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The Avengers - Phase II The Avengers - Phase II

07-18-2012 , 04:19 PM
Just in case this is the course of that post report- Sebastian Stan is an actor. Sebastian Shaw is an X-Men baddie.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
07-18-2012 , 08:59 PM
That's a spoiler if you know enough to know it's a spoiler.

Of course, so is the freaking name of the movie, lol.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
07-19-2012 , 09:06 AM
True, but as far as I'm concerned anything that will be available on IMDB is not a spoiler imo
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
07-19-2012 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
True, but as far as I'm concerned anything that will be available on IMDB is not a spoiler imo
Often times on IMDB a TV show will have episode titles/descriptions for the next few unaired episodes. In OOTV those would be considered spoilers. In *some* cases a casting call could be considered a spoiler. The whole thing is a bit of a gray area.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
07-19-2012 , 11:02 AM
Aright well that being said I'll use spoiler tags for any more cast/plot announcements
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
07-20-2012 , 09:12 AM
Couple updates recently confirmed for the Iron Man and Thor sequels:

Hulk will not have a cameo despite Stark & Banner's bromance from the Avengers

Ben Kingsley confirmed to play the Mandarin

Villain in Thor 2 rumored to be Malekith the Accused. A roll recently left vacant by Mads Mikkelsen and confirmed by the request of Dark Elves on set
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
07-31-2012 , 11:37 AM
As if all these movies weren't enough for Marvel, it looks like they're looking to create a TV show based on the Avengers Universe
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
07-31-2012 , 03:58 PM
haha the hairstyle website scoops everybody!
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
07-31-2012 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Gonso
There are too many comic book movies already and most of them suck. Just give me the Greatest Hits characters and put some effort into making good movies with them.

Ant Man? Seriously?
I think it's a pretty big risk if they end up taking the Avengers movie success and using that as almost a fan ultimatum to make an absolute crap ton of Avengers movies. I'm not a huge Avengers guy (did enjoy the movie and both Iron Mans) so I'm not sure of the background of everyone really, but I know you have a freaking ton of them and I think the first one already did about as good a balancing act with that many characters as you can do.

Ant Man though has already been pointed out as a good enough pick, but I'd say it's pretty dicey situation between too much of a good thing with some others. Then again the Avengers movie made like a kabillion dollars so they might think they can continue to strike nerd gold over and over.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
08-01-2012 , 08:53 AM
That's right. At the end of the day you have to ask yourself, will Marvel/Disney say 'Hmm, we've made over a billion dollars with our first 5 movies and another billion with our most recent. Yea I think that's good enough let's call it a day'. No, they're going to keep pumping out movies until they prove to be -EV. Imo there's nothing wrong with this. I won't complain until the actors stop renewing their contracts and are replaced. I do not want Avengers III to feature 3 new actors as Iron Man, Cap and Thor. If the actors quit, just bring in new heroes
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
08-03-2012 , 02:34 PM
Thor 2 has its new villain

Christopher Eccleston is taking the lead as Malekith the Accursed after Mads Mikkelsen backed out
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
08-03-2012 , 02:57 PM
My god... the first one was bad enough. Two more of these wacky movies?
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
08-03-2012 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
That's right. At the end of the day you have to ask yourself, will Marvel/Disney say 'Hmm, we've made over a billion dollars with our first 5 movies and another billion with our most recent. Yea I think that's good enough let's call it a day'. No, they're going to keep pumping out movies until they prove to be -EV. Imo there's nothing wrong with this. I won't complain until the actors stop renewing their contracts and are replaced. I do not want Avengers III to feature 3 new actors as Iron Man, Cap and Thor. If the actors quit, just bring in new heroes
Feel like I read on here or on a news website that most of the superhero actors are under contract for another 6-7 movies each. Some all being together in Avengers movies.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
08-03-2012 , 03:00 PM
What happens if you break a contract like that?
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
08-03-2012 , 08:05 PM
It's a good point. I mean considering actors like Scarlett are getting paychecks of 20+ million for Avengers 2, you'd think maybe they would build huge fine clauses into the contracts?
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
08-07-2012 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
As if all these movies weren't enough for Marvel, it looks like they're looking to create a TV show based on the Avengers Universe
It's now been confirmed that Joss Whedon will write and direct the Avengers sequel and head up the Avengers "Themed" Television show.

This changes things hugely. Will phase 2 be the end of the movies and launch right into a 1, 5 or 10 season long tv show? Will the show coincide with phase 3 movies and support the Avengers minor characters and be a breeding ground for new characters looking to make the big screen? Will our beloved main actors return in recurring or cameo rolls in the tv show?

Many questions to be answered
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
08-08-2012 , 04:40 PM
Everything I've heard about this TV series is one of two things:

1. It's a Hulk TV series, possibly helmed by Guillermo Del Toro.
2. It's a high-concept cop show set in the universe of The Avengers around the time when the events of the Avengers movie unfold, but not actually featuring any of the Avengers themselves, or any other characters with whom we're already familiar.

I very, very much doubt Marvel would make such a dramatic shift in format at this point - if they're making TV, it's likely to be new ideas, except for the Hulk series which has been in the pipeline for a while apparently.

The main thing I'm waiting for from Disney is for them to throw a ****ing billion gajillion dollars at Sony and 20th Century Fox for the rights to the Spider-Man and X-Men Universes and really kick things into gear.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
08-08-2012 , 04:49 PM
Your 2nd point is certainly feasible and sounds interesting, however I remember reading somewhere that the Hulk TV series will actually have nothing to do with the Avengers Universe and won't tie in with the existing storylines
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
08-09-2012 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
It's now been confirmed that Joss Whedon will write and direct the Avengers sequel and head up the Avengers "Themed" Television show.

This changes things hugely. Will phase 2 be the end of the movies and launch right into a 1, 5 or 10 season long tv show? Will the show coincide with phase 3 movies and support the Avengers minor characters and be a breeding ground for new characters looking to make the big screen? Will our beloved main actors return in recurring or cameo rolls in the tv show?

Many questions to be answered
I have a feeling the Avenger's show will be something like Avengers: The Initiative, which was a comic focused on recruiting and training superheroes so each state would have it's own super-team.

It would allow them to avoid having to pay the actors from the movie for anything other than guest spots, and potentially pump up some characters that can show up in the later movies.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
08-09-2012 , 08:40 AM
I had also thought about that. My theory was a sort of 'breeding ground' to move secondary characters and/or actors up to the big leagues. But Ginger's post makes me wonder, he could be right and it would be a smart thing to do is just make a new cop/drama/crime/mystery show that just happens to coincide with the Marvel Universe. Perhaps maybe a few cameos here and there from SHIELD members but more-or-less its own standalone show.

Either would work well imo
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
08-09-2012 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
I had also thought about that. My theory was a sort of 'breeding ground' to move secondary characters and/or actors up to the big leagues. But Ginger's post makes me wonder, he could be right and it would be a smart thing to do is just make a new cop/drama/crime/mystery show that just happens to coincide with the Marvel Universe. Perhaps maybe a few cameos here and there from SHIELD members but more-or-less its own standalone show.

Either would work well imo
I think the danger with a full-blown Marvel TV show with all the superheroes and everything - even one that only features minor characters - would be Marvel saturation. Part of the appeal of Marvel movies is that they're big, flashy event movies that people look forward to because it's their only chance to see the comic book characters they love come to life - if all the crazy, over-the-top superheroes get moved to the small screen too then I think we'd see a pretty quick decline in the general level of interest in Marvel cinematic products. I think it'd be very wise to make a show that deepens the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) but doesn't over-expose some of their biggest characters.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
08-09-2012 , 03:17 PM
56% of movies are now Superhero movies.

1 year from now it will be 73%

back the truck up
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
08-09-2012 , 04:30 PM
It's a genre in itself. In fact, it's probably the genre that pumps the least amount of movies out per year. There are 10x as much comedy, chick flick, sci fi, drama and action movies.

People who complain about the amount of comic book movies (especially the quality of (most) of those in today's age) are just mad because they can't appreciate them for what they're worth like 98% of society.
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
08-15-2012 , 04:43 PM
Few new casting updates:

Dale Dickey (True Blood) and Alice Krige (Borg Queen from TNG first contact) Join the cast for Iron man 3 and Thor 2, respectively, while their character rolls remain somewhat of a mystery
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
08-21-2012 , 09:05 AM

We get a first peak at a deleted scene involving Bruce Banner from the Avengers - right after he fell from the helicarrier. Makes a lot more sense - really adds to Bruce's character and the struggle he had to go through before the final battle.

Take a look

We also have a 4 min gag reel here
The Avengers - Phase II Quote
