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07-22-2014 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by ToTcH
Can anyone tell me how the "river call efficiency" stat is calculated? Is this simply the ratio of calling a river bet and winning / calling a river bet and loosing or is there any other parameters?

This thread on our forums can explain it and some related questions better than I can so I am just going to link to it -
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07-22-2014 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
This thread on our forums can explain it and some related questions better than I can so I am just going to link to it -
I get it now. Thanks a lot for the link!
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07-23-2014 , 09:21 AM
Why do people care about MTT guarantees dropping by 5-10%? Its not like their equity is going to change much and they could just play a slightly bigger tourney to compensate.
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07-23-2014 , 10:36 AM
People like to complain in general . And they might fear that the decrease in guaranteed affect the popularity of the games..
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07-24-2014 , 11:35 AM
Is there a site where i can see peoples cash game winrate for a poker site, I tried sharkscope but i could only find tourney results.
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07-24-2014 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by buychips
Being 4 way what you do on this flop facing a donk bet (no history donk betting on the player with +- 100 hands) and was a 16/6.

The players who called IP were a 35/11 (50 hands) and a 27/10 (70 hands).
What does the above stat info show?

What are the abnormalities I should be looking for when I see these stats in context of a hand of poker, and how should i let the stats effect the way I play a hand. (Obviously this will make me sense when I understand the stats!!)

Thanks in advance

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07-24-2014 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by GoldandBlack
What does the above stat info show?

What are the abnormalities I should be looking for when I see these stats in context of a hand of poker, and how should i let the stats effect the way I play a hand. (Obviously this will make me sense when I understand the stats!!)

Thanks in advance

These basic stats are VPIP and PFR. VPIP is the % of hands you're dealt where you put money in the pot pre, either by calling or raising. PFR is the % of hands you raise preflop.
The most telling about these is:
1) A big gap between the two, for example 25/2 means the player limps almost all his hands and only raises with 2% (presumably the top 2% so AA,KK, AK only)
2) A very high value for VPIP, which at a 9handed table would be 30+ give or take. A 50/30 player for example plays very loose, since he plays half of his hands, and therefor has a lot of junk in his range.
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07-24-2014 , 08:16 PM
Iam a huge donk at ring game, will play with some LAGfish tommorow (stakes are going to be high for my standards, probably 1/2). I usually play tight if ppl are calling alot, are tough to bluff. Seems to be a bad tactic though, with everyone being deep in chips. Any tips for this?
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07-25-2014 , 03:02 AM
I want to ask how many posts I need to be allowed to open new thread in the "software-corner-freeware?"
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07-25-2014 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by ihatewonderbras
I want to ask how many posts I need to be allowed to open new thread in the "software-corner-freeware?"
Dd you read the Software Forum FAQ?
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07-25-2014 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by RaiseAgainst
These basic stats are VPIP and PFR. VPIP is the % of hands you're dealt where you put money in the pot pre, either by calling or raising. PFR is the % of hands you raise preflop.
The most telling about these is:
1) A big gap between the two, for example 25/2 means the player limps almost all his hands and only raises with 2% (presumably the top 2% so AA,KK, AK only)
2) A very high value for VPIP, which at a 9handed table would be 30+ give or take. A 50/30 player for example plays very loose, since he plays half of his hands, and therefor has a lot of junk in his range.
Thanks for this. What other standard stats should I be using when reviewing hand histories?

Do different softwares provide differing stat information?

What is the norm?

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07-29-2014 , 12:29 PM
I am playing NL Holdem. Can anyone explain the difference between pot size raise and pot size bet? On pokerstars there is a "pot" button. Why before the flop it bets more than SB+BB and after the flop it bets exactly the pot.
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07-29-2014 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by 3gaterobo
I am playing NL Holdem. Can anyone explain the difference between pot size raise and pot size bet? On pokerstars there is a "pot" button. Why before the flop it bets more than SB+BB and after the flop it bets exactly the pot.
A pot sized bet is a bet or raise that is the size of the pot.

When there has been no action before you, that's easy. The pot size is the size of the bet. You're opening the action.

However, pre-flop the action is already open (sb+bb at a minimum) and your pot sized bet is actually a raise based on the size of the pot INCLUDING the amount you call.

So - pre flop the pot is 1.5bb (sb+bb)
You intend to raise the pot. first you have to call the bet (1bb) making the pot 2.5bb. Now you raise the size of the pot, 2.5bb, which makes the total bet 3.5bb (your call + the new pot)
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07-29-2014 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by EvilGreebo
A pot sized bet is a bet or raise that is the size of the pot.

When there has been no action before you, that's easy. The pot size is the size of the bet. You're opening the action.

However, pre-flop the action is already open (sb+bb at a minimum) and your pot sized bet is actually a raise based on the size of the pot INCLUDING the amount you call.

So - pre flop the pot is 1.5bb (sb+bb)
You intend to raise the pot. first you have to call the bet (1bb) making the pot 2.5bb. Now you raise the size of the pot, 2.5bb, which makes the total bet 3.5bb (your call + the new pot)
Thanks. So is there a difference between pot size bet and pot size raise? I've read somewhere that pot size raise is 2x pot is this correct?
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07-30-2014 , 07:52 AM
Hello everyone :-) I like play tight preflop and I have some chart about hand selection. can you tell me your opinions, is this too much tight? or loose?
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07-30-2014 , 07:54 AM
or if you can suggest me where can I ask this question for more competents :-)

thanks forward
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07-30-2014 , 10:41 AM
That's a pretty tight and simplistic chart as it doesn't take into account villain's position and effective stack sizes but it's probably ok for complete beginners.
However, in a limped pot you should raise more often than this chart suggests. For example, if you are in late position with AQ and someone limped before you, a raise is mandatory.

It's important to raise the limpers, especially in position, as they are often weak players with weak holdings.
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07-30-2014 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Universal_Green
Hello everyone :-) I like play tight preflop and I have some chart about hand selection. can you tell me your opinions, is this too much tight? or loose?
Are you using this for Limit Hold'em or No-Limit?
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07-31-2014 , 03:53 AM
I am using on NL
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07-31-2014 , 08:23 AM
It looks like a limit chart.

In that regard, it's going to be very tight, if that's what you're going for, but the betting strategy (as others have mentioned) is all wrong.
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08-01-2014 , 07:28 AM
I play 6-Max 2nl. When a maniac joins the table and start to play like 92/85 and aggressive post flop I tend to start to play loose and passive versus him. Calling him whit KTo ip or some times much weaker hands, I do this because I want to get his money before anyone els get them. Problem is that it does not work so good. I tend to loose hands whit 3ed pair king kicker or A hight pots (because weak hands don't tend to hit the board). Is it still the right way to play him? Or should I use my standard calling/3-betting range?

Anyone have any hints on how to get there money!
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08-01-2014 , 03:00 PM
how many posts to be able to pM?
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08-02-2014 , 01:27 AM
any way to get a visual of variance? so that maybe a person could get a fuller understanding of it
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08-02-2014 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by WonderWheels
any way to get a visual of variance? so that maybe a person could get a fuller understanding of it

I wrote a blog about variance that might help you understand its role too:
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08-02-2014 , 02:32 PM
What is a "trip report"?
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