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02-22-2011 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Caramelldansen

It's quite sad that some people in here think doing 10-20 over the limit is ever going to be life threatening or dangerous.
can you quote a post where someone thinks doing 10mph over is dangerous?
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
I just took a DD class like a week ago and they said 3 things affect driving ability

Skill (ability to command the car)
Knowledge (laws, road condition, familiarity, etc)
DD classes are never wrong. At least not when you're going to use the knowledge category as a broad catch-all to include everything from laws to road conditions.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by niftymatt
Haven't you ever heard that dissent is the highest form of patriotism? You just want to go off of presumptions and laws.

Calling someone an idiot for having a different opinion is just pathetic. Come formulate your own opinion instead of what your DD tells you.
Stop ninja-editing your posts. It's really annoying.

Do you disagree that attitude is the most common factor in accidents? We all know how to operate the car. You're pressing a gas pedal and holding a wheel. Most of us are more mentally stimulated by playing 1 table of poker. We don't forget laws and what the road we're driving on looks like. The main thing the can change though is attitude (I'm awesome, I'm better than everyone else, I focus more when I speed, I can drink and drive, I focus more when drunk, blah blah blah) That's all attitude issues.

And your opinion is wrong. Rural highways should not be 100mph. There are a ton of people who shouldn't even have a license. Having them driving that fast is stupid. You can drive that fast if you want. It's your gamble and your right until they take your license away. But to say they should just raise the limit that much for everybody is a stupid opinion.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by Tony_P
can you quote a post where someone thinks doing 10mph over is dangerous?
I can quote a post saying that "it's wrong." prior to when I left, that was one of the last posts I remember seeing.

@ whoever is advocating 100 mph on interstates, if everyone did that, you'd lose a lot of comfort knowing you can do as you please (intimidation factor is quite nice when it's in your favor).
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
Stop ninja-editing your posts. It's really annoying.

Do you disagree that attitude is the most common factor in accidents? We all know how to operate the car. You're pressing a gas pedal and holding a wheel. Most of us are more mentally stimulated by playing 1 table of poker. We don't forget laws and what the road we're driving on looks like. The main thing the can change though is attitude (I'm awesome, I'm better than everyone else, I focus more when I speed, I can drink and drive, I focus more when drunk, blah blah blah) That's all attitude issues.

And your opinion is wrong. Rural highways should not be 100mph. There are a ton of people who shouldn't even have a license. Having them driving that fast is stupid. You can drive that fast if you want. It's your gamble and your right until they take your license away. But to say they should just raise the limit that much for everybody is a stupid opinion.

So why can't I drive at that speed if I believe I am qualified? I'm going to get punished. By your logic, I should be allowed to and not be punished, but that is not the case, thus the speed limits need to be risen.

Sure attitude is the key, but also ****** drivers is the bigger problem. I don't talk on my cell phone or do stupid ****. I focus, and I know I can drive perfectly fine at 90-100 if I was allowed to do so without any reprimand.

Drinking and driving is just stupid. Stop using that example because I'd never advocate such a stupid thing. Along with the fact that is not just attitude, but you are mentally inhibited by a force that you cannot control.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 01:14 AM
how about some nit looks up crash/fatality statistics before and after for Montana -- used to be "reasonable", now 75 I think.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 01:15 AM

Not sure if you were still around, but about 2 years ago Virginia introduced an awful reckless driving rule.

Basically anything 20+ mph over the limit results in a $1500 fine for VA residents, but no one else!

You should always contest a VA reckless driving charge. If there were no other issues during the traffic stop, most Virginia courts will reduce the violation to a simple speeding ticket. However this still carries a stiff six point count with the possibility of a major increase in you auto insurance and a fine in the neighborhood of $500. If you are a VA driver, you will be subject to the reckless driving $1050 surcharge payable to the VA DMV on top of the court fine if the judge does not reduce.
Gotta love VA putting a steeper penalty on their own tax-paying residents.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by d10
No US armed services uses enlisted pilots, except for UAVs, but those guys calling themselves pilots is LOL. And Army pilots don't live in the shadow of fixed wing pilots because our service isn't run by fighter pilots, it's run by the people who realize that a single helicopter is worth more to them than an entire squadron of fighters.
You're Army??? Ok, now this thread makes sense.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by niftymatt
So why can't I drive at that speed if I believe I am qualified? I'm going to get punished. By your logic, I should be allowed to and not be punished, but that is not the case, thus the speed limits need to be risen.

Sure attitude is the key, but also ****** drivers is the bigger problem. I don't talk on my cell phone or do stupid ****. I focus, and I know I can drive perfectly fine at 90-100 if I was allowed to do so without any reprimand.
You won't be punished, remember? You and d10 already said it was worth your time and money to speed. You save so much time going 30 over and only rarely get caught. So stop saying you're being punished. You are getting places faster than legally allowed and paying only a small price for it. I really don't care about that. What I care about is the general limit being raised. Not everybody can go that fast.

Now you mention ****ty drivers.... finally. You see that even if you are good at driving, you aren't driving in a vacuum you 'tard. No matter how good a person you are you have to live among murderers and pedophiles. And no matter how good you are at operating a car you still share the road with girls texting, immigrants, potholes, and deer.

It's like you are learning but it's not registering. You seem to be making my points for me but you keep arguing. I don't get it. You have some kind of neurological car wreck going on right now. Not surprising I guess.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by d10
That's the plan. It's not hard.
Totally disagree with this though. Looking only one direction? That's not smart. I still constantly use my rear view mirror... how else are you going to know if a cop gets on at an exit? ha, maybe that's why you've gotten so many tickets,
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 01:38 AM
Ever driven in Ireland? I worked in Ireland for 3 months and had to drive to work everyday on a tiny ass road. The speed limit was 100km/hr, but if it were in the US it would have been 15-20mph. They want you to go fast so that you get off the road quicker and not encounter a lot of cars.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by d10

F the haters. You have the right idea but I think you're overlooking your greatest advantage. Like you mentioned, you and me and a few other rare drivers drive with a constant awareness of where other cars are around you. This is much, much easier when you're the fastest driver on the road because what's next to you and immediately behind you were all in front of you just a few seconds before. You can focus on watching one direction while maintaining great 360 degree situational awareness. Driving with the flow of traffic requires you to constantly check your sides and rear to keep up with this same information.
you've been in 5 accidents, master driver
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by d10
Considering I'll die at some point but it's very unlikely I ever kill anyone on the road I don't think you've got anything to worry about.
Considering you've already had five accidents and you think they're all somebody else's fault, your opinion is worth about as much as a warm bucket of hamster vomit. But thanks for sharing.

Now on to another thought I had:
I don't possess the skillz/access, but if someone could identify OP by tracing his IP address, we could then check court dockets online and inform the local traffic court, wherever his next ticket is pending, about this and OP's other threads. The life saved might even be OP's.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
You won't be punished, remember? You and d10 already said it was worth your time and money to speed. You save so much time going 30 over and only rarely get caught. So stop saying you're being punished. You are getting places faster than legally allowed and paying only a small price for it. I really don't care about that. What I care about is the general limit being raised. Not everybody can go that fast.

Now you mention ****ty drivers.... finally. You see that even if you are good at driving, you aren't driving in a vacuum you 'tard. No matter how good a person you are you have to live among murderers and pedophiles. And no matter how good you are at operating a car you still share the road with girls texting, immigrants, potholes, and deer.

It's like you are learning but it's not registering. You seem to be making my points for me but you keep arguing. I don't get it. You have some kind of neurological car wreck going on right now. Not surprising I guess.

1. I don't drive over 30. Where do I say I do this? This is just not a good idea all around because of the penalties, not safety. Obviously I don't care when driving short distances on local interstates that actually have traffic, but rural ones make no sense.

2. ****** drivers on rural highways have very little impact. You have so much room and passing on the left or right can be done at most times. There is no reason why rural highways should be only 5-10 MPH faster than highways in busy counties/cities. There are at least 10x the cars.

I don't think you understand that driving 20+ is a serious offense and often includes reckless driving. There is no way that it is either dangerous or reckless on many rural interstates. I'd like to be able to drive 90, but the penalties are too severe to risk it.

And yes, modern cars nowadays can easily handle those kinds of speeds.

And of course, under normal conditions. Prob wouldn't want to drive too much above 80 in the rain.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 02:26 AM
How do you not understand the difference between what you are capable of, and what the general population is capable of? Do you not know how speed limits work?

You expect to see two signs on the road:

Speed Limit: 65
niftymatt Limit: 100

Get it through your head. I've gotten ticketed for 95 in a 70 at night. I've driven a POS 4-cyl 123mph before (when I was your age and dumber). I think I'm better at it than most people, yes, but I'm not dumb enough to suggest that there's no reason the overall limit shouldn't be raised to 100mph.

Just last year I drove 90+ for 2 hours on I-25 south of Pueblo, Colorado. Got up to 98. Conditions were about as good as possible. Everyone was driving at least 85, though there were very few cars. I was trying to catch my plane in Colorado Springs (made it by 5 minutes). It doesn't mean it wasn't dumb and it doesn't mean most people should be allowed to do it without repurcussion. Many people shouldn't even be on the road.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
How do you not understand the difference between what you are capable of, and what the general population is capable of? Do you not know how speed limits work?

You expect to see two signs on the road:

Speed Limit: 65
niftymatt Limit: 100

Get it through your head. I've gotten ticketed for 95 in a 70 at night. I've driven a POS 4-cyl 123mph before (when I was your age and dumber). I think I'm better at it than most people, yes, but I'm not dumb enough to suggest that there's no reason the overall limit shouldn't be raised to 100mph.

Just last year I drove 90+ for 2 hours on I-25 south of Pueblo, Colorado. Got up to 98. Conditions were about as good as possible. Everyone was driving at least 85, though there were very few cars. I was trying to catch my plane in Colorado Springs (made it by 5 minutes). It doesn't mean it wasn't dumb and it doesn't mean most people should be allowed to do it without repurcussion. Many people shouldn't even be on the road.

Except that what many people are capable would carry serious penalties if they tried it. If there were no money in tickets, then none would be written. If it is safe to drive 90, why can't I just because a 60 MPH speed limit is good during rush hour?

I also don't think you realize that not everyone would drive that fast. In fact, most people probably wouldn't get above 80. Not everyone on the Autobahn drives as fast as they can.

You already got plenty of people driving 50-55 on 60 MPH interstates.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by niftymatt
Except that what many people are capable would carry serious penalties if they tried it. If it is safe to drive 90, why can't I just because a 60 MPH speed limit is good during rush hour?

I also don't think you realize that not everyone would drive that fast. In fact, most people probably wouldn't get above 80. Not everyone on the Autobahn drives as fast as they can.

You already got plenty of people driving 50-55 on 60 MPH interstates.

You're making a big assumption with "it is safe to drive 90". SAFE FOR WHO!? You? Or the average shmuck ????? THERE'S A ****ING DIFFERENCE, and society can't have some cars able to go 100 and others, 70. The 70 mph drivers wouldn't know if you're coming up behind them at 70, or 100 (unless your car is painted "safety red" and spraypainted with the number "100" on it).

I do realize not everyone would go 100. Some would go 80, others would go 110. DO YOU THINK THAT IS SAFE? It's not. In fact it's very dangerous.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by prohornblower

You're making a big assumption with "it is safe to drive 90". SAFE FOR WHO!? You? Or the average shmuck ????? THERE'S A ****ING DIFFERENCE, and society can't have some cars able to go 100 and others, 70. The 70 mph drivers wouldn't know if you're coming up behind them at 70, or 100 (unless your car is painted "safety red" and spraypainted with the number "100" on it).

I do realize not everyone would go 100. Some would go 80, others would go 110. DO YOU THINK THAT IS SAFE? It's not. In fact it's very dangerous.

Do you not realize how the Autobahn works? People driving at HUGE differences in speeds.

If everyone keeps their lanes which they generally do in rural highways, yes it is safe. Braking to 30 MPH less is not that much. We aren't asking people to stop from 100-0 on a dime.

Take a look at this video. Look how fast he is passing.

They might be driving nice BMWs, but they are still passing at 70+ MPH.

Also, anyone driving at 100 could easily slow down to accommodate a 70 MPH 'tarding up the hammer lane.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by niftymatt
Do you not realize how the Autobahn works? People driving at HUGE differences in speeds.
No, I do not know how the Autobahn works. I've never been to Germany and have no reason to visit. Further, I don't know why you keep bringing it the **** up in this thread, when your original argument was that rural American highways should all be 100mph. Stop talking about the Autobahn - I don't give a **** about the Autobahn.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 05:32 AM
boorish american
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 05:33 AM
I'm not sure where some of you live, but deer are a real threat to drivers in my state. (WI). Nobody in their right mind would go 100 on rural roads around here. If you think you can avoid deer by simply scanning for them, you are wrong. Everybody likes to think to think they can successfully handle their vehicle at high rates of speed. Maybe some of you can. But you have to deal with other drivers as well. If you do get into an accident, how fast you are going makes a huge difference.
Also, why the hell are you all driving so much?
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by fracas
Considering you've already had five accidents and you think they're all somebody else's fault, your opinion is worth about as much as a warm bucket of hamster vomit. But thanks for sharing.

Now on to another thought I had:
I don't possess the skillz/access, but if someone could identify OP by tracing his IP address, we could then check court dockets online and inform the local traffic court, wherever his next ticket is pending, about this and OP's other threads. The life saved might even be OP's.
Well I don't even know who you are so your opinion is worth less.

Also there are much easier ways to identify me. Considering a lot of people on this board know my full name. I have no pending court cases though, and even if I did your idea is ******ed.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
Totally disagree with this though. Looking only one direction? That's not smart. I still constantly use my rear view mirror... how else are you going to know if a cop gets on at an exit? ha, maybe that's why you've gotten so many tickets,
No I still check around me, I'm just saying you don't have to focus on those areas nearly as much as you would if you were the slowest guy on the road.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 08:35 AM
Grunch: Where I am from, driving on a suspended license is not only a criminal charge, but if you do it enough times, it can be charged as a felony. As far as I am concerned, a felony conviction and some prison time might do us some good. At the very least, you might stop bragging about your ****** driving.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
02-22-2011 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by d10
That's the plan. It's not hard.
This is how I know you're just a self-deluded attention whore. Most places I've driven (Ontario, and the US Northeast) the fastest person on the road is consistently going a LOT more than 20mph over the limit.
Ask d10 about having a valid driver's license after receiving 5-0 tickets from the 5-0 Quote
