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02-21-2017 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by genericaccount#1
I usually wouldn't, but to do this in the middle of a chat conversation is what concerns me, or is that normal these days?
No, most people like talking to some random person for at least 2 or 3 hours a day.
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02-21-2017 , 03:08 PM
What is League?
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02-21-2017 , 03:22 PM
League of legends I assume
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02-21-2017 , 03:44 PM

Just ask her to send you a schedule of when she's going to play League every day and chat her the rest of the day.
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02-21-2017 , 03:55 PM
Ask yourself if you really want to be involved with a gamer.
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02-21-2017 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by genericaccount#1
Hey guys, long time reader first time poster.

I've been chatting with a girl for the past few days and things are flowing and she's pretty responsive, but then after about an hour or so, she stops being responsive. I asked her last night why and she says she was playing League. I knew she was a gamer but I found this to be a bit annoying, a little heads up would be nice. So now I'm wondering what I should do about this. I'm thinking either option 1: talk to her about in the lines of hey, I really enjoy chatting with you and I understand the need for gaming, but I'd really appreciate an hour of your time to chat and then you can play League. Or option 2: Basically stop talking to her as it seems she's not very interested in me and if she chats me up and ask how I've been and/or why I haven't chatted with her say something like I didn't want to disturb you from League. Any other suggestions/recommendations?

An hour is super long. Have you asked her out yet? Not doing so in under an hour is a mistake.
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02-21-2017 , 04:23 PM

Slow down, buddy. He doesn't even have her League-playing schedule yet!
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02-21-2017 , 07:46 PM
Seems pretty normal to me. League games take a while, up to an hour, from what I know. She's probably also chatting with the people on the game. Not the most condusive to maintaining a conversation.

I don't really see the problem, if she does eventually respond. Aren't more immediate responses more fitting for in-person talk? Texting always seemed like a side activity to something else I'm doing anyway.
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02-21-2017 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by Neemahb
Seems pretty normal to me. League games take a while, up to an hour, from what I know. She's probably also chatting with the people on the game. Not the most condusive to maintaining a conversation.

I don't really see the problem, if she does eventually respond. Aren't more immediate responses more fitting for in-person talk? Texting always seemed like a side activity to something else I'm doing anyway.
My sense is that generic is irked that the girl is stopping responding mid conversation without telling him to play a game. If I were you generic, I would go with option 2. You've made it fairly clear that you're interested in getting to know her more, but she doesn't seem to return that interest to you.
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02-21-2017 , 08:27 PM
Stop being a pussy waiting for girls to text you. Basically shows you have nothing else going on, girls know/can feel this and don't like it. You don't have to play super games, but don't freak out if someone you don't really know stops texting after an hour but eventually re-responds. Before going on a date, I think over-texting is really stupid to begin with. Get them on the date to see if they are worth your time.
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02-21-2017 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by TheStuntman
My sense is that generic is irked that the girl is stopping responding mid conversation without telling him to play a game. If I were you generic, I would go with option 2. You've made it fairly clear that you're interested in getting to know her more, but she doesn't seem to return that interest to you.
Maybe I have a different idea of how texting works, but I wouldn't take someone pausing a conversation to play a game as showing disinterest. They got back to him, right? Without some specific context it just doesn't seem that offensive (to me). If anything I'd go with option 2 in a purely joking fashion. Generic, I'm not sure you have any real place to ask for her undivided attention. Again, this is texting. It doesn't sound like you've even met her.

Am I missing something?
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02-21-2017 , 09:23 PM
Let me clarify to you guys. This wasn't texting, we were using a chatting/IMing program. And 2ndly, she doesn't respond eventually once she's done for the night. I have to restart the IMing the next night when I get home from work. But maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing, as long as she's responding to my chats then everything is good? For what it's worth, I don't want to rush meeting her as I had a recent acne outbreak.
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02-21-2017 , 09:31 PM
This isn't real.
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02-21-2017 , 09:39 PM shot. Like no shot it's real, and if it happens to be, you have no shot at this working out in a way you want it to.
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02-21-2017 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by stinkypete
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02-21-2017 , 11:50 PM
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02-22-2017 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by genericaccount#1
Let me clarify to you guys. This wasn't texting, we were using a chatting/IMing program. And 2ndly, she doesn't respond eventually once she's done for the night. I have to restart the IMing the next night when I get home from work. But maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing, as long as she's responding to my chats then everything is good? For what it's worth, I don't want to rush meeting her as I had a recent acne outbreak.
Just don't be the one to restart the conversation. That'll give you a much better idea of where you're at.
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02-22-2017 , 08:48 PM
Ok I have a bartender friend thats been interested in me for a long time. We've messed around a little here and there but I just don't like her like that. She's pretty but something about her personality puts me off. I like being friends with her because we have fun drinking. She's been pressing me lately. She drunk texted me last Friday after I left the bar and asked what I would have said if she asked me to go home with her. We were all joking about drunk texting earlier in the night. I didn't know what to say do I just said be careful what you ask for.

Anyway she brings this hot friend to the bar. We chat through out the night and I'm getting this vibe that maybe she's interested. I'm kind of stuck though because I don't know how to tell my friend I'm not interested in her and then ask her friend out.

Does asking her (the girl i like not bartender) out make me look like a DB in her eyes because it hurts her friend? What's my play?

Last edited by waterwolves; 02-22-2017 at 08:59 PM.
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02-22-2017 , 08:53 PM
Who cares what she thinks, just do it. She'll want you even more.
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02-22-2017 , 08:56 PM
Meh she's a good friend. I don't want to hurt her.
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02-22-2017 , 09:10 PM
"She's pretty but something about her personality puts me off" - that sounds like someone I would want to have sex with, but not be friends with.

Anyway though, you've been honest about your intentions, so don't know why she should mind.
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02-23-2017 , 01:00 AM
Ask the bartender for "permission" to go after her friend. You're not really asking of course but it will give you the chance to tell her your not into her and at the same time you won't come across as insensitive to the girl you want to pursue
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02-23-2017 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
Went out with a girl for coffee today - felt like we had good chemistry and she was keen...

But she also mentioned a few guys she went out with a few times that were still in love with her (but not vice versa), including a guy she's planning on moving in with (as friends because she wants to live closer to the city and not alone)...

Originally Posted by genericaccount#1
Hey guys, long time reader first time poster.

I've been chatting with a girl for the past few days and things are flowing and she's pretty responsive, but then after about an hour or so, she stops being responsive. I asked her last night why and she says she was playing League. I knew she was a gamer but I found this to be a bit annoying, a little heads up would be nice. So now I'm wondering what I should do about this. I'm thinking either option 1: talk to her about in the lines of hey, I really enjoy chatting with you and I understand the need for gaming, but I'd really appreciate an hour of your time to chat and then you can play League. Or option 2: Basically stop talking to her as it seems she's not very interested in me and if she chats me up and ask how I've been and/or why I haven't chatted with her say something like I didn't want to disturb you from League. Any other suggestions/recommendations?
never do something like 1. 2, yes stop talking to her as much, no dont say that you'll come across like a butthurt bitch

Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
Try to wean yourself off of caring about her response times and you'll reduce your anxiety by a lot.
always display abundance mentality.

i think many of you would benefit tremendously by picking up a copy of the rational male. and of course reading r/TheRedPill/ ...
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02-23-2017 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
i think many of you would benefit tremendously by picking up a copy of the rational male. and of course reading r/TheRedPill/ ...
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02-23-2017 , 09:20 AM
lol yeah we'll get right on that. Don't forget your tophat to peacock with bro.
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