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11-15-2015 , 12:35 PM
75k isn't bad money especially for a young person, it's just funny that it was mentioned in a first date post.
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11-15-2015 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by capone0
75k isn't bad money especially for a young person, it's just funny that it was mentioned in a first date post in a predominantly male forum.
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11-15-2015 , 01:14 PM
I once dated a girl with hearing aids. It did become a little annoying having to turn the TV way up or having to escalate the voice when she wasn't wearing the aids. She was a sweet girl but I ended it after a month or so.

She did not go to a top tier school or make $75k each year.
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11-15-2015 , 01:21 PM
I'm glad to see she didn't sleep with you because she's not a skank.

Healthy view of sex.
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11-15-2015 , 02:34 PM
speech impediments, tourettes, narcolepsy, etc. can be pretty cute on a cute enough girl
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11-15-2015 , 02:39 PM
Also, just to be completely clear. I do not make $75k/year. I was annoyed that $75k was viewed as a golden ticket. It's good money yes, but it's not life changing in big cities.
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11-15-2015 , 03:05 PM
There should a law similar to Godwin's for LIFE CHANGING MONEY.
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11-16-2015 , 12:45 AM
So on the topic of women and careers, I'm thinking of breaking up with my girlfriend. Call me misogynistic, but I don't want my long term significant other/ potential wife to have a corporate or office job. Pretty much I want an artistic, feminine woman who's free spirited and not at all drawn to corporate life. Most women I'm drawn to as long term prospects are fine arts majors.

And while at first I thought she fit those bills, she's now doing design work for a corporation, basically devoid of any artistic side. I feel like working in corporate America is defeminizing, and I'm growing less attracted to her because of it.
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11-16-2015 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
So on the topic of women and careers, I'm thinking of breaking up with my girlfriend. Call me misogynistic, but I don't want my long term significant other/ potential wife to have a corporate or office job. Pretty much I want an artistic, feminine woman who's free spirited and not at all drawn to corporate life. Most women I'm drawn to as long term prospects are fine arts majors.

And while at first I thought she fit those bills, she's now doing design work for a corporation, basically devoid of any artistic side. I feel like working in corporate America is defeminizing, and I'm growing less attracted to her because of it.
Really dude,you need to change that mindset.
It's not her job,it's her.

Or it's you.

Beware of "free spirits".

They usually party too much and screw more than you.

Cool at 25.

Not at 35 and your wife.
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11-16-2015 , 01:11 AM
so long as she's not a sociology major
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11-16-2015 , 01:18 AM
Call me misogynistic
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11-16-2015 , 01:21 AM
It almost sounds like wu is a 22 year old

O wait
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11-16-2015 , 01:30 AM
23 and a QUARTER bro
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11-16-2015 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
So on the topic of women and careers, I'm thinking of breaking up with my girlfriend. Call me misogynistic, but I don't want my long term significant other/ potential wife to have a corporate or office job. Pretty much I want an artistic, feminine woman who's free spirited and not at all drawn to corporate life. Most women I'm drawn to as long term prospects are fine arts majors.

And while at first I thought she fit those bills, she's now doing design work for a corporation, basically devoid of any artistic side. I feel like working in corporate America is defeminizing, and I'm growing less attracted to her because of it.
Yea much better to be with a broke girl who paints **** nobody wants
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11-16-2015 , 06:56 AM
This lady channels spirits, check out the vid, thanks Plenty Of Fish, lmao:
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11-16-2015 , 12:18 PM
wu, if you wanna break up with your girlfriend, by all means go ahead, but dont kid yourself that youre doing it because you have a deep understanding of what you want or what you want your partners career aspirations to be, you are 100% doing it because you want to sleep with other women. just be honest with yourself and with her.
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11-16-2015 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
So on the topic of women and careers, I'm thinking of breaking up with my girlfriend. Call me misogynistic, but I don't want my long term significant other/ potential wife to have a corporate or office job. Pretty much I want an artistic, feminine woman who's free spirited and not at all drawn to corporate life. Most women I'm drawn to as long term prospects are fine arts majors.

And while at first I thought she fit those bills, she's now doing design work for a corporation, basically devoid of any artistic side. I feel like working in corporate America is defeminizing, and I'm growing less attracted to her because of it.
Why GOD, why? LOL *smh*

Sent from my Mi 4i using 2+2 Forums
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11-16-2015 , 12:56 PM
Wu, do everyone a favor and pledge not to even think about getting married until you are at least 30.
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11-16-2015 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Rei Ayanami
That was my thought too. wu, misogynistic? noooooo
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11-16-2015 , 03:03 PM
Wu do you really think you're smart enough to be coming up with any kind of profound truths re: gender? fulfilment? careers? Focus on the party, bruh.

Teenagers stop ragging on "corporate" work once they have their own ****ing bills to pay. The fact that she's design-oriented and actually snagged a job is great. You sound like a cro magnon.
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11-16-2015 , 03:24 PM
Need some advice on how to best play this situation. I'm 30 years old and single. Was in a 1.5 year relationship that ended a few months ago and I've started dating again. I'm past the hook-up phase and am looking for relationships at this point but I'm not in any rush.

I ended up matching with a girl online who coincidentally lives on my apartment floor. We went on our 1st date a couple of weeks ago. The conversation went okay; she has a nice personality but I tend to like funny/quirky girls at this point, which I wouldn't characterize her as. Physically, she's decent but at the low-end my range. We walked home together and she gave me a hug (no room for a kiss), which I was fine with. I ended up texting her the next day with a "let's be friends" message. It was a function of: 1. her just getting out of a long-term relationship (I've had issues with this in the past); and 2. her being my neighbor (the biggest issue and real reason).

Me, the simpleton that I am, gets home drunk one night and I decide to text her (a joke about her car). This ends up turning into us getting drinks as friends later in the week. That "date" was this past Friday and it went fairly well. We both had a lot to drink and on the walk home I say to her, "what's up with that awkward hug you gave me after the 1st date?" She mentioned that she didn't think I was interested based on how far away I was walking from her. So I just grab her there and make-out with her. One thing leads to another and we end up having sex. Just kidding...I'm not THAT stupid. So I end up back at her place to see her dog. We end up doing some aggressive kissing at her place with heavy petting, but ultimately stop when she says "I thought we were just being friends...we would need to go on a 3rd date before doing anything more than what we're doing". As I leave she says "and by the way, I'm not going to have sex after a 3rd date", to which I replied: "don't worry, I don't have sex until after the 6th date anyway, so you're just going to have to be patient."

I felt like such a boss...then I woke up the next morning. Deep down, I know that it is very unlikely that I would seriously date her (I'm pretty picky and would prefer someone with a better personality match for me). That being said, she's still cool and it would be pretty convenient if we could have some fun together. My question: is it better to just avoid any further complications and tell her (one more, hopefully final time) that I think friends makes most sense since we're neighbors. Or, can I somehow go out with her again and convey to her that, while I think a long-term relationship is off the table (I would tell her that us being neighbors and fact that she just got out of a relationship are my concerns), I'd be fine with us continuing to date/go out with others as well?

I'd prefer the latter as long as it doesn't snowball into a bigger **** show down the road. If that's 100% inevitably, I'd just end it now.

Last edited by rynosaurus; 11-16-2015 at 03:31 PM.
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11-16-2015 , 03:39 PM
don't know why i read that

obviously her living in your apartment is only a problem because it's not as easy to pump and dump her, so don't bring that up (or i assume that's how she'll interpret it)

just ignore her for a while

or tell her you're not looking for anything serious

don't mention the neighbor thing tho, lol
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11-16-2015 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by movieman2g
wu, if you wanna break up with your girlfriend, by all means go ahead, but dont kid yourself that youre doing it because you have a deep understanding of what you want or what you want your partners career aspirations to be, you are 100% doing it because you want to sleep with other women. just be honest with yourself and with her.
There's a decent % of dudes who don't want their girl to be more than a "feminine" career like grade school teacher or a nurse. Definitely a mysogenist view though.

Thread could use a single wu for entertainment value. Especially since I may be going off the market soon...
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11-16-2015 , 04:09 PM
are you allowed to have any view of what you want a woman to be like without it being misogynistic?

what if you think school teachers and nurses tend to be nicer, better people than those who work in business?
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11-16-2015 , 04:15 PM
also wu discribed like a hipster feminist woman, not some school teacher type thing
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