Originally Posted by dalerobk2
What was the context for her calling you a bad person?
Also, what is too women's rights-y? Does that simply mean she's too political for you?
We were talking about cyclists and I made some comment about how they annoy me when I drive.
Nah, it means that she talks about sexism and **** a fair amount (has brought it up multiple times in the 3 dates we've been on). It's not a deal breaker or anything, but it's not really something I enjoy discussing. She made a comment about how it sometimes annoys her when guys insist on paying, so I just had her buy the rest of my drinks. She seemed satisfied with that.
Originally Posted by Paul Openfold
lol and what would you recommend
Seems like a high variance observation given personal styles and difference in venues
I don't really think there's much room for variation at all, unless your date is specifically at a location where wearing dress shirt+jeans is impractical (the beach, the pool, etc.). I mean, if your regular style is wearing jean shorts and a hoodie, maybe it's best to get that out of the way immediately, but I certainly wouldn't expect many women to look favorably upon that. The most casual thing I've worn on a date was jeans and a nice polo, and that was because it was 80 degrees outside
and I was planning on doing some walking.