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Flat Earth Fustercluck: The Merge Flat Earth Fustercluck: The Merge

05-12-2017 , 01:47 PM

I don't think you're in a great spot to talk about logical anything, you're citing YouTube nuts. I wasn't really sure whether you were a troll or an imbecile, but at some point there's not a distinction.
05-12-2017 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT

Well the science and logic is in my favor on the topic of fluoridation but go ahead and mark your bingo card.
Originally Posted by Yakmelk
Wait .. what ? What about sciencisme ? That's all fake illuminati indoctrination right ? Are you just picking and choosing what is sciencisme and what isn't ? Based on what can you tell if something is real or fake ?
Glad to see Big finally citing some actual research. After reading the two peer-reviewed articles published by a Harvard research scientist and a Harvard professor that are mentioned in that story, I believe there are risks to children’s neurodevelopment associated with fluoridation, something I wasn't aware of before.

I'm sure as soon as you start posting similar quality research about the earth being flat, I and others will come around in no time.
05-12-2017 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
Full dip**** level achieved! And you claim to be in law and you dont know that non sequitur means it does not logically follow??
Yeah, I know what it means. Only the greatest of fools would think that sailors, pilots, air traffic controllers, meteorologists and the like could do their jobs using globe assumptions if the earth was actually flat. Therefore it DOES logically follow that all of the individuals in those fields must be aware that the earth is actually flat, and thus, in on the conspiracy. Therefore, since you still hand-wave those away as "non sequiturs", you must not know what it means.
05-12-2017 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by capone0
You claim everything is fake if you can't prove we're wrong. You have no proof of it but it's just a gut feeling. Well I have gut feelings too, that you're full of ****.

At least River Fenix and his other thread was entertaining. You two are pretty pathetic.
Yeah. These two uneducated numbnuts got boring pretty quickly.

It's just random blabber and in every post they add another couple of thousand of people to this incredibly vast conspiracy.
05-12-2017 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Could be. Larry can't even spell his undertitle correctly.
confirmed moran
05-12-2017 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
Your dip**** level approaching maximum. Theyre already tons of proofs posted that people have done that prove we live on a level plane not a globe. You have ignored all of them. Why do you think this would be any different? How do you expect that person to relay the information, certainly all media outlets are compromised.
The entire internet is compromised!
05-12-2017 , 02:07 PM
Another question: On a globe, you can go "east" in a straight line. On flat earth, "east" is a circle. How in the hell do highways go in a straight line east/west without clear and obvious curvature if the earth is flat?
05-12-2017 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
Who created GPS? Why do the users of it have to be in on it?

Did you see the meteorology breakdown video, it's only two minutes that clearly show weather patterns that make sense on a plane.
Listen kid. If you'd actually studied how GPS works, you'd understand it presupposes a globe. The hardware and software would have to operate differently if it weren't.

PS, your video is wrong. Your tiny, racist, Holocaust denying brain continues to forget that there's more to the world than the people who live in Europe and North America. Weather patterns that involve the southern Hemisphere *would not work* under your schizophrenic theories.
05-12-2017 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
yeah that ****ty picture did a heck of a job convincing me otherwise that waters natural property isn't to come to a level and it also invalidates all the tests the flat earthers have done showing the flatness of the oceans/lakes over great distance.
What is surface tension?
How come when you put water in a cup, the surface is not flat?
Try this:
Put as much water as you can in a bottle cap. Then lay something flat and rigid on top of it. If water's "natural property" is to "come to a level" then whatever you lay on top of the cap will stay perfectly dry, right?
Go ahead try it. This is a simple experiment that even someone with your limited capacity for understanding​ physical concepts can do.
05-12-2017 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT

Just more proof that the oceans are flat and therefor the Earth is not a globe.
Interesting. But I'll see your video and raise you this.
05-12-2017 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by cs3
What is surface tension?
How come when you put water in a cup, the surface is not flat?
Try this:
Put as much water as you can in a bottle cap. Then lay something flat and rigid on top of it. If water's "natural property" is to "come to a level" then whatever you lay on top of the cap will stay perfectly dry, right?
Go ahead try it. This is a simple experiment that even someone with your limited capacity for understanding​ physical concepts can do.
Surface tension creates rotundity? That's a new one. Also dismissing the property of water to come to level? Are you sure you're not trying to
05-12-2017 , 02:40 PM
A true ignoramus thinks he's being "leveled" when confronted with well-known scientific principles.
05-12-2017 , 02:40 PM
As you have demonstrated that you feel it is about 1000:1 against the earth being flat and are disinterested in taking any steps beyond linking YouTube videos to blow the doors off the single largest conspiracy in the history of mankind, let's move on.

You have indicated that some group of people is perpetrating this conspiracy in order to exert some level of mind control on all human beings. What benefit does this group derive from having billions of human beings convinced that the earth is a globe? Please be specific.
05-12-2017 , 02:41 PM
I can't believe I have read 59 pages of this lol. Still interested in Moo's theory of my post a few pages back.
Well since flying a plane across Antarctica is apparently impossible, smh, why not take a boat to this ice wall. You say the globeheads say it is roughly the same size as the continental US, correct? Well, why not start at point A, in a boat, mark the ice wall and sail next to the ice wall until you get back to your start point? Whether the world is round or flat you will end up in the same spot you started at.
However, it would take considerably less time to go around a perimeter the size of the US (proving a globe earth), than it would the circumference of the whole world (proving a flat earth).
Riddle me this, flatman.
05-12-2017 , 02:41 PM

How do you explain flight times from Australia to Africa and South America if the flat earth model is correct?
05-12-2017 , 02:41 PM
But either way, I've made it this far. Let me get everything ready.

05-12-2017 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by amead
As you have demonstrated that you feel it is about 1000:1 against the earth being flat and are disinterested in taking any steps beyond linking YouTube videos to blow the doors off the single largest conspiracy in the history of mankind, let's move on.
You're right, 1000:1 was far too generous. You believe life arose from the big bang which is estimated in the orders of septillions:1. Lets start booking action with those odds. Shouldnt be an issue since you're so confident.
05-12-2017 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Minirra

I don't think you're in a great spot to talk about logical anything, you're citing YouTube nuts. I wasn't really sure whether you were a troll or an imbecile, but at some point there's not a distinction.
Well, quite. Deliberate stupidity is still stupidity, and people who think it's funny, when it's been done to death so often... are not smart.

This is where they need to go.
05-12-2017 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by amead
You have indicated that some group of people is perpetrating this conspiracy in order to exert some level of mind control on all human beings. What benefit does this group derive from having billions of human beings convinced that the earth is a globe? Please be specific.
lol. You missed this part.
05-12-2017 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
life arose from the big bang
This is a misstatement of the science.
05-12-2017 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
Interesting. But I'll see your video and raise you this.
I dont think the two images he super imposes are similar enough at all which is what the case rests upon. Interesting read though.
05-12-2017 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by amead
lol. You missed this part.
I'm still waiting on you to elaborate on your aviation expertise. I dont want you to skip out on an incomplete topic that you were so insistent about.
05-12-2017 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by 1BigOT
I dont think the two images he super imposes are similar enough at all which is what the case rests upon. Interesting read though.
What about the math? Or is math some sort of conspiracy also?
05-12-2017 , 03:01 PM

B 2
I 9
L 3
L 3
G 7
A 1
T 2
E 5
S 1

= 33

Windows Logo

33 in plain sight.




/your beliefs
05-12-2017 , 03:04 PM
Another point worth addressing is:

"why would they let youtubers reveal all this and blow the lid on the operation?"

It took 500 years of indoctrination before we were given the internet. This much time has brainwashed society so deeply that when the actual truth is presented it is aggressively rejected.

Nearly everyone here has tried debunking the flat earth model before learning it. Page after page, we get

"The sun is round, shouldn't the earth be round?"
"How do you explain astronauts landing on the moon?"
"There was no such thing as photoshop in 1971"
"How do you explain images taken from the surface of mars?"

500 years of programming will screw your mind up pretty bad.
