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09-02-2017 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
I am starting to like Friday/Saturday night as a first date option because if I get flaked on or the date goes poorly I have backup plans and could have just as fun a night. Met a hot new server/bartender at my regular bar who also has a JD (lol law school) and had a good night hanging with friends.
Your post actually made me think of a good question outside of the online dating spectrum. What is the pro move to approach a bartender/server type? While she's working is super cheezy. When I was younger I did use the leave your phone number on the bill a handful of times. 20% success rate with a small sample size but that isn't a pro move. Kiddie table move.

Let's hear it boys...
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09-02-2017 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by DisGunBGud
Your post actually made me think of a good question outside of the online dating spectrum. What is the pro move to approach a bartender/server type? While she's working is super cheezy. When I was younger I did use the leave your phone number on the bill a handful of times. 20% success rate with a small sample size but that isn't a pro move. Kiddie table move.

Let's hear it boys...
In my case she was sitting at the bar drinking. There were 4 or 5 employees waiting to work in case of a post football game rush, though it was dead when we went to watch the game. Didn't hurt that the other two female servers knew me and I met my hot female friend there.

While they're working, my friend who is average at best looking but always does well for himself/has picked up bartenders servers told me "they'll let you know" if they're into you
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09-02-2017 , 01:27 PM
Plot twist:

blonde(7:15 PM):Hey I'm so sorry this is so last minute but my roommates car broke down so I gotta go pick her up - I don't think I'll make our 8 o'clock

instead of my usual ignore I sent

(7:36 PM) Oh, I'm just getting ready to leave so that's disappointing.

blonde: (11:13AM) I'm so sorry! I hope you still wanna get together, I feel really bad
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09-02-2017 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by DisGunBGud
Your post actually made me think of a good question outside of the online dating spectrum. What is the pro move to approach a bartender/server type? While she's working is super cheezy. When I was younger I did use the leave your phone number on the bill a handful of times. 20% success rate with a small sample size but that isn't a pro move. Kiddie table move.

Let's hear it boys...
I didn't hit on them, they get that all the time so it's irritating.

Actually just talking to them about themselves.

Of course its a long term plan, you have to see them enough to be considered normal and not stalky.

And sometimes it's timing, you might just catch them in a mood at the end of their shift and you get to hang out cause you were there and they want to have a few.

It's really tougher if you only see them when they are working.

I guess the key for me was I could talk to them about anything and not be obvious about trying to hook up.

Worked for waitresses,strippers,a couple poker dealers and one bartender that I can remember.

But I also believe that's a younger mans game, you have a different vibe as a twenty something out having fun rather than a middle-aged man hanging out in a bar.

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09-04-2017 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
My date's roommate's car broke down 45 minutes before we were supposed to meet.
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
Plot twist:

blonde(7:15 PM):Hey I'm so sorry this is so last minute but my roommates car broke down so I gotta go pick her up - I don't think I'll make our 8 o'clock

instead of my usual ignore I sent

(7:36 PM) Oh, I'm just getting ready to leave so that's disappointing.

blonde: (11:13AM) I'm so sorry! I hope you still wanna get together, I feel really bad
I actually met up with this blonde. Went to this free festival with a bunch of food vendors, beer, and live music. It was near both of our places(We live and work close to each other.. convenient). We chilled on the grass with beers talking some of the time. Took laps and got a few food items. Ended up hanging for a little over 3 hours, prob a little too long without venue change but we both had plans later. We exchanged numbers+last names at the end. She had a lot of things I'm looking for in an LTR though she might want more short term. Her profile was pretty short so I didn't know what to expect. She did have a septum piercing which I'm not a fan of.
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09-04-2017 , 07:50 PM
It's obviously a more recent trend, but septum piercing seems much more highly represented on tinder than in the general pop.
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09-04-2017 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Nwildcat
It's obviously a more recent trend, but septum piercing seems much more highly represented on tinder than in the general pop.
I wonder if it is code for something.

I remember a piercing in an ear designated sex preference at one time, maybe depending on what side of the nose means something?

Off topic ..

Just finished a little Facebook snooping, kinda got excited a "friend" is dumping her right wing,racist Trump loving partner.

Figured I can be there in her time of need....

Online dating thread

Then find out with more snooping that he was too liberal for her.Online dating thread

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09-04-2017 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
I remember a piercing in an ear designated sex preference at one time, maybe depending on what side of the nose means something?
Pretty sure the septum is the middle of the nose, not one of the sides, so if it's code for anything, it should mean bisexual...
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09-05-2017 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by Nwildcat
Ok, I could be totally off here, but I want to propose a reason for some of the flakiness I've read about in this thread. It's basically from a single main observation. That is, the standard advice I've seen when browsing this thread is along the lines of - schedule the first date with the girl as soon as possible. Don't text too much, they'll lose interest, ect. Now that is probably true and it probably results in more dates overall, but it could also result in more flakes...
I think that for the most part the get her number/set up a date in 2-3 messages idea is an artifact left over from the pof/okcupid days where people sent 3-5 sentence long messages and it doesn't really apply, or it applies differently, to tinder and the like. Like, if you're having a rapid fire convo, don't ask for a date, just let it flow. But still, it shouldn't take more than a few days.

I've sort of found that there are a lot of rules of thumb associated with online dating that are all there for a reason. They may not make sense by themselves, and they may tend to drive some women crazy, but they still work. An example I have comes from the idea that you should keep them wanting more, that boils down to, "First dates shouldn't be longer than 45 minutes to 1.5 hours." I did that with a girl five months ago, she definitely wanted the date to keep going, but I ended it after an hour and a half and she still brings it up pretty often and how it made her want to keep contacting me more. I've even straight up told her why it happened and it doesn't matter.
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09-05-2017 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by jt217
"First dates shouldn't be longer than 45 minutes to 1.5 hours."
I think this is really good advice. I've had a couple of dates that started really great, however, they eventually went on for 3-4 hours and fizzled out somewhat.

Breaking it off after 90 mins keeps them on the hook, while giving you both chance to reflect.
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09-05-2017 , 05:25 AM
I can't make her drink enough beers in 45 minutes to want to get laid though
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09-05-2017 , 01:07 PM
Just saw this girl online I used to sleep with about 10 years ago . Using the same pictures.

Including one in a bikini . Than she has one picture snuck away when you just see her face and she clearly gained 50+ pounds
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09-05-2017 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
Just saw this girl online I used to sleep with about 10 years ago . Using the same pictures.

Including one in a bikini . Than she has one picture snuck away when you just see her face and she clearly gained 50+ pounds

I've actually wondered why people front themselves in such a way through online pictures which look nothing like them.

Surely it's just awkward as **** when you meet no? Same for guys lying about height etc.

Or by the time you've met is it too late and you kinda both just deal with it, in confused ngl

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09-05-2017 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Labax
I've actually wondered why people front themselves in such a way through online pictures which look nothing like them.

Surely it's just awkward as **** when you meet no? Same for guys lying about height etc.

Or by the time you've met is it too late and you kinda both just deal with it, in confused ngl

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If I met someone who was that much bigger in person I would prolly embarrass her wherever we were and just walk off for wasting my time
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09-06-2017 , 10:34 PM
Weirdest dating experience of my life last night.

I took a girl I met on tinder to dinner. We had a lovely evening, and enjoyed each others company very much. After our meal, we repaired back to my house for a bottle of wine and a Scientology documentary.

About an hour in to Louis Theroux and chill, my date got up to use the toilet. She returned with a panicked look in her eye, and told me she had something to tell me.

"I went for a poo in your toilet", she told me "and it would not flush. I don't know why I did this, but I panicked", she continued "I reached into the toilet bowl, wrapped it in tissue paper, and threw it out of the window".

I was understandably concerned, and told her we would go outside, bag up the offending poo in the garden, bin it, and pretend the whole sorry affair had never happened. Unfortunately, owing to a design quirk of my house, the toilet window does not in fact open to the garden, but instead into a narrow gap of about a foot and a half, seperated from the outside world by another (non-opening) double glazed window. It was into this twilight zone that my date had thrown her poo. Here are two photos to illustrate:

(the offending package within the window)

(The gap)

As can be seen in the picture, the inside window opens at the top, into the gap that is seperated from the garden by a non-opening double-glazed window pane. Seeing only one solution, I messaged our house group-chat, and went upstairs to find a hammer and chisel to smash open the window.

My date had other ideas.

Being an amateur gymnast, she was convinced that she could reach into the window and pull the poo out, using the tried and tested "inside out blag as glove" technique. Unfortunately she couldn't reach. She climbed further in and had the same problem. Eventually I agreed to give her a boost up and into the window. She climbed in head first after her own turd, reached deeper into the window, bagged it up, and passed it out, over the top and back into the toilet from whence it came. She called out to me to help her climb out from the window, I grabbed her waist and I pulled. But she was stuck. Stuck fast. Try as we might, we could not remove her from the window. She was stuck fast, upside down in the gap. Here is a picture to illustrate:

Unfortunately for my date, at this stage I could see only one way out of our predicament. She had been upside down in the window for around 15 minutes at this point, and I was starting to grow concerned for her health. I called the fire brigade.

The city's finest were on scene sirens blaring in a matter of minutes. Once they had composed themselves after surveying the scene in front of them, they set to work removing my date from the window using all of their special firemen hammers and tools. It took them about 15 minutes. Here is a picture of them working:

Anyone had a worse/weirder dating experience?
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09-06-2017 , 11:37 PM

Amazing, probably best post in this thread.

Even with the pics, still a little confused about the window configuration, what parts open, and where exactly she threw the poo.

Save these pics for the wedding slideshow!

Edit: lame, should have known you could never get a date with a girl skinny enough to fit in there

Last edited by El Diablo; 09-07-2017 at 12:07 AM.
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09-06-2017 , 11:49 PM
Oh my god. That's great. In the heat of the moment(s) I don't think I would have thought to take pictures. Thanks for sharing!

How long have you been seeing this girl? Was this your first date/meeting with her?
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09-07-2017 , 12:02 AM
wait did that really happen to you?

i saw that on like reddit or some **** earlier
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09-07-2017 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by El Diablo
Amazing, probably best post in this thread.
I was gonna say POTY... but then, no.
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09-07-2017 , 01:14 AM
If she's willing to reach into the toilet to grab her own poop, we can surmise that she's down for some dirty stuff in bed right?
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09-07-2017 , 02:42 AM
Unsure if that's genuine but it's gone viral.
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09-07-2017 , 03:37 AM
Well,it happened...

on August 7,

according to the fire department.

Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk
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09-07-2017 , 06:22 AM
Several years ago I was advised to excuse myself towards the conclusion of a date and pay the bill discreetly. The purpose is to avert the awkward "who pays?" moment when the bill comes, particularly on first dates.

What's the general consensus on that line?
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09-07-2017 , 06:40 AM
It's fine if you want to do it when she excuses herself to use the bathroom or if you go to the bathroom yourself and then pay.

I don't see what is so awkward about the "who pays?" part though. If you don't mind paying, just say "I got it" when the bill comes and pay. If she throws up token resistance, you can say once more "no that's ok, I got it", if she insists then let her pay her half.

In France it is a bit different in that most women here are expecting to pay their half so when the bill comes, I'd say 80% are already reaching for their money to pay for their half and I let them. For the other 20% who are hesitating, I will just pay the bill, unless they insist. Only had 1 girl here ever who let me pay for 2+ dates in a row, she eventually insisted on date 4. My dates are also usually just a drink or 2 drinks max, so no big deal if I end up paying.
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09-07-2017 , 06:56 AM
I had a date tonight with a 26 year old who just moved to Portland for her post grad job. We attended trivia night at a local pizzeria. We languished at the bottom of the standings for the duration of the competition, but that was of no concern to us. Conversation flowed well; I made her laugh with relative ease and she seemed accepting of my occupation and lack of a car. The date lasted over 2 hours, but as the old adage goes it felt much shorter.

I have a poor track record on dates, so it's possible my perception is skewed, but I think it's likely she'll have interest in a second date.

Side note: I really need to go back to school. It's damn embarrassing when someone with a post grad asks where you got your education..
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