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The Avengers - Phase II The Avengers - Phase II

02-10-2015 , 11:48 AM
can some of you guys recommend me some story lines (for example civil war [more graphic novel-ish, a lot of story for a comic]). would be great if those are already published and can be bought as a "compendium".
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
03-23-2015 , 10:39 AM
3 trailers on youtube and a new tv-spot trailer dropped.
since a few weeks my jimmies havent stopped to rustle.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
04-25-2015 , 10:33 PM
Seems like about time to bump this thread up. AoU has been released in some parts of the world and will be released this week in the US.

I saw it a couple of days ago, my thoughts:

Thought the movie was pretty good. I can't help but feel that it lacked something, I just can't put my finger on what. I hadn't watched any trailers so I went in very unspoiled. James Spader as Ultron was a love/hate thing for me the whole movie - on the one hand I think his voice is awesome and he can play evil very well but on the other hand his voice is SO distinct that every scene he was in I was seeing Raymond Reddington/James Spader and not Ultron and that was distracting. Maybe just me though.

Also it seemed so ill defined exactly how powerful Ultron was. The whole movie felt a little too iron-manny for me, maybe that's the thing I couldn't put my finger on. I think that while the concept of having an Artificial Super Intelligence is really cool, the execution could have been a bit better.

It never felt like any of the avengers were in serious danger except for the scene at the end where Hawkeye nearly dies protecting the kid (I was sure he was gonna die too). "Didn't see that coming did you" was great. Speaking of which I loved how the movie focused more on Hawkeye and his back story - he was a very "nothing" character in the first movie and they really remedied that in this one.

The scene where everyone is trying to pick up Thor's hammer was great - when Captain America moves it every so slightly you can see the incredulous look on Thor's face - even though nobody else seemed to think it was a big deal.

There was very little reference to S.H.I.E.L.D or the TV show but that's not too surprising. It's usually the show that reacts to the movie rather than the other way around. It also makes sense since they're moving more towards being "The Avengers" and less to being "S.H.I.E.L.D program: the avengers initiative".

Another infinity stone is revealed, and the little scene half way through the credits at the end is sick with Thanos putting on the infinity gauntlet. The potential in the MCU is now growing so much that it's going to be hard not to be disappointed, but maybe just maybe they pull it off. I wanna go back and rewatch Guardians of the Galaxy now.

Also Jarvis/Vision looked liked a perfect cross between Superman and J'onn J'onzz, and seems unimaginably strong with his AI + infinity stone powers. Loved when he picked up the hammer.

Would rate it a solid 7/10. Didn't disappoint, but didn't wow me either.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
04-26-2015 , 12:21 AM
Thought the movie was a 6/10 at best.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
04-26-2015 , 04:19 AM

Saw it a couple of days ago. I thought the action sequences were great, but the movie left me a bit underwhelmed. Maybe it was all the hype, but it felt like a filler before infinity wars.

Ultron seemed very menacing in the trailers, but in the movie he was a sarcastic villain who kinda got his ass kicked. It didn't seem like he was powerful enough that the Avengers needed to assemble to defeat ultron.

The best action sequence didn't even feature the villain, it was Ironman vs. hulk.

Looking forward to the finale though, hope they make Thanos a serious badass worthy of the build-up.

The Avengers - Phase II Quote
04-26-2015 , 06:32 AM
Is it worth paying extra for 3D?

I've found it to be a bit hit and miss. Life of Pi was great but Planet of the Apes wasn't anything special.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
04-26-2015 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Csaba
Is it worth paying extra for 3D?

I've found it to be a bit hit and miss. Life of Pi was great but Planet of the Apes wasn't anything special.
Saw it in 3d, would've much preferred to have seen it in 2d but it wasn't available in my area.

There were no great 3D effects that I can recall, and after a while it just starts to give you a headache.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-01-2015 , 10:05 AM
I thought this was entertaining, but I was still a bit disappointed. Definitely worth a watch though.

Spader's voice acting was great, and Ultron turned out funnier than I thought he'd be ("Oh good, because I wanted to take this time to tell you my evil plan" lol). The opening action sequence and Hulk vs. Iron Man were good, but I thought some of the non-action sequences were the highlight. In particular, the scene people have already mentioned with the hammer was excellent.

I was really engaged through about the halfway point. Ultron has Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, and he is building an invincible android body. At one point I think Iron Man says that if he gets into his new body, he is not sure all the Avengers together can stop him. Cool, sounds like a setup for an exciting climax. Then, the Avengers get the Vision. They also get Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. At this point I felt like all of the tension got drained out of the movie. It seemed like the Vision by himself could probably beat Ultron. And sure enough, in the climactic battle Vision wipes Ultron off the Internet by staring at him, and the Avengers tear through the Ultron army like tissue paper. Kind of a letdown. Oh well, hopefully Thanos presents a more credible threat.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-01-2015 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by Anzat
I thought this was entertaining, but I was still a bit disappointed. Definitely worth a watch though.


I was really engaged through about the halfway point. Ultron has Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, and he is building an invincible android body. At one point I think Iron Man says that if he gets into his new body, he is not sure all the Avengers together can stop him. Cool, sounds like a setup for an exciting climax. Then, the Avengers get the Vision. They also get Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. At this point I felt like all of the tension got drained out of the movie. It seemed like the Vision by himself could probably beat Ultron. And sure enough, in the climactic battle Vision wipes Ultron off the Internet by staring at him, and the Avengers tear through the Ultron army like tissue paper. Kind of a letdown. Oh well, hopefully Thanos presents a more credible threat.
Yes, but

Their fix for now being able to easily defeat Ultron was Ultron's ace in the hole. If they defeat him without any forethought, they'll have to either incinerate the land mass and everyone on it or drop it and cause an extinction event.

I was a bit disappointed with how Ultron's power played out. So he has the mental complexity of an infinity stone and is connected to every internet capable device on the planet. Wow! So that should be an armageddon-like even approaching Skynet/Terminator. Ultron doesn't even need the nukes. He can simply convince everyone they're firing on each other and they'll launch the nukes themselves. Game over. Butnah. He was only a threat whenever they faced him and his robot doubles.

The time at the farm went on way too long. I get that the place was "off the grid," but I would have liked for Ultron to find them. Or for the Avengers to totally split up. Or for us to later find out Ultron knew where they were all along but let them live so they'd fall into his trap. That sort of thing. The character moments at the farm were great, but nothing there really advanced the story. It would have been one thing if the movie took a new shape and went in a surprising but satisfying direction (like T2 when they hide out in New Mexico). But we're waiting for what...half an hour?...for the story to pick back up where it left off.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-01-2015 , 06:38 PM
I was pissed there was no Star Wars trailer at our showing.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-01-2015 , 08:24 PM

If I had to bet on Hulk's location, I'd bet on the Savage Land.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-02-2015 , 02:25 AM
Ant dude is a real avenger? I saw the preview and thought it was a parody (like guardians of the galaxy). Lol if he becomes a character in the AVENGERS.

(background, know nothing about comic books, don't like any superhero movies except for thor since he's hilarious and the avengers [also hilarious, probably because they are written by JOSS]).
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-02-2015 , 03:35 AM
He's a real character that has been involved in the Avengers since they were created.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-02-2015 , 01:28 PM
Something that annoyed me a lot in the last act:

Okay, so if anyone flips this switch, it causes an extinction event and the world dies. So let's all LEAVE this building, and leave it defended solely by the chick who joined us a COUPLE HOURS AGO, whose full abilities we still have no idea of? Her mental manipulation can't even be used against robots! I know they've got other stuff to take care of, but obviously Thor or Vision (red android guy) should be left too (or instead).
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-02-2015 , 01:37 PM
Regarding Ant-Man...

The original Ant-Man was Henry Pym a founding member of the Avengers and one of the super-genius scientists of the Marvel world, but the version being used for this movie is Scott Lang, who stole the original Ant-Man technology from Henry Pym (for good reasons though).
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-02-2015 , 04:18 PM
Saw it in IMAX 3D, liked it better than A1.

Trailer line up - best ever. Can I order my Star Wars tickets now lol?
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-03-2015 , 03:09 PM

Look here's Iron Man smashing Ultron robots and saving people, cut to Hulk smashing robots and saving people, ooohh look over there it's Captain America smashing Robots and saving people and on and on and on, and just when you think that part is finally over Ultron shows up with ALL his robots and there's loads more smashing without you as the viewer ever really feeling and tension or threat whatsoever.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-04-2015 , 11:06 AM
^^ That's basically the movie. Special effects hitting each other for far too long.

It's odd that the Marvel movies are at their best when the superheroes are just talking and at their worst when things are blowing up.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-04-2015 , 01:57 PM
It's because no one ever dies, so there is no real drama or suspense created. Also there are some really good actors/actresses in marvel movies so it makes sense the dialogue is pretty good.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-04-2015 , 04:10 PM
I get that the weaker dudes have leadership qualities, but it seems they fight even more than the stronger dudes.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-04-2015 , 04:29 PM
Seriously, what are Black Widow and Hawkeye even doing at a brawl with super powerful robots and ****? At least Hawkeye occasionally stays in the shadows, but they're both in the thick of it just as much as the rest. So ludicrous that they escape alive over and over again.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-04-2015 , 04:48 PM
I really enjoyed the movie. Solid 8/10

Has its flaws, but everything does

I think people are downgrading it because of anti-recency bias - meaning every Marvel movie since Avengers (exception maybe Dark World) has been better than the previous, so you expect that here, whereas there is a limit of course.

I mean if AoU had been aired in Avengers place and vice versa (ignoring the storylines not making sense) we'd all be saying AoU is the GOAT and Avengers was meh

Let the Ant Man Hype Train begin
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-04-2015 , 04:52 PM
Captain America fighting toe to toe with Ultron for like 10 minutes was pretty tilting too.

Stark has armor pods from space that can shoot down super armor and replacements during battle...think they're messing up royally by not using more of that technology and instead relying on Hawkeye shooting arrows one by one. Jesus at least give the crappy guys jetpacks or something. Them not being able to fly is terrible.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-04-2015 , 04:52 PM
minor gripes

Didn't really want the scepter to contain the mind gem. you can tell too that it was retcon'd that way because "oh look the yellow mindgem just happens to be inside this blue scepter orb"

as mentioned somewhere above - never really feared for Avengers wellbeing. They basically whooped Ultron. But on the bright side it will be amazing when Thanos comes in, rips Vision's head clean off to retrieve the mind gem, and kills a few more Avengers to lead into Infinity War Part II

Didn't like to see QS die. Even worse that we know he won't come back because Marvel has to convince us that people can stay dead in the MCU

Hawkeye was awesome. Exactly what I wanted from him
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
05-04-2015 , 04:54 PM
Who needs to fly when you can just ride Hulk?

Also inb4 hawkeye gets his patented flying snowmobile for IW
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
