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22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw 22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw

05-24-2014 , 01:09 PM
I'd like to see more on his background. Does he really suffer from Assburger's? You have to think he was in some form of counseling, or maybe his parents thought by sending him off to school and allowing him a nice car/clothes that this would go away?
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:11 PM
Cite a study showing social media causes mass murder k thanks.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
I think you have it completely backasswards...

the one who lacks empathy is this idiot... Elliot Rodgers.

can you even begin to imagine the narcissism necessary to formulate the idea that you are entitled to something in life merely because you are Elliot Rodgers?

Entitlement is a serious disease...
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
I think you have it completely backasswards...

the one who lacks empathy is this idiot... Elliot Rodgers.

can you even begin to imagine the narcissism necessary to formulate the idea that you are entitled to something in life merely because you are Elliot Rodgers?

Entitlement is a serious disease...
I think you missed the point of his post.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
Cite a study showing social media causes mass murder k thanks.
or video games?
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
I think you missed the point of his post.
I might have, I did gloss through it a bit.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:19 PM
Lol shuffle, your initial post reeked of smug, moronic oldmanyellsatcloud.jpg and I made one snarky post and you fly off the handle.

No one denies that there are inherently narcissistic qualities in social media today. You, on the other hand, idiotically implied it had something to do with this murder spree, which is 100%, pure, unadulterated talking-out-of-assedness.

Good day.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:20 PM
My mind was pretty blown when I discovered it, saw him post on a message board a couple of days ago and watched some of his videos. I was keeping the possibility open that he was an elaborate troll, looking back the psychopath vibe he gives off is so disturbing, damn.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:20 PM
Most of the guys I knew who couldn't get girls ended up with a horrible self image and usually blamed themselves rather than others.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:20 PM

FYI, shuffle is about as sharp as shaneg.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:24 PM
I thought you said I was correct on most of the stuff in the dino thread el d. If you believe that this was a real event then you are about as sharp as j and all the others who lack discernment on these media stories.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:26 PM

Yeah I was saying shuffle is really smart too.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Chrizza
My mind was pretty blown when I discovered it, saw him post on a message board a couple of days ago and watched some of his videos. I was keeping the possibility open that he was an elaborate troll, looking back the psychopath vibe he gives off is so disturbing, damn.
His posting on the misc made him look like such an obvious troll. I don't really fault any of his youtube subscribers for not being worried since it seemed like a gimmick.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:30 PM

Those videos to me looked more like he was playing a Patrick Bateman-esque character rather than an actual severely disturbed dude. I can definitely see why none of the people saw that took it seriously enough to contact authorities. I imagine there are countless videos on YouTube that are similar levels of creepy.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:30 PM
one of the 7 dead is the shooter, so thats good.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Mesut Ozil
His posting on the misc made him look like such an obvious troll. I don't really fault any of his youtube subscribers for not being worried since it seemed like a gimmick.
Yeah, but his last video had a really different tone. He's literally talking about it being his last video, taking revenge and murdering people, while his other videos were simply creepy loner talk without apparent harmful intentions in them. Surprised nobody alarmed the authorities.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:37 PM
Can someone please keep an eye on Dids, we dont need a massacre in the Seattle area also.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:49 PM
Fish Taco, are the people with amazing lives not living in the real world?
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 01:56 PM
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Chrizza
Yeah, but his last video had a really different tone. He's literally talking about it being his last video, taking revenge and murdering people, while his other videos were simply creepy loner talk without apparent harmful intentions in them. Surprised nobody alarmed the authorities.
I imagine the video was uploaded less than a couple of hours before the shooting though, no?
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Bdidd
Most of the guys I knew who couldn't get girls ended up with a horrible self image and usually blamed themselves rather than others.
But the world probably isn't telling them they have everything going for them? Well off. Attractive. Living in paradise. Every possible advantage. But somehow, nothing seems to be going right.
If a mental problem prevents the person from internalizing reality, eventually he lashes out at those he blames for his world not living up to how he perceives it should be.

<note: I refuse to watch the vids>
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 02:04 PM
Too bad this idiot never heard of a whorehouse.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
Yesterday it was the Beatles causing kids to kill people
To be fair, they didn't directly cause any murders. But they did have hair longer than Sinatra, and that led to drugs, and there you have it. Social media works the same way.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Mesut Ozil
I imagine the video was uploaded less than a couple of hours before the shooting though, no?
The posting on his channel has been removed although it is still available elsewhere.

The most recent video that they left up is 13 hours ago so based on that he must have posted the video and just gone straight to do it. If you look at his channel a lot of the 8 of the videos + the missing one were in the last day but they all couldn't have been filmed that way so he must have had these and just posted them all.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-24-2014 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Beyond conscience
Too bad this idiot never heard of a whorehouse.
I've seen this sentiment stated a number of times but I have to admit that I don't really understand why people think it would be okay for whores and hookers to have to deal with a narcisstic psychopath. Their profession is challenging enough imo.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
