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Build a BR 4: Graph Hard with a Vengeance. Build a BR 4: Graph Hard with a Vengeance.

01-06-2010 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by bumblebee99
today was bleurgh.

that is all
i played 3 tables yesterday of 6max, got stacked 3x, stacked someone once.

i got done shoving AKo into a 70/15 loser after about 8 hands. turned over 55 - A on the flop, and a 5 on the turn. i don;t shove AK pf that often but i think it was a good move here. the villain was a tool.

the other 2 stack i lost were against the same player at 2 different tables. he was utg on both tables, playing 28/22/4 so quite lag. i had good (i think) read on his range as he was open raising quite wide.

first i 3bet Ako, saw a flop which i usually like to bluff on. went all in the turn with nothing, and he turned over A3 ldo.

second hand he stacked me with again calling a 3bet, and a cbet with 22. all in on the river. turn was a 2 btw ldo

sent me on tilt a bit so i shut down 6max and opened up 15 fr tables :facepalm: - ended up +1 buy-in here and will do this again tonight i think despite the ss'ers, as i really need to hit silver star quota vpps then i really want to go back to ipoker.

bankroll is down to about $210 i think. borderline suitable for my 10nl criteria, and i do not want to step down but will if i must.

Last edited by bumblebee99; 01-06-2010 at 04:08 AM. Reason: new page ftw :D
01-06-2010 , 04:08 AM
Sandbagging: one of my biggest pet peeves in the micros

It worked against me when I attempted to steal with Q9 on the button; SB calls. Flop comes rags ... he checks, I cbet, he calls, turn is a Q, he checks again, I bet, he calls ... river is a brick, he checks a third time, I check behind ... he rolls over AA! nh wp

It backfired for another fishy later though ... CO open limps I have KQ of hearts on the button, I raise, CO calls. Flop comes 898 with two hearts, CO min-donks, I raise 3/4 pot, he calls, turn is a blank, another min donkbet, I just call this time. River brings the third heart. He mindonks a third time, I raise him all-in, he calls, and I stack him with my King high flush! Villian mucks K8...

$378 --> $388
01-06-2010 , 08:24 AM
James, I noticed that a ton at 10nl. I value owned myself about 40 times this past week to overpairs/sets that were just played terribly. It must be the rage at those limits.

My break away from poker didn't quite work out. My day went absolutely terribly and it's probably GOOD that I couldn't play but I accomplished nothing in the way of videos or hand reviews. Now I have RL stuff on the brain while trying to cope with a downswing. Had a nice 2+2er offer to give me a sweat session tonight though so I'm excited for that. I think a third party will be good to figure out what I'm doing wrong or if I am really running as bad as I feel like I am. Kinda funny how my table ratings hot or not score went from 99-100 for almost all of December to the terribly 67 it's at right now. It means absolutely nothing either way but it is funny to watch.
01-06-2010 , 08:32 AM
Two sessions later BR:
$192 --> $212

Think I'll start taking shots at 10NL around $220. BlaneH and everyone else at 10NL here makes me not want to move up due to the constant downswings and badluck that seems to be plaguing them there. I'm now buying into 5NL 200BB deep anyways, but then again not many people are doing the same so I'm never risking a whole lot.

Yesterdays session was just uneventful, no pots over $3 I think and basically never saw showdown after betting much but ended up a little over a buyin. I liked that session considering basically no one was paying me off. Today I didn't play as well but was getting good cards and people were shoving with much worse. I was pulling myself back into line whenever I did anything bad though which was a good sign. I think I'm playing much better lately. I've even broken the don't bluff at micros rule a few times where I've thought its obvious they have c/bet with nothing and c/r them on flop and then bet turn for them to insta fold.

See if you can guess villians hand below.

Poker Stars $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

CO: $5.80
BTN: $10.00
SB: $4.71
Hero (BB): $14.43
UTG: $6.23

Pre Flop: ($0.07) Hero is BB with A A
1 fold, CO raises to $0.10, 1 fold, SB calls $0.08, Hero raises to $0.45, CO calls $0.35, SB calls $0.35

Flop: ($1.35) A 6 5 (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $0.85, CO raises to $1.70, SB folds, Hero raises to $13.98 all in, CO calls $3.65 all in

Turn: ($12.05) 8 (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: ($12.05) 2 (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: $12.05
CO shows K Q (high card Ace)
Hero shows A A (three of a kind, Aces)
Hero wins $11.45
(Rake: $0.60)

I know brag hands are frowned upon but seriously, no pair and no draw on this flop? Maybe they were going to fold equity with an agressive call of my shove...

Last edited by rocaerix; 01-06-2010 at 08:35 AM. Reason: added suits in spolier
01-06-2010 , 08:37 AM
Graph from January 5th

starting the grind right now for jan 6th, hopefully I can get some volume in, and not slack off like I have been the last few days
01-06-2010 , 09:03 AM
how many hours a day do you typically play bannnnn? and number of tables?

yes, this is a serious question!
01-06-2010 , 09:04 AM
8-12 tables

anywhere from an hour to 9 hours
01-06-2010 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by sofocused978
ice you playing full ring or 6max 10NL?
2-4 table 6max.
01-06-2010 , 10:10 AM
Hi there

This is my last chance to build a solid bankroll cause i lost so much beacuse of not following BM so Ill give up if I lost this one .

Ill be playing on PS
My ID is mxlambert
I started today with 45$ after short saesion its -> 56$

Im playing 2$ HU

The main goal is to build the 2k roll but closer goal is to play till sunday only 2$ HU or whatever but not higher than 2$ and play at least 300 games

As Ive sad I have big problem with following BM but I hope that thanks to this thread I will make it

Wish me gl and gl to you ops
01-06-2010 , 10:37 AM
good luck.

i think a lot of people find this thread useful because if you stray outside your bm parameters we'll berate you until you listen
01-06-2010 , 11:37 AM
I finished the day before yesterday at $40.36
Met some variance yesterday that put me off my game so slowed down to play some SnG's. Finished 2/180 on a $2, profit = $67. My BR is now $99
01-06-2010 , 12:17 PM
First update ... wasnt that easy + Im bit tired but I made it

56 -> ~65$

so nice I think when I reach 160$ Ill go for 5$

Played them before and they were same as 2$

Done for now mayby in few houres Ill play something

go go go go ops
01-06-2010 , 01:42 PM
BR - $139
Limit - 5nl

Well i've finally hit 10k hands for the year. Good time to post graph. This is first time posting pic so hope this works.

That dip at about 6500 hands is when moving up to 5nl. The last few session on the other hand have been massive heater 6buyin in my last 1000 hands. If only it could all go that well.

Now my biggest problem is finding some motivation to continue grinding, it's so easy to think when running good that it all comes easy and slack off.
01-06-2010 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by sputum
Vegas fund at $175.50 334 FPP and $3.26 Stellar. 109 tournies. Reload hasn't hit yet.
Sent home from work due to snow, nice grinding time... not

Now at $65.25 526 FPP and $4.97 Stellar. 176 tournies roi down to 7.87 still no reload


Last edited by sputum; 01-06-2010 at 02:03 PM. Reason: sweet graph above me :)
01-06-2010 , 02:28 PM
My session today was..... terribad. I sucked out pretty bad early on in the session.

Poker Stars $2.00 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (UTG): $4.98
MP: $2.92
CO: $3.83
BTN: $1.61
SB: $5.12
BB: $5.82

Pre Flop: ($0.03) Hero is UTG with Q Q
Hero raises to $0.12, 4 folds, BB raises to $5.82, Hero calls $4.86 all in

Flop: ($9.97) 2 6 4 (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: ($9.97) 8 (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($9.97) A (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $9.97
Hero shows Q Q
BB shows K A
BB wins $9.52
(Rake: $0.45)

-2.5 BI

Haven't reviewed my session extensively yet, but I made a few bad plays here and there (tilt?).

$69.60 -> $65
01-06-2010 , 02:34 PM
i'm getting well jealous of you guys, have to travel back to uni, then solid exams next week so not gonna get to play a hand till next weekend

01-06-2010 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by jumpship
i'm getting well jealous of you guys, have to travel back to uni, then solid exams next week so not gonna get to play a hand till next weekend

I'm similar, only it's work getting in the way. Once I've got home I usually can't be bothered to concentrate, so there is no point playing for the sake of it.

I miss having all the time I had over the Christmas period to just play . At this rate it's going to take forever to move up with the volume I'm putting in. I suppose I'll just have to really go for it on weekends .
01-06-2010 , 02:48 PM
BR: 242 >>> 189
Had a bad session. Two suckouts which I don't mind too much as I was leading when the money went in. But then tried a couple of bluffs that obviously got looked up. Gotta cut those bluffs down at 10NL.
01-06-2010 , 03:23 PM
I'm going to be so excited when I start hitting a set or two with my small pp's in these big 4 way raised pots
01-06-2010 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by BlaneH
Kinda funny how my table ratings hot or not score went from 99-100 for almost all of December to the terribly 67 it's at right now. It means absolutely nothing either way but it is funny to watch.
The way I interpret it, 50 is running normal (over a big sample) ... > 50 is running well, <50 is running bad.

the 100 means insane heater, and the drop to 67 or lower is a downswing for sure ... if it settles out at 50'ish over the next few days, it means that the cards are running normal for you again though

When I suffered through my soul crushing downswing in November, I averaged about 35

Now I'm running well, score is about 61 I think
01-06-2010 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
I'm going to be so excited when I start hitting a set or two with my small pp's in these big 4 way raised pots
hit top set in a 4 way pot once and everyone went all, held up and scooped a massive pot, gotta love the players on merge
01-06-2010 , 03:28 PM
Is there anyone in this thread besides me that's not in school anymore and actually has a full time job? I'm starting to feel old around here.
01-06-2010 , 03:28 PM
I've hit one set in 2010... when I was aipf with KK v JJ.... it'll turn around though

01-06-2010 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by rocaerix

Final Pot: $12.05
CO shows K Q (high card Ace)
Hero shows A A (three of a kind, Aces)
Hero wins $11.45
(Rake: $0.60)




01-06-2010 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by jumpship
hit top set in a 4 way pot once and everyone went all, held up and scooped a massive pot, gotta love the players on merge
lol yes.. I'm -ing the players on merge... I think there are 4 10nl "regs" that I keep running into at 6max... and all 4 of them are pretty nitty and really bad.. one keeps quitting my tables already
