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[Unibet] Official Thread [Unibet] Official Thread

01-14-2016 , 05:36 AM
Hello Andrew.

May you please exchange my NL4 ticket into 4E MTT ticket ?
Also, if I may ask a question, is there any chance I can find the files for the background of any theme and replace that background with a custom image file from my computer? Is that thing possible or allowed? Thank you.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 06:36 AM
Hi Andrew,

Could you please exchange my 25Nl ticket + 3x1MTT+2x1SNG into a bonus.

Alias: europa4
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 07:58 AM
Hello chief,

please, 4NL ticket to 4 * 1 E MTT.



Thanks in advance!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 09:37 AM
Hi, Andrew. Could you please change my €25 cash ticket into 6x €4 SNG ticket and 1x €1 SNG ticket? Alias: StanLibuda
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 09:55 AM
how eligible is this random number generator? how is possible to have such a high freqvency hitting in aces?

what the hell is going on on this site?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 09:57 AM
Hey Andrew could you please exchange my another NL4 ticket into 2x2eMTT tickets?
Alias: RegisLT
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 10:29 AM
5 max sng s are full of colluders !

forbiding it is a good ideea , but no tracking usernames is wrong .

it is necessary having track usernames , i see no reason to dont do that .Sng full of colluders , cash games cheaters and they are hidden thorught those changings nicknames .who catch them?

Last edited by pecal; 01-14-2016 at 10:36 AM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by pecal
5 max sng s are full of colluders !

forbiding it is a good ideea , but no tracking usernames is wrong .

it is necessary having track usernames , i see no reason to dont do that .Sng full of colluders , cash games cheaters and they are hidden thorught those changings nicknames .who catch them?
Who catch them? You catch them. Report the screen names. Full of colluders? Really.

I do think the ability to switch screen names in session and be running multiple identities at the same time is a problem when it comes to players catching colluders. This seems like a function that protects colluders, doubt anyone else is using it. removing this function would make it a lot easier to spot patterns in players playing the same games.

Last edited by monkeyheaven; 01-14-2016 at 11:12 AM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by pecal
5 max sng s are full of colluders !

forbiding it is a good ideea , but no tracking usernames is wrong .

it is necessary having track usernames , i see no reason to dont do that .Sng full of colluders , cash games cheaters and they are hidden thorught those changings nicknames .who catch them?
Sounds like a job for Ash Ketchum! Gotta Catch Em All... Colludersmon!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 11:32 AM
Hi Andrew,

Could you please change my 2 x €4NL4 into 4 x €2Mtt ?
Alias: Alias_

Thank you in advance and have a good week-end
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 11:38 AM
Hi Andrew,

Can you chance 10x €1MTT to 10x €1SNG tickets?

Thanks in advance,
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 11:47 AM
I have 6 1€ SNG tickets, please convert to a bonus for cashgame. Thx.

Alias: MeLikeTofu
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by SuperPtje
Hi Andrew,

Would you be so kind to exchange my UO50 ticket to 3*10 and 10*2 UO tickets?

Thanks in advance.

Alias: ItsNotMyName
Originally Posted by Mynona
Hello Andrew,

Could you kindly extend my 3 x €50 UO tickets ? they are real close to expiration.

Alias: Alias_

Thank you
Originally Posted by TexasBliffEm
Hi Andrew.

Could you change 18eur tourney tickets and 7eur cash tickets for one 25PLO ticket please?

Alias: TexasBliffEm

Originally Posted by Strahinjak

My Alias is Momuti
Originally Posted by McDreamy
Hi Andrew,

Can you please exchange my tournament tickets to 2 x €10 SNG's. (two of my €2 SNG tickets are about to expire). Alias pay_off_wizard. Thanks!
Originally Posted by khlaus
Hi Andrew, can you please exchange all my tickets into cash bonus please ?
I have 3 x 1€ Banzai , 1x 2€ SNG , 4x 1€ MTT and 8x 1€ SNG atm , but please exchange anything you can find .

Alias: stonedMonkeY
Originally Posted by Gladi
Hey Andrew,

can you change my 4 & 10 euro NLHE tickets into 4 & 10 PLO tickets please ?
Thanks. Alias: PlusEVforme
Originally Posted by fifty
Hi Andrew,

Please change: €10 PLO cash ticket and 3 x €2 SNG tickets into 3 x €5 Banzai and one €1 Banzai ticket.

alias: ojle

Originally Posted by mute07
Hello there Andrew,

Can you please change 5x€1 SNG, 1 €1 MTT and one €4 NL4 into a €10 NL10 ticket please?

username: mute07

Thanks a lot!
Originally Posted by regispoker23
Hey Andrew, could you please exchange my NL4 ticket into 4x1eSNG
Alias: RegisLT
Originally Posted by drdzo
Hey Andrew, could you please exchange my NL4 ticket into2 x 2e MTT?
Alias: drdzo
Originally Posted by Lisa79
Hey Andrew,

Can you change my 4€ mtt and 2€ sng ticket into 6€ bonus.

Alias TardBird

Thanks again
Originally Posted by djelibeybi
Hi Andrew,

Can you exchange my PLO10 ticket into a bonus, thanks!

alias: gahanka
Originally Posted by MathrimC
Hi Andrew,

Can you extend my welcome bonus? It's set to expire in 3 days.
Alias: Mat_Cauthon
Originally Posted by oirishpaddy
Hey Andrew, What can I do about my welcome freeroll tickets, just realised i'm working the next 4 sundays, (4 on 4 off, cant change) Valentines day is the only date I can theoretically play a game they are live for, (but my missus wud bury me if I tried play lol) cud u extend them or change them? Work your magic Please and Thanks

Originally Posted by highway68
Hi Andrew
I'm finally back on track for the next UO. I had to quit before Antwerpen running into troublesome business abroad. When I stopped playing I had a € 10.- and a € 50.- ticket for the UO. I know they have long expired but would it somehow be possible to get them back??
My alias is highway68

Would appreciate. Thanks for your consideration.
Originally Posted by loosefoot
Hi Andrew,

Can you please change my tickets to bonus. Thanks

Originally Posted by Ariebombarie
Hi Andrew,

Could you convert for me;
1x 5€ Saturday Stack into 5x 1€ Saturday Stack
3x 5€ Sunday Entitled into 15x 1€ Sunday Entitled
3x 4€ UK Tour into 12x 1€ UK Tour
1x 25€ UO + 2x 50€ UO into 9x 1€ UO + 14x 2€ UO + 7x 4€ UO + 6x 10€ UO
1x NL4 into a 4€ bonus (if this is possible? if not you can take one of the 1€ UO's, for a 5€ bonus)

Alias: CarlCox

Thanks in advance as usual
Originally Posted by BristolCity
Hi Andrew,

Could you please exchange my 25Nl ticket + 3x1MTT+2x1SNG into a bonus.

Alias: europa4
Originally Posted by drdzo
Hello chief,

please, 4NL ticket to 4 * 1 E MTT.



Thanks in advance!
Originally Posted by playAcaster
Hi, Andrew. Could you please change my €25 cash ticket into 6x €4 SNG ticket and 1x €1 SNG ticket? Alias: StanLibuda
Originally Posted by regispoker23
Hey Andrew could you please exchange my another NL4 ticket into 2x2eMTT tickets?
Alias: RegisLT
Originally Posted by Mynona
Hi Andrew,

Could you please change my 2 x €4NL4 into 4 x €2Mtt ?
Alias: Alias_

Thank you in advance and have a good week-end
Originally Posted by Petermanneke
Hi Andrew,

Can you chance 10x €1MTT to 10x €1SNG tickets?

Thanks in advance,
Originally Posted by L.K.
I have 6 1€ SNG tickets, please convert to a bonus for cashgame. Thx.

Alias: MeLikeTofu

Sure, done.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by quechecker
Here are game numbers:

The step is "Reach a flop with at least 4 other players in an Omaha cash game". On all 3 hands, you see a flop with 3 opponents. You need it to happen with 4 opponents to complete this step.

Originally Posted by Persifal
@Thanks Andrew,

Is there any way to use a converter for the hands you played?
I'd like to post some for review
We dont provide hand histories in the form of a text (tracker and HUD related).

At the moment, you can only take a screenshot of your hand history if you want to share it.

We are looking into possible options to share your hands but it won't be before we have a Hand Replayer.

Originally Posted by Yuccie
Hey Andrew,

Could you please turn all my tickets into a bonus?

1 X €5 5 NL Banzai + 1 x €4 4 NL + 1 x €10 10 NL


1 x €10 MTT + 3 x €4 MTT + 2 X €2 SNG + 2 X €1 MTT

Thanks a lot
Sure, what is your alias?

Originally Posted by capitaalize
hi andrew,

Could i have all of my stats for 2015 sent to my registered email address please
Alias: capitaalize

Sure, we've asked our support.

Originally Posted by Hatebreedd
Hi Andrew

I got a mail today from a pokerwebsite called weaktight that suggested unibet for Pokerstarsplayers to move to because of the better rakeback and softer games, found it pretty strange because rakebackgrinding is not really something unibet stands for
Some affiliate sites are trying to attract high volume grinders only and that isn't something that I particularly like either.
I don’t know exactly what we can do about them advertising about “soft games” and good rakeback. We don’t do rakeback per say but at higher levels, our loyalty scheme is generous indeed.

Originally Posted by Turn
I have a lot of trouble with MTT tables randomly freezing. Not all tables at the same time, just one and that's really ****ed up if you're multi-tabling and you don't notice it. Also when I switch from internetsource the client freezes completely.

Don't know if I'm the only one having these problems but I have sent support an e-mail with the _log from today.
Thanks, I've reported it. I believe I've seen other similar reports but I may come back to you to ask you some questions if the issue hasn’t been reproduced yet by the devs.

Originally Posted by BradST
Hi Andrew, Not sure if you can do anything about it but I have a bit of a complaint. I played the 50UO yesterday. The payout was 5x250UO and 4x50UO and 35. So when we got down to 2 tables of 5 I was in roughly 7th spot even though I was only perhaps 10 blinds deep (the blinds were very large). Anyways my table froze so I wrongly assumed we were combining tables after a while of nothing happening I closed client and reopened. I was still alive but much smaller. It would appear that myself and the 2 big stacks were robbed silly by the other 2 players on the table. I did get to play a couple of hands before finishing in last place for 35. Now I'm not saying I would of won but I really do think I easily would of finished at least in the 50UO if I had not been locked out of the table during the crucial bubble play. Could you perhaps remove the 35 from my account and replace my 50 UO ticket? Thanks BradST
Can you please contact Customer Sersive? It's better if refund requests go to them first.

Originally Posted by De_dust2
Hello Andrew.

May you please exchange my NL4 ticket into 4E MTT ticket ?
Also, if I may ask a question, is there any chance I can find the files for the background of any theme and replace that background with a custom image file from my computer? Is that thing possible or allowed? Thank you.
Can I have your alias please? For the background, I don’t think that's possible at the moment without any change on our side. I don’t believe backgrounds are stored on your computer. I'll ask the devs.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by L.K.
I have 6 1€ SNG tickets, please convert to a bonus for cashgame. Thx.

Alias: MeLikeTofu
Sorry made a mistake, I overlooked that one ticket is 2€ SNG. I'd like that also to be convertead to a cashgame bonus. Thanks.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 02:47 PM
Hello Andrew

THANKS for the UO tickets.

One more question: opening the tournament schedule I always have to re-set the filter to UO-tournaments only. Is there any way I can have this as my default??

Maybe anyone knows.

Thanks. Charles
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 04:38 PM
Hello Andrew,

Is it possibele to change my 3 * €1 bonzai tickets to €1 SnG tickets ?

many thanks,


alias : toothy
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 04:40 PM
Hi Andrew,
could you please extend my Super Double Trouble ticket, which expires in 4 days.
Could you also please change all my other valued tickets to 4x4SNG.
Alias: go2016
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 04:52 PM
Hi Andrew, Please exchange €10 sng tickets and 2 x 1 mtt to 3 x 4mtt.Thanks pirahn
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 04:55 PM
Hi Andrew

another question: playing the €50.- satellite for the longest time we were 18 players at 3 tables, even long past the late registration time. 6-handed is a completely different dynamic than 9-handed. Is there any particular reason for NOT playing 2 tables with 9 earlier. It only changed once we were down to 17 players.

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 05:49 PM
Hi Andrew,

TY for the great work. Is there any chance the handhistories on unibet could be 4 coloured and could include a potsize on every street. This would make them a lot easier to read while playing since you can't save them to look at them later.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 07:22 PM
Hi Andrew

Please change my plo 10 euro ticket into 2 X 4euroMTT & 2 X 1euroMTT tickets

Thanks so much & god bless the Unibet open slot ))

Alias : wwaanneess
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 07:48 PM
Hello Andrew I hope you are having a great evening tonight !

I have a lot of tickets that ran out of time ! had some issues with getting into the poker client that i fixed now.
In the last couple weeks i had a 10€ ticket and some MTT tickets run out
And abit before that all my Unibet open tickets ran out !
And yesterday 4x NL4 played tickets ran out(balance on them 12.03, 37.27, 21.82, 3.65 & a NL 10 ticket

Could you please help restore all of them it would be a great great help ! thank you very much !

And would you please extend my current Starter bonus play through
? its at 60.2% I wanna play a lot of poker this week

Say hi to jamie from me & good job to everyone who keeps working hard at unibet ! really loving it all ! hopefully will see you in UO London or somewhere else soon
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 09:05 PM
Hey Andrew,

I got a question: I play 8 tables NL25 at the same time and have often the same Villians at at least 5 tables. If 24-25 tables are running like tonight, how can I play at 5 tables against the same guy? Do you have some pool segregation where the regs play more versus the regs and the fish versus the fish??

I see that stuff all the time and find it mathematically highly unlikely.

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-14-2016 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by Turn View Post
I have a lot of trouble with MTT tables randomly freezing. Not all tables at the same time, just one and that's really ****ed up if you're multi-tabling and you don't notice it. Also when I switch from internetsource the client freezes completely.

Don't know if I'm the only one having these problems but I have sent support an e-mail with the _log from today.

Thanks, I've reported it. I believe I've seen other similar reports but I may come back to you to ask you some questions if the issue hasn’t been reproduced yet by the devs.
Hi Andrew,

About this, i have this a lot! luckily i have caught it on stream, so here Andrew, for the develop guys so they see what happens......its the upper left table

So this happened on the PLO twenty seven #14, this was crazy format, so you can understand why i get a bit tilted, losing 1 or 2 hands is a very big deal! also its annoying that the software makes me tilt and influences my plays in the next few hands :/

the fix i have is closing the table and reopening it form the lobby, this will fix it, but the problem is you have to see it, and sometimes a table change can take up to like 30 seonds so its really ****ed that you don't know if its changing table, or just crashing......
especially when you have more tables open its kinda hard to notice that one table is not dealing cards

also, con you convert these tickets for me?
2x 25€ UO into 5x 10€ UO
1x 25€ Sunday Entitled into 5x 5€ Sunday Entitled

Alias: CarlCox

ps Can you send me my cashgame stats for the period 1-1-2016/14-1-2016 per email
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
