Originally Posted by Duffman08
Have you ever written any code Kazuya ? I don't think you understand how monsterous of a task faces even just ETH development team...let alone any blockchain + video game ideas you think are even remotely possible in any reasonable time-frame into the future. I respect the brilliance + hard work of Vitalik and that's why I bought enough to stake if they somehow pull this rabbit out of the hat but I think it's more likely that other well funded teams who get to learn from the mistakes/progress of ETH will out-perform from here long-term (cough* ADA cough*).
What are these other 2-5 assets?
How can you not hold BTC? Lightning Network is THE most brilliant piece of technological innovation to come from the crypto industry thus far (and possibly worldwide since the smart phone). If BTC can't succeed with the brand name, security, and genius development it has had thus far...NONE of these other projects have any shot in hell.
BTC has no competition at all. ETH has its own competition of trying to innovate/fix what is essentially a train already rolling down the tracks at full-speed AND has competition from other well funded teams who got to start with lessons learned and a clean development slate.
To anyone entering now...you cannot go wrong just loading BTC here and not stressing yourself trying to find a winner amongst the current wreckage.
I have written code for about ~50 hours lifetime. It would be a mistake to even call me a novice developer. I have paid developers independently to go over code & github and give me their honest thoughts (they're getting paid for their opinions, not whether it's "good" or "bad"). I've also spent more time than I wish to admit combing over dozens of developers & their insights/arguments and figuring out who is a dreamer and who is pragmatic and who is what. By the way, saying if BTC and their genius development doesn't succeed than nothing will is a non sequiter. Every project has different technologies, roadmaps, challenges & visions. For understanding dev work: Basically, I see that as part of my work-flow, it's my job to try and understand this and in doing so I better understand the velocity and risks of projects. There are many brilliant developers working in this space but that != good investments on many things. I do have my own estimates in my mind on when I think things could likely come to fruition, all you have to do is ask:
Q: When will ETH become actually legit mainstream?
A: Based on what I said above: not in 2019, not in 2020, possibly in 2021-2022. Speculation bubbles passing ATH's may occur before then, but I would put it at 90%+ chance there is nowhere near mainstream adoption before late 2021 -- there are technical challenges still yet to be solved, like cross sharding communications & storage that are still quite early in their research. BTW this is an answer based on technology and software, not price discussion, and it's my best guess at this time, which will of course change depending on how research is actually going. That's also just one piece of the puzzle. Dev tooling/libraries, which are still very primitive in the EVM model (but have been improving) & getting engineers/developers working outside of Blockchain into this space will have to be built out in parallel as well. By far the best usage of your time to understand Eth 2.0 and what it may look like is watching this video and understand the discussion being had:
Furthermore, the biggest challenge I think in the future may be this:
https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/co...imistic_state/ . In Eth 2.0 first release, it will not have cross-sharding communication & only scale to ~15K TPS on layer-1. Neither of those are "good" enough for mass-adoption -- but it's a start.
Q: Lightning
Are you aware BTC has been trying to do lightning for around ~4 years now?
https://twitter.com/starkness/status/676599570898419712 . Elizabeth Stark is the CEO of Lightning labs. What about the lightning or its architecture do you find so elegant? I don't think it will ever work on a meaningful scale. I encourage you to do more of your own research on this, as a starting point you should try to answer these:
1) Where is it at with its development and what problems are they yet to solve?
2) How many people are currently using it and at what rate of velocity is it being adopted?
3) What is the current user experience, and what challenges need to be overcome to change this?
4) What are the security trade-offs? Is this something an average non-technical user will be OK with?
5) Dream big and imagine tens of millions of users using this as a layer-2 solution: What problems do you see mushrooming up with this architecture?
As a thought experiment: If had to go through my mind about ways Ethereum could go to zero or lose to a competitor, say make a top 10 on this, ADA doesn't even come close to cracking it. I'm not a maximalist; I will continue to place bets on protocols/platforms that I think might have value in the future, but ADA personally isn't on this. Off the top of my head three quick ones: They're nowhere close to a functioning mainnet or implementing their features described in their paper, their rate of development is quite slow and I think there are more talented teams with better visions in this space, and Charles, the leader, is a major neckbeard (had to throw that in). I think there are much much better risk/rewards bets to place than on Cardano.
Last edited by Kazuya; 12-15-2018 at 03:28 PM.