stats, but I guess if you're paying you should be more serious about dating, and will find people with similar intentions there. Also weeds out the bots.
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06-07-2019 , 02:51 PM
I haven't used Match for many years, but my hunch is that they might work well for the 40+ crowd who won't use Tinder b/c of the stigma, but 20s and 30s you're probably better off with the apps.
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06-07-2019 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
Met the girl on the left for the 2nd time. The first date we went to eat dinner, but started making out when the food arrived and never got around to eating, just went back to my place.

This time we met at 7PM but I figured the better plan was just to head straight to my place and order something off UberEats later on. As soon as we stepped into my apartment she was revved up. Most girls like to make out on the couch for a little while and take it slow, but this girl just grabs me by the shirt and wants to go right into the bedroom. I don't really want to go into too many details, but let's just say that she has a magic pussy. Usually there are ups and downs, some positions or tempos that work better for me but not my partner, and vice versa. But with this girl, everything is super intense. And she has one hell of a motor. She loves to be on top, and she'll ride me for 20 minutes, and then she'll want to switch to reverse cowgirl and ride a while longer.

Finally got around to eating at about 10:30 then watched Always Be My Maybe on Netflix (it's pretty good), then another round of ****ing before going to sleep exhausted. Then woke up around 10, went at it again a little while, ate a small breakfast and she left at Noon.

Usually when I have a great first date, the 2nd date is often a step back and I find reasons to cool on the girl, but I'm still really into this one. She's not the cutest of the bunch, but has an incredible body is pretty fun to talk to and we have some interests in common. The big thing obviously is the sexual chemistry. Usually when I have a couple marathon sessions with a girl it can get a bit repetitive or there are lulls in the actions, but it's way different with this girl and she's super passionate and has a great sex drive.

I've met some girls who were super intelligent, ambitious, great jobs, etc. but maybe lacking in the sex department. This girl is kinda the opposite, seems reasonably intelligent and a decent job, but can't compare to a lot of the girls I've been meeting. I guess maybe it comes down to what you deem is most important in a relationship.
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06-07-2019 , 03:26 PM

LOL idk exactly why but something about her picture made me think the face/body combo was gonna be good naked and she maybe a killer in bed. I feel like I just picked a 20/1 underdog at Derby and she’s leading a pack of champs coming down the stretch
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06-07-2019 , 03:32 PM
"Magic Pussy" was my nickname in high school!

Evidently dressing like David Copperfield was not cool then either.
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06-07-2019 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus

LOL idk exactly why but something about her picture made me think the face/body combo was gonna be good naked and she maybe a killer in bed. I feel like I just picked a 20/1 underdog at Derby and she’s leading a pack of champs coming down the stretch
Yep, you definitely called it. Probably not gonna turn any heads walking down the street, but she looks really good naked. Petite but nice breasts and ass for her frame.

You might need to pick a longshot in the Belmont Stakes tomorrow and see if your powers still work.

Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
"Magic Pussy" was my nickname in high school!
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06-07-2019 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
"Magic Pussy" was my nickname in high school!

Evidently dressing like David Copperfield was not cool then either.

That was pretty damn funny legit lol
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06-07-2019 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
I haven't used Match for many years, but my hunch is that they might work well for the 40+ crowd who won't use Tinder b/c of the stigma, but 20s and 30s you're probably better off with the apps.
Does anyone get anywhere with Tinder? My last two girlfriends have come from Bumble but I've found Tinder to be saturated with bots and have given up before getting a single date on the occasions that I've tried it.
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06-07-2019 , 11:54 PM
I just joined tinder.
Surprisingly got a lot of matches from pretty hot girls with a generic ass profile that says ‘music, golf, poker’ lol.

Got a question for more experienced users.

I have had a few girls message me first just saying ‘hey’!’

I responded to a couple saying hey what’s up, and they just respond ‘nothin much, you?’

I’ve just been ignoring them after that, cause what am I gonna say, ‘same’? Doesn’t seem like it’s going anywhere. If they atleast said something like ‘chillen at home watching X tv show’ I’d have something to go off.

Kinda feel like it’s on the person who messages first to start an actual conversation, not just say ‘hey, nmu’.

It’s nice some are messaging me first but not anyone got any advice on how to make these conversations actually go somewhere.
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06-08-2019 , 12:10 AM
Girls are usually pretty boring when they initiate. On Bumble, 75% of the time the opening message is "hello" or "how are you?". I would never respond to "how are you?" with "fine, you?". In nearly all of my messages I give them a little something to go off and if they're a decent conversationalist then the convo will pick up from there. Some examples:

Her: How are you?
Me: I'm doing well, just got done with x/about to do x


Her: Where are you from?
Me: The USA, but I prefer Mexico, I'm addicted to tacos al pastor! Are you from Chilangolandia?
(Chilangolandia is a funnier way to say Mexico City that only locals will know, and she'll probably think it's funny that I'm using that term. Way better than just saying "Are you from CDMX?")

The fact of the matter is that women won't put in much effort right off the bat until you hook them. So never answer her ?s with 1 or 2 word answers. If you've given a couple decent responses to try and build a convo and she's still being boring, then you can decide if it's worth it to continue or not. Usually I'll just move on if she's not being engaging unless she's very attractive or her profile really stands out.
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06-08-2019 , 02:33 PM
Profile here

if anyone wants to give me some feedback let me have it. I'm not sensitive so harsh criticism is fine. I figure I should get some photos in which I look presentable. As things stand I'm rocking the crawled out of bed look that is common amongst people that don't know when their next 9-5 is going to come along (I have one but, that isn't the point). I figure the elephant photo is good to get initial views but with my age being what it is I probably need something that indicates that I'm holding down a steady job. The Everest photo can probably go as it's six years old.
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06-08-2019 , 02:58 PM
Just scanning your profile, you seem like a really interesting dude and have impressive credentials.

My main concern would be that you're really painting yourself into a small corner. You will be very attractive to a super outdoorsy type who lives for hiking, rock climbing, nature, but might seem a bit one-dimensional or intimidating to anyone else.

For example, I've seen a few women with a profile very similar to yours and I thought "she's really active! But I'm not sure if I'd be able to keep up or if I'd be interested in spending all my time outdoors". I like healthy living, traveling, I'm up for an occasional hike or seeing the outdoors, so I'm not too far removed from that group, but I still find it overkill. So you can imagine what the majority of women might think who have less interest in travel and are less active in general.

I guess if you feel like you absolutely have to date that type of girl, then keep the profile as is, but if you want to attract a larger array of girls, then I would stick to 2 photos outdoors and find 2-3 photos where you're more dressed up and presentable. Just scanned the profile, and it seems ok, maybe could be a bit streamlined in spots. I feel like one small paragraph per category is fine on OKC, b/c very few are gonna be reading everything.

We had 27 questions in common and agreed on 100%!
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06-08-2019 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
Just scanning your profile, you seem like a really interesting dude and have impressive credentials.

My main concern would be that you're really painting yourself into a small corner. You will be very attractive to a super outdoorsy type who lives for hiking, rock climbing, nature, but might seem a bit one-dimensional or intimidating to anyone else.
The last three dates I've had are with someone that's doing an ecology PhD, a vet and someone that does a lot of hiking so this is bang on the money.

Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
We had 27 questions in common and agreed on 100%!
If you're a heterosexual female that lives in Scotland (which I'm inclined to believe you are not) I would love to meet up!

Seriously, thanks for the advice. I'll get some photos of me wearing something more formal up post haste.
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06-08-2019 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Csaba

If you're a heterosexual female that lives in Scotland (which I'm inclined to believe you are not) I would love to meet up!
Nope, I'm a bisexual female that lives in Scotland. Darn, so close!
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06-09-2019 , 12:14 AM
Thanks for the responce fossil.
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06-09-2019 , 05:34 AM
That moment when a hot girl replies to your opener with ‘early disclaimer - I’m only looking for casual at the moment’ 🥳
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06-09-2019 , 12:41 PM
I've been talking to someone that I met on CmB over the past couple of days, and was going to set up a coffee date early this week. She lives pretty close. Today she came out of left field and hit me really hard with a Bible thumping angle. I admittingly was pretty dismissive of it with the caveat of:

There's many great lessons about faith, humanity, and kindness outside of the Bible. So just like many things in my life, I like to learn from many different perspectives and ideologies.
She's a 38, y/o single mother BTW who didn't mention that she had a kid until day 3 of us talking this morning. Then when I drew the line in the sand of not dating single mothers, she tells me "don't worry, you'll never meet him until I've known you for at least 6 months."

Now in typical Bible thumper fashion she's using God as her personal attack dog against me under the guise of "feeling sorry for me".

In other news:
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