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09-05-2021 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
I made the effort to explain what is common sense to you because you have the social skills of a toaster. I included images of an effeminate wokester like brian stelter for the same reasons they have lots of pictures in children's books.

Big Five Personality Traits and Political Orientation: An Inquiry into
Political Beliefs

Again, you just take your folksy low brow perceptions of the world to be objectively true e.g. common sense, when they are merely constructs of a very weak perception and undeveloped intellect.

The essay you linked is just than an essay, by a graduate, who does some tutoring. No PHD no nuthin. I guess this is ever so slightly better than my argument must be true check these newsreaders, but not by very much.
09-05-2021 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by CoolTimer
It's super obvious the whole Ivermectin thing is a ridiculous media offensive, right? I find it hard to believe people actually think Ivermectin is only used for animals. It's approved by the FDA themselves for use on humans, it's been used billions of times. Forget about it's effectiveness vs. covid. These are simple facts which a reasonal person simply can't dispute.

It's just another datapoint of how unreliable the media actually is.
It's been a weird spin than have been making significant effort to perpetuate. One might speculate its being spun and amplified so that people can hate each other. Making people hate each other is profitable. As we've seen ITT, rubes have latched on to this fabricated narrative like lenny from of mice and men

You could just feel they were elated to finally get this story.

minor detail

At least they understand the science and have stable geniuses enforcing it

09-05-2021 , 12:40 PM
I just want to point out that according to the federal government that cannabis is a schedule 1 narcotic with no known medicinal benefits. It's been around forever and has a plethora of medicinal uses though. So trust the fed on ivermectin if you trust them about marijuana.

Also, juan valdez is an excellent poster, keep it up.
09-05-2021 , 12:52 PM
09-05-2021 , 03:38 PM

Why would people trust more something like this than the vaccine ?
Isn’t both being made by big pharma anyway ?

For conspiracy theories, why wouldn’t that be push behind the scene by the big pharma themselves to get bigger sales focusing on those that are not willing to get vaccinated?
09-05-2021 , 04:00 PM
Just pure gaslighting horseshit from the media.

09-05-2021 , 04:43 PM
You consider rolling stone as real valuable news media ?
09-05-2021 , 06:00 PM

Plenty of other MSM outlets picked up the obviously bullshit story and ran with it. I mean one look at the picture tells you it was a total lie. If the dolts in the media had half a brain between them I would be very surprised. Just totally useless and broken media. Why anyone believes a word they say is beyond me.
09-05-2021 , 06:53 PM
Well , focusing on non mainstream news media what you expect 0o …
09-05-2021 , 07:24 PM
The liberal media lie all the time. As Glenn Greenwald says their readers don't care if they publish fake news as long as it's done with the right political motives. Look at the dolts who got sucked in by it. You only have to look at another sub-forum on this site to see what kind of morons fall for that sort of stuff.
09-05-2021 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
You consider rolling stone as real valuable news media ?
I'm unsurprised to be saying you've completely missed the point. As explained prior, they have been framing and amplifying this "horse de-wormer" anti vax narrative from the beginning. From a tiny nothingburger fringe story of people ordering off-label drugs online to fabricating this "big" story. It's all designed to be divisive and to have everyone hate each other. Create an enemy and someone to hate. Those of us that aren't absolute droolers have noticed this narrative building for weeks.

IIRC maddow has the #1 left wing tv show. She's amplifying the story. All of this total nonsense and the narrative gets echoed countlessly by similar people. So the "It's just rolling stone" idea is laughably clueless

09-05-2021 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
The liberal media lie all the time. As Glenn Greenwald says their readers don't care if they publish fake news as long as it's done with the right political motives. Look at the dolts who got sucked in by it. You only have to look at another sub-forum on this site to see what kind of morons fall for that sort of stuff.
Yea when the right wing media uses fakes news to try and steal an election, and actually do something actually fascistic and destroy democracy, that is fine.

Glenn Greenwald is one of the least sincere humans on the planet, anyone looking to him for moral guidance is an absolute grade A sucker.
09-05-2021 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I don't think you are being honest but if you are tell us which fully packed College Stadiums you were in??
I flew back home from Poland to New York on March 14, 2020 where I stood in line at customs packed liked sardines for 4 hours because of CDC safety measures. I took a greyhound bus from los Angeles to Las Vegas in June 2020, spent 5 nights drinking, smoking, playing slot machines in a strip casino without masks, sanitizer. Can you imagine, hand to mouth in a high touch environment nonstop for 5 days in "THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC." Then I took a greyhound bus from Las Vegas to Salt Lake City. Immediately after I spent two weeks with my 79 year old dad following this Vegas/Greyhound trip. Then we had a family get together in northern California where we had members of 6 households gathered together.

In July 2020 I flew from Los Angeles to Atlanta to Paris to Belgrade, I didn't turn in my "health declaration" form on the connecting flight to Paris, filled out fake info on the form for the flight to Belgrade. After a couple days I flew to Albania where I stayed for 3 months. In September I flew from Albania to Poland, where I entered into the country legally by joining a language school to learn polish. I spent 3 months in poland, went on tons of dates with randos and met my current girlfriend. For the first time, I started wearing a mask(rarely) because old polish people were scared and to be respectful to them as a foreigner. Then I flew back to the US, met with some friends, my brother and mom to gamble in Vegas, then I spent Christmas with 20+ members of family. Then I spent 6 weeks in Mexico in summer 2021, where I only wore a mask when employees asked me to put it on.

But go ahead and tell me how I didn't live a normal life during the "pandemic" because I didn't go to any college football games.
09-05-2021 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Yea when the right wing media uses fakes news to try and steal an election, and actually do something actually fascistic and destroy democracy, that is fine.

Glenn Greenwald is one of the least sincere humans on the planet, anyone looking to him for moral guidance is an absolute grade A sucker.
Lol Give me a break.

You lot all loved Greenwald up to the time he saw the light and decided to expose the lying liberal media for what it is. Now he's a scumbag.
09-05-2021 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
I'm unsurprised to be saying you've completely missed the point. As explained prior, they have been framing and amplifying this "horse de-wormer" anti vax narrative from the beginning. From a tiny nothingburger fringe story of people ordering off-label drugs online to fabricating this "big" story. It's all designed to be divisive and to have everyone hate each other. Create an enemy and someone to hate. Those of us that aren't absolute droolers have noticed this narrative building for weeks.

IIRC maddow has the #1 left wing tv show. She's amplifying the story. All of this total nonsense and the narrative gets echoed countlessly by similar people. So the "It's just rolling stone" idea is laughably clueless

And again you miss the point as well ….
It’s actually laughable you think I was only aiming rolling stone, where you got that idea ?
You seem to be very stuck up on trying to pawn someone on Internet forum …
Who the fack would read rolling stone to have real reliable news ?
Let’s go to Facebook ,Twitter , Alex Jones , etc . to have real news as well right ?

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 09-05-2021 at 09:41 PM.
09-05-2021 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
The liberal media lie all the time. As Glenn Greenwald says their readers don't care if they publish fake news as long as it's done with the right political motives. Look at the dolts who got sucked in by it. You only have to look at another sub-forum on this site to see what kind of morons fall for that sort of stuff.
Don’t blame left media when they decide to following Fox News strategy …
Blame the news in general ok ….. blame the left ? **** off ….

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 09-05-2021 at 09:41 PM.
09-05-2021 , 10:24 PM
Olaf bragging abt slots and smoking is def on brand
09-05-2021 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Overdoses from anti-parasite drug ivermectin overwhelm rural Oklahoma hospitals - leaving gunshot victims waiting for emergency rooms

- Hospitals in rural southeast Oklahoma are struggling with a surge of ivermectin overdose patients

- So many patients are coming in with overdoses of the horse-grade medicine that other serious injuries - like gunshot wounds - have to wait

- Ivermectin is FDA approved for human use fighting some parasite-related conditions, but has not demonstrated that it can fight viruses in humans

- Many are purchasing versions of the drug meant for horses and other large animals, where doses are dangerous for humans
Cuepee spreads misinformation

09-06-2021 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by Wittgenhe!ny
I took a few months hiatus from the internet, Covid information, and Covid statistics and it really cleared my head. I feel like I can judge the current situation better than I ever have, and I also feel emotionally better as well. I suggest everyone here do the same. No one is immune to having their perceptions distorted, especially when there is so much information from so many sources and so little inherent trust for those sources. A funny thing happens when you turn off the news and statistics for long enough. Covid all but disappears. I am amazed now at how different my perception of the threat of Covid is, an effect even more obvious when looking once again at objective data. A break really resets your perception and your cognitive ability to assess the truly objective facts, of which there are few. Some people in this thread are clearly suffering from various symptoms of mental illness; well, this is one cure. So, take a break.

I see that this thread is still polluted with mostly pointless posturing and bickering, so I won’t stay for long, but I am going to drop some observations and source material for anyone interested.

Since my ‘return’ about a week ago I have noticed an objectively true and alarmingly disturbing trend in society. This trend is towards a sort of de facto segregation and/or apartheid for those who refuse to tow the line wrt to vaccines/masks/response compliance. Tooth has mentioned this in a few of his recent posts, and he is correct. It doesn’t surprise me that some people here don’t believe him or throw his observation out, because these people have distorted perceptions and are viewing reality through fear-tinted glasses. They consider totalitarianism to be less of a potential existential threat than the virus. However, they are wrong. It's not an enormous threat yet, but it could become a very serious one the more frustrated, anxious, and divided everyone becomes the longer this ‘pandemic’ goes on. People appear to be suffering what’s known as a mass formation or mass psychosis. I recommend reading this excellent interview with Mattias Desmet (as well as anything else you can get your hands on from him), a pHD in clinical psychology. I have also begun to read “The Origins of Totalitarianism” by Hannah Arendt, and I suggest everyone here who is interested in how the current situation alludes to situations past to get this book. Her deduction is rather astounding.

With that said, let’s go over the other objective facts:

-Vaccines are clearly working at lowering the death rate but do virtually nothing to reduce the spread. In fact, vaccines are artificially selecting against early variations and creating a keyhole that more transmissible mutants pass through, which might be a very bad thing depending on several other assumptions. This obviously makes perfect sense. The virus, in whatever form, is going to find uninfected people to infect. Those with alpha already will not be infected with delta ->if no one can get alpha because of vaccines more people will get delta, mu, etc.

-Vaccines are still almost totally pointless for anyone under the age of 50. If you disagree, here is some simple math for you to understand: chance of covid death in under 50 = (19776 + 501+2630+361)/(361+2630+7501+19776+98973+137149+167533+180608) = 4.92% * chance of dying from covid * chance of getting infected with covid = 0.006% = 1 in 16 666 chance of catching covid and dying from it. If you take a 95% efficacy vaccine that reduces your chances to 1 in 300 000. So you take a small lottery chance and turn it into a slightly smaller lottery chance. In practical terms, it’s the chance of being struck by lightning in your lifetime (1 in 15000) being reduced to the chance of having conjoined twins. I know there are people here that will argue against this, but it’s a fact and you can’t deny it. The statistics are publicly available for everyone to see. In another vein, under 49s have a reduced life expectancy of less than a day. Your anecdotal counterexample does not do anything to change this (my uncle died and he’s 45, so there!). With that said, vaccines for anyone over the age of 50 are essential and you could even make an argument mandatory, though on rights abuse issues I disagree.

-Masks (as used) are virtually useless and we may as well bin them

-Lockdowns are virtually useless and not an effective containment strategy

-Covid follows a bizarre and repeating pattern of infection that currently cannot be explained

-the goalposts for governments are constantly changing (slow the spread->keep olds safe->get everyone to 60, 70, 80 now 85% vaccinated->hospitalizations are what matter->low case counts are all that matter)

-the vaccine carrot did not get you what you wanted (covid to be over), and unvaccinated people are not the reason why

-Weight of probability is covid came from a lab in Wuhan

Not really interested in debating or getting sucked into this rabbit hole again so that's all I have for now. Stay well one and all.
this is so ****ing ******ed i don't even know where to begin.

why do all these ******* morons talk like they just had a moment of pure clarity and then just word vomit tucker carlson verbatim.
09-06-2021 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
i mean this is greenwald literally trying to gaslight all of twitter, but cool, just repost it with absolutely no context, great.

edit: nm, you posted the rest, good job for a change.
09-06-2021 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by airwave16
this is so ****ing ******ed i don't even know where to begin.
Let me try to help.

-Vaccines are clearly working at lowering the death rate but do virtually nothing to reduce the spread. In fact, vaccines are artificially selecting against early variations and creating a keyhole that more transmissible mutants pass through, which might be a very bad thing depending on several other assumptions. This obviously makes perfect sense. The virus, in whatever form, is going to find uninfected people to infect. Those with alpha already will not be infected with delta ->if no one can get alpha because of vaccines more people will get delta, mu, etc.
What do objectionable about this statement? Is it that vaccines are actually not helping to lower death rates, is it that vaccines actually are reducing the spread, do you object to both claims, or are you ok with this claim? I am fairly certain you probably agree with this statement.

-Vaccines are still almost totally pointless for anyone under the age of 50. If you disagree, here is some simple math for you to understand: chance of covid death in under 50 = (19776 + 501+2630+361)/(361+2630+7501+19776+98973+137149+167533+180608) = 4.92% * chance of dying from covid * chance of getting infected with covid = 0.006% = 1 in 16 666 chance of catching covid and dying from it. If you take a 95% efficacy vaccine that reduces your chances to 1 in 300 000. So you take a small lottery chance and turn it into a slightly smaller lottery chance. In practical terms, it’s the chance of being struck by lightning in your lifetime (1 in 15000) being reduced to the chance of having conjoined twins. I know there are people here that will argue against this, but it’s a fact and you can’t deny it. The statistics are publicly available for everyone to see. In another vein, under 49s have a reduced life expectancy of less than a day. Your anecdotal counterexample does not do anything to change this (my uncle died and he’s 45, so there!). With that said, vaccines for anyone over the age of 50 are essential and you could even make an argument mandatory, though on rights abuse issues I disagree.
Fairly certain you disagree with this but why? Where is the math wrong then or is it that the math is irrelevant?

-Masks (as used) are virtually useless and we may as well bin them

-Lockdowns are virtually useless and not an effective containment strategy
I am sure you disagree but it is more than clear that there are many places where these mandates were imposed and have had a high level of compliance that have had huge spikes in being infected by the virus.

-Covid follows a bizarre and repeating pattern of infection that currently cannot be explained
If you have a problem with this please provide your insight.

-the goalposts for governments are constantly changing (slow the spread->keep olds safe->get everyone to 60, 70, 80 now 85% vaccinated->hospitalizations are what matter->low case counts are all that matter)
This one would be hard to argue against.

-the vaccine carrot did not get you what you wanted (covid to be over), and unvaccinated people are not the reason why
There have been a lot of break through cases. Note that he previously claimed that vaccines have been helpful. Not sure why you would have a problem with this claim.

-Weight of probability is covid came from a lab in Wuhan
Notice he didn’t claim it was man made in a lab. Do you really claim that it originated in a wet market in Wuhan? If not where?

why do all these ******* morons talk like they just had a moment of pure clarity and then just word vomit tucker carlson verbatim.
What is the most moronic claim he made?
09-06-2021 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
I'm unsurprised to be saying you've completely missed the point. As explained prior, they have been framing and amplifying this "horse de-wormer" anti vax narrative from the beginning. From a tiny nothingburger fringe story of people ordering off-label drugs online to fabricating this "big" story. It's all designed to be divisive and to have everyone hate each other. Create an enemy and someone to hate. Those of us that aren't absolute droolers have noticed this narrative building for weeks.

IIRC maddow has the #1 left wing tv show. She's amplifying the story. All of this total nonsense and the narrative gets echoed countlessly by similar people. So the "It's just rolling stone" idea is laughably clueless

09-06-2021 , 02:39 PM
So, clearly the vaccines are doing diddly squat to slow down the pandemic.

Might be time to try plan B. Oh wait, there is no plan B.

The U.S. is heading into Labor Day weekend with just over four times as many Covid-19 cases and more than twice as many hospitalizations as at this time last year — despite having vaccinated 62% of the American population with at least one dose.

The U.S. and the world are nowhere near where health officials hoped, and thought, we would be 20 months into the pandemic — and more than eight months after vaccines that boasted efficacy rates around 95% were rolled out.
09-06-2021 , 02:46 PM
Meanwhile in Italy.

Mussolini would be proud.

Italy may eventually make COVID-19 inoculations compulsory for everyone of eligible age, and plans to start administering booster vaccine shots later this month to vulnerable people, Prime Minister Mario Draghi said on Thursday.

The government has already made it mandatory for medical workers to get vaccinated if they want to be paid, but Draghi said everyone may be obliged to get a shot when EU health authorities give full approval to the vaccines.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has given conditional approval to four vaccines. This could be upgraded to so-called standard marketing authorisation after further checks, at which point, Draghi said, they could become compulsory for all.
09-06-2021 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
So, clearly the vaccines are doing diddly squat to slow down the pandemic.
62% of US population vaccinated with at least one dose. Your statement quoted above would have a lot more validity if more citizens were vaccinated (dare I say mandated).

I assume you know that the vaccinated are not the people that are in the hospitals or dying. Vast majority in that category are unvaxxed.

I suppose you are saying that the spread has not slowed because the vaccinated and the unvaxxed are still spreading the disease. In that you are correct. But the unvaxxed are the ones that are suffering.

If only there was some way (FREE!) to massively slow the rate of hospitalizations.......
