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10-12-2014 , 07:56 PM
When multitabling with PT4 on stars is there any way to double check earlier actions in a hand?

if i forget if the villain 3 bet or just called etc. would love to be able to remind myself

if there isn't how do the guys that multitable 10-24 at once keep track of what's going on
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10-12-2014 , 08:07 PM
PT4 does not have that feature AFAIK. HM2 has it but only for IPoker and Stars. I don't play on either site but I only 1 or 2 table while working/multi-tasking anymore so it's easy to follow the action for the hands I play. I would assume those that mass table and want to pay closer attention have bigger/multiple monitors and tile instead of cascade/stack.
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10-16-2014 , 02:39 AM
CMAR, or anybody, I want to know if there are any 2+2ers in my city in Poland, but I can't seem to find the right section in the forum to post about it. Where would it be best to post it?

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10-16-2014 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by sipox11
CMAR, or anybody, I want to know if there are any 2+2ers in my city in Poland, but I can't seem to find the right section in the forum to post about it. Where would it be best to post it?

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10-16-2014 , 09:27 AM
Lol, ok thanks I guess.

But I just wanna know if there are any poker players in the city im living now, to grind together in an office, meet up, study group in person.. That kind of stuff, not interested in online dates.

Just wondering where in the forum would have good visibility, i guess i ll just have to go through blogs.

Thanks anyways
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10-16-2014 , 09:36 AM
Poland thread in travel forum? Otherwise just search for your town.
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10-16-2014 , 10:17 AM

I didnt know about such subforum, I ll post it there.

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10-25-2014 , 02:17 AM
Is there anyway that we can get a handle on all the recent spam or is the new normal of BQ to see daily skin care ads?
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10-26-2014 , 06:41 PM
Is it always considered a good "play" if you manage to get in an all-in situation where the odds are in your favor (Cash game)? I mean it's +EV but maybe it's dangerous to experiment other players all-in ranges pre-flop when you are a beginner?
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10-26-2014 , 09:37 PM
If getting it in is +EV, then yes, it's always a good play (I think there might be one or two Kelly Criterion exceptions if you're underrolled and can't reload but I don't really know how that works and chances are you won't be THAT underrolled).
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10-26-2014 , 10:37 PM
A bit blunt question was googling for a while could not find specific answer. What site has the least rake? I am playing on ongame and rake seems a lot bigger then for example stars is it worth to change site?
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10-27-2014 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by sipio
A bit blunt question was googling for a while could not find specific answer. What site has the least rake? I am playing on ongame and rake seems a lot bigger then for example stars is it worth to change site?
Depends what stakes you play.

Originally Posted by Scatterbrain
Is it always considered a good "play" if you manage to get in an all-in situation where the odds are in your favor (Cash game)? I mean it's +EV but maybe it's dangerous to experiment other players all-in ranges pre-flop when you are a beginner?
Basically, yes. But specifically, not necessarily. The exact hands don't matter as much as the range of hands that you'd take a certain action with. Getting AA all in against KK preflop is obviously +EV, but it doesn't mean your opponent made a mistake. In fact, if he only 5 bet shoves with AA, KK and AK, you can simply fold every single time he makes a 5 bet shove and your hand doesn't beat his range. So the times he 5 bet shoves with T9 or whatever and you call, it doesn't necessarily mean he made a mistake.
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10-27-2014 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by sipio
A bit blunt question was googling for a while could not find specific answer. What site has the least rake? I am playing on ongame and rake seems a lot bigger then for example stars is it worth to change site?
I play on Ongame and the rake is a bit higher, but the massive amount of rakeback you get makes up for it. If you don't have a rakeback deal you should definitely get one.
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10-27-2014 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
Depends what stakes you play.
4(5)nl, 10nl
Originally Posted by Zombiefan
I play on Ongame and the rake is a bit higher, but the massive amount of rakeback you get makes up for it. If you don't have a rakeback deal you should definitely get one.
Yeah I do but I got some sample of around 50k hands on both sites (mb more) and ive noticed that rake is almost double on ongame then it is on stars. How do I calculate rake bb/100?
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
10-27-2014 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by sipio
4(5)nl, 10nl

Yeah I do but I got some sample of around 50k hands on both sites (mb more) and ive noticed that rake is almost double on ongame then it is on stars. How do I calculate rake bb/100?
Rake at Unibet is 1% to €1 at NL4 and 3% to €2 at NL10. From the start of next month the cap will be halved when 2-3 players are dealt into the hand.

You can take this with a punch of salt though, as I work for Unibet (in fact I made that rake structure). I'm pretty sure it's the lowest rake at those stakes in the industry. If somewhere's doing 5% to €1 at NL4, you'd need 80% rb to compete, and keep in mind Unibet have a good loyalty scheme, though it isn't that valuable at NL4 or NL10 (and keep in mind that I made that too

Last edited by Sciolist; 10-27-2014 at 11:43 AM.
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
10-28-2014 , 01:56 PM
I have a question regarding the officialpokerrankings statistics: Under the "monthly summaries" tab there's a column titled "1st-3rd". In this column there often appear numbers X+Y or sometimes only one number X. What do these numbers eactually stand for?
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10-29-2014 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by joshua6666
I have a question regarding the officialpokerrankings statistics: Under the "monthly summaries" tab there's a column titled "1st-3rd". In this column there often appear numbers X+Y or sometimes only one number X. What do these numbers eactually stand for?
Are you, who answer most of the questions, are cashgamers or why can I not get a satisfying answer?
A guess would be X=Number of first place finishes, Y=number of 2nd and 3rd places combined.
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10-30-2014 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by joshua6666
I have a question regarding the officialpokerrankings statistics: Under the "monthly summaries" tab there's a column titled "1st-3rd". In this column there often appear numbers X+Y or sometimes only one number X. What do these numbers eactually stand for?
first number is a number of 1st+2nd+3rd places, second number is a number of first placed ties (like in satellites)
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
10-30-2014 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by elwismw
first number is a number of 1st+2nd+3rd places, second number is a number of first placed ties (like in satellites)
Thank you!
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10-30-2014 , 10:17 AM
What are good online video training sites?
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11-01-2014 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by zippymoose
What are good online video training sites?
Microgrinder is fine for up to 25NL if you are on a budget.

If you have money I would recommend RIO or CR.

(I'm not an affliate)
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11-02-2014 , 01:38 PM
Is there a way to see how many 70/30 favorites you won in holdem manager, for cash?
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11-02-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Komosutro
Is there a way to see how many 70/30 favorites you won in holdem manager, for cash?
more filters:
- turn > allin on turn (or earlier) = true
- other > allin win% is... > greater than 70
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11-02-2014 , 05:43 PM
does smbody knows some party poker affiliates with a normal rakeback??
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