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idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses

01-29-2017 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
SanFran SportsFan feeling his oats after a big woyas win:

So much for the Clippers/Warriors "rivalry". Theres a lot of words that can be used to describe the continuous brutalization of a franchise but rivalry is not one of them.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-29-2017 , 03:35 PM
haha yeah he would've used gape most likely. The woyas removed their collective belts that's for sure.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-29-2017 , 04:00 PM
What the USA is this woman talking about?

Well what a great afternoon told them scumbags what we think of them and to have a police esscourt to there house you ****ing coward bastards and to top it of come a pub get blanked well duckies u will not blank me no more u both are off **** ya both and don't trust a certain person on the boughton estate he will stab u in the back just to make a buck !!!!!!
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-29-2017 , 04:11 PM
Here are the replies. They are words, but I can make little sense of them.

Bloody hell mate , who has rattled your cadge , sounds bad , hope ya ok xx

She's alrate folks just being good old nads lol x

Lol xxxxxxx on the war path , get the buggers sorted mate , but pleased ya ok , your just like me mate ya got to sort things out no good bottling things up it just makes matters worse tc xx

hi flower ya turn ya back on fbook x friendfor for everyone to see..... your choice but why air dirty washing in public to the ones who love ya wow flower. use ya head n not ya heart. xxx

ps my grandchild looks at this as shouldnt bbut she wise n can read swear words my fault but ouch to you n me xxx
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-29-2017 , 04:26 PM
I blocked conspiracy uncle, however other conspiracy guy posted this video:

It was met with responses calling her dumb, and criticizing the education system of course.

Last edited by rakemeplz; 01-29-2017 at 04:26 PM. Reason: im pretty dumb but the youtubes/fb make me feel smart sometimes
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-29-2017 , 04:55 PM
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-29-2017 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
What the USA is this woman talking about?

Well what a great afternoon told them scumbags what we think of them and to have a police esscourt to there house you ****ing coward bastards and to top it of come a pub get blanked well duckies u will not blank me no more u both are off **** ya both and don't trust a certain person on the boughton estate he will stab u in the back just to make a buck !!!!!!
I lolled.

Last edited by Yakmelk; 01-29-2017 at 06:09 PM. Reason: Then I cried
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2017 , 01:50 AM
Where in the name of our heavenly Father do those people reside!?
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2017 , 03:21 AM
somewhere in the UK i imagine given the bloody el etc, i think they call them "scavs" there
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2017 , 05:33 AM
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2017 , 05:34 AM
Originally Posted by WateryBoil
somewhere in the UK i imagine given the bloody el etc, i think they call them "scavs" there
There's a lot of regional variation with regards to naming them. Chav tends to be the most common term as the website Chavscum popularised the term.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2017 , 06:23 AM
adding "xx" to the end of messages has gotta be Brits most annoying habit.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2017 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
adding "xx" to the end of messages has gotta be Brits most annoying habit.
I take offence at that, as a Brit. That's like number 736 in the list.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2017 , 06:02 PM

Caption is something something human cloning something something...since conspiracy guy posted this he probably believes they are in fact clones.

Last edited by rakemeplz; 01-30-2017 at 06:03 PM. Reason: beebs and miley LDO
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2017 , 06:18 PM
confirmed clones
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2017 , 06:43 PM

Originally Posted by fidstar-poker

Last edited by ReasonableGuy; 01-30-2017 at 06:44 PM. Reason: Sorry bro
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2017 , 07:33 PM
Is this thread just for Facebook, or all social networks?

There's this thing called Nextdoor that's a social network for neighborhoods. Not sure if it's the same everywhere, but where I live that means it's a place for olds to be racist and fight with each other and just generally suck. Here's one from the last week:

Neighbor's- this morning I was coming home up hill when another neighbor was driving down. The trash was just emptied causing a challenge on the road. The neighbor driving downhill saw my car but kept going w/o letting me pass first & got stuck. She stopped her car & wouldn't back up (note only about a foot r so was needed for her to back up where there was plenty of room) but she refused. She got out of her car, came to me & proceeded to tell me that I didn't know how to drive because she had the right of access & for me to back up. There was a car behind me as well & I asked her to pls back her car up. She went back to her car & proceeded to take my picture & records my car. I also noticed the car behind me recording as well. Anyway, long story short we had a stand still & I ultimately back up with much difficulty. Per DMV & police I actually had the rt of way as anyone going up hill in mountain hills has the rt of passage & states the vehicle traveling down hill has better safe passage to back up & allow for the vehicle traveling up hill to pass. Just wanted to share this info should any of u experience the ridiculous behavior that I did pictures really, cussing, really, talk down, really. What is wrong w r neighborhood? This neighbor truly owes me an apology. She was so very inappropriate! I was really sad & hurt about encounter in my neighborhood where I've lived peacefully for almost 25 years. Of course, despite DMV rules, I would have easily backed up if I could have w/o having a heart-attack! By the time I arrived home I was shacking & pissed- who needs that! Rt?
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2017 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by ReasonableGuy

That's not something a reasonable guy would say.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2017 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by LFS
There's this thing called Nextdoor that's a social network for neighborhoods.
Never heard of it. but sounds like a gold mine for this thread.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2017 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by DTD
I take offence at that, as a Brit. That's like number 736 in the list.
I was being slightly facetious.

Btw, I'd like to print out that screenshot and show it to a Brit whenever they get uppity about English being "their" language and thus British English is correct.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-30-2017 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by thethethe
Never heard of it. but sounds like a gold mine for this thread.
Previous post from the nutbag that posted above. Thank God she's not an immediate neighbor, several streets over.

Hi neighbors- just wanted to share that today I awoke to the city parking police ticketing our cars & noticing to remove w/i 72-hours. I happened upon the gentlemen as I was leaving to take my kiddos to school. As previously shared, I'm very, very sick & there's a lot of construction in the surrounding homes (not at our home). Anyway, we have several new(& newish) neighbors who r remodeling & building a new house. however, my neighbor directly next door (who had recently completed a major remodel - during all hours & all weekend who has a 3-car garage they don't park use - FYI - I advocated & attended & spoke at a city hearing for the former owners to get the 3-car garage added (the previous garage is now being used as add'l livable space). Anyway, as shared this neighbor parks both their cars directly in front of our house - I mean at our front steps; & parked there as I type this. I don't get it because parking directly in front of r house isn't that convenient(???). While, I'm aware we don't own the street; generally there's a neighborly respect/curious behavior among ea other. What I'm so hurt/pissed is because only our cars were ticketed; despite many others stationary for weeks. I reached out immediately to all of my surrounding neighbors, but was unsuccessful w my direct neighbor- who was home & of whom I believe sent the city parking police. The meter police guys was very kind & shared they don't come to hill areas such as ours w/o a direct complaint from a 'neighbor' - he didn't say resident! I was in tears & felt sad. I'm venting, but would welcome any feedback on how u would handle? Obviously we r handling musical chairs of r cars as of today. I hope my neighbor is reading this post & realizes how much of an a-- they were. Why is it so hard for people to just reach out & communicate. I did reach out on several occasions w/o success & actually got a smart --- response. What concerns me is why some people just don't care about community anymore. I guess, that is really what hurts/bothers me the most. I see my neighbors as family of sorts (leaving in a community is a huge deal & peace a must! We r supposed to watch out for each other, communicate & help whenever possible to keep each other & r families safe. Thus communication directly among each other is so important- was wildlife sitings - bears, mountain lions-, robberies, child kidnapping, identity mailbox thief's, etc. This is unfortunately getting lost & our current society & is of major concern! Thanks for reading ❤️ I hope this resinates to some of u as I will definitely keep my actions in check & practice what I'm preaching. Best to u neighbors ...& thank u to all of u that has posted & communicated in effort to make our community better and safer! Hugs ❤️
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-31-2017 , 12:17 AM
That's awful. One of my favorite quotes from a submission to a Herb Caine tribute was "they used to think that a million monkeys banging away on a million typewriters would eventually recreate the entire works of Shakespeare...the internet has proven that false".
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-31-2017 , 07:53 AM
Hi neighbors- just wanted to share that today I awoke to the city parking police ticketing our cars & noticing to remove w/i 72-hours. I happened upon the gentlemen as I was leaving to take my kiddos to school. As previously shared, I'm very, very sick & there's a lot of construction in the surrounding homes (not at our home). Anyway, we have several new(& newish) neighbors who r remodeling & building a new house. however, my neighbor directly next door (who had recently completed a major remodel - during all hours & all weekend who has a 3-car garage they don't park use - FYI - I advocated & attended & spoke at a city hearing for the former owners to get the 3-car garage added (the previous garage is now being used as add'l livable space). Anyway, as shared this neighbor parks both their cars directly in front of our house - I mean at our front steps; & parked there as I type this. I don't get it because parking directly in front of r house isn't that convenient(???). While, I'm aware we don't own the street; generally there's a neighborly respect/curious behavior among ea other. What I'm so hurt/pissed is because only our cars were ticketed; despite many others stationary for weeks. I reached out immediately to all of my surrounding neighbors, but was unsuccessful w my direct neighbor- who was home & of whom I believe sent the city parking police. The meter police guys was very kind & shared they don't come to hill areas such as ours w/o a direct complaint from a 'neighbor' - he didn't say resident! I was in tears & felt sad. I'm venting, but would welcome any feedback on how u would handle? Obviously we r handling musical chairs of r cars as of today. I hope my neighbor is reading this post & realizes how much of an a-- they were. Why is it so hard for people to just reach out & communicate. I did reach out on several occasions w/o success & actually got a smart --- response. What concerns me is why some people just don't care about community anymore. I guess, that is really what hurts/bothers me the most. I see my neighbors as family of sorts (leaving in a community is a huge deal & peace a must! We r supposed to watch out for each other, communicate & help whenever possible to keep each other & r families safe. Thus communication directly among each other is so important- was wildlife sitings - bears, mountain lions-, robberies, child kidnapping, identity mailbox thief's, etc. This is unfortunately getting lost & our current society & is of major concern! Thanks for reading ❤️ I hope this resinates to some of u as I will definitely keep my actions in check & practice what I'm preaching. Best to u neighbors ...& thank u to all of u that has posted & communicated in effort to make our community better and safer! Hugs ❤️
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-31-2017 , 08:08 AM
I wholeheartedly agree RE: Nextdoor. Mine is a combination of complaining about people speeding, those pesky kids and their tomfoolery and upper middle class stay at home moms panhandling their awful MLM garbage.

Last edited by amead; 01-31-2017 at 08:09 AM. Reason: Hey look I just described Facebook minus the kid pictures and political civil war.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
01-31-2017 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by thethethe
Never heard of it. but sounds like a gold mine for this thread.
Definitely a gold mine. The comments are almost always cringeworthy.
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