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07-18-2014 , 07:46 PM
Just when I was beginning to think I was one of the guys that just didn't get first date bangs, I made it happen with Wisconsin Tinder girl. TR to come
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07-18-2014 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by PenelopeCruz
+1... Also about to reach one year with someone I met on OKC (swede girl) and we just moved in together. I'm open to the possibility that NYC is different but in my experience almost everyone I know who is single has at least a tinder profile if not multiple profiles across okc/match etc... (I'm 30)
Nice. I'm still not ready to live with a woman yet. Maybe consider it at the two year mark. Or five. I really prefer just living together on weekends.
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07-18-2014 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by PenelopeCruz
+1... Also about to reach one year with someone I met on OKC (swede girl) and we just moved in together. I'm open to the possibility that NYC is different but in my experience almost everyone I know who is single has at least a tinder profile if not multiple profiles across okc/match etc... (I'm 30)

Yea, you're not likely to find very many 10s on pof but there are plenty of high quality women online and I agree that it's more of a way to expand how you meet people than some sort of stigmatic vehicle for lonely rejects.
Ah, congrats. I remember when you just started going out.

Re: multiple accounts - I'm curious if that's just for stalking, or different styles, etc. I've never made a 2nd account although maybe I should
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07-18-2014 , 09:35 PM
I think he meant accounts across various platforms not multiple accounts on the same one.

Although, I did come across an OKC profile once where the girl admitted right in it that she used a second fake account to check out the answers to all of the sex questions of prospects. Pretty smart given you can only see the answers if you answered them yourself too.
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07-18-2014 , 09:39 PM
That makes more sense.

Also, this:
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07-18-2014 , 09:42 PM
We met at an ale house just north of the loop. She's about 5'9 thin and dressed kind of conservatively as she just came from work. I notice the Wisconsin accent which I'm not a huge fan of. I'm not sure how attracted I am yet.

We start off slow and open up more as the beers start flowing. She's some kind of manager at a nursing home and just bought a place, pretty ballin for a 24 y/o. The long menu of craft beers was a good conversation starter. This was the place with the pretzel sticks I took another girl, and this time she went for the sticks first and we wound up putting away quite a few.

That would hold true for the beers as well. I usually set a limit of three for an early date and most girls stop by then, but she suggested the fourth so I couldn't pass that up. She asked about the fifth, but I think she was more concerned that I was picking up the increasingly large tab rather than the fact she drove there. I gave the thumbs up.

She blurted out that she had two DUIs and the second involved five days in jail. I tried to relate by admitting to mine. Other than that convo is flowing better. I've been touching her arm with greater frequency as the night goes on and we're sort of massaging each others' hand. We both have to work tomorrow so it's time to stop at 5.

As we stand up we kiss a few times. I'm right on her way home and she agrees to drive me. Her car is an absolute disaster with random crap strewn across the entire backseat and floor of the passenger seat. She starts driving.

I put my arm around her and she eventually moves her hand to my leg, really close to my dick but not quite going for it. As I'm looking at her I realize she has major screensaver eyes going and definitely shouldn't be driving. Hopefully she doesn't pick up #3 or kill us all.

We get close to my exit. This girl seems down, I'm really into her by this point and I don't want to pass up an opportunity. With a stroke of brilliance I decide that she'll never remember to get off at my exit so I'll just keep quiet and we'll wind up back at her place.

Works like a charm. She gives me the tour of her new place. It's not furnished yet so there's just an air mattress. We go out back and ask these two probably gay dudes if we can bum a cig and they have a pack. We both used to smoke; she said she started when she was like 13. They bring out homebrewed beer and we wind up having one and chatting. They assume we moved in together but I think eventually figured out what was up.

We go back inside and get to it. I'm gonna leave out further details of this part for one time in my life. We spoon for a bit but I decide I can't sleep over here with work in the morning. I call an Uber and bail around 2AM. I forgot my work laptop but luckily she has a real job and is up by 7AM. I get to hers, grab the laptop, we kiss a few more times and I head off to work.

This one doesn't quite seem like wifey material but I would like to keep it going casually. This is the part I have no experience in but I'm not too concerned.
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07-18-2014 , 09:42 PM
Wish I could try tinder, but I don't do facebook and I can't even create a fake one as you need to get 50 friends for tinder to actually work.

Pretty dumb imo.
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07-18-2014 , 11:08 PM
Ok wtf I'm on a date right now. She's noticeably fatter than the photos I found that she posted to facebook within the last week. And these photos were like full body shots not just face. And lots of them.

****ing bull****.
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07-18-2014 , 11:23 PM
shes clearly better at online stalking than you are
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07-18-2014 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
Wish I could try tinder, but I don't do facebook and I can't even create a fake one as you need to get 50 friends for tinder to actually work.

Pretty dumb imo.
I don't think this is true. I have a fake woman account with 0 friends
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07-18-2014 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by loK2thabrain
Ok wtf I'm on a date right now. She's noticeably fatter than the photos I found that she posted to facebook within the last week. And these photos were like full body shots not just face. And lots of them.

****ing bull****.
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07-18-2014 , 11:45 PM
Just left. I dropped $80 on dinner she made no attempt to pay but whatever.

I did learn that her parents live on Mercer Island and have a boat which means there's a good chance they're loaded. Still won't be seeing her again tho but it's sort of funny how that makes me think twice about it. (Probably more pathetic actually lol)

It's so funny. These girls with cute faces who if they lost 30 pounds the world would be at their feet but they choose to keep being a disappointment to guys they trick instead. Addiction is a bitch though so whatever.
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07-18-2014 , 11:54 PM
bro, what are you even doing suggesting a dinner date for a first meeting? and especially at a place where you'll potentially be spending $80??
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07-19-2014 , 12:23 AM
conan on tinder video is great.


you omitted details, but was the air mattress an issue? those things are pretty fragile, they spring leaks just from regular sleep.
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07-19-2014 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by swag_check
bro, what are you even doing suggesting a dinner date for a first meeting? and especially at a place where you'll potentially be spending $80??
15-20 buck entrees, 2 drinks each pretty easy to get to 80
Online dating thread Quote
07-19-2014 , 07:56 AM
POF is really pissing me off. I sent out 4 messages yesterday to girls who had added me as a favourite. When I go to my sent messages none of these 4 messages are showing... Now I have no idea if they were sent or not, each of them yesterday gave me a confirmation message!

These are my best prospects so don't want to waste good opportunities
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07-19-2014 , 08:01 AM
Click on sent messages. Are they there?

If not, maybe you wrote a bad word in your message and pof didn't send it
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07-19-2014 , 08:08 AM
Only showing my messages from earlier in the week in my sent messages.
Will have to assume they didn't get sent. This is a common problem with pof?

Had written some pretty decent openers, need to start saving them if the site is playing up.
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07-19-2014 , 08:17 AM
very unlikely the site is playing up.

odds are its one of the following:
1. user error
2. you are/were looking for intimate encounters
3. message blocked due to content
4. they have you blocked due to some settings
Online dating thread Quote
07-19-2014 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by loK2thabrain

It's so funny. These girls with cute faces who if they lost 30 pounds the world would be at their feet but they choose to keep being a disappointment to guys they trick instead. Addiction is a bitch though so whatever.
Perhaps you should put something about this in your profile so that the nice but chunky girls will likely ignore you.
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07-19-2014 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by RollWave
very unlikely the site is playing up.

odds are its one of the following:
1. user error
2. you are/were looking for intimate encounters
3. message blocked due to content
4. they have you blocked due to some settings
I think it is user error. When you use the iphone app and send a message, if you don't wait long enough after pressing send it won't send it. I have been pressing the back button for homepage too quickly thinking it had given me confirmation it sent.

There is a pof app update today, the new update doesn't let you see who wants to meet you on a free account so not worth upgrading. (Although the people who want to meet you will be at the front of the meet you queue)
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07-19-2014 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
I don't think this is true. I have a fake woman account with 0 friends
Thanks for this. I guess they changed it because I just set up a fake profile and it's working. I had tried last September and would just get a message saying there is nobody in your area or something, so nobody would show up to swipe, which didn't make sense given my city is like 1Mil+ people plus I tried it in Paris.

We will see how this goes.
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07-19-2014 , 09:23 AM
Good work Bobbo. The more first date lays you get, the easier the next ones are.

Also holy **** @ two DUIs before turning 25 years old.
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07-19-2014 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
Thanks for this. I guess they changed it because I just set up a fake profile and it's working. I had tried last September and would just get a message saying there is nobody in your area or something, so nobody would show up to swipe, which didn't make sense given my city is like 1Mil+ people plus I tried it in Paris.

We will see how this goes.
Only been like 45min now and probably swipped about 75 or so profiles and up to 3 matches. Can't believe I waited this long to actually get it working.
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