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09-07-2017 , 07:17 AM
I did a pub quiz for a first date and although it went well I came to the conclusion it's a much better second/third date. They last 2+ hours with little flexibility to make an excuse to shorten things if it's not going well.

Who gave you "pay discreetly" advice. Seems very dumb, I doubt that person gets laid much.
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09-07-2017 , 08:10 AM
That made the news, truly awesome if it's you.
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09-07-2017 , 08:34 AM
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09-07-2017 , 08:41 AM
Here's the GoFundMe

BBC article
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09-07-2017 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
It's fine if you want to do it when she excuses herself to use the bathroom or if you go to the bathroom yourself and then pay.

I don't see what is so awkward about the "who pays?" part though. If you don't mind paying, just say "I got it" when the bill comes and pay. If she throws up token resistance, you can say once more "no that's ok, I got it", if she insists then let her pay her half.

In France it is a bit different in that most women here are expecting to pay their half so when the bill comes, I'd say 80% are already reaching for their money to pay for their half and I let them. For the other 20% who are hesitating, I will just pay the bill, unless they insist. Only had 1 girl here ever who let me pay for 2+ dates in a row, she eventually insisted on date 4. My dates are also usually just a drink or 2 drinks max, so no big deal if I end up paying.
Yea I would not pay discreetly, I'd do the second paragraph.

Before I was making good money I used to let them pay half and believed it was a better "move" also, which is possible.

It has been a slight turn off on some recent occasions where the woman doesn't reach to pay at all on a first date, even though I would have happily paid anyway even if I wasn't crazy about the date.

Super Likes btw have been a godsend for me, don't recall if I've mentioned this. Over the last 14 months I've dated 3 women who are probably my top 3 ever from the physical standpoint, one of them medium-term and the current one getting there. All were Super Likes. Use them. (Also all an average of >10 years younger.)
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09-07-2017 , 11:49 AM
WTF at that story. Just.....WOW.

Last edited by RichGangi; 09-07-2017 at 12:06 PM.
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09-07-2017 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Nwildcat
Ok, I could be totally off here, but I want to propose a reason for some of the flakiness I've read about in this thread. It's basically from a single main observation. That is, the standard advice I've seen when browsing this thread is along the lines of - schedule the first date with the girl as soon as possible. Don't text too much, they'll lose interest, ect. Now that is probably true and it probably results in more dates overall, but it could also result in more flakes. I think there are girls who might have some interest, but when a guy begins applying that pressure (and it seems like that's kind of the MO here), girl may become hesitant and not know exactly how to express the hesitation. I'm psychoanalyzing quite a bit now, but a girl may still be interested while also hesitant and by the time that scheduled meeting with you (the guy) comes, and hesitation and uncertainty is appropriately high, the safer option is to not meet at all. At this point, and because they didn't want to lose the opportunity, there's no real way to let you know they want to bail without, well, bailing.

I posit that instead of using a general 'get the girl out on a date fast' schema for every girl, it be better to carefully pay attention to signals about what kind of response the girl is having to you, and mold your decisions off that. Doesn't mean be completely at the whim of her apparent interest, but adjust when necessary. When I've had (admittedly limited) success forming meaningful connection with a girl, it hasn't felt like any rush was on. Sure I advocated for my own desires, but I feel in some of the posts I've read there's some sense of self-imposed pressure to meet certain benchmarks that have to be met to have a successful date or successful interaction or begin to successfully build a relationship arc. Those benchmarks could be useful as reference points, but it might be more helpful to take each situation more case-by-case. I mean all of this less as advice and more as an observation and some musing.

The tendency described above of putting pressure on oneself is one I'm also guilty of committing, a lot! I often feel pressure that plans *need* to be made with someone or else... really I'm not sure. I'm going to lose them or something? Like this is my only chance to spend time with them? It's true, people have options and those options may overcome any interest for you they might have at the time. But forcing the issue because of this potential risk I think can do more harm than good. This is especially because in these early dating cases the guy knows equally little about the girl, and not enough to know he needs to go all out to win her favor.

Being flaked on, ignored, "ghosted" is one of my pet peeves, not just for dating situations like these, but in life in general. And I understand people often have a lot going on and they can't always get back to you or they have to prioritize, ect. I just find it as such disrespect. I also consider context of the situation it happens in, because sometimes a response or a reply is not really warranted, whereas other times it's like pretending that person doesn't exist. I'm currently in a weird situation where someone isn't responding to my texts and it's bothering me a lot, and I'm having a hard time not sending more texts, ones that are civil but warrant a response. It feels like, and has for some time, that they were pulling away from our interaction, I could tell right away when they began distancing themself. This was an ex who we ended very bumpy and then rekindled communication. After about 6-7 weeks of constant daily communication I noticed a shift and I commented on that fact and that didn't go over well, so all ceased. Without including too much detail, she initiated communication again but it was mostly in that same distanced tone as before, and then soon after she disappeared. At first it would be over a weekend (3-4 days) where I'd hear nothing until a return of "sorry, thought I responded... *weak non-descript reply*". Then it became "I'm really busy". Then it became silence for weeks to straight up questions. Pretty obvious isn't it?

Then all of a sudden I ask her to go bowling one Saturday out of the blue and she responds, but only to the bowling question, all other remained unanswered. She seems to half-heartedly reply to the 3-4 unanswered messages I sent saying she's been traveling for work (like that prevents you from any response or at least prior mentiom). She has plans so can't go bowling but thanks me (I get the sense it's patronizing). I follow up with a question, no response for 2 weeks. Why did she even respond in the first place?

Any random person I'd shrug this off, but I have history with this person and I wanted to keep them in my life someway. It's clear they don't wish the same for me, but to disappear so blatantly, I feel disrespected and frankly pissed. I'm cinflicted and can't seem to move forward. I'm in the mindset that I want to keep messaging her (civilly obviously, and without pointing out the obvious, about how I'd prefer my communications be acknowledged). I almost feel at this point I want to troll her, but troll with kindness. Is there a way someone could convince me otherwise? Logically, continuing to reach out serves little purpose, but I feel so wrong about how this person just stopped talking. I get that there are reasons she wouldn't want to outright reject me, maybe for fear of my reaction or because she doesn't want to fully reject me/wants to keep me around but just not now. At the same time I think by saying nothing they are in itself fully rejecting me, maybe moreso, in a way I find exceedingly disrespectful. Makes me want to say screw that person, they're not worth my time. But that's where the internal conflict comes in. I say screw them, but then the next moment I feel their silence hit me and it feels so wrong. I feel their silence and I imagine how that silence will continue to feel and my mind starts working at a way to reopen the communication. I spend so much time just thinking about what I could say to reopen the communication. Whatever I say would be piled on top of all the other things that have gone without any reply. If she really has no care to hear from me, she could just block my number, and whatever I continue to come up with won't even reach her at all.

Send her this post.
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09-07-2017 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Weirdest dating experience of my life last night.

I took a girl I met on tinder to dinner. We had a lovely evening, and enjoyed each others company very much. After our meal, we repaired back to my house for a bottle of wine and a Scientology documentary.

About an hour in to Louis Theroux and chill, my date got up to use the toilet. She returned with a panicked look in her eye, and told me she had something to tell me.

"I went for a poo in your toilet", she told me "and it would not flush. I don't know why I did this, but I panicked", she continued "I reached into the toilet bowl, wrapped it in tissue paper, and threw it out of the window".

I was understandably concerned, and told her we would go outside, bag up the offending poo in the garden, bin it, and pretend the whole sorry affair had never happened. Unfortunately, owing to a design quirk of my house, the toilet window does not in fact open to the garden, but instead into a narrow gap of about a foot and a half, seperated from the outside world by another (non-opening) double glazed window. It was into this twilight zone that my date had thrown her poo. Here are two photos to illustrate:

(the offending package within the window)

(The gap)

As can be seen in the picture, the inside window opens at the top, into the gap that is seperated from the garden by a non-opening double-glazed window pane. Seeing only one solution, I messaged our house group-chat, and went upstairs to find a hammer and chisel to smash open the window.

My date had other ideas.

Being an amateur gymnast, she was convinced that she could reach into the window and pull the poo out, using the tried and tested "inside out blag as glove" technique. Unfortunately she couldn't reach. She climbed further in and had the same problem. Eventually I agreed to give her a boost up and into the window. She climbed in head first after her own turd, reached deeper into the window, bagged it up, and passed it out, over the top and back into the toilet from whence it came. She called out to me to help her climb out from the window, I grabbed her waist and I pulled. But she was stuck. Stuck fast. Try as we might, we could not remove her from the window. She was stuck fast, upside down in the gap. Here is a picture to illustrate:

Unfortunately for my date, at this stage I could see only one way out of our predicament. She had been upside down in the window for around 15 minutes at this point, and I was starting to grow concerned for her health. I called the fire brigade.

The city's finest were on scene sirens blaring in a matter of minutes. Once they had composed themselves after surveying the scene in front of them, they set to work removing my date from the window using all of their special firemen hammers and tools. It took them about 15 minutes. Here is a picture of them working:

Anyone had a worse/weirder dating experience?

That's awesome. I think you might have to marry this one.
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09-07-2017 , 12:22 PM
That post had me right up to the watching of a Scientology documentary.
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09-07-2017 , 12:39 PM

The Scientology doc choice was what had me initially thinking it was actually Pguk.
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09-07-2017 , 12:42 PM

There's no need to quote an entire super long post to give a short response.
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09-07-2017 , 12:47 PM
I like Louis Theroux.
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09-07-2017 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
Send her this post.
I don't get it.
Online dating thread Quote
09-07-2017 , 01:25 PM

Here's a serious reply. You text this girl constantly for weeks, more than she wants to interact with you. She humors you for a while, then starts to reduce the communications a bit. You get all pissy about that, so she stops texting at all.

She decides to give another shot at being civil, and having a casual civil relationship, but you once again want it to be like a close/girlfriend relationship. She gives you countless cues via slow/curt/distant responses about the type of relationship level she's ok to have with you, but you want much more. Finally she once again realizes you can't do that and just stops trying and just quits replying, her only option other than constant texting from you.

You ask her to go out with you on a Saturday night, so out of politeness so you don't keep your Saturday blocked out hopelessly waiting on her to say yes, she politely responds to decline. But of course, you start right back with the texting again.

She didn't disappear abruptly or rudely. She gave you chances time and time again to have a civil casual friendly relationship with her. But time and time again you showed you weren't capable of that. So finally she was left with no choice but to just not respond. She probably hasn't told you more directly because she's worried that you'd then murder her.

Was this your first girlfriend?

She's made her intentions perfectly clear. Move on!
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09-07-2017 , 01:25 PM
The best way for him to explain his views about this girl is just to send her his long and overthought post about her. She will either come to him with open arms or race away in fear. The situation is solved either way.
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09-07-2017 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones
Super Likes btw have been a godsend for me, don't recall if I've mentioned this. Over the last 14 months I've dated 3 women who are probably my top 3 ever from the physical standpoint, one of them medium-term and the current one getting there. All were Super Likes. Use them. (Also all an average of >10 years younger.)
Do you just get 1 super like per day or did you subscribe? You're only dating girls >10 years younger, how old are you? I'm 33 and had my age range set to 25-35, but ran out of women in my area so I opened it up to anyone and holy **** like 80% of the early 20 girls are hot as hell here. I'm not sure how it would work from a maturity standpoint though.
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09-07-2017 , 01:38 PM
Is PartyGirlUK really the guy in that story? I saw it yesterday. Would be awesome if it was.
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09-07-2017 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by TheStuntman
Is PartyGirlUK really the guy in that story? I saw it yesterday. Would be awesome if it was.

I imagine not. But it would be awesome if it were.
Online dating thread Quote
09-07-2017 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
I like Louis Theroux.
Me too. His films in Miami / Dade jail have an entertaining spin on the usual 'locked up' show.
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09-08-2017 , 12:57 AM
Landed a second date. Going hiking this weekend
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09-08-2017 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
Do you just get 1 super like per day or did you subscribe? You're only dating girls >10 years younger, how old are you? I'm 33 and had my age range set to 25-35, but ran out of women in my area so I opened it up to anyone and holy **** like 80% of the early 20 girls are hot as hell here. I'm not sure how it would work from a maturity standpoint though.
The ones that have been successful happened to be when I only had 1 Super Like per day. I paid for one month just recently but didn't get much out of it (also was traveling a lot that month so didn't get the best at-home use of it) except for a ton of matches from the Boost thing, none of which went anywhere I don't think.

Caveat: I believe it was after I became a paid member that, mysteriously, one that I had Super Liked like 1-2 months prior when I wasn't paying, suddenly matched with me. So I may have gotten higher in the algorithm from paying; like idk if she had a stack of Super Likes waiting for her or what (she's physically the type who would get a lot of lefts, but then a disproportionate # of Super Likes).

Yea seems best to just set age 21-99+, partly because there are a decent handful who have some fake high age. If you don't care about drinking age you could go lower. I think these age gaps were like 35-26, 35-24, and 36-27.

I've never had maturity issues in terms of interacting with dates/people on a one-on-one basis. *Might* start running into trouble when it comes to clubbing and such if they're still into that, but I've managed to avoid it thus far.

Originally Posted by El Diablo

Here's a serious reply. You text this girl constantly for weeks, more than she wants to interact with you. She humors you for a while, then starts to reduce the communications a bit. You get all pissy about that, so she stops texting at all.

She decides to give another shot at being civil, and having a casual civil relationship, but you once again want it to be like a close/girlfriend relationship. She gives you countless cues via slow/curt/distant responses about the type of relationship level she's ok to have with you, but you want much more. Finally she once again realizes you can't do that and just stops trying and just quits replying, her only option other than constant texting from you.

You ask her to go out with you on a Saturday night, so out of politeness so you don't keep your Saturday blocked out hopelessly waiting on her to say yes, she politely responds to decline. But of course, you start right back with the texting again.

She didn't disappear abruptly or rudely. She gave you chances time and time again to have a civil casual friendly relationship with her. But time and time again you showed you weren't capable of that. So finally she was left with no choice but to just not respond. She probably hasn't told you more directly because she's worried that you'd then murder her.

Was this your first girlfriend?

She's made her intentions perfectly clear. Move on!
Agree that obv he needed and needs to back off, but I do detect some crappiness and flakiness from her too. Doesn't matter either way; only way to combat that is to withdraw and move on, leaving the door open for if and when she comes back around. Not even from a cynical or game standpoint; it's simply what you have to do.
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09-08-2017 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Here's a serious reply.
Appreciate the reply since I think sending her my previous post would be just too much detail about my own thinking that someone who doesn't want to talk to me in the first place wouldn't want to hear.
Fortunately for me I came upon almost identical conclusions as you the other night when I was reflecting on how things had went and looking at the general timeline of events. Like I just kind of got it, and I got how as excited I was to be talking to this person, I was so far off in my own dreamland of what that meant that it was only a matter of time before I involuntarily (and unknowingly to myself) crossed the threshold of tone/interest-level mismatch and made it overtly apparent. "I wasn't ready", as Kevin Hart would say. And I've learned that's kind of the way things go for me sometimes and that there's not much I could do about it. In a perfect world I'd have all this hindsight and control of my emotions to where I could capably balance keeping this person involved, while at the same time maintaining distance and carrying on happily with other lively pursuits.

As much as I wanted to be close with this person, it failing is precisely because we were unable to be close. It's a simple, but painful, consequence of the reality of the situation. My attitude, which may not always be optimally rational, is not to give up on something I feel strongly about and I feel is within reach, because in this case someone like that in my life has been so rare. And so just as rare is it for me to make the effort for that person. Which makes me feel stubborn about giving up.

I realized just like you mentioned that she's not saying no because she's probably scared at how I would respond to her frankness. That's not the kind of impact I want to have on someone. It makes me feel like a real ****ty person for allowing it to come to that, where someone I've known very well can't even say "hey I'm just not interested". Instead I hear nothing back. It's that sense of feeling invisible. I think a lot of what I've done is to try to get rid of that feeling.

But upon realizing all this I still had to seek some refuge, some sort of solution to this for myself. And like I said, the other night I came to fully realize that I had more than one opportunity to sort of settle into a low-pressure, stress-free friendly 'keeping-up' with this person, and on multiple occasions it was unable to work. At this point I felt it best to save a little face, and sort of close a chapter in my own head for my own peace of mind.
This is embarrassing to admit but last Friday after not having received any messages for a week I asked her again if she had any free time this week to go out bowling. (A few months ago back when we were actually friendly this was something we had planned to do). To this I received no response. This Tuesday with no response I followed up mentioning that it could be fun and asking when was the last time she went. Anything to just gauge where she is at. That's the embarrassing part I think-- that I thought there was more to find out about where she was at. That I thought a possible response to my invite would ever come in some form of 'yes' or 'possibly'. Maybe I just wanted to ask again so she would just say no. I think that was part of it. I wanted it to be over. I wanted to receive the no because I was unable to just say enough is enough and be done.

The day went by and I heard nothing and that night is when I did some reflecting and decided the only way I would find any relief would have to be ending it myself. She had already stepped aside. I was only further encroaching in unwanted territory at this point. That leaves me two options. 1) just don't communicate again, step away. Leave it at: you inviting her a couple times, not getting any response, and dropping it. That would be the normal way to handle it with someone, but I being the way I am, opted for 2) sending one last message, but not a long convoluted confessional, dripping with personal feelings and thoughts and rationalizing and cringworthy pleads of affection. No, I only partly went with cringworthy affectation and tried to condense it as much as possible. Leave as much emotion out of it as possible.

I just wanted to let her know that I got it. I understood what was going on and that I wasn't some blind fool. I wanted to make it clear I didn't want to pose any kind of threat. Here's what I went with. I sent this with the knowledge I will send no further messages, and that I will not seek her out in any way, through any other means. For how long? With this, time is of no consequence. I don't wish to do any more damage, but this was for me a goodbye. A goodbye is something I felt I needed. So this was for me more than anything.
- "It get it, I get it. Well it was nice talking to you for that month or so. I'll cease texting to myself in your messages (if you do even receive these anymore). I hope you spot me when I've figured out some of the stuff that has me banging my head against the wall—because I respect you. I was lucky to have met you.
Peace, I truly wish you well.Online dating thread️"
And I archived her text thread (Android) so not to be tempted by it and not to see it when scrolling through other texts. As you might imagine I've received no response. Yes, this was essentially my first girlfriend. How could you tell.
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09-08-2017 , 03:54 AM
Online dating thread Quote
09-08-2017 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones
Yea seems best to just set age 21-99+, partly because there are a decent handful who have some fake high age. If you don't care about drinking age you could go lower. I think these age gaps were like 35-26, 35-24, and 36-27.

I've never had maturity issues in terms of interacting with dates/people on a one-on-one basis. *Might* start running into trouble when it comes to clubbing and such if they're still into that, but I've managed to avoid it thus far.
OK, so you're a bit older than me. Yah, seems to be a massive difference between 21 and 25 compared to say 25 and 33. I'm actually going back to school for at least a year, so I'll be around a ton of 20-22 year olds, but being 33, I think that might be a bit too weird.

I've actually been thinking about just buying a month of Tinder +, good to know that it might be worth it for the Boost function.
Online dating thread Quote
09-08-2017 , 08:04 AM
Easily 10-15% of the girls 20-22 would think a 33yo is ideal. It is absolutely insane to waste time on an app if you are going to college. All you have to do is walk around, make eye contact and see who involuntary smiles.

If you are going to waste time with an app though at least have a woman pick out your picture for you. I am pretty sure most people are not able to pick out the best picture of themselves because most people have bias and hang ups about their own appearance that just has nothing to do with reality. Just search for the guys on any dating site and half the pictures can't possibly be their best representation of themselves. The person putting up the picture is blind to that though but it is so common there is a good chance you are doing the exact same thing but can't see it in yourself.

Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
I'm actually going back to school for at least a year, so I'll be around a ton of 20-22 year olds, but being 33, I think that might be a bit too weird.
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