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I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything

03-16-2015 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by elliott0311
Well you could've fooled me.

I really don't care what happens after the beheadings, hotels filled with room after room of women being raped and children being sold into stops. Do not give one ****, zero ****s.
What if you replace one group of backwards people with an even worse group (kind of like what happened the first time you went and raised hell)?

Eternal employment raising hell, I suppose, and as long as it keeps you out of the US, the better, I suppose.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by abc1234
just want to point out if he is fighting with the kurds, he will not be fighting along assad's men. completely different groups.

also, you make a lot off generalizations based of isolated incidents
I know that they're completely different groups. Where did I say that he will be "fighting along assad's men"?
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 12:29 PM

GreenMagi and TomCollins please take a break from this thread before I break out the banstick.

elliot, settle down with the name calling.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit

GreenMagi and TomCollins please take a break from this thread before I break out the banstick.

elliot, settle down with the name calling.
I will take a break
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 12:53 PM
I leave the apartment for 30 minutes and this happens...

sorry 27, I'll tone it down.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by TheGreenMagi
I know that they're completely different groups. Where did I say that he will be "fighting along assad's men"?
Originally Posted by TheGreenMagi
You know those ISIS guys you'll be fighting... they've got US weapons that they were given to fight against Assad in Syria. The guys that you'll be fighting alongside, how do you know that they won't be the "terrorists" in a few years from now?
You didn't, but the way those two sentences were positioned next to one another sounds as though you were inferring such.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
What if you replace one group of backwards people with an even worse group (kind of like what happened the first time you went and raised hell)?

Eternal employment raising hell, I suppose, and as long as it keeps you out of the US, the better, I suppose.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by elliott0311
5. No, I was NOT convicted of that. I plead not guilty. She literally said "I have a confession...he's not just my fiance" while laying in bed, post-coitus.
how did it go from that to getting busted for it? Did he come home and catch you? Did she tell him? Did you keep ****ing her?

would knowing she was married have really mattered?
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 02:33 PM
Are your items on sale on eBay yet? I could use a new zippo.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 02:41 PM
OP, assuming you're serious - forget the Lions. Get your resume brushed up and start emailing Private Military companies.

These guys are making $400 cash/day, while fighting Boko Haram (who've just allied themselves with ISIS):


Not sure what affect your discipline troubles in the military will have on joining them, but you'd be making a big mistake blindly joining up with some guys who'll pick you up at the airport, give you a gun and drive you up to the frontline. Even if you are a super-soldier, the lack of any screening process means the guy you're counting on for cover is probably not.


Whatever you do, if you do decide to go through with it, take alot of notes/keep a journal - assuming the story is interesting and you do survive, there could be a damn good book deal at the end of it all.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
how did it go from that to getting busted for it? Did he come home and catch you? Did she tell him? Did you keep ****ing her?

would knowing she was married have really mattered?
I am confused about how the Marines find out about your adultery?

You slept with your ex-wife after she remarried. Is adultery really a crime? Whole lot of folks, military and civilian are breaking the law then.

So seriously. how does this get on your record?


Adultery remains a criminal offense in 21 states, although prosecutions are rare. Massachusetts, Idaho, Oklahoma, Michigan, and Wisconsin consider adultery a felony, while in the other states it is a misdemeanor. It is a Class B misdemeanor in New York and Utah, and a Class I felony in Wisconsin. Penalties vary from a $10 fine (Maryland) to life sentence (Michigan). In South Carolina, the fine for adultery is up to $500 and/or imprisonment for no more than one year [South Carolina code 16-15-60], and South Carolina divorce laws deny alimony to the adulterous spouse.

Last edited by StoneColdTex; 03-16-2015 at 03:04 PM. Reason: Wiki
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 03:00 PM
Huge respect for you OP. I have cousins who fight against the isis animals every day, they fight for SAA, im being sent pictures daily about their life and its definetly rly bad down there.

Good luck man.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 03:05 PM
Elliott seems content with being used as a tool by a political regime once again.

I guess it's a good excuse to kill people. But countless things could go wrong in the process.

There are safer and more profitable ways to fight the good fight. People have already suggested them and they should be considered and looked into first.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by StoneColdTex
You slept with your ex-wife after she remarried. Is adultery really a crime?
Yes, it is. Prosecuted under Article 134 of the UCMJ.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by StoneColdTex
I am confused about how the Marines find out about your adultery?

You slept with your ex-wife after she remarried. Is adultery really a crime? Whole lot of folks, military and civilian are breaking the law then.

So seriously. how does this get on your record?


Adultery remains a criminal offense in 21 states, although prosecutions are rare. Massachusetts, Idaho, Oklahoma, Michigan, and Wisconsin consider adultery a felony, while in the other states it is a misdemeanor. It is a Class B misdemeanor in New York and Utah, and a Class I felony in Wisconsin. Penalties vary from a $10 fine (Maryland) to life sentence (Michigan). In South Carolina, the fine for adultery is up to $500 and/or imprisonment for no more than one year [South Carolina code 16-15-60], and South Carolina divorce laws deny alimony to the adulterous spouse.
Adultery in the military is a serious offense.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 04:00 PM
I was in the Air Force and they were more strict than other branches, but we were told if we were caught performing sodomy or oral sex on anyone even your spouse, it would violate this statute. It gives them a pretty wide birth to determine your guilt. I mean if she told anyone and the told the military, that would pretty much do him in.

Sent from my SM-G900P using 2+2 Forums
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 04:10 PM
what the ****ing ****
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by pokeraz
Adultery in the military is a serious offense.
Huh, interesting... So even if it is in a state where it isn't a crime? It is still a crime in the eyes of the military?
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by StoneColdTex
Huh, interesting... So even if it is in a state where it isn't a crime? It is still a crime in the eyes of the military?
Yeah adultery is a big deal within the military.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by StoneColdTex
Huh, interesting... So even if it is in a state where it isn't a crime? It is still a crime in the eyes of the military?
The military follows the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) which is federal law. And adultery is a criminal offense under the UCMJ.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 04:50 PM
How old were you when you married? How long were you married?

You should have some idea of how to leave. Even if it sounds good to you now, and you believe you want to stay there until ISIS is defeated (whatever that means) that doesn't mean you won't want to go home after 2 months. You say that it's going to take all your money to go there. They don't pay you. How would you get home if you decide you hate it?
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 04:53 PM
would they actually let you leave? Like "yeah alright this was good but I miss Hot Pockets and Game Of Thrones is starting sooooooo......"
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:10 PM
Pics of ex wife which resulted in adultery charge ? (Will help the thread gauge your judgement / risk reward capabilities)
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:48 PM
So wait soldiers aren't allowed to **** anybody outside of vaginal intercourse?
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
Elliott seems content with being used as a tool by a political regime once again.

I guess it's a good excuse to kill people.
Hot ****ing take bro
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
