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Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet

11-25-2018 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer

It seems to be exclusively losers that have this view. People who've never had money or a life have no idea what people with money or a life would do and have some kind of idealized view of how they would act (they'd be kind, they wouldn't waste time posting on the Internet, they wouldn't care about an Internet rep, they wouldn't be rude to people). It's actually comical as anyone who's known any rich and successful people would know they run the gamut. Not knowing that exposes your own status as a loser with limited life experience. Well done, bro.
Lol, I'm not going to waste my time worrying about some moronic prop bet with you. I have finals the next 2.5 weeks and need to study. 1) I don't care about the 1k because its just 1k and 2) I don't feel like wasting time finding a escrow I trust and I have strong doubts you could even pay for this punt. All in all a giant hassle, but it worked great as a bait. Thanks again.

This last paragraph is full of the lols. I didn't say they wouldn't be kind or rude, I just said they wouldn't waste their time defending themselves. It is clear you are wrapped up in this persona you created for yourself. I doubt it exists in the real world or you wouldn't bother to defend it with such gusto.

Tell me more about your cool life. It's all bull****. You're like these fintwit losers that post pics trading from a beach. I have never met a pro trader like that. Most spend countless boring hours watching screens, reviewing trades, or working on strats. I can't tell you how obvious your bull**** is to anyone with a clue. Takes a lot of work to be a great trader or you would see these top guys spending all their days on the beach. Instead, its the posers that want to sell a persona.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Lol, I'm not going to waste my time worrying about some moronic prop bet with you. I have finals the next 2.5 weeks and need to study. 1) I don't care about the 1k because its just 1k and 2) I don't feel like wasting time finding a escrow I trust and I have strong doubts you could even pay for this punt. All in all a giant hassle, but it worked great as a bait. Thanks again.
You've spent heaps of posts claiming I'm a lying, even cold-PMing me, which was hilarious and shows your obsession. Now you're too busy with finals when real money and a resolution is offered? What the **** is that?

The truth is you don't believe what you say at all and just want attention from your betters (me). Your claim that you're "doing this for the newbies" is just lol at this point. You've spent all this energy but won't finish the job (exposing me by entering this bet). That's comedic bro. You have zero credibility at this point.
This last paragraph is full of the lols. I didn't say they wouldn't be kind or rude, I just said they wouldn't waste their time defending themselves. It is clear you are wrapped up in this persona you created for yourself. I doubt it exists in the real world or you wouldn't bother to defend it with such gusto.

Tell me more about your cool life. It's all bull****. You're like these fintwit losers that post pics trading from a beach. I have never met a pro trader like that. Most spend countless boring hours watching screens, reviewing trades, or working on strats. I can't tell you how obvious your bull**** is to anyone with a clue. Takes a lot of work to be a great trader or you would see these top guys spending all their days on the beach. Instead, its the posers that want to sell a persona.
What exactly is bull****? The only thing I've ever claimed is that I travel the world's most beautiful places living in luxury, trading for a living. I've been doing this continuously for three years now and see no end in sight. Again you double down on calling it "all bull****" but are too much of a coward to back your views in a way that you'd look like an idiot if you were wrong. That's comical. You're gonna remain a loser envious of people like me until you fix that failure of courage.

As for working, I sit at the computer all day during market hours and do more analysis on weekends. I'd rather be out enjoying life more. I spent a lot of time and energy on this and have for five years. Why the **** else would I post on here and discuss Tesla, TLRY, NFLX, etc, etc unless I actually trade? Most of my posts when not dispatching losers are in depth discussions on stocks that I trade.

Good luck with your finals.

Last edited by ToothSayer; 11-25-2018 at 11:07 AM.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Do0rDoNot
I however, know a pretentious douchebag when I see one. I guess i shouldnt really be surprised at others credulity over him; if anything is true it's that people are easily swayed by false confidence.
I think TS being a jerk at times is a feature not a bug, and makes for better discussion. For ex. say Bitcoin Bob comes along, say he's a BTC bull and considered an expert on bitcoin. Some people post their bear theses, and he doesn't bother saying anything because people post bear theses all the time and who cares. But then this seemingly over-confident know-it-all posts a bear thesis and on top of it insults the intelligence of BTC bulls. This provokes Bob's ire and he decides to put the guy in his place, outlining everything he knows and why the bear's points are wrong.

Even if you think TS is always wrong about everything (I don't think this, but I also don't trade and thus don't have strong opinions on most of this stuff), his posting style elicits better discussion. Give me this any day - at least for the BFI forum - over a forum full of babies who always make sure to be polite.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by JCA88
I think TS being a jerk at times is a feature not a bug, and makes for better discussion. For ex. say Bitcoin Bob comes along, say he's a BTC bull and considered an expert on bitcoin. Some people post their bear theses, and he doesn't bother saying anything because people post bear theses all the time and who cares. But then this seemingly over-confident know-it-all posts a bear thesis and on top of it insults the intelligence of BTC bulls. This provokes Bob's ire and he decides to put the guy in his place, outlining everything he knows and why the bear's points are wrong.

Even if you think TS is always wrong about everything (I don't think this, but I also don't trade and thus don't have strong opinions on most of this stuff), his posting style elicits better discussion. Give me this any day - at least for the BFI forum - over a forum full of babies who always make sure to be polite.
Lol please stop talking, being a douchebag doesn't elicit a better discussion. If anything, how many times does it turn into off topic discussions such as this? Willing to admit your mistakes and actual collaboration is something this subforum sorely lacks because of guys like TS, dgaf what content he provides.

Side note: #justwinthebet
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by turtletom
I'm sorry me calling out an obvious fake is hurting your feelings.
Dude, everyone here already knows he's a fraud, just chill the **** out for a while and enjoy the show.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
Lol please stop talking, being a douchebag doesn't elicit a better discussion. If anything, how many times does it turn into off topic discussions such as this? Willing to admit your mistakes and actual collaboration is something this subforum sorely lacks because of guys like TS, dgaf what content he provides.

Side note: #justwinthebet
That's just bull**** ASAP. Look at the NFLX thread. What "collaboration" was possible there? People posting boring numbers?

Instead I poked the bulls with a strong opinion, discovered most were delusional and didn't know basic facts, which is valuable information, got some winning options trades out of it and a bet with ahnuld I'm very likely to win at this point (lol). All the bulls were trying to prove me wrong and I them. A lot of valuable analysis and opinion got posted as a result.

Adversarial debates are provably better at truth finding, provided there's content. And ironically, people who post near exclusively no or snarky content are people like you and turtletom. Fix your own issues up before coming after me, bro.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 11:19 AM
turtletom, you have to study for finals and you don't care about the $1k because it's just $1k? Nice logic, what the heck are they teaching you there?

According to the confidence in your read, he's giving you free money. Either you take that bet or you are the same smart mouthed loser you claim tooth is.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 11:23 AM
My own issues? Funny, you started this and could've ended it by posting some trades in the best year of trading since the crisis. Still waiting on those hot tub pics you volunteered to share... But no you'd rather encourage gas lighting and wasting time ripping a guy trading for pennies lol. Great use of your time...

Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 11:27 AM
You brag about all these companies and things you've "warned" BFI against like TSLA, TLRY, btc... Care to show any real statement that you've actually traded these names recently? Shouldn't be too hard to put to bed that you trade for real lol.

Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Lol, I'm not going to waste my time.
Evidence suggests otherwise.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 11:48 AM
Since TS won't provide any action, anyone that bet for or against in a side bet interested in a buyout? Curious what kind of price I could get.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 11:52 AM
Would love to see some of your trades Asap, any interest in posting a few beaut's?
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by btc
Would love to see some of your trades Asap, any interest in posting a few beaut's?
Nope, absolutely zero interest lol don't have anything to prove to BFI unlike TS who really needs support from you guys. Next time I get in a bet where I claim to have a 95% confidence though I'll be sure to share the support behind it.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
My own issues? Funny, you started this and could've ended it by posting some trades in the best year of trading since the crisis. Still waiting on those hot tub pics you volunteered to share... But no you'd rather encourage gas lighting and wasting time ripping a guy trading for pennies lol. Great use of your time...

The kindest thing you can do for anyone of average intelligence or temperament contemplating trading is to strongly discourage them from doing it. >95% lose if you look at broker data. The more you trade, the more you lose, which is consistent with not having any edge, negative or positive.

Technical analysis in particular is poison to your wealth when paired with a non-highly-intelligent mind. The guy started with $100, said he couldn't stretch to much more and is now down $4000 and countless boring hours trading forex. More importantly he's getting deeper and deeper into the psychotic notion that there are endless "patterns" on charts you can use to win money across all asset classes.

I did a kindness to him. People like you advocating lines on charts do real financial harm to real people.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 12:01 PM
Yeah you are so kind that you'd spend your hard working time on Candy, he should be so grateful bud. Can't even type this without laughing...
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 12:25 PM
Is TS melting down? Seems like he is going full meltdown. This is getting hard to watch.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 01:15 PM
Let's see. I'm not:

- Obsessed with an individual (making my last 20 or so posts about them)

- Cold PMing people who've been on a trading forum daily for >5 years and have 20+ >$5K real time trades including screenshots to tell them I think they've never made a trade in their life.

- Passing up free, easy money offered to me by the object of my obsession who I'm certain is a fraud and who I claim I want to expose and want to protect the newbies from.

- Claiming I can't make the above bet because I have to "study for finals" and then spend more time posting then doing the bet.

The last might be the funniest of all. Once I start doing the above, then you might be able to claim I'm in "full meltdown".

I really don't get all the fuss. The bet was for a year and it's not a year yet, but all of the POS that I've owned elsewhere want to take swing, and pathetically reaching here to try and get a score when the bet is far from finished is all they've got.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Let's see. I'm not:

- Obsessed with an individual (making my last 20 or so posts about them)

- Cold PMing people who've been on a trading forum daily for >5 years and have 20+ >$5K real time trades including screenshots to tell them I think they've never made a trade in their life.

- Passing up free, easy money offered to me by the object of my obsession who I'm certain is a fraud and who I claim I want to expose and want to protect the newbies from.

- Claiming I can't make the above bet because I have to "study for finals" and then spend more time posting then doing the bet.

The last might be the funniest of all. Once I start doing the above, then you might be able to claim I'm in "full meltdown".

I really don't get all the fuss. The bet was for a year and it's not a year yet, but all of the POS that I've owned elsewhere want to take swing, and pathetically reaching here to try and get a score when the bet is far from finished is all they've got.
Lol, you seem triggered? Are you triggered?

Snowflakes going to snowflake.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 01:29 PM
Bemused is more the word. At this point I think you're thoroughly self-owned (the claim you "had to study" was the high point) and there's not much more to say.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
The kindest thing you can do for anyone of average intelligence or temperament contemplating trading is to strongly discourage them from doing it. >95% lose if you look at broker data. The more you trade, the more you lose, which is consistent with not having any edge, negative or positive.

Technical analysis in particular is poison to your wealth when paired with a non-highly-intelligent mind. The guy started with $100, said he couldn't stretch to much more and is now down $4000 and countless boring hours trading forex. More importantly he's getting deeper and deeper into the psychotic notion that there are endless "patterns" on charts you can use to win money across all asset classes.

I did a kindness to him. People like you advocating lines on charts do real financial harm to real people.

A couple things here:

1) I am not down anywhere near $4000 in forex. In that particular example, I started with $100 and traded it to $1000, then proceeded to lose the account which means down the deposited $100. After that I made two separate smaller deposits to try out a couple different approaches, both of which failed (and I got out before depleting the last deposit completely). I have since removed myself from forex. I am stubborn, yes, but not a total idiot. There's just no point in trying to trade currencies if your goal is to trade over the long term, which I eventually want to be able to do successfully.

2) For all of TS's trolling/gaslighting/whatever you want to call it, he's actually been a big help in the sense that he planted the seed that got me interested in options - which as he so encouragingly put it, "You'll still lose, but at least you'll have a small fighting chance." I obviously haven't been doing it long, but I've had a decent start trading mostly OTM bear call spreads. I made 4% this past week with not a lot of risk. I plan on going about this far differently than my FX foray, and for that I mostly have TS to thank.

I'd say the guy's biggest downfall is his narrow view of traders in general. If you don't have his exact perspective of how to successfully approach trading then you're a -ev losing idiot. The idea that there may be people out there who view the process differently and could be successful is completely incompatible for him.

Last edited by CandyKreep; 11-25-2018 at 01:44 PM.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 01:34 PM
I'm looking forward to trades based purely on fundementals Candy, given how much **** he talks about TA its going to be epic whatever the justification is, win or lose. Maybe we will actually see some trades starting next week.

Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
There's no trolling. I spent a month in a gorgeous penthouse apartment with a jacuzzi and a lovely girl (NOT paid for). Now I'm in Dubrovnik. When you travel you move around, y'know? I'll be in Venice in a few weeks and then France on the way to wintering in a villa in southern Spain. I'll be glad to post pics if people who slur me as a "fraud" who "lives in his mom's basement" escrow money. But only for escrowed money. So far all of them are cowards or broke. Let's see if turtletom is different.
What the **** does this even mean? I'm in Barbados right now and it says nothing about my financial success, in trading or otherwise. What makes you think the fact you're touring around europe means anything at all? I've seen poor college kids spend months in europe, jacuzzis and all.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 03:09 PM
He's doing what he always does, and trying to impress "the sheeple" in a none too subtle way.

Looks like the penny's dropped that he over-egged his omelette with the silliness about hot girls in jacuzzis. Oh look, he's no longer there now.

lol always TS
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 03:48 PM
The hot girl is still with me. I just don't have a jacuzzi in this apartment.

Alright guys, you had your fun. This was a good thread about risk, market return, etc until this forum's losers/zero content posters (Do0rDoNot, turtletom, etc) who are obsessed with me after I owned them decided they could try and get back at me here.

But if you're not willing to put up money to back your view that I'm fraud who lives in his mother's basement or similar, can't make a $1K -trade, etc, what's the point in engaging? You're just tarding things up with your insecurity. Point has been made - you're sure I'm a fraud but will put no money on it. That's a strong position you're arguing from.

I'll start posting daily trades in a couple of weeks if nothing big comes. Should get me comfortably across the line. It's been an amazing year for daily trades but not a lot of high probability large bet news action.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
11-25-2018 , 04:04 PM
Receipts. Otherwise GTFO.
Tooth v. Brian completely unofficial and illegal prop bet Quote
