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Boss is Mind ****ing Me Boss is Mind ****ing Me

07-10-2014 , 11:19 AM
when does the handicapping contest start?
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
07-10-2014 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by capone0
Just be cordial. Even if he says all of that, I doubt he controls all the hiring and firing decisions long term. I'm assuming there are other opportunities than the current firm you work for and your future firm? While it might seem cool to be hostile, I see no reason to be. Tell them you are parting for better pay and a less hostile work environment. If you have a 1on1 with HR as an exit interview, be honest in how poor a manager you had but I wouldn't be up front with the manager.

Always take the high road. Your boss is not the CEO. Be thankfu and cordial for the opportunity. If you talk to HR on the way out be honest about the reasons why you chose to leave the company. You always want to try and leave on good terms.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
07-10-2014 , 01:55 PM
Hidden camera to catch your boss masturbating when you talk to him. This whole story sounds really legit.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
07-11-2014 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Hidden camera to catch your boss masturbating when you talk to him. This whole story sounds really legit.
He is not masturbating-----just hand to junk
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
07-11-2014 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
He is not masturbating-----just hand to junk
wut about premature quick trigger tho?
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
07-11-2014 , 02:23 AM
I did it it! Put in my notice today.

I spoke with my boss's boss first. The conversation was really professional and sweet.
He thanked me for my work on specific jobs and situations, and I thanked him for the learning experience and opportunity. He said that his goal was to help people advance in their career whether it be at this company or another. This is a really upstanding guy.

Afterwards, I went to my boss's office to tell him. He was a total dick! He got really mad; even threw his pen down on his desk (right hand pen throwing-left hand junk), and started telling me all the things I have to get done before I leave. He ask how much it would cost for me to say, and I just replied "eeeh". The douche even ask for a copy of my offer letter from the other company. Regardless of his behavior I remained calm and professional.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
07-11-2014 , 02:35 AM
Go straight to your bosses boss. Because **** that guy, thats why. Dont put up with douchebag behavior if you dont need to.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
07-11-2014 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I am the only woman he is the boss of. Can you explain how my looks are playing a role? I don't get it.
Women's looks play a big role in how they're perceived professionally in the workplace.

If you're a beautiful woman in a male-dominated work environment (industry, I should say), you're less likely to be taken seriously. This is a rare instance where your looks can actually work against you.

Part of the way your boss is treating you might be angst. It might be his way of getting back at the hot girl who rejected him in high school and he got laughed at as a result.

Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
So what you are implying is that most 2+2 posters are fugly.
Fixed. It's the safest bet you'll ever make.

Originally Posted by rugby
Go straight to your bosses boss. Because **** that guy, thats why. Dont put up with douchebag behavior if you dont need to.
Yeah, this. He'll get his eventually, but you can tarnish his rep at work and put him in a bad light in the eyes of his superiors. Do it for Team Justice.

Expert play would be to spin it in such a way that lead your boss' boss to believe you left because of his behavior. A well-timed phrase to plant the seed of doubt. Are you devious enough?
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
07-11-2014 , 10:00 AM
Well played, hopefully the next place works out better.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
06-08-2015 , 09:15 PM
Well, the company I moved to crashed and burned. I was laid off a few months ago, and still haven't found a job.

I have beefed up my linked in profile, my resume is on about 60 job boards, I am in weekly contact with 6 recruiters, and I spend about 4 hrs a day searching for open positions.

I have applied for about 300 jobs within a 150 mile radius. Of those 300 I have secured 7 interviews, but no job. My experience is with Oil and Gas; the industries of the companies that interviewed me where commercial construction, hvac, medical device design, and elevator design. I followed up with every company, and they all said that they didn't think my Oil and Gas experience would transfer over to their industry.

Would anyone be willing to look at my resume and make some tweaks to make me more marketable or give suggestions for improvement?
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
06-08-2015 , 09:46 PM
I also tried to go back to the company I left.Met with both of my old project managers, and they both suggested I ask to be hired back.
I went and spoke to my old boss twice;he was cordial, but very smug/spiteful and told me no.

They are needing an engineer, and the manager of the ME department asked my old boss if he could hire me to fill the position a few weeks ago as well---he told him no.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
06-08-2015 , 10:43 PM

Given how many incredibly qualified people gave tbab resume advice, u would be surprised if you can't get some great advice and assistance here. It's possible this thread night not get visibility, so you might want to skim through there for the resume help, and PM the people who were there.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
06-08-2015 , 10:43 PM
Should've gone to your boss' boss in the first place and see what could've been done. Clearly he seemed to want to work with you.

Seems odd to me that companies that need PEs would care so much about your industry since you are a PE.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
06-08-2015 , 10:46 PM

It sounds like you're in the Houston area?
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
06-08-2015 , 10:50 PM
Not an average turn of events there.

Sounds like you should be fine soon with all the activity you currently have going.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
06-08-2015 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by JimAfternoon

It sounds like you're in the Houston area?
Dallas area.....really don't want to move to Houston.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
06-08-2015 , 11:04 PM
Its been months Larry......loosing hope
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
06-08-2015 , 11:13 PM
OP: just from reading your earlier posts (with previous company), I think you were just being bullied. You were obviously valued, but your dick-boss was trying to take advantage of your (most likely) beta personality. I 100% don't mean that as a dig to you, but that's how I'm reading the situation as.

IME, getting a raise and promotion in the corporate world is more about politics and ego stroking, than it is about actual work-- especially if you have a beta personality.

gl op
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
06-08-2015 , 11:22 PM
damn bad beat here, stories like this are supposed to end with the guy ending up working for you as your shoe shiner

hope it works out
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
06-09-2015 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
Dallas area.....really don't want to move to Houston.
I hear ya.

However, the oil and gas industry is feast or famine, boom & bust, especially so outside of the typical hotspots.

If things dont turn in your favor soon you might have to consider relocating if you want to remain in that field.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
06-09-2015 , 02:14 AM
You should look at relocating. Expect your boss has trashed your name badly in your local area.
If you haven't found work yet with all the effort you have put into it, chances are you are out of luck in Dallas.

Never let anyone at work yell at you the way you let you former boss do. He thinks he can bully you around and others will lose respect for you.

Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
06-09-2015 , 01:55 PM
Depressing story. I've had my share of dick bosses over the years, so I know the feeling.

One guy was so bad that I just had to get away from him, so I went out and got another (very good) job offer from one of the top companies in my field. That's sounds good, but it meant having to work in the city and I really did like my job, the location and the people I worked with. Anyway, when I came back to resign I went to my boss's boss and said I was leaving because of the other guy. He asked me what it would take for me to stay, so I said, "A raise, an extra week's vacation and get this guy away from me." Within an hour I had the money, the extra time off and the next day my boss got transferred.

Of course, it was a gamble, but sometimes you can't just sit there and take it.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
06-09-2015 , 04:48 PM
Sorry to hear OP, I'm pretty sure anyone that has worked for a living can relate to your story of a dumb-dickish boss always having a power trip.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
06-09-2015 , 07:34 PM
Moral of story. The grass is not greener on other side of the fence.
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
06-09-2015 , 08:09 PM
I'm disappointed that this thread is not about what I thought it was by the title
Boss is Mind ****ing Me Quote
