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irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker

01-13-2013 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by blehhhx
but i know that hope is totally delusional and has an extremely small chance of happening.
Make that zero. Time to move on.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-13-2013 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by blehhhx
man **** that ****. you know what's one of the worst emotions i'm feeling right now? The slightest sense of hope that i could be with her and we could be together and thinking about how ecstatic that would be. but i know that hope is totally delusional and has an extremely small chance of happening.

it's getting so much worse because i spent this whole morning just laying in bed for 4 hours thinking about her. Thinking about our past interactions, thinking about what i'm going to say in our future interactions, thinking about making her laugh... it's getting bad.

this isn't me being horny, i'm full on in love with her but i don't want to be..
This is completely ****ed bro and sounds borderline psycho

This entire thing reads like some pussy who just needs to get laid. You got serious issues, primarily this dream that entails this girl who has expressed no such interest in you. It will never happen. Get used to it and move on. You will never be together, ever.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-13-2013 , 07:01 PM
How on earth can you completely cold shoulder a person when they say Hi, as in completely ignoring them like the OP said

I cant imagine a single situation on earth that would make this possible (unless you're skyler white)

She probably thinks you're a flipping nutcase and needs another nutcase to bounce her nutcase personality off.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-13-2013 , 07:05 PM
Lol, not to pile on, but seriously dude, what you're feeling isn't love. I'm not sure it's even limerance, just get help. Cutting off all contact might actuallybe a good thing.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-13-2013 , 10:05 PM
i took a bunch of oxycodone right now, leftover pills from when i had a surgery a year ago, and i feel really good and don't care about her. i'm loving life.

So at least now I learned that maybe if I could find happiness in my life, i won't be so caught up about her. I just need to find a way to feel like this without drugs.

80% of the posts in this thread are about how crazy i am. I guess that's understandable. I know it too. please just understand that i can't control the way I feel. These are the cards that I'm dealt. I didn't ask to feel like an obsessive freak over this girl, in fact i desperately want those feelings to go away.

thank you for taking the time to give me advice, to anyone who tried to really give them. i love you.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-13-2013 , 10:06 PM
everyone deserves to be happy right? i just want to be happy too. please don't judge me for that i don't deserve that.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-13-2013 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by blehhhx
So at least now I learned that maybe if I could find happiness in my life
You can, and you deserve to

please just understand that i can't control the way I feel.
yes, you can to a certain extent. This "love" thing you think you're feeling isn't real. That is a two-way street and the girl in question is not reciprocating

These are the cards that I'm dealt. I didn't ask to feel like an obsessive freak over this girl, in fact i desperately want those feelings to go away.
Actually, this is the hand you dealt yourself. Most of this is your own mind playing tricks on you. The best thing you can do moving forward is to realize what can't be and become fine with that. You will find someone in the future, just look outside of work in the hope to avoid this exact scenario all over again.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-13-2013 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by blehhhx
i took a bunch of oxycodone right now, leftover pills from when i had a surgery a year ago, and i feel really good and don't care about her. i'm loving life.
OP self medicates to control how he feels. Acknowledges that it works.

Originally Posted by blehhhx
So at least now I learned that maybe if I could find happiness in my life, i won't be so caught up about her. I just need to find a way to feel like this without drugs.
OP discusses behavioral changes and how they would impact how he feels, without self medicating.

Originally Posted by blehhhx
80% of the posts in this thread are about how crazy i am. I guess that's understandable. I know it too. please just understand that i can't control the way I feel. These are the cards that I'm dealt. I didn't ask to feel like an obsessive freak over this girl, in fact i desperately want those feelings to go away.
OP claims he can't control how he feels. Right after providing a proof that he can, as well as an additional acknowledgment that a second method would work as well.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-13-2013 , 10:44 PM
You just don't understand blehnx

The woman of my dreams, she
She never came along
The woman of my dreams, well
There never was one
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-13-2013 , 10:49 PM

I understand your thought process, but it's a destructive one. Drugs aren't the answer, as you yourself have stated. The kind of "feel good" euphoria isn't real though and it's just masking your deeper issues. Feeling that without drugs will likely take a lot of therapy and good exercise and diet habits.

I was on painkillers for four years, and while they did help my physical and mental pain, they turned me into a miserable shell of a person. now I am over a year off the pills, a year into Cognitive behavioral therapy, have a great girl, exercise every day and all around feel fantastic. Therapy started all of this and it really changed my life. If you have access to it, I highly recommend it. Results will be hardly noticeable foot a while, but it gets better.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-14-2013 , 05:06 PM
OP please be under 18.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-14-2013 , 09:08 PM
Dude, you need to relax and enjoy being single while you can.
Also use this experience to learn some valuable lessons.
First, chicks in their 20's never date younger then themselves unless it's <year or something. 6 years is not going to happen.
Also, she has kids, and not to stereotype but flirty woman with BF issues and kids is a unstable mess. You do not want to get involved with someone like this ever. Your penis might disagree but your wallet/sanity will agree. Be thankful she rejected you.

In fact, you can use this opportunity to practise your flirting. Flirt with her constantly but don't pursue it further then that. Just for fun and to pass time at work.

Also, yeah, don't crap where you eat.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-14-2013 , 09:41 PM
i have a dead end job and i should be looking for a job elsewhere but sometimes I think the only reason i want to stay there for 5+ years is so when she's in her mid thirties i'll have a chance of getting with her... it's so ****ing pathetic.

listen, i feel high on life after a good conversation with her, but this is followed by extreme sadness when i realize that i don't have a chance with her and she's going to go home that night to **** her boyfriend. So i don't know if i can talk to her.

Well my goal right now is just to fall for someone else. That's what I need to get over her, right?
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-14-2013 , 09:45 PM
Just relax a bit
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-14-2013 , 10:00 PM
How old r u? Do u still have ur vcard? It's nbd if u r. You come off very irrational, and like 17 years old imo. If all you did was work with this girl and she flirted with you it seems dumb of u to take it so seriously.

Taking oxy for relief is step 1 to ruining ur life. Have a few beers or some bananas if you have to unwind. Also go make friends or get a hobby cause you obv need more on your mind if your this hung up on a chick u didn't even hook up with.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-14-2013 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by blehhhx
the only reason i want to stay there for 5+ years is so when she's in her mid thirties i'll have a chance of getting with her...
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-14-2013 , 10:26 PM
This thread is ****ing pathetic. OP, drink some cement and harden the **** up. This is getting into psychological disorder territory. Your attitude is unhealthy to say the least.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-14-2013 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by Wakko
This thread is ****ing pathetic. OP, drink some cement and harden the **** up. This is getting into psychological disorder territory. Your attitude is unhealthy to say the least.
**** man, you think i don't know that? you think im not completely conscious of what a total b itch and loser i'm being by being so in love with her? it's killing my self worth that one person is able to make me feel this way when i didn't even go on a single date with her.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-14-2013 , 10:41 PM
then either ask her out or forget about her. obviously there are only two options, unless "wallowing in self pity forever" is an option I hadn't considered.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-15-2013 , 10:37 AM
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-15-2013 , 11:01 AM
Doubt this thread is real.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-15-2013 , 04:08 PM
i choose forget about her, but i'm having some difficulties.

And what would you call these emotions i'm feeling, then, if not love? because they're extremely intense and obsessive.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-15-2013 , 04:23 PM
Ding ding ding!

Now just convince her that you've forgotten about her, and soon you'll have her!
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-15-2013 , 04:31 PM
Nvm this is useless, enjoy forever alone
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
01-15-2013 , 04:47 PM
@op, it must be really hard being a bitch.
irrational feelings of resentment, jealousy, anger, hatred, love towards my coworker Quote
