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I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything

03-18-2015 , 07:02 PM
Nab - please stop ruining the thread.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-18-2015 , 07:23 PM
Go to Donetsk instead, the vodka is better.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-18-2015 , 07:35 PM
Fighting in the ME can be tough...

I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-18-2015 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by nab76
It would be one thing to risk retaliation by sending in a few thousand marines to aid the Kurds, but to risk raising the odds of a US attack by even 1% just to have a few dozen guys spread throughout the Kurdish forces, is completely irresponsible.
there are thousands of US troops aiding the Kurds. right now.

consider how terrified were you in 2003 of Saddam planting a nuclear bomb in your garden while you were asleep. learn a lesson from that. ISIS is not on its way to the heartland.

if you're interested in the topic start by seeking information.

Last edited by DrawNone; 03-18-2015 at 08:52 PM.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-18-2015 , 09:10 PM
OP, I understand what it feels like to feel alienated and thinking that back in the fight is where you belong. This is something that good counselors deal with frequently and their advice could be of benefit to you almost certainly. Have you talked to one?
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-19-2015 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by There Is A Light
Go to Donetsk instead, the vodka is better.
Hey, here's an idea. there's westerners fighting with the Ukrainian forces as well. I can't link youtube, but look up Russian Roulette from Vice News OP. There's some interviews with Americans fighting there.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-19-2015 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by StoneColdTex
So, Elliott...

Are you going to have anyway to stay in touch with folks back here?

Are you taking a tablet or phone with you? I have to beleive that somewhere behind the lines there is cellular infrastructure?

Where exactly are the LoR fighting? Any particular town or front that they are focused on? Where are they based when not on the front lines? Is it back in Turkey? Or Syria?

Have you read this article? I am sure you probably have, but others might find it interesting.
Don't know for sure, but assuming I won't have internet connection. I have a SOLIS solar charger that I had with me in Afghanistan, need to see if there's an adapter I can use for my laptop. If not, I'll have an Ipod or something to keep me sane. If there's wifi or something I'll check in with you guys.

Originally Posted by El Diablo

How often does that keep you from having sex?
LMAO. I like to be pornstar status on these ladies.

Originally Posted by GutZ
Good Luck Elliot.
Thanks bro

Originally Posted by ChaseNutley26

Make sure to keep one zippo so you can pour gas on one of those acid blasters and go all yippee ki yay on that mother ****er.
Hellllllllll yeah, just gotta find which one...

Originally Posted by #Thinman
does this mean you are keeping the zippo's?
No, selling all but one.

Originally Posted by El Diablo

Congrats on the $$$$. I hope you are able to find some Internet access from the Middle East!
Thanks bro.

Originally Posted by losing all2
If no internet just send us an ear every few weeks so we know you're alive and still freeing these mfers.
****in 'rah.

Originally Posted by Minimalist
In what culture do fathers buy their infant sons jewelry?
Maybe I used the wrong term. There were no jewels. My dad bought me a gold bracelet and necklace when we lived in Saudi.

Originally Posted by PoundingTheUnder
don't you know that the saudi's have spent 100b spreading wahhabism through the ME? to put that in perspective, USSR spent a fraction spreading communism.

if you are going to put your life on the line, i'd suggest having a better understanding of WFT is going on
All I know is that Saudi's were fine with Christians, American's whatever living among them in the 1990's (I was born there). So they are an ally. **** you?

Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
you can tell elliott's a good soldier cause he doesn't ask questions, he just wants to go out and DO. he's begging for someone to command him to kill people so much so that he's soliciting strangers on facebook.
Way to avoid the question. What have you done to benefit others? I'm ashamed right now. Asians don't stick togeher? I'm half Filipino. Go die.

Originally Posted by Minimalist
Thinking about it further, it seems like it might be a guido thing. OP, are you a guido?

Originally Posted by spike420211
<sigh>, the world has changed so much.
When I was in the Air Force [1977-1982], I certainly didn't have the intention of dying for my country [I was a C-130 mechanic. Obtained mad skillz I would use thruout my adult life.]

However, the rabbit hole goes very, very deep...
About the time I was in Basic @ Lackland [1977], there were chitloads of young guys they were bringing over from Saudi Arabia and [pre-Ayatollah] Iran.
They gave them a year of Engrish, then put them thru their own basic training.
The outfits they were assigned to were known as the Royal Saudi Air Force and the Royal Iranian Air Force. I can also tell you we marched by their barracks one afternoon, and I caught the pungent odor of hashish. That was just part of their strange customs LOL. I was on a 1-day layover after Basic before getting sent to Tech School @ Sheppard AFB [200 mi. north], and had a beer @ the Airman's Club. It was a Saturday, and here's all these snackbars in the club, drinking and dancing and smooching each other. I was only 19, I had never witnessed such gheyness, kinda freaked me out a little.

God speed OP. At least you know one person that understands enuf that he feels you're doing the right thing. Keep that flak jacket on tight.

[I have a couple more old Cold Warrior stories involving chemtrails, live nukes, intake plugs, drug rehab, jet fuel, really large Mekong-size rats, etc. .
Send me enuf PM's and I'll do an AMA thread in 4L... I don't think they'll let me do it here.]
Thank you sir. Glad we can relate on that mind blowing gheyness lmao

Originally Posted by loosekanen
OP, I understand what it feels like to feel alienated and thinking that back in the fight is where you belong. This is something that good counselors deal with frequently and their advice could be of benefit to you almost certainly. Have you talked to one?
Yes, but I'm not ****ed in the head more than anyone else.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-19-2015 , 09:09 PM

I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-19-2015 , 10:13 PM
All I know is that Saudi's were fine with Christians, American's whatever living among them in the 1990's (I was born there). So they are an ally. **** you?
Do some research OP.
Way to avoid the question. What have you done to benefit others? I'm ashamed right now. Asians don't stick togeher? I'm half Filipino. Go die.

Umm, no?
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-19-2015 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by elliott0311

Bottom row third from the left. Can you send me a better picture or link your eBay sale?
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-19-2015 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by Minimalist
In what culture do fathers buy their infant sons jewelry?
My best friend from when I grew up was Indian. He had jewelry from his father to buy him a wife as a dowry or whatever it's called. His family was the wealthiest family in his village in India when he was growing up. They moved to the US when he was in the 6th grade. When my buddy graduated college, his father took him back to India and used the ruby he had to barter and buy a wife as a graduation present. My buddy was 21 and came back home with a 13 year old "cousin" that was really his wife.

It's actually pretty common in Indian culture from what I gather.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-20-2015 , 12:09 AM
That's a pretty crazy story. Were you still buddies after he married a 13 y/o?
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-20-2015 , 12:10 AM
OP, can we have more details of why the Saudis are illuminati?
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-20-2015 , 12:46 AM
How much for the eagle?
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-21-2015 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
Give a shout out to 2p2 if you get on one of those beheading videos.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-22-2015 , 11:19 AM
Put in your item description that you're trying to earn airfare to go fight ISIS.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-22-2015 , 03:58 PM
Tough. If I was in the market for a new w/box 1969 moon landing zippo, I'd probably buy the one that's 50 bucks cheaper
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-22-2015 , 04:17 PM
That was posted a few days after my listing. This is what I based my sale off of:

And that one looks more scratched up than mine anyway.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-22-2015 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by BrookTrout
Put in your item description that you're trying to earn airfare to go fight ISIS.
Good idea.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-22-2015 , 07:09 PM
ISIS leaks a list of 100 Americans they want killed.

We need to make it real clear that if you put a soldiers family at risk, it will be the last thing you ever do. It's time to unleash the Marines and end these guys.

OP, I still disagree with what your doing, but if your gonna do it, give them hell.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-23-2015 , 03:35 AM
Yup, that's just outrageous, can't stay out of this any longer - they are literally threatening Americans, that's a game changer.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-23-2015 , 07:06 AM

Last edited by Yakmelk; 03-23-2015 at 07:06 AM. Reason: sarcasm detected
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-23-2015 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by tylertwo
Fighting in the ME can be tough...

Not bestiality on the.......... nah, cant make it work.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
03-23-2015 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by tylertwo
Fighting in the ME can be tough...

It's a decoy. You place it just outside the ISIS positions, and when they come out to **** it, you shoot them.
I'm Leaving to Fight ISIS in April/May Ask Me Anything Quote
