Originally Posted by ToothSayer
So you think a big disaster is brewing? That's precisely what I'm making small OOTM bets on.
I traded quite a few tickers today. ASAP is just having a hissy fit because he picked it last week on "technicals" and I'm now in it.
There are specific reasons it will dump on China, more than the market.
It's blindsided me the last couple of weeks - I'm down well into 5 figures on AAPL trades. But that's part of the give and take.
I dont think a gigantic disaster is on the horizon, but when your stock market wipes off 30% or 3.5 trillion USD in 1 week, leaving pretty much anyone who was on leverage either completely now zero or like -50%+ that has a material impact on household savings, and it has already manifested itself in the -% yoy auto sales figures they just released. People in China seem to be disproportionately exposed to the stock market, and post- crash #1 (since it seems we may be on #2 right now), cars sales slumping is just the beginning, and it will definitely trickle itself down to iphones.
Just too many other technicals beginning to deteriorate for my taste to make a be long on Apple right now. Baidu took a beating today and revised down next q. Yesterday the entire shanghai/shenzhen exchanges where over 50% of stocks got trade stopped at -10%. Like wtf? People are ****ing losing their entire savings like that.