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Coronavirus Coronavirus

02-06-2021 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
It's broadly spread throughout the entire US rather than concentrated in a few spots before lockdown happened in wave 1. Peak is way lower than the first wave when compared to exposed population/active spreading nodes.

The "magically gone away" was gentle mocking of Trump, but of course it went over all your heads which is funny in itself.

The substantive point however is that it has or is peaking and declining everywhere regardless of policy (lockdowns/masks/harsh restrictions/etc) and that has happened in the past as well in Florida and ND and elsewhere. It shows that the long-game controlled burn through strategy is clearly superior.

Nowhere left to backpedal so you go with "I was making a joke and you are all too dumb to understand it." Yet you continue to argue the same nonsense encapsulated within your "joke". What a clown
02-07-2021 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by tgiggity

Nowhere left to backpedal so you go with "I was making a joke and you are all too dumb to understand it."
Not dumb so much as rabid loons.
Yet you continue to argue the same nonsense encapsulated within your "joke". What a clown
What nonsense? Cases have halved in the US in the last 3 weeks. Halved. R is about 0.6, down from 1.5 or so on the ramp up, all without locking down or changing behavior much. Covid has indeed magically gone away; the use of the term can be both mocking and correct. Vaccines and spring/summer will mop up the rest unless something bad happens with a new vaccine-resistant variant.

As predicted the US is doing just fine without needing to lock down; nothing overwhelmed, deaths in the second wave are on par with locked down, "listen to the experts", masks-are-very-effective-bro Europe and the economy is roaring while Europe is in the toilet from repeated hard lockdowns and major restrictions.
02-07-2021 , 12:17 PM
Besides what China did which is nearly impossible for western countries. Employing the strategy like the US was the 2nd best way to handle this pandemic.

Not sure its even disputable any more.

Same death rates, better economy. Thank God Biden agrees.
02-07-2021 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Besides what China did which is nearly impossible for western countries. Employing the strategy like the US was the 2nd best way to handle this pandemic.

Not sure its even disputable any more.

Same death rates, better economy. Thank God Biden agrees.
What is the strategy the US employed?
02-07-2021 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Not dumb so much as rabid loons.

What nonsense? Cases have halved in the US in the last 3 weeks. Halved. R is about 0.6, down from 1.5 or so on the ramp up, all without locking down or changing behavior much. Covid has indeed magically gone away; the use of the term can be both mocking and correct. Vaccines and spring/summer will mop up the rest unless something bad happens with a new vaccine-resistant variant.

As predicted the US is doing just fine without needing to lock down; nothing overwhelmed, deaths in the second wave are on par with locked down, "listen to the experts", masks-are-very-effective-bro Europe and the economy is roaring while Europe is in the toilet from repeated hard lockdowns and major restrictions.

"I can both mock Trump for saying covid will magically go away, while also agreeing that covid magically went away." You're a ****ing caricature lmao

Also, sure you want to lie about nothing overwhelming in the United States? Why do you throw so many hanging curveballs?
02-08-2021 , 12:12 PM
As you know tgig there is simply no way anyone will get Tooth to own his inconsistencies or mistakes.

He said this in the other thread..

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
It's an enormous and sad problem, and having grown up dirt poor myself, I have endless sympathies the likes of which someone like you could never comprehend.

And when confronted with his prior posts...

Originally Posted by ToothSayer

As for the poor, why are they such worthless scum they're not doing STEM degrees?
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Or perhaps we should give even more to the lowest IQ and least mentally organized members of society (who already get an unaffordable $2.7 trillion every year), who on average have utterly failed at working hard, at saving money, and at efficiently meeting the wants of their fellow humans? That sounds like a great plan too, and really fair.
His reply was that in fact he is the most sympathetic and understanding of the poor and if you were not an idiot you would take his posts in the proper context and understand that.
02-08-2021 , 01:35 PM
I love two things about your post:

1. Deliberate non-quoting of the post so people can't read the context.
2. Nothing to do with this thread at all; just pure loser obsession from you.

The funniest thing of all it that tgiggity is too stupid to understand a wry joke that 90% of the population would get.

For the slow:
Originally Posted by tgiggity
"I can both mock Trump for saying covid will magically go away, while also agreeing that covid magically went away." You're a ****ing caricature lmao
No, you're just a horrendously stupid individual. Who's too dumb to get an obvious joke?

The joke/mocking is that it obviously wasn't true when Trump said it, and was a ridiculous statement in hindsight; it is (finally) true now; the US just dropped below 100K cases/day, the lowest since November 2nd. It really has magically gone away.

Also, sure you want to lie about nothing overwhelming in the United States? Why do you throw so many hanging curveballs?
Who was denied care? Who was triaged? There has been no overwhelming in the US. El Paso came close, North Dakota came close, California came close, but there was always space at neighboring hospitals or at surge places. At the peak of covid there were hundreds of thousands of beds still available. We saw nothing like Wuhan or Italy or Spain. The US weathered this just fine without locking down, with similar death rates to the "mask work great bro!", "take the science seriously", "lock it down and destroy our economy three times" places in Europe. That debate is over at this point.
02-08-2021 , 01:53 PM
The closest we came to a disaster during the second wave was in Southern California, where a number of hospitals turned away ambulances because of oxygen supply-chain problems. It wasn't even a lack of oxygen supply per se, but rather a) icing problems from running in-hospital delivery systems above capacity and b) a shortage of transport because of high demand. But as far as I can tell, those problems seem to have died down.

Hospitalizations are significantly down across the country -- from 95,000 about a week ago to 81,000 yesterday. That would seem to be a good sign.
02-08-2021 , 02:12 PM
The US drop is pretty crazy. Vaccines at this point are completely insufficient to cause it; this is partial herd immunity kicking in.

US is below Europe now in new cases per day if you extrapolate deaths to case numbers to correct for the far higher testing rates in the US.

If eradication is impossible, the optimal way to deal with a pandemic like this seems to be to maintain minor restrictions such that it burns through at a level comfortably below hospital overwhelming level. Far better economic outcomes, far better child development outcomes, far better mental health outcomes, far more societal robustness against bad outcomes such as not having a vaccine quickly or a deadly mutation.
02-08-2021 , 02:30 PM
Hospitals turning people away doesn't count as denied care in Toothland.

81,000 people hospitalized, deaths per day reaching a new peak recently, Tooth:

02-08-2021 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by tgiggity
Hospitals turning people away doesn't count as denied care in Toothland.
Not if they end up at another hospital or aren't in need of actual care, no. Hospitals turn people away all the time. Just google "turned away from hospital" or "emergency full wait" or "waiting hours in ambulance" with a "To" date before covid; stories are very frequent.
81,000 people hospitalized, deaths per day reaching a new peak recently, Tooth:
Deaths are a lagging indicator and infections are half what they were 3 weeks ago. Covid is in freefall. You're living in the past.

The US got here without overwhelming and without lockdown, with death rates similar to much of Europe with its severe triple lockdowns and "taking it seriously". Quite amazing how effective long slow burn through partial herd immunity is as compared to the dopey economy-destroying cycles of peak, lockdown for ages to low levels, soar, lockdown, soar, lockdown and "masks bro!".
02-08-2021 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
I love two things about your post:

1. Deliberate non-quoting of the post so people can't read the context....
Right because just with a little context, pivot, caveat, backpedalling, you, the amazing Tooth, can reconcile these statements such that there is simply no inconsistency in them.

You are both the person with the "most endless sympathies" that no other person could comprehend or compete with...

Originally Posted by ToothSayer

It's an enormous and sad problem, and having grown up dirt poor myself, I have endless sympathies the likes of which someone like you could never comprehend.
And you see the poor "worthless scum because they are not getting Stem degrees" and as 'utter failures'...

Originally Posted by ToothSayer

As for the poor, why are they such worthless scum they're not doing STEM degrees?
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Or perhaps we should give even more to the lowest IQ and least mentally organized members of society (who already get an unaffordable $2.7 trillion every year), who on average have utterly failed at working hard, at saving money, and at efficiently meeting the wants of their fellow humans? That sounds like a great plan too, and really fair.

...and for those who read the above quotes and see any inconsistency in those statements, that is on them. You are simply right in both instances. You are both the most "sympathetic" and the most willing to call them "worthless scum", etc and in your world there is not an ounce of inconsistency in that.
02-08-2021 , 03:36 PM
Still deliberately unlinking from the original posts so there's no context even after being called out. I rest my case. You're confusing the rhetoric of a contrasting argument vs a "the rich are worthless scum and oppressing the poor" politics poster with personal sympathy.

Also, none of this has anything to do with the topic of this thread. I realize in your own obsessed weirdo head this is normal to always talk/post about me and not the thread topic, but it's not to other people. Sir, this is a thread about covid. Post about covid. Thanks.
02-08-2021 , 04:07 PM
Ohhhhh it's just rhetoric and if only one accepts that caveat, pivot, backpedal then of course these positions are perfectly consistent...

Originally Posted by ToothSayer

It's an enormous and sad problem, and having grown up dirt poor myself, I have endless sympathies the likes of which someone like you could never comprehend.
See read in the right context, any idiot can see Tooth's immense sympathies below over flowing.

Originally Posted by ToothSayer

As for the poor, why are they such worthless scum they're not doing STEM degrees?

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Or perhaps we should give even more to the lowest IQ and least mentally organized members of society (who already get an unaffordable $2.7 trillion every year), who on average have utterly failed at working hard, at saving money, and at efficiently meeting the wants of their fellow humans? That sounds like a great plan too, and really fair.
Someone should put Tooth's words in to a love ballad or perhaps a poem as an ode to beauty of his sympathies and love.

Brings a tear to my eyes. FLOL.
02-08-2021 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Covid is in freefall.
Posting to subscribe. Also to save this gem that was posted a day after the Super Bowl.
02-09-2021 , 05:38 AM
I don't think you realize that 13% of the US population - much higher among the high death population and the worst spreaders who work in health and aged care - have been vaccinated. This is increasing at a rate of 1.7% per week. On top of that, another 20-40% depending on region - mostly not overlapping with the vaccine group - are already immune, and because of long running organic burnthrough, the inoculation effect is substantially greater than just the percentage would suggest, because it's run organically over a long period through the most-connected nodes, inoculating them.

On the initial strain, R is already well below 1 when combined with minor distancing/closures, and has no path to getting above 1 again. On other strains, R would struggle to get above 1.3 in the US, and that number will drop slightly every day.

Covid is done in the US. Europe has a FAR slower vaccine rollout than the US, and poorer immunity levels thanks to more lockdowns and less freedom, so they're not out of the woods. But the US is in a good spot now. Once again they kick the crap out of Europe.

The only real threat is a vaccine-evading strain like the South African strain. The Oxford vaccine is only 20% effective against that - good job eurocucks - and it was so bad/useless that South Africa stopped using it. I consider it fairly likely that we get a permanent superflu type scenario that flares up every winter and keeps ahead of vaccines. Basically a lung-destroying cold/flu that comes around along with the regular cold/flu. But that disaster will take time to propagate (after spring) and so far the US vaccines seem to work quite well on all strains from the data we have so far.

Last edited by ToothSayer; 02-09-2021 at 05:45 AM.
02-09-2021 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by Nittery
What is the strategy the US employed?
After May most states in the US kept everything open and didn't panic when the burn happened over the summer.

Europe was laughing at US since Europe had extremely low case loads while US was still burning at 10s of thousands of infections a day.

A subset of the population howled and shrieked about not locking down yet they were ignored. People like Shuffle said millions of Americans will die and people nodded their heads in agreement based off fear.

Now the death rates are very similar to the US in many parts of locked down Europe except US economy is coming out a lot better than all of them.

Now US is ahead of everyone vaccination wise and herd immunity wise via infections.

This is a US finds no weapons of mass destruction moment. I am vindicated after arguing the same thing for 8 months now. Anyone that pores over the data is not surprised to see the result.
02-09-2021 , 09:17 AM
Meanwhile in the real world.

USA has a higher cumulative death count and 7DRA than Europe and EU.
02-09-2021 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Meanwhile in the real world.

USA has a higher cumulative death count and 7DRA than Europe and EU.
02-09-2021 , 10:14 AM
So far almost everyone I know in my area (NJ, NYC) who has gotten the vaccine, got Moderna. I am not sure why Pfizer seems to be less prevalent. Perhaps other areas of the country are different, not sure.

I think given all the variants the mRNA vaccines are the ones that should be the primary ones used. Much quicker process to retool the vaccine to combat a new variant.

From an investment standpoint I'm just not sure how much more Moderna can run based just off revenues from the Covid vaccine. If they can use the tech to create other effective vaccines that could be a catalyst for them.
02-09-2021 , 11:58 PM
since we now know that asymptomatic people don't spread the disease the way that was originally thought can we conclude that any lockdowns are a waste of time?
02-10-2021 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
since we now know that asymptomatic people don't spread the disease the way that was originally thought
Do you have a source for this?
02-10-2021 , 11:03 AM
An interesting article out today on t cell immunity.

As an aside, I think it is somewhat surprising that the virus went through a significant mutation which didn't result in a massive wave of new deaths, and people are shrugging that off as no big deal. If there is no t cell cross reactivity, this mutation should have meant massive increases in deaths and cases everywhere it was reported, especially since we are in the middle of winter.
02-10-2021 , 02:12 PM
It really is magically going away. Breaking recently:

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo says the Barclays Center, other large arenas in NY state will be able to reopen starting Feb. 23, according to CNBC
02-10-2021 , 03:36 PM
interesting tidbit
