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Coronavirus Coronavirus

03-23-2021 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Another Cuepee Nothing Burger served up by yours truly.
You just got to cut the bullshit and own it. Stop being cowardly.

When it comes to Covid and any such future pandemics,...

'F*ck the olds'. They can either take responsibility for themselves and hide away or die. Don't put it on me to put on a mask or social distance or take any actions that would inconvenience me to save the lives of people who have lived too long already and are taking up resources I could rightly have. If I want to I will and if not f*ck the olds.'

Come on Tien, you know you want to. Cosign that. Own it. Man up for once in your life and don't cowardly try to duck and hide from what you believe and clearly dance around daily, simply because you think others will judge you.
03-23-2021 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle

We've all been rolling our eyes at the vaccine pump and dumps this year, but this **** gets real if there isn't anything efficacious produced and distributed in 2021. Imagine what happens if every effort was short cuts and scams, or the vaccine that does get distributed turns out to be worthless. Not only will that be another 12-18 months before anything can be developed, but it's likely the public would never trust the vaccine process again.
Vaccine pump and dumps?


Originally Posted by Shuffle

Temperature affects mortality even more than age. Imagine that.


It's too late now in the U.S. There will be millions of deaths in the next 6 months. Incredible how the whole year was wasted by an unserious people. The Chinese lied about how many people died last winter. There's a reason they have ruthlessly tried to eradicate every last case while they had time on their side.
It's too late right? Where are these millions dead?

Originally Posted by Shuffle
Base case scenario for investing:

Very high inflation in the U.S. in the coming years as economic output collapses and money printing accelerates.
Ok. Collapse is happening any minute now.

Originally Posted by Shuffle
Warning I sent out today and in recent days:

Hello Tien. Writing to give you all this one warning. If you don't stay home and limit the number of times you interact with people outside your house during Fall and Winter, and wear a medical grade facemask (covering your nose and mouth), and face shield at all times when you do go out, you will probably get very sick and may very well die in the next 6 months. The virus will spread a lot more than before because of the colder temperatures and lower indoor humidity levels during Fall and Winter. The people who catch it will be infected with much higher doses and will become much sicker than before. There will be millions of dead people in the U.S. and refrigerator trucks will be overflowing with dead bodies in every major American city. Small towns and rural areas will not escape devastation. Do not wait another day to drastically alter your lifestyle. Get into these lockdown habits now. By the time you hear about much worse outbreaks in the news or around your community, it will be too late. You will already be infected and you may very well become permanently sick or die.

If you survive the winter, next Spring/Summer will go back to what it's been like this year. That should be your goal. Warn _______ too, even though they are younger and healthier, temperature and humidity are the strongest predictors of communicability and case severity. Compared to this Spring and Summer, younger people will become sicker and more will die too.

I'm sure people loved getting that in their inbox.
I found this stupid letter.

Did you apologize for spamming such stupidity? What follow up emails did you send to ____________?

"Hey guys, it turns out this poster on twoplustwo forum "Tien" ended up being right and you can disregard that email I sent you back in September."

Last edited by Tien; 03-23-2021 at 01:27 PM.
03-23-2021 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You just got to cut the bullshit and own it. Stop being cowardly.

When it comes to Covid and any such future pandemics,...

'F*ck the olds'. They can either take responsibility for themselves and hide away or die. Don't put it on me to put on a mask or social distance or take any actions that would inconvenience me to save the lives of people who have lived too long already and are taking up resources I could rightly have. If I want to I will and if not f*ck the olds.'

Come on Tien, you know you want to. Cosign that. Own it. Man up for once in your life and don't cowardly try to duck and hide from what you believe and clearly dance around daily, simply because you think others will judge you.
I don't cosign any fan fiction you write Cuepee.

Cuepee doesn't understand English or simple argument.

Cuepee writes a huge wall of text thinking he got some poster some how.

Turns out not to be the case and Cuepee embarrasses himself.

Cuepee Nothing Burger is served. Tien has eaten at least a dozen of these Nothing Burgers. Too bad there is nothing fulfilling in proving a fool wrong.

Happened at least 100x in this thread.
03-23-2021 , 01:32 PM
Imagine being so sanctimonious you would write an email to everyone as a "warning" thinking you were so correct but ended up dead wrong.
03-23-2021 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Originally Posted by Cuepee
But I honestly love you guys always trying to deny prior points you made once you are called out by me. Shows you know you were wrong and need to try and find a way out.
03-23-2021 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You just got to cut the bullshit and own it. Stop being cowardly.

When it comes to Covid and any such future pandemics,...

'F*ck the olds'. They can either take responsibility for themselves and hide away or die. Don't put it on me to put on a mask or social distance or take any actions that would inconvenience me to save the lives of people who have lived too long already and are taking up resources I could rightly have. If I want to I will and if not f*ck the olds.'

Come on Tien, you know you want to. Cosign that. Own it. Man up for once in your life and don't cowardly try to duck and hide from what you believe and clearly dance around daily, simply because you think others will judge you.
You posted a photo of pile of the free dogshit masks you collected while gallivanting store to store after spending months lecturing everyone on science and morals.

People are pretty good at detecting the difference between genuine discussion and virtue signaling. Habitually twisting and torturing words and meaning in peoples posts in order to make them the shameful and immoral person you want them to be (not just wrong). Not only do you get to go through the exercise of attacking that strawperson, you get to feel morally superior. That moral superiority feels rewarding but you didn't actually do anything to earn it. It's quite the heroic character, you proudly prance around the mall and then lecture people who think only the elderly should be subject to lockdowns.

Is there some sort of crown or badge we could attach to coopee's profile? Maybe if his virtue and status is formally recognized we won't have to sift through the trash. On a more complimentary note, coopee's 6 paragraph meth rants were easy to ignore. These smaller outbursts hit the sweet spot where you're tempted to take a look.
03-23-2021 , 02:46 PM
If you thought you were making a point that was a complete an utter embarrassment.

My 'posting a picture of masks' was in a REPLY to claims that getting masks was difficult, wearing them properly was difficult and all the other tear filled mewling guys like you do about them.

I proved they are readily available and often free and easy to wear and those were medical masks, thus the proper type.

It irked guys like you so bad to see your tear filled complaints destroyed so easily that months later you still bring it up to cry some more.
03-23-2021 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Everything I said above is true and accurate.

You referring to the lies the Trump Admin was spreading at the start of the US wave while ignoring what was happening in China and Italy. That it “It’s going to disappear. It is disappearing.” ..."…when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.

In answer to your question 'Yes, i do remember when you idiots were all-in on Trump idiocy'.

And if you believed Trump idiocy, that a vaccine was coming that quick or it was 'going away' then 'Letting it Rip' like it did through the first wave of Italy and not using selective shutdowns and other strategies to slow or stop that would be idiocy.

You DO NOT front load your deaths when the enemy is either going away magically or help (vaccine) is close and on the way.
You do understand that the USA is not the only country in the world correct?

You understand that the "2 weeks to stop the spread" was only done by most countries in the world correct?

You understand that this is a "global pandemic" correct?

People are rioting about the lockdowns world wide lol

So what the **** does this have to do with RvD?

People like you are the reason why America is the wealthiest country in the history of this planet with services that reflect third world standards lol

Just blame one side to make yourself better while both sides fleece the people dry

You are a clown
03-24-2021 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
Saw people taking to the streets in Ireland and iirc france last week

miami getting loose

People getting pretty sick of restrictions. Earlier itt I asked what specific behavior we were locking down for and nobody came up with a direct answer. People have the freedom to lock themselves away. We know to protect the elderly. Should we all be locking down so the most virtuous among us feel safer doing whatever activities they deem morally acceptable?
This sort of thing always bugs me. Especially in a place where data matters.

Approximately no-one is rioting anywhere. In every situation, the focus on these almost insignifcantly small groups of people just because they make a lot of noise and create some exciting media coverage is misleading.

You want to lockdown? Go for it, nobody is stopping you. You want other people to lock down? Why? So you can do what non lockdown activities yourself? Be specific
To stop other people from dying/suffering. Maybe you think it's mistaken, maybe you're even right but that's the reason.
03-24-2021 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
To stop other people from dying/suffering. Maybe you think it's mistaken, maybe you're even right but that's the reason.
so we don't become hypocritical in the future we should continue this goal as a society correct?

We need to stop everything that makes human's die?

Yes or No?
03-24-2021 , 01:03 AM
03-24-2021 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
So just for covid?

You understand that having lockdowns is basically the same as prohibition yes?
03-24-2021 , 01:53 AM
Not just for covid no. Also drink driving, for example. But In general the idea that we dont do everything so we cant do anything is a bad mistake.

I dont think it's just like prohibition. Consent of the people is an important factor that we discussed a fair bit earlier in the thread. There was also a moral objection to drinking that underpinned the prohibition ideal.
03-24-2021 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Not just for covid no. Also drink driving, for example. But In general the idea that we dont do everything so we cant do anything is a bad mistake.

I dont think it's just like prohibition. Consent of the people is an important factor that we discussed a fair bit earlier in the thread.
In the case of Alcohol. Alcohol itself kills more people than drink driving so why are you heavily against drink driving but not the alcohol itself?

In the case of covid what can be done besides hard and strict lockdowns?

Did people have consent for lockdowns or was it just forced unto us?

You act like the people have any power in any decision lol

What power do the people have besides rioting?

Politicians just decided on these rules and people were forced to abide by them
03-24-2021 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
Did people have consent for lockdowns or was it just forced unto us?
In the uk it has strong support.

You act like the people have any power in any decision lol

What power do the people have besides rioting?
Of course we do. It can only be enforced if most people support it or are okay with it. If it required mass policing then I wouldn't support it. A few people can create a lot of police work but that's incomparable to a large proportion requiring police enforcement.
03-24-2021 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
In the uk it has strong support.
Did they find this "strong support" before or after they implemented the rules?

The rules were changed and then they asked if there was "support".

Can they also not just manufacture this "support" like they do with everything else?

Just a few random polls with a few hundred people and now you have your "strong support".

Originally Posted by chezlaw
Of course we do. It can only be enforced if most people support it or are okay with it. If it required mass policing then I wouldn't support it. A few people can create a lot of police work but that's incomparable to a large proportion requiring police enforcement.
If you believe this then you are extremely naive. Humans just follow the status quo and do what they are told. In only extreme examples of extreme public anger do stuff like that happen.

There is a reason why most people support healthcare in the US but it will never see the light of day. Same thing for a lot of policies that benefit the people. In all democracies the people have zero power. It's actually quite comical when you think about it.

The only difference between places like Russia and free democracies is that at least Russians know they get played.
03-24-2021 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
Did they find this "strong support" before or after they implemented the rules?

The rules were changed and then they asked if there was "support".

Can they also not just manufacture this "support" like they do with everything else?

Just a few random polls with a few hundred people and now you have your "strong support".
No way. The UK government action followed the demand.

If you believe this then you are extremely naive. Humans just follow the status quo and do what they are told. In only extreme examples of extreme public anger do stuff like that happen.
It's messy but I dont think that's close to the reality. Prohibition failed, drug bans fail. Even EU membership failed.

Farage tried his hand at an anti-lockdown political party but unlike leaving the EU, there is minimal levels of support so it had no influence.

There is a reason why most people support healthcare in the US but it will never see the light of day. Same thing for a lot of policies that benefit the people. In all democracies the people have zero power. It's actually quite comical when you think about it.
I think the US will probably catch up eventually but most democracies do have health care. This is not a politics forum so let's not get into why the USA is the way it is.
03-24-2021 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
No way. The UK government action followed the demand.
Do you have any evidence?

Everything online seems to suggest that was he was facing political pressure and was forced into a corner.

Nothing at all to do with the public.
03-24-2021 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
Do you have any evidence?

Everything online seems to suggest that was he was facing political pressure and was forced into a corner.

Nothing at all to do with the public.
Not sure about specific evidence that public pressure led to the initial lockdowns but there is a lot of polling from the last year that says UK citizens on average think the government did not react strongly/strictly enough: (early April) (July, main tables show 50% think government didn't go far enough and should have done more, only 6% think government overreacted) (Oct - Jan)
03-24-2021 , 08:54 AM
lvr aborting up this thread with the utter garbage he posts.

Originally Posted by lvr
so we don't become hypocritical in the future we should continue this goal as a society correct?

We need to stop everything that makes human's die?

Yes or No?
These things are not absolutes lvr.

For instance if we had a small number of people arrive in a city who were found to have ebola, we would not say 'they should be allowed to walk free amongst citizens and if people do not want to get ebola they should stay home'.

NO ONE would say or support that. Containing the spread and the spreaders is a thing we would and DO support.

So this dispute is only over where and when that line is drawn and not if there should be a line

Once you recognize that FACT then the arguments shifts away from the BS arguments you guys are trying to make these measures are simply wrong on their face to one of 'ok is it correct in this instance to implement these measures?'
03-24-2021 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
Do you have any evidence?

Everything online seems to suggest that was he was facing political pressure and was forced into a corner.

Nothing at all to do with the public.
I can't come up with it now after a year but we were discussing it a year ago and I was one of the few posters supporting the government delay partly because they had to wait for sufficient 'consent of the people' to be able to enforce/sustain it. That undoubtedly then happened.

Many criticise the government for waiting too long but I remain strongly of the view they got that ~right* **. Sadly they got nearly everything else spectacularly incompetently wrong apart from the vaccines.

*many now disagree but the public forget that, apart from maybe a week earlier, there simply wasn't sufficient consent of the people and it wouldn't have worked for very long. The consent rose rapidly as the cases and deaths rose rapidly. To enforce such a restricitive measure would have been simply imposible without that consent - both for policing and electoral reasons (although by accident there weren't any immediate upcoming elections).

** There was one other option which was my preference, and that was to go onto a war footing with a coalition government. Not much support for that option from anybody and it would have been politically very difficult.

Last edited by chezlaw; 03-24-2021 at 09:40 AM.
03-24-2021 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by Willd
Not sure about specific evidence that public pressure led to the initial lockdowns but there is a lot of polling from the last year that says UK citizens on average think the government did not react strongly/strictly enough: (early April) (July, main tables show 50% think government didn't go far enough and should have done more, only 6% think government overreacted) (Oct - Jan)
This is what i mean lol

They interview/poll one thousand people and dont tell you anything else

I can poll 1k people and get a different result

Its ridiculous how easy it is to manipulate the public as the media

You just say **** like 'an expert' said '75% of people this' and everyone laps it up

Data ignorance has really ****ed society up. Manipulation of statistics is so easy these days.

Also this has nothing to do with chez's claim. He claimed that the public was for the lockdown so much that they pressured the government into a lockdown. A complete lie by the way lol. The only way the public could do that is they just stopped coming into work or protested it in droves.

The government in every country just does whatever it wants in these situations and we as the sheep just obey. If i told you 2 years ago that we would be forced to stop working and be locked in our homes with a curfew you would call me insane. Yet here we are lol just a bunch of peons with no power.
03-24-2021 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
This is what i mean lol

They interview/poll one thousand people and dont tell you anything else

I can poll 1k people and get a different result

Its ridiculous how easy it is to manipulate the public as the media

You just say **** like 'an expert' said '75% of people this' and everyone laps it up

Data ignorance has really ****ed society up. Manipulation of statistics is so easy these days.

Also this has nothing to do with chez's claim. He claimed that the public was for the lockdown so much that they pressured the government into a lockdown. A complete lie by the way lol. The only way the public could do that is they just stopped coming into work or protested it in droves.

The government in every country just does whatever it wants in these situations and we as the sheep just obey. If i told you 2 years ago that we would be forced to stop working and be locked in our homes with a curfew you would call me insane. Yet here we are lol just a bunch of peons with no power.
The irony of this statement in a post that is completely ignorant of the statistical methods underlying polling is incredible. Any time someone points out a sample size of ~1000 in a poll it is immediately obvious they have no idea what they are talking about.

A properly sampled set of 1000 respondents from the adult UK population will have margin of error of <5% at a 99% confidence interval. If you want to dig into the methodology of the polls and point out problems with the sampling methods then that would be a legitimate argument, but offhand dismissal of a poll due to this sort of sample size is simply displaying an ignorance of statistics.
03-24-2021 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
This is what i mean lol

They interview/poll one thousand people and dont tell you anything else

I can poll 1k people and get a different result

Its ridiculous how easy it is to manipulate the public as the media

You just say **** like 'an expert' said '75% of people this' and everyone laps it up

Data ignorance has really ****ed society up. Manipulation of statistics is so easy these days.

Also this has nothing to do with chez's claim. He claimed that the public was for the lockdown so much that they pressured the government into a lockdown. A complete lie by the way lol. The only way the public could do that is they just stopped coming into work or protested it in droves.

The government in every country just does whatever it wants in these situations and we as the sheep just obey. If i told you 2 years ago that we would be forced to stop working and be locked in our homes with a curfew you would call me insane. Yet here we are lol just a bunch of peons with no power.
Wow this post is full of stupid.

Of course you call for 'data' then when presented with it and it is not something you like you immediately hand wave it away as meaningless and manipulated. Thus only data that supports your view is good and sound.

If you have a question about a pollster or a specific poll you do not point at the 'sample size' as the gotcha. You need to understand how polls work, look at their historical accuracy or ranking and perception, etc and then you can credible 'exclude' or 'include' the poll into a debate.
03-24-2021 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
If you thought you were making a point that was a complete an utter embarrassment.

My 'posting a picture of masks' was in a REPLY to claims that getting masks was difficult, wearing them properly was difficult and all the other tear filled mewling guys like you do about them.

I proved they are readily available and often free and easy to wear and those were medical masks, thus the proper type.

It irked guys like you so bad to see your tear filled complaints destroyed so easily that months later you still bring it up to cry some more.
Yes cooppee, out one side of your mouth is to lecture people on wearing masks and you demonstrate that by telling tales of and showing pictures of all the masks you collected prancing from store to store.

Out the other side of your mouth you're lecturing people on how immoral they are for not wanting to lock down.

This is like watching you drunk live stream a lecture on pollution as you get in your tesla to brag about e-tech and take it for a spin to show off it's performance. Then the next week we see you lecturing everyone on drunk driving. Your defense is that in the first video you weren't talking about drunk driving.... Any sensible person can see right through your transparently ridiculous arguments

This is why you get attention though. People (add me to the list now) see your utter absurdity and think this is easy to expose and obviously this guy isn't so insane he's incapable of saying something dumb enough to result in embarrassment, let me lay it out for him. And of course that never happens, you just keep marching forward like a meth head with an iron will.

Originally Posted by chezlaw
This sort of thing always bugs me. Especially in a place where data matters.

Approximately no-one is rioting anywhere. In every situation, the focus on these almost insignifcantly small groups of people just because they make a lot of noise and create some exciting media coverage is misleading.
Correct. These are lunatics on spring break who have been released in to the wild like caged animals

You want to lockdown? Go for it, nobody is stopping you. You want other people to lock down? Why? So you can do what non lockdown activities yourself? Be specific
Originally Posted by chezlaw
To stop other people from dying/suffering. Maybe you think it's mistaken, maybe you're even right but that's the reason.
Why did you extract the part of my posts that asks to get passed the platitudes and be specific and then feel the need to respond with a platitude? Why not just make ____ great again?

So aside from the elderly, we should lock down so coopee can prance around the shopping center collecting free masks? Should we lock down because you get to keep your job and feel safer at the market if others stay home and tank their entire life? Be specific.
