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idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses

06-27-2017 , 05:30 PM
How stupid can one be

Tell someone you love them while you tell another ***** you are leaving the person you supposedly love, yet its everyone else starting problems

You win, you've destroyed me as a being

Just cause I know all my post are public!!!! And my fans need to know this , b******** and I are still together and happy, so you and your lame asses can move on!!! Not going anywhere and dont see him going anywhere either, I think its about the y'all move on. Maybe just maybe worry about the relationships you're already in!!
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06-27-2017 , 05:47 PM
Fans? Is that Rob Schneider?
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06-27-2017 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Fans? Is that Rob Schneider?
Exhaled a little more forcefully than usual through my nostrils at this.
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06-27-2017 , 08:17 PM
That's all I was hoping for.
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06-29-2017 , 10:57 AM
Extreme Feminist Chick sees wonderwoman, shares thoughts with social media friendos on facebook:

Saw Wonder Woman today and loved it. However, it felt like Chris Pine's character was the lead and, apart from one scene, it felt very lacking in the girl power I was hoping for. Anyone agree or maybe I had an extra tough week and am extra jaded?

Last edited by rakemeplz; 06-29-2017 at 10:57 AM. Reason: havent seen the movie yet personally
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06-29-2017 , 11:03 AM
lol. Chris Pine doesn't even come into the film until 20 minutes in.
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06-29-2017 , 12:43 PM
I'll give 5:1 she didn't actually watch the movie.
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06-29-2017 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
Exhaled a little more forcefully than usual through my nostrils at this.

Exhaled a little more forcefully than usual through my nostrils at this.
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06-29-2017 , 04:21 PM
Inhaling (cocaine) a little more forcefully through my nostrils at this.
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06-29-2017 , 06:20 PM
Breadcrumbs that got me to this comment.

Coworker's wife comments on her friend's post claiming we (expressed as "your all" obv) are stupid koolaid drinkers for believing anything NASA says. She seems to be agreeing with him.>a click to his page exposes front and center that he thinks the world is flat. > viewing more posts I find one he is sharing that invites people to invest on the ground floor of a canabis oil company that won't list everything it cures because of regulations but they are flooded with testimonials>another person comments this on that product--
let me know if it can make me feel better I will have money and time on my hands to do something to help people in my circle would be great I'm already a believer just haven't got to try it
There was a ton of other incredible info I learned along the way, like the queen's gold carriage being worth 370 billion dollars and Donald Trump's illuminati connction because 70 years, 7 months and 7 days from his birthday was his inauguration, and that hitler and the royals have the same wedding anniversary.

Basically TIL I'm a sheeple even more than I could have imagined.
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06-29-2017 , 10:08 PM
stupid people gunna stupid i guess.
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06-30-2017 , 08:01 PM
So, I had one of those big, surreal life moments the other day. A young man came over to my house to ask permission to date my daughter �� Needless to say, I made the kid sweat, told him to take a seat and I'd be right with him while I took care of some things I needed to do. After making him wait for about 20 minutes or so, I then sat down and asked him what his intentions were, if he understood what the negatives to dating might be, what some legitimate Christian reasons are for dating given that dating as such does not exist in the Bible. From the look on his face, I think he thought I would reply with a simple yes or no. In the end, I told him I'm not saying no, but I'm not quite ready to say yes. I told him and my daughter to take some time to reflect on what I said, talk it out between them, discern the Lord's will in prayer, and come back to me with an answer. I said we would just take it from there. He actually seems like a really great Christian kid though, I didn't even feel it was necessary to clean my 10mm Glock in front of him Can't believe I'm doing this, where does the time go?! But I can say I wouldn't want to go through any of this without the most amazing wife and mother in the world_______, love you babe!
want to comment yea, cool, now your daughter is gonna enter early adulthood resenting you (and probably god) because you're too insecure to grant this poor kid your blessing. Spoiler alert, she's gonna date him anyway, and you should be glad that it's a kid that has the balls and decency to ask you like this.
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06-30-2017 , 08:26 PM
I'd be more inclined to comment "yeah, that never happened"
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06-30-2017 , 08:51 PM
That guy sounds like the rootin'est, tootin'est, roughest, toughest (sure don't take no guffinest) god fearin', Jesus lovinist, constitutionalist, flag salutinest, straight shootin' sombitch in town!

I bet that kid has so much anal coming his way.
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06-30-2017 , 09:20 PM
The funny thing is he was porking his current wife, who was the daughter of my HS principal (and his boss), while she was still separated from her husband and not fully divorced yet.

other gems from my HS: a former teacher married a former student of his as soon as she turned 18 (like within weeks) LOL.

lul christians
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07-01-2017 , 03:23 PM
the whitest of trash
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07-01-2017 , 05:23 PM
Urggh...people like that really piss me off. The temptation to troll would be too great if I saw that on my feed.
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07-01-2017 , 07:04 PM
"I feel sorry for Trump. He is tormented...he is one of Gods children...he is not supposed to be President. He is a proud man who has issues and his reputation and pride will always be harmed because of the people who put him there. It's like ridiculing a bus driver who was hired to do brain surgery...just because the patients keep dying. Trump is not a have to be one to be able to function and bring two side together and be effective in this country called the United States. Its not Trumps fault...its the people who put him there. Why would you wish this on a fellow human. Trump was happy and proud of his life before he got this job. I feel sorry for him. I agree with very little of his ideas...but I still love him as does Jesus. All sides are lost in this world and cant see the light."

This bible-thumper doesn't seem to understand that at any given time, Trump could have not run for the office. It's not like the GOP kidnapped him and told him to be president or his entire family would die.

Or did they?
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07-01-2017 , 08:36 PM
I think it's pretty obvious that 45 loved running for president, likes being called president, but actually hates and/or doesn't understand nor try to understand the actual work of being president.
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07-02-2017 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by TheRealIABoomer
From a news article about Trump signing a law into effect. Note, this wasn't a direct post by POTUS, so the odds of him getting the message are literally zero.

How does a grown-ass adult man post this kind of drivel?
How does an adult (?) describe someone else as "grown ass", then claim intellectual high ground?
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07-02-2017 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by DarkOne
How does an adult (?) describe someone else as "grown ass", then claim intellectual high ground?

Cause he nailed the hyphen?
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07-02-2017 , 02:19 AM
At a basic level I can kind of see a vague point there.

Like, as a society America could have and should have told Clinton and Trump to **** off so long before it got to the point of no return in the giant douche vs turd sandwich battle.
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07-02-2017 , 06:35 AM
JFC there is no vague point. That person is obviously bat**** crazy.
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07-02-2017 , 06:49 AM
Lol it's easier to stay objective when you live so far away from the ****storm =)
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07-04-2017 , 03:37 PM
May we Never take our Freedom for granite, May we always remember that today July 4th in the year 1776 the Declaration of Independence was approved giving us freedom and the Right to Pursue Happiness ! Also We should Always Be Grateful to those who fight for, have fought for & are still fighting for our Freedom! God Bless America and May he Bless you and your family as well with Love and Happiness today and always! ����
The best thing about this is even though it was posted by a woman in her 50s I think I could have claimed my 4 year old wrote it without dispute.

Last edited by Johnny Truant; 07-04-2017 at 03:50 PM.
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