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Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet

12-02-2018 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
Perhaps you two could have a skype roast or rap battle from your respective hot tubs?

I think the most obvious opportunity for this bet has to be news coming from the upcoming Trump-china meetings. Trade tweets and hot takes from MSM will probably move the S&P's 20 points either way
Most obvious trade of the year. The only question is if missing it is worth an epic hot tub session
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-02-2018 , 08:24 PM
Nice call JV, too bad this one wasn't included in this bet (for Brian)... Likely called the ST bottom.

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Apple's shine is gone. A decent short here at $170.70. Once the waxy shine comes off it shrivels up.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-02-2018 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
Most obvious trade of the year. The only question is if missing it is worth an epic hot tub session
I doubt this was the case. He has a waterproof bloomberg terminal installed in his jacuzzi. He kills the markets wherever, whenever. When he was six he had a quotron attached to his schwinn with a direct line to the cboe pits. Also, had a baby pool with jets installed.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
If I was going to fake a screenshot I'd do it for a number a lot more interesting than $27K after commissions.
No you wouldn't. You're an expert bull****ter which means that you'd pick a number that was impressive but not high enough to be unbelievable. $27K is a perfect number.

You want to reverse image search that screenshot? Be my guest. WTF are you talking about? It's right there when you quote the post.
Right because not being able to find an image on the internet absolutely proves you didnt fabricate it since the only way to possibly fabricate an image is to use someone else's image....that is available on the internet for everyone to double check.

I hope with this level of intelligence you're not studying something like medicine? Jesus. What an irredeemable dumbass.
Tops the post of with a buzzy ad hom like usual. I used to think you were a smart bull****ter but the more you post the more I can see this is some simple but very limited strategy you employ in literally every post.

1. Overstate the case
2. Dare people to do obvious checks to establish credibility
3. Ad hom conclusion

Every. Single. Post.

Record yourself logging into your trading account, you pathetic, lying little coward.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
too bad this one wasn't included in this bet (for Brian)... Likely called the ST bottom.
In before "I closed that trade for a 5 bagger"
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
I offered you a highly generous 3:1 in your favor to bet on any of these things. You declined, saying you had to "study for finals", which everyone mocked you for.
Keep offering that bet I'm not going to waste my time unless you make it at least 10 to 1. If I actually believed you had the money or wouldn't drag your feet to pay it I would consider. Your exemplary record in this thread, posting zero trades, makes me think my counter party risk is too high to waste time finding an escrow/making rules. Don't flatter yourself and think it is because I'm not positive your completely fos. You are. I know that with 99% certainty.
So you're 99% certain I'm lying but you won't take 3:1 in your favor. That's 30,000% in EV you're turning down. What a clown.

The reason I won't give 10:1 is because, as explained, that doesn't even cover the spread. 3:1 in you favor covers the spread and leaves me a little bit of money besides.

As for being low content, or obsessed with you lol, I would make the claim my content is destroying the small amount of credibility you have so you can quit giving terrible advice. I just got bored watching you say the dumbest things and decided to make an example of you.

Think of it this way: you are the grade school bully; I'm the slightly older kid that spikes a dodgeball in your face and tosses you into the dumpster because I got tired of you picking on the younger smaller kids. My content is making you look like the asshat you really are.
Dude, you're obviously obsessed. The fact that you're going off on some unhinged conspiracy theory where I don't even trade is comical. The fact that you think you're heroically taking down a bully rather than going off on an obsessed conspiracy is an absolute howler. How much of a weedy loser are you? Amazing stuff.

The funniest part of all this is that my counterparty, Brian, as well as much of this forum which is in private chat, has actually seen pictures from my penthouse apartment with my trading windows open which I've posted in private chat. They're laughing their asses off at what an unhinged loser you've quite frankly lost your mind.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by Do0rDoNot
Right because not being able to find an image on the internet absolutely proves you didnt fabricate it since the only way to possibly fabricate an image is to use someone else's image....that is available on the internet for everyone to double check.
For real dude, not even being a prick here, there is something legitimately wrong with your brain. You repeatedly show a low-level inability to follow a conversation.

Here is what happened:
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Originally Posted by turtletom
GUY IS LEGIT. I have changed my mind after seeing this embedded screenshot that we can't save and reverse image search. THIS ALL SEEMS SO LEGIT!
You want to reverse image search that screenshot? Be my guest. WTF are you talking about? It's right there when you quote the post.

2p2 caches images as a security measure so you can't say, put an external image in the bitcoin thread and get a bunch of their IPs to try and hack.

I hope with this level of intelligence you're not studying something like medicine? Jesus. What an irredeemable dumbass.
Me pointing out how idiotic his aspersions are has nothing to do with with me claiming that not being able to reverse image search this image means it's not doctored. I've repeatedly said I could fake almost anything including a video of same using scripts like GreaseMonkey.

Congratulations, you're one of the dumbest people on this forum.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
So you're 99% certain I'm lying but you won't take 3:1 in your favor. That's 30,000% in EV you're turning down. What a clown.

The reason I won't give 10:1 is because, as explained, that doesn't even cover the spread. 3:1 in you favor covers the spread and leaves me a little bit of money besides.
Might want to recheck my reasoning for not taking that bet.

Dude, you're obviously obsessed. The fact that you're going off on some unhinged conspiracy theory where I don't even trade is comical. The fact that you think you're heroically taking down a bully rather than going off on an obsessed conspiracy is an absolute howler. How much of a weedy loser are you? Amazing stuff.

The funniest part of all this is that my counterparty, Brian, as well as much of this forum which is in private chat, has actually seen pictures from my penthouse apartment with my trading windows open which I've posted in private chat. They're laughing their asses off at what an unhinged loser you've quite frankly lost your mind.
Then post the pics dawg. Also, unlike you I don't really care if random people on the internet think I'm stupid. In fact, I don't care if people irl think i'm dumb. Most of the best things that happened in my life were the result of doing things other people thought were weird. Your a fake. It is not hard to see.

Still waiting on those jacuzzi pics big balla...

P.S. Jacuzzi pics would need to have "lol turtle tom" handwritten in them before I even considered giving them any credibility.

Last edited by turtletom; 12-03-2018 at 07:50 AM.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Congratulations, you're one of the dumbest people on this forum.
It's amazing to see a grown man, I'm assuming grown, get so flustered he uses the "your a dumb dumb" defense multiple times.

Must not have learned that ad homs are terrible arguments when getting that phd in nuclear astro evolutionary bio mechanical physics.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by turtletom
It's amazing to see a grown man, I'm assuming grown, get so flustered he uses the "your a dumb dumb" defense multiple times.

Must not have learned that ad homs are terrible arguments when getting that phd in nuclear astro evolutionary bio mechanical physics.
It's not a defense, it's a factual statement. I post more evidence and reasoning than anyone on BFI.

Ironically it's you doing all ad hominem here. You can't refute my arguments anywhere (you've gotten your ass kicked on every conversation we've had), so all you have left is to ad hominem to death. Which also fails because you're wrong on the facts. The same thing happened to Henry17 when he owned losers, he had 10+ people following him around desperately trying to score a point. It's highly entertaining to watch idiots lose their minds and get obsessed and post increasingly desperate and stupid ad hominem arguments like this (that merely show their own hilarious ignorance):

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Originally Posted by turtletom
GUY IS LEGIT. I have changed my mind after seeing this embedded screenshot that we can't save and reverse image search. THIS ALL SEEMS SO LEGIT!
You want to reverse image search that screenshot? Be my guest. WTF are you talking about? It's right there when you quote the post.

[text entered for dumbass loser so he can see the img code--img][/ img]

2p2 caches images as a security measure so you can't say, put an external image in the bitcoin thread and get a bunch of their IPs to try and hack.

I hope with this level of intelligence you're not studying something like medicine? Jesus. What an irredeemable dumbass.
because they got owned in earlier arguments and their ego can't take it.

I dunno what else to say man. Go study? I'd hate for you to do worse on your finals than you already are because you're wasting your study time rage posting with dreams of "taking down" the bully.

Last edited by ToothSayer; 12-03-2018 at 08:35 AM.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 08:54 AM
What do you study for in school turtletom? Taking the bet might be a good idea, because student loans can get pretty expensive and extra money can't hurt if you are indeed 99% certain.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by TheGodson
What do you study for in school turtletom? Taking the bet might be a good idea, because student loans can get pretty expensive and extra money can't hurt if you are indeed 99% certain.
I'm freerolling school and my wife is working so COL for me is zero. Plus I still have plenty of capital left over from my days trading full time. If anything trading professionally teaches you to live small.

Not trying to sound like an asshat but a 1k bet doesn't motivate me to jump through the hoops that bet would require. Also, there is enough circumstantial evidence in this thread to prove he is fos. I don't really need the validation of winning the bet. I'm not wasting time and emotional capital.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Ironically it's you doing all ad hominem here.
Not sure you know what an ad hom is...

Evidence, evidence, evidence. You have none. That's not an ad hom. That's attacking directly your claim of greatest trader ever or I'm in a jacuzzi penthouse. Quit calling me dumb and put up or shut up.

Also, the 10-15 minutes I spend posting and lol'ing is not going to hurt my studies. Appreciate your concern though.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Not sure you know what an ad hom is...

Evidence, evidence, evidence. You have none. That's not an ad hom.
It's attacking the person not the argument. Since I am not a topic relevant to BFI, you spending 48 posts in this thread incompetently attacking me is an ad hominem. If you have a problem with my advice to say, CandyKreep, attack that advice. You were too stupid and incompetent and got owned every time you tried, so now you're trying to ad hominem in 49 zero content posts in this thread.
That's attacking directly your claim of greatest trader ever
I've never claimed this and it would be a ridiculous claim given that I'm not worth >$200 million from trading. I wrote this to you in a PM after you cold-PMed me saying you'd posted my posts at another forum to get their opinion (obviously obsessed with me) to wind you up. You're so stupid and obsessed you thought I was serious, with hilarious results as your truther-fevered mind goes nuts thinking it's 99% I don't even trade real money despite any rational take putting that at <1%.
Quit calling me dumb and put up or shut up.]
I offered you an escrowed bet for proof at 300x expectation according to your own numbers (99% sure). You claimed you needed to "study". lol?
I'm freerolling school and my wife is working so COL for me is zero. Plus I still have plenty of capital left over from my days trading full time. If anything trading professionally teaches you to live small.
You're a grown man mature age student living off your wife? I thought maybe you were some dumb hyperactive college kid which is maybe excusable. Jesus this is comical and pathetic.

No wonder you're a Tooth truther. Henry17 used to attract all the drooling ******s/life losers as well sure he was a fake and obsessed with taking him down. It was equally comical.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Not trying to sound like an asshat but a 1k bet doesn't motivate me to jump through the hoops that bet would require. Also, there is enough circumstantial evidence in this thread to prove he is fos. I don't really need the validation of winning the bet. I'm not wasting time and emotional capital.
WTF? Is this you admitting you're afraid of getting owned for real money? What happened to "99% sure"?
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by turtletom
He doesn't trade. Likely, doesn't have an account. I'd say vegas would offer even money this guy isn't legit. All these accolades he bestows on himself and zero proof rendered.

Going to start Pm'ing mods to get him perma banned for trolling. Needs to at least post some pics of this awesome traveling fx fin twit master status. At least the shills can rent a rolls for the day. Doubt this guy could rent a '99 neon on credit.

Shame. Seems like he has a great personality. I bet mods would forgive him if he came clean on his bs. Just a thought.
If you are so confident in your claims, then you would be happy to take a 1:1 bet. But when he offered even more generous terms than that (3:1), you backpedaled like you had just grabbed a hooker's dick by accident.

You both are acting like children here, but we expect that from TS. What's your excuse?
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 10:27 AM
Tooth obviously not afraid of burning emotional capital. Very wrapped up in his internet persona.

As far as not taking the bet you can read why I'm not taking it. Mostly has to do with the fact I have zero faith in Tooth's legitimacy. Rationale here is not ground breaking stuff.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 10:30 AM
Also, lol'd hard at tooth saying I'm an idiot, or something, because my wife is an income source while in school.

That is one perspective, I guess.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 10:35 AM
Can we just ban them both?
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Also, lol'd hard at tooth saying I'm an idiot, or something, because my wife is an income source while in school.

That is one perspective, I guess.
Ok now I just feel sad. I'm not longer gonna mock you. Good luck to you bro and gl bettering yourself by getting an education. And yes, a decent percentage of the population would view living off your income-producing wife as a win. So congratulations on that*.

I'll stop mocking you for not taking the bet as well.

I'll post trades before it's all over. Still waiting for a big one to do this in one shot but a couple of weeks of trades should get me there. Hopefully it'll give you some insight into how your mind is susceptible to low-information trutherism, which is really just your internal Bayes gone haywire. Maybe it'll be a learning experience for you.

*That was mocking you but I promise you that's the last time.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 10:46 AM
no bans please
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 11:42 AM
Turtle has no living expenses but won't take a bet for a free money? Also, is dawg still part of the vernacular?
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by btc
Turtle has no living expenses but won't take a bet for a free money? Also, is dawg still part of the vernacular?
Well could you imagine him trying to explain to his wife the bet and why it's good for him?
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Mostly has to do with the fact I have zero faith in Tooth's legitimacy.
If only there were some sort of wager you could make regarding Tooth's legitimacy. Even better would be if there were judges and an escrow to remove party risk and your thesis only needed to be correct 25% of the time.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
12-03-2018 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Tooth obviously not afraid of burning emotional capital. Very wrapped up in his internet persona.

As far as not taking the bet you can read why I'm not taking it. Mostly has to do with the fact I have zero faith in Tooth's legitimacy. Rationale here is not ground breaking stuff.
Yes, we can all read why you're not taking the bet. Mostly has to do with the fact that you realized that you would lose. You were smart to backpedal. Just own it.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
