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****Marching into madness**** LC thread ****Marching into madness**** LC thread

03-09-2017 , 07:35 PM
Due to a new job, I'm trying to set up an HSA for the first time. My bank would charge fees for balance under $5k, tried on online bank that couldn't figure their website out, someone told me Key Bank (located in OH) had no fees.

I applied online, and got to a form with one field, among others, asking for an account code. The little explainer said that if I didn't have one already to leave the field blank. I did, form invalid because I left that field blank. Aggravating.

They had chat help, so the worthless rep looked into it, and asked me to save the application, clear cookies, retry. I did, and at this point had entered my SSN, address, security questions, everything. I am not the swiftest bulb, and upon doing that the chat window said the rep had left. I guess that was the cookies, but no idea really.

I'm pretty pissed at this point. The saved application had the same problem, wanted me to populate a field it told me to leave blank. Chat either hung up on me or told me to do something with that result. Glancing at email, I saw the email generated when I saved the application. It said they noticed I hadn't had a chance to finish and please come back! I clicked that, and it took me back to the very first question, where it asked my zip code. Except now it said there was an error, and services weren't available in my zip code.

To summarize, they asked me for all of my personal info, including SSN and address - yes, ZIP CODE - asked me security questions, then a company representative told me to save all of that to their system, and now it appears they don't offer me any services. Oh, and no immediately obvious way to delete the saved application.

I am livid.
03-09-2017 , 07:49 PM
Did you at any point call someone? I would imagine setting up an HSA purely online could be a pain in the ass.
03-09-2017 , 07:53 PM
On the phone now getting shuffled through CS reps.

The whole point of online application is so I don't have to talk to anyone!
03-09-2017 , 07:57 PM
Was told it's past 6PM, nobody can help Asked to be escalated. Now they just asked my SSN again. Told them no way, but that I'd give them the application ID everything was saved under.

"No, we need your social to identify you."

"I don't have any accounts with you. How is my social going to help more than the application ID?"

"It's a standard request, we need to identify you."


"OK hold."
03-09-2017 , 08:04 PM
Supervisor time!

"Sir, that information isn't saved if you don't complete the application."

"But I can click the link in the email, enter a zip code with a Key Bank branch in it, and then it continues and repopulates all of my information."

"Sir, it won't be saved, it'll be deleted."

"If you're saying it isn't saved, I don't understand what the 'Save Application and Finish Later' feature is. If you're saying that it is saved, that's EXACTLY MY POINT."

"I just do online blah blah, I'd have to transfer you."
03-09-2017 , 08:08 PM
eh, RDH, let it go and find another bank. Somebody more nefarious than that bank has probably already stolen your SS from somewhere else. It's 2017, none of our info is private.
03-09-2017 , 08:09 PM
On hold for roughly 120s. Supervisor:

"I just, uhhh, talked to that department, they, uhh, say it is saved. But temporary. But they couldn't tell me how long. But I can assure you it's safe."

"You're saying to me that it can be there for some indeterminate amount of time and you can assure me you won't be hacked or compromised? Come on, man, of course you can't say that."

Thanks for putting up with venting, I am flashing-lights tilted right now. Ideally it's a 24-hour expiration or whatever on that data, but I'm so pissed. How the first field is zip code and then it proceeds to ask for SSN even if an invalid zip code is entered is either utter incompetence or phishing.
03-09-2017 , 08:10 PM
I know, I know. But you can believe I've got this all documented and if there's a Key Bank data breach and I'm in it, I'm finding Saul Goodman and we're going to town.

I'm going to drink beer now and watch some college hoops, thanks for the patience.
03-09-2017 , 09:11 PM
Geez I thought I got upset over nothing too much...
03-09-2017 , 09:30 PM
OOT Fake Lawyers -

This guy started a fire in his pants on purpose, right?
03-09-2017 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by RunDownHouse.
Supervisor time!

"Sir, that information isn't saved if you don't complete the application."

"But I can click the link in the email, enter a zip code with a Key Bank branch in it, and then it continues and repopulates all of my information."

"Sir, it won't be saved, it'll be deleted."

"If you're saying it isn't saved, I don't understand what the 'Save Application and Finish Later' feature is. If you're saying that it is saved, that's EXACTLY MY POINT."

"I just do online blah blah, I'd have to transfer you."
Lol it's called cookies.

I'd bet you almost anything that your information is stored locally and even if it ended up on some database somewhere and was actually able to be retrieved, the chances of it actually causing you harm are probably about the same as getting attacked by a shark and hit by lightning on the same day

Last edited by jmakin; 03-09-2017 at 09:49 PM.
03-09-2017 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
OOT Fake Lawyers -

This guy started a fire in his pants on purpose, right?
03-10-2017 , 01:28 AM
I was playing some flash-based 8-ball game. I am not a good pool player. I am probably the only person on the planet who is better on a physical pool table than in a computer game with an aiming line lol.
03-10-2017 , 01:51 AM
Yahoo pool was great.
03-10-2017 , 10:31 AM
On the subject of possible overreactions:

Driving home last night. Los Angeles traffic is no joke. Anyway, I'm in the home stretch, about 50 minutes into my 65-minute commute, on my last freeway which is actually relatively clear. I'm in the left lane behind some yutz who is driving 50, then 70, then 60, then 50, then 60 etc etc etc (speed limit is 65). There's eventually an opening in the second lane so I pass him on the right and look over at him. He's driving with his elbows, FaceTiming with somebody. At the moment I look over, in fact, he's got his phone in one hand and with his other he's doing that thing where one puts one's fingers in a V over one's mouth and frantically licks between them, simulating cunnilingus.

My nerves were already a little frayed at this point, but I started leaning on the horn. When he finally looked over I gave him the international pantomime for "PUT YOUR ****ING PHONE DOWN YOU ****ING MORON JESUS CHRIST". He had some choice pantomimes for me as well, and then we went on our separate paths.

The end.
03-10-2017 , 10:47 AM
I almost never look at other drivers when I'm driving. Literally less than daily. And it seems whenever I do they're almost always looking back at me. What a ****ed up thing.

I'm the least road rage-iest frequent driver imaginable, and I think it's because I do not personify the other vehicles.
03-10-2017 , 12:28 PM
I don't road rage but then again i don't have to commute in LA traffic
03-10-2017 , 01:10 PM
LFS: amusing.

I witnessed a road rage close call yesterday. I heard a honk behind me and it was clear that a blue Honda was pissed off at a BMW 5 series. They both passed me on a wide road with two lanes in each direction. At the next stoplight, the blue car drove around the BMW on the shoulder, pulled perpendicularly in front of him, the got out of his car.

I pulled out my phone and started to dial 911 as the light turned green and I drove by; the blue car driver was approaching the driver's window of the BMW. The BMW backed up and drove around the blue car to its right. Blue driver got back into his car. I drove up next to the BMW; he driver was a clean-cut dude in a suit who looked pretty calm. The blue car jammed his accelerator and got about two inches off the tail of the BMW; I stayed in place pacing the BMW so the blue car could not get by.

Blue car then took the right shoulder, got in front of the BMW, and jammed his brakes on. I saw it coming and accelerated my car to get out of the way; the BMW dropped into my lane and came in behind me. The blue car then gave up and took the next right turn off of the road.

I didn't have a plate on the blue car, so I told 911 that I'd seen a developing rage incident hat appeared to have resolved without violence.

End of story. No great shakes,really, but it was somewhat close to an actual violent confrontation.
03-10-2017 , 01:18 PM
I'm sure the BMW driver was completely innocent and not driving like an entitled toolbag at all.
03-10-2017 , 01:25 PM
He may well have cut off the blue car in an entitled BMW sort of way. But the blue honda's reaction was both unhinged and dangerous.
03-10-2017 , 01:27 PM
he probably hadn't had a cigerett in a day or two and felt like his brain was being squeezed
03-10-2017 , 01:30 PM
Where is that micromeme coming from? It must be MLYLT-related in some way, but I missed the premise. Probably a good thing.
03-10-2017 , 01:31 PM
I'm not at liberty to discuss the source or I may get an angry, entitled PM.
03-10-2017 , 01:34 PM
The premise that people think it's okay to make fun of her dyslexia that leads to misspellings such as cigeret, potatoe and citanal.
03-10-2017 , 01:39 PM
It will all be better this weekend...for her anyway.
