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Coronavirus Coronavirus

10-01-2021 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
We know that obesity rose during the pandemic. We know that it rose at a higher rate in non-whites and children. Please tell us the cause.

Obesity rose with some people - the correlation being people exercising less, eating more and suffering from depression

Fitness rose with other people (less) - the correlation being people had more time, less things to do with that extra time and focused on their fitness and nutrition and mental health.

Covid did not make anyone fat - Causation. A cold makes you have phlegm. That is cause and effect. A cold may make you want to sleep more but it does NOT make you sleep more.

To the question of - DOES COVID CAUSE OBESITY? That answer is NO.

To the question of - Does covid, food deserts, and other inequities correlate with obesity? That answer is YES.

I can't believe you and Tooth are struggling with this so much.
10-01-2021 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Cuepee, simple question. Do you think obesity and weight levels would be more, less, or the same if there weren't forced lockdowns and shutdowns? Please just a simple answer and not a diatribe. Thanks.
I've already said the correlation is clear. Just as Food Deserts and other inequities have a clear correlation to obesity.

The problem is you guys literally don't understand that a thing does not have to be causative (100% the reason) for it to be a correlating factor of importance.

Right leaning derps can only think in 100% black and white terms. It must be all or none when that is rarely the case.
10-01-2021 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I've already said the correlation is clear. Just as Food Deserts and other inequities have a clear correlation to obesity.

The problem is you guys literally don't understand that a thing does not have to be causative (100% the reason) for it to be a correlating factor of importance.

Right leaning derps can only think in 100% black and white terms. It must be all or none when that is rarely the case.
Please I'm kind of ******ed so if you could please answer it simply as I asked. Do you believe lockdowns and shutdowns resulted in more weight gain, less weight gain (or loss), or the same? Thank you.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 10-02-2021 at 08:57 AM.
10-01-2021 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by yukoncpa
Sure Americans are fat, but a great deal of what you're saying makes little sense to me. A huge amount of laborers making less than 13.50 dollars an hour are doing so by standing on their feet for 8 plus hours a day. When a bulk of these people are laid off and given government subsidies while confined to home, they're naturally going to relax from their former very physically stressfull life. Of course they're going to gain weight, and a good deal of it.
If they care about their health
(because that is what it is, not being fat at the end of the day, is being healthy), having more time and more energy they might make that time and energy more useful.

i did hard working job in my life too, yes having a hard working job permits you to "cheat" on a lot of stuff, doesnt mean once it is over you have to keep the same routine if you want to stay healthy....
10-01-2021 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
This number is actually insane and Montrealcorp and Cuepee derping it up as usual.

You lock down humans inside their homes.
They get fatter.
The 2 derps say they shouldn't have gotten fatter because they have more time on their hands. Should have went for a "walk" lmao.
Fact remains they got fatter during government imposed lockdowns.
In their eyes everybody works a desk job where they gained 1 more hour due to work from home.

But look at prisoners and how they stay in shape after being sent to prison!!!

Rofl the argument is so dumb. The more I think about the prison argument the dumber it is, I wonder how long it will take them to drop the prison argument.

why poor people are poor ?
usual answers from tooth and others -> because they are lazy.

Why people are fat or gets fat during confinement -> because of covid not because they are lazy .


the prison aspect was to show no EXCUSES exist to become fat if you care about your health.
If they can do it, everyone can...

HTF is that hard to understand....
10-01-2021 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp

the prison aspect was to show no EXCUSES exist to become fat if you care about your health.
If they can do it, everyone can...

Prisoners are forcibly detained, having every waking moment of their existence controlled, when to get up, how long to sleep, have set out exercise time daily, and has a diet of limited calories, at set times, consisting of gruel provided by the cheapest supplier. They still have an obesity problem.
10-01-2021 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Please I'm kind of r3tarded so if you could please answer it simply as I asked. Do you believe lockdowns and shutdowns resulted in more weight gain, less weight gain (or loss), or the same? Thank you.
But your ******ation does not let you understand you are not asking a correct question. You understand that people can word questions incorrectly right?

You need to define the word "resulted" for anyone to answer that correctly.

If "resulted" means - some correlation - then the answer is yes.

If "resulted" means - caused - then the answer is no.

Food desert result in some correlation to obesity. But do they cause it, NO.

Depression results in some correlation to obesity. But does it cause it, NO.

Covid results in some correlation to obesity. But does it cause it, NO.
10-01-2021 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
So you're saying non-whites and children are slobs?
children are a reflection of the parents usually.
so if parents eats crap and do $h!t, you can expect the same results in children..

starting with facts.

"The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that the average American ate almost 20% more calories in the year 2000 than they did in 1983, thanks, in part, to a boom in meat consumption. Today, each American puts away an average of 195lbs of meat every year, compared to just 138lbs in the 1950's. Consumption of added fats also shot up by around two thirds over the same period, and grain consumption rose 45% since 1970."

"Research published by the World Health Organization found that a rise in fast food sales correlated to a rise in body mass index, and Americans are notorious for their fast-food consumption ― such food makes up about 11% of the average American diet. Another study demonstrates the full effect added sugars from soda and energy drinks are wreaking havoc on American waistlines. So it is not just how much we eat, but what we eat."

"Lack of exercise is also a major culprit in the obesity epidemic. It's been decades since most Americans worked in fields and on factory floors, a far greater majority of us are sitting throughout our workday. This means less exercise each day. According to one study, only 20% of today's jobs require at least moderate physical activity, as opposed to 50% of jobs in 1960. Other research suggests Americans burn 120 to 140 fewer calories a day than they did 50 years ago. Add this to the higher amount of calories we are packing in, and we get a perfect recipe for weight gain.

But lethargy goes well beyond the workplace. It is also how we get to work and what we do after. Americans walk less than people in any other industrialized country, preferring to sit in cars to get around. And at the end of the day, 80% of Americans don't get enough exercise, according to the CDC."

starting with that ->

"That statistic reflects one of the most vexing things about the well-being of immigrants in the U.S.: Many people who come to the U.S. for a better life end up with worse health. Many different studies have now shown that the longer certain groups live in the U.S., the worse some of their health outcomes get, especially when it comes to obesity. One study found that after one year in America, just 8 percent of immigrants are obese, but among those who have lived in the U.S. for 15 years, the obesity rate is 19 percent."

it was already like that in 2011

"GoelÂ’s study attributes the rise in obesity among immigrants, which is the fastest-growing segment of the US population, to a few different factors, including a lack of access to health care and not enough discussions about weight with health-care professionals.

Among some advocates who work on health and obesity among immigrant populations, two related issues stand out: poverty and cheap fast food.

Immigrants in the United States typically “walk less, ride more, watch more television and eat a diet higher in fat and sugars,” according to Lucy M. Candib of the Family Health Center of Worcester, Mass.

“They have less access to homegrown and local vegetables and are more likely to eat fast foods, as well as fried foods and sugary drinks widely accessible from vendors on the street,” she said in a 2007 article for the Annals of Family Medicine.

Candib also found that the children of immigrants might be at an even higher risk of obesity than their parents.

Guanzon said when she approaches some of the younger Nepalese children who live in her building to go for a walk around the neighborhood, the kids start begging for a trip to McDonald's."

The real point is, yeah if you keep the same bad life habits and you do even less, you will get fat ...
Who knew....

If i work less i will get less money , who knew....

it is not hard to figure out if you get fat and you do nothing about it,
its your fault when you have more time and energy to do something about it...

If you eat $h!t and do nothing about it, you will end eat like $h!T.
We are what we eat its that simple.

If people get fatter during covid it because they just dont care much about their health and weight in the first place.
and the US being the leading country of fatties in the OCDE, yeah probably the majority of people will get fat because they already have life habits to get fat ...
But blaming covid for people getting more fat when they already were for 30 years already without covid, makes no sense...
They are getting fatter already for over 30 years ffs...

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 10-01-2021 at 04:26 PM.
10-01-2021 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
This is so beyond dumb. You realize a large percentage of people didn't wind up with more time on their hands due to the pandemic right? Many of them had to work multiple jobs, search for new jobs, search for new housing, take over educating their children at home, as well as deal with financial, personal, and relationship stresses amongst other issues.
you obviously downgrading by a very wide margin the effect of what bad food can affects a body.....

it does not take hours per day for eating better ( they already are using it with bad food) and a 15min exercise for example or w.e else.

you are speaking as if not gaining weigh is hard o0 ????
really ?

yeah ok some might not be able for the factors you presented but
- its a freakn small portion of people...
- and we were speaking about those who were confine with lot more time and energy in their hands right ?
10-01-2021 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
But your ******ation does not let you understand you are not asking a correct question. You understand that people can word questions incorrectly right?

You need to define the word "resulted" for anyone to answer that correctly.

If "resulted" means - some correlation - then the answer is yes.

If "resulted" means - caused - then the answer is no.

Food desert result in some correlation to obesity. But do they cause it, NO.

Depression results in some correlation to obesity. But does it cause it, NO.

Covid results in some correlation to obesity. But does it cause it, NO.
So to be clear, to you, causality can only be binary, not linear?
10-01-2021 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
People who have been exercising for a while have probably forgotten that the hardest part of exercising by far is starting to exercise.

Say you start running:

1st week. Run 100M(insert short distance) feel like you are dying, ache for the rest of the day, knackered. Maybe feel a bit better mentally.

Running for 6 months: Run 5 miles no problem, get home, shower, feel refreshed, feel energised for rest of the day, have more energy not way way less.

Lockdown is then a far more accessible opportunity for those already in the 6 month camp.

it is always the beginning that is hard.
But when you have 8 freakn hours more per day for almost can u complain you get fat and blaming it on covid or w.e else......?
makes no sense to me.
10-01-2021 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Covid results in some correlation to obesity. But does it cause it, NO.
Is English your first language?
10-01-2021 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
This is so beyond dumb. You realize a large percentage of people didn't wind up with more time on their hands due to the pandemic right? Many of them had to work multiple jobs, search for new jobs, search for new housing, take over educating their children at home, as well as deal with financial, personal, and relationship stresses amongst other issues.
And this is so beyond dumb.

Neither more time or less time....

Neither one job, multiple jobs r no job...

Neither the same house or a new house

Neither educating your kid at home or at school...

Financial, Personal, relationship stresses


They can correlate with obesity but DO NOT CAUSE OBESITY.

Jesus only on this forum (seriously) would guys not get this.
10-01-2021 , 04:41 PM
cuepee, obviously more calories in than calories out is the cause of obesity.

but why are you being so literal? They are simply saying a bunch of stuff causes you to have more calories in than calories out, which causes obesity.
10-01-2021 , 04:42 PM
All of this from the person who doesn't know the definition of resulted.
10-01-2021 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
Prisoners are forcibly detained, having every waking moment of their existence controlled, when to get up, how long to sleep, have set out exercise time daily, and has a diet of limited calories, at set times, consisting of gruel provided by the cheapest supplier. They still have an obesity problem.
And yet some people get ripped and gain tons of muscle.




So said de captain. Don't go to prison or you will catch obesity!!!

NO. Many of the same reasons correlate to why people get obese in prison also apply to Covid restrictions. THe upset the routine. Lack of mobility. Depression, etc.

These are all CORRELATING factors.

But no. F*ck no. Prison does not cause obesity. You do not catch obesity in prison.
10-01-2021 , 04:51 PM
You're conflating correlating with contributing. A contributing factor is part of the cause.
10-01-2021 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by ahnuld
cuepee, obviously more calories in than calories out is the cause of obesity.
Thank the f*ck.

Someone in this forum with a brain.

but why are you being so literal? They are simply saying a bunch of stuff causes you to have more calories in than calories out, which causes obesity.
This question is very off. They are the ones trying to be literal and wrong in their literal position.

They are saying it is not correlation and that is wrong. Why would we let that stand?

if someone says "fast food causes obesity' that is wrong.

Fast food correlates with obesity. But if you have fast food, even regularly, as long as you eat few calories, work out, or other you won't catch obesity. It is not a cause and effect situation.

It is really dumb to simply say 'Fast food causes obesity' while telling those saying the proper way to say that is 'fast food correlates to obesity' and to call out the guy who is saying it properly.

Serious question. Do you think de captain and others who are this wrong, are actually dumb or just being stubborn and trolling?

If the latter why not ask them that question you asked me. And if you think the former then I am really doing them a service by educating them so they can correct that error for the future.
10-01-2021 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
You're conflating correlating with contributing. A contributing factor is part of the cause.
English isn't his strong suit.

Just spazzing out with paragraphs and paragraphs after being embarrassed yet again.

I am not sure how someone can be college educated, reported reads a lot of books, and is having a meltdown over not understanding english.

Monterey come help out your boy Cuepee.
10-01-2021 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
English isn't his strong suit.

Just spazzing out with paragraphs and paragraphs after being embarrassed yet again.

I am not sure how someone can be college educated, reported reads a lot of books, and is having a meltdown over not understanding english.
And yet I am 100% correct.

No will bet me that covid causes obesity as opposed to it correlating or contributing to it both of which are the proper ENGLISH words to use.

Funny how the more I am correct the more you pretend I am not.

Fast food does not cause obesity.

Depression does not cause obesity.

Covid does not cause obesity.

They all can contribute and do correlate with obesity but they do NOT cause it. I am right. Sorry if that bothers you.
10-01-2021 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp

why poor people are poor ?
usual answers from tooth and others -> because they are lazy.

Why people are fat or gets fat during confinement -> because of covid not because they are lazy .


the prison aspect was to show no EXCUSES exist to become fat if you care about your health.
If they can do it, everyone can...

HTF is that hard to understand....
You forcibly lock people down and change their lifestyles to become more sedentary.

They gain lots of weight 12 months later.

Now you are saying it's their fault.
10-01-2021 , 05:39 PM
Covid made people gain weight due to sedentary lifestyles and forced lockdowns.

Gain in weight from sedentary lifestyle turns overweight person into obese person.

You blame them for the gain in weight. You say them being obese is their fault alone.

Covid lockdowns were a contributing factor to weight gain.

Anyone with a brain wouldn't argue any further.

But I keep typing to egg you on because you keep spazzing over this. It's hilarious.
10-01-2021 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Originally Posted by ahnuld
cuepee, obviously more calories in than calories out is the cause of obesity.
Thank the f*ck.

Someone in this forum with a brain.
Classic interaction. Cuepee is dumber than everyone on this forum but smarter than the mods apparently.

ahnuld, Cuepee is a loser with nothing better to do who thinks he's smart and tries to "derp it down" in this thread for his jollies, shitting all over it while mods like to lick it up like you just did. Except he really is a complete moron and is incapable of posting anything of worth, ever, even if he was posting 100% seriously. So you have a high volume idiot playing around combined with an actual idiot (who doesn't realize he's an idiot) who can never contribute anything of worth. Which is why you take out that trash early. But this is too advanced a concept for worthless moderators like yourself.
10-01-2021 , 05:41 PM

Come get your boyyyyyy
10-01-2021 , 05:47 PM
You lock people in their homes. They can't go outside because you shut down everything. You scare people into staying at home.

Many of them gain weight because they spend more time at home and burn less calories while eating the same amount of food (out of habit).

Months later they gained 20+ lbs. You blame them for not exercising and saying them getting fat was their fault alone.

But some people in prison work out!

