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09-30-2021 , 11:26 PM
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Last edited by Wittgenhe!ny; 09-30-2021 at 11:34 PM.
10-01-2021 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
You are quite fond of central planning for people's fitness. No wonder ideas around central planning often go to garbage.
As if I had any meaning of central planning anything to anyone ….
It had nothing to do with that obv.
But take it the way you think it’s appropriate,shrug.
10-01-2021 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Stop talking …
If you gain weight due to bad life habits and you do not change , how the fack your suppose to lose weight …

Please explain this to me how this relates to covid, confinement or w.e else ..

If your fat and you have all the time in the world , being confine at home and your still fat .

It ain’t the freakn confinement the problems ….
You have all the time in the world to changed bad life habits ffs .

Freakin slob trying find excuses lol ….
No wonder Americans are the fattest in the develop countries with a mindset like that ….
Sure Americans are fat, but a great deal of what you're saying makes little sense to me. A huge amount of laborers making less than 13.50 dollars an hour are doing so by standing on their feet for 8 plus hours a day. When a bulk of these people are laid off and given government subsidies while confined to home, they're naturally going to relax from their former very physically stressfull life. Of course they're going to gain weight, and a good deal of it.
10-01-2021 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Stop talking …
If you gain weight due to bad life habits and you do not change , how the fack your suppose to lose weight …

Please explain this to me how this relates to covid, confinement or w.e else ..

If your fat and you have all the time in the world , being confine at home and your still fat .

It ain’t the freakn confinement the problems ….
You have all the time in the world to changed bad life habits ffs .

Freakin slob trying find excuses lol ….
No wonder Americans are the fattest in the develop countries with a mindset like that ….
Sure sedentary Americans are fat, but a great deal of what you're saying makes little sense to me. A huge amount of laborers making less than 13.50 dollars an hour are doing so by standing on their feet for 8 plus hours a day (often lifting things as well). When a bulk of these people are laid off and given government subsidies for staying at home, they're naturally going to relax from their former very physically stressfull life. Of course they're going to gain weight, and a good deal of it.
10-01-2021 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Also, this is just an insane number:

29 pounds gained (and weight generally is never lost once gained) is going to ruin far more young lives than not-locked-down covid would have.
This number is actually insane and Montrealcorp and Cuepee derping it up as usual.

You lock down humans inside their homes.
They get fatter.
The 2 derps say they shouldn't have gotten fatter because they have more time on their hands. Should have went for a "walk" lmao.
Fact remains they got fatter during government imposed lockdowns.
In their eyes everybody works a desk job where they gained 1 more hour due to work from home.

But look at prisoners and how they stay in shape after being sent to prison!!!

Rofl the argument is so dumb. The more I think about the prison argument the dumber it is, I wonder how long it will take them to drop the prison argument.
10-01-2021 , 05:23 AM
Notice how the people with the most warped view of the world are also the ones trying to push the vaccine onto everybody.
10-01-2021 , 06:16 AM
Not everyone has calm and rational world views like Alex Jones.
10-01-2021 , 07:24 AM
At this point everybody has lost track on how many times Alex Jones was right.
10-01-2021 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by Wittgenhe!ny
This is glorious.
10-01-2021 , 07:42 AM
Guessing you did not find the reply to it as "glorious."

Uh, dude? Your charts are not good science. Actually, they're not even really bad science because that would mean there was some science in them, but there is none in your methods, your arguments or your conclusions.

You are not controlling for anything. You're missing about two dozen or more very important factors that you need to be controlling for before you can even hope to produce something meaningful.

Actual science says you're wrong.

Note, I don't care to argue with you or anyone here about masks, as I am a member of team "let it rip!" so I am fine with the unvaccinated doing what they can to get an inoculation in whichever way they please, but your post just seems like more standard mundane alt-right follower that repeats saying something that they want to be told. Feel free to engage with the person who posted the reply in that link you sent and see how it goes. You probably have not hurled personal toxic attacks at him yet, so at least it will be someone new for you to do that. Keep us updated with your progress on it.
10-01-2021 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by CoolTimer
Notice how the people with the most warped view of the world are also the ones trying to push the vaccine onto everybody.
How many thousands of people do you think the vaccines have saved from Covid death, vs how many have been killed by the vaccine?

I have been on record as saying masks are pretty much useless, and I've said that once you are vaccinated you should just go back to normal life. But I don't get the mindset that people are "pushing a vaccine" on people, as if there is some nefarious purpose behind it. Are we "pushing" polio vaccines, or mumps, or rubella? Are we pushing seat belts? Or is it just that these are safe and effective interventions that can save lives, which benefits everyone?

I think people have somehow gotten things backwards and decided that Covid is safe but vaccines are dangerous.
10-01-2021 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by CoolTimer
At this point everybody has lost track on how many times Alex Jones was right.
You should detail all the times he has been right and then pretend to balance it out by including a few where he "may" have been wrong. That would be a fun list if you ever made it. He sells lots of merch to people like you, so go ahead and buy some to support him. I always respect the business model of people who cultivate and monetize drone followers.

Your earlier post about warped views definitely is logical (from your perspective) if you genuinely believe Alex Jones represents non-warped views, as you suggest.
10-01-2021 , 08:24 AM
This thread the past few days: lockdowns good for mental health, people stuck at home should lose weight (the average person is a moron and won't take the opportunity to do so) and my personal favorite, Idaho is great
10-01-2021 , 08:54 AM
Alex Jones is the voice of reason is a good addition to that list. Nice to see this thread continue its long tradition of quality.
10-01-2021 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by revots33
How many thousands of people do you think the vaccines have saved from Covid death, vs how many have been killed by the vaccine?
Surely it's millions at this point with winter wave Covid Classic and then delta?

Although it's been fascinating/weird seeing delta peak and then decline in 20% vacced Eastern European countries the same as 70% vacced Western European countries. Really strange and I don't understand it.
10-01-2021 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Surely it's millions at this point with winter wave Covid Classic and then delta?

Although it's been fascinating/weird seeing delta peak and then decline in 20% vacced Eastern European countries the same as 70% vacced Western European countries. Really strange and I don't understand it.
Which East European countries?

Safe to assume you are not talking about Bulgaria.
10-01-2021 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Of course a pandemic and being restricted can lead to depression, poor sleep, etc.

You know what is a good counter to pandemic caused depression, poor sleep, etc.

Depressed people are unmotivated, the clue is in the name of the condition.
10-01-2021 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Sure, it's really easy.

Most people have fairly stable weight and a life that naturally balances energy in and out, maybe slight yearly gain (2 pounds maybe). It takes time to develop this stable balance; humans are bad at coping with with change well.

Covid lockdowns and restrictions changed normal movement habits toward far less natural activity (less energy out) and introduced large amounts of stress and boredom and isolation in people's lives (more stress eating, more boredom eating, more time to eat (work from home)).

People aren't robots, they have limited capacities to cope with sudden change in an optimal way; covid restrictions perturbing normal habits such that weight balloons by 29 pounds in the first year is indeed the fault of covid restrictions, since it's the sole perturber of the normal system.

People who aren't raging morons understand this instantly and would never have made any of your posts.
You are trapped in the same type of self fulfilling feed back loop that has America now trapped in crisis level increased in obesity.

No one is saying there are not lots of 'REASONS' people can give for they are all getting more obese.

NO one is saying those reasons, of and by themselves cannot sound true or reasonable.

The fact is, FACT, that most are just purposely adopted excuses to let the person off the hook and people like you do not understand that and thus fall in the trap.

I would bet personal money you have gained a bunch of weight and tell yourself, 'You could not help it', 'your routine was disrupted', 'covid made you depressed' and on and on and on.

All of which may be true. Your routine was disrupted and that does suck. You did get depressed by that and that sucks. and so on.

But you also have been handed something you have not likely had much of in your adult life. Time. Loads and loads of time with few options to pour it in to.

And I totally get if you are on the American obesity wagon train you simply will not accept that you could have utilized that time to get in your best shape and help your mental stability and instead will default to 'its not my fault... they disrupted my routing and you cannot then expect me to work out', as that is unfortunately what most American's do.

They look for every reason NOT to work out and grab them, while the best reasons to work out are right there as an option.

We are not going to change America in this thread and we will nt even change people like you who always have the excuses ready on the side of not working out. Why it COULD NOT be done. Why the obese should get no blame or the responsibility is not on them.

We would be in a much better place if people owned it, like CHez does and just say 'that is not my priority. I choose another path'. I actually respect that. YOLO. What is not respectable is the Tooth type excuse making for their weight gain.
10-01-2021 , 09:27 AM
Cupee, people that have not had to exercise to maintain weight X are not suddenly going to adopt exercise as a life style choice abracadabra.
10-01-2021 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Alex Jones is the voice of reason is a good addition to that list. Nice to see this thread continue its long tradition of quality.
Alex Jones isn't my style but it's funny how he's way more reasonable than the usual suspects in this topic at this point.
10-01-2021 , 09:34 AM
Name a few of the "usual suspects" in your analysis, so we can better appreciate your outlook. Thanks!
10-01-2021 , 09:36 AM
People who have been exercising for a while have probably forgotten that the hardest part of exercising by far is starting to exercise.

Say you start running:

1st week. Run 100M(insert short distance) feel like you are dying, ache for the rest of the day, knackered. Maybe feel a bit better mentally.

Running for 6 months: Run 5 miles no problem, get home, shower, feel refreshed, feel energised for rest of the day, have more energy not way way less.

Lockdown is then a far more accessible opportunity for those already in the 6 month camp.
10-01-2021 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by Wittgenhe!ny
Originally Posted by ToothSayer

covid restrictions perturbing normal habits such that weight balloons by 29 pounds in the first year is indeed the fault of covid restrictions, since it's the sole perturber of the normal system.
Wittgenhe!ny are you quoting Tooth to show how bad his mindset is?

Look if a man's wife leaves him, his routine is absolutely upset, he can gain weight and go into a slump and get depressed.

A second man can instead take initiative, get in shape and improve their mental health.

Tooths view is that 'the divorce is clearly at fault for the weight gain' in scenario 1 which is a way to shift blame and responsibility AWAY from the choices the person made when they found themselves with an upset situation.

And make no mistake, Tooth is not an outlier here. It is always 'not my fault... the divorce... the pandemic ... the fast food... the lack of time to blame'.

Tooth is 100% wrong. Covid is not to blame. Correlation IS NOT causation. Covid is a trigger that puts people to choices. But Covid DOES NOT drive a specific choice as Tooth is saying it does.

I don't think Tooth properly understands the relationship between Correlation and Causation and thus why he thinks the correlation here IS the causation. I suggest you read about it and learn what Tooth does not understand.
10-01-2021 , 09:43 AM
If event X forces me, in that I must choose, between action A and action B, then the consequences of either act are not completely divorced from the occurrence of event X.

Last edited by O.A.F.K.1.1; 10-01-2021 at 09:51 AM.
10-01-2021 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Cupee, people that have not had to exercise to maintain weight X are not suddenly going to adopt exercise as a life style choice abracadabra.
I understand that.

But I also reject this CAUSATION argument by people who do not understand this is a correlation and not causative.

What Covid did, ...what Divorce often does, ...what many 'changes' do, is put people to a CHOICE.

In todays society when given that choice most today choose to do nothing or less and use it as an excuse as they eat worse, exercise less and fall into depression. That depression then becomes the trigger for repeating and deepening that cycle.

But lets not pretend that choice is pre determined as Tooth suggests.

Covid DOES cause things like severe or mild illness, taste loss, etc.

Covid DOES NOT cause weight gain in the masses.

There is a correlation but not a cause which people like Tooth fail to comprehend.

The main correlation is that over decades people have increasingly accepted obesity and find reasons to NOT exercise as opposed to exercise.

So the exact same person who you listened to for the last 10 years complaining how they cannot find any time to work out (don't blame me) as they have a job, commute and kids all who require their time are then suddenly given more time than they can deal with, thus triggering depression due to inactivity of the body and mind, now say 'I cannot work out as I have too much time and my routine is disrupted'.

Does anyone believe,. ANYONE, that the vast majority of covid weight gained will suddenly be lost if only we can get people back to their prior 'too busy' life? Or do we know the excuse will shift??

And i am not trying to use 'excuse' in a dismissive way but that is what it is. People accept excuses not to exercise today instead of reasons to exercise and our 50%+ obesity rate that is only skyrocketing is absolute proof of that.

Like it or not this trend below is NOT something we are hopeless trapped in to (the Causation Tooth thinks) and is in fact something society could tackle (correlations)...

