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[Unibet] Official Thread [Unibet] Official Thread

01-12-2016 , 07:44 PM
Hi Andrew,

Could you convert: 3 x €1 Banzai + 5x €1 SNG
into: 2 x €4 SNG?


SN: Msfox
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-12-2016 , 08:49 PM
HI andrew

Would it be possible for me to have: 3 x €1 Banzai
changed to : 3 x €1 SNG

SN: Bombsaway

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-12-2016 , 09:07 PM
Reporting one more visual bug in the Charlotte and the Squid Spectacular tournaments which have a bounty on the streamer. It seems like if the bounty player leaves the table, either due to an elimination or due to table balancing, some other player will get the bounty graphics on them.

From what I've heard from the players, most of them (probably all) will see that bounty graphics on that same (wrong) person, if they were at the table when the "move" happened. If you spectate the table, the bounty graphic will not appear (on that wrong person). Also I believe that new players joining the table later won't see it either, but I'm not sure about this one.

It's not a big deal tho since most of us know who's the bounty.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-12-2016 , 09:25 PM
Hi Andrew,

Can you please extend my Double Trouble and Super Double Trouble tickets?

Thank you,

Alias: TicketChange
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-12-2016 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by NMPfan
Reporting one more visual bug in the Charlotte and the Squid Spectacular tournaments which have a bounty on the streamer. It seems like if the bounty player leaves the table, either due to an elimination or due to table balancing, some other player will get the bounty graphics on them.

From what I've heard from the players, most of them (probably all) will see that bounty graphics on that same (wrong) person, if they were at the table when the "move" happened. If you spectate the table, the bounty graphic will not appear (on that wrong person). Also I believe that new players joining the table later won't see it either, but I'm not sure about this one.

It's not a big deal tho since most of us know who's the bounty.
Arghh thats what happened last week in the squid game, Sam got knocked out and a different player had the bounty, funny thing though that player was sat one seat to the left of sam(you might remember me asking bout it last week nmp)
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-12-2016 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Furo86
What is a premium winning (or premium win, on german it stated "premium gewinn")? I got 20 eur in my account today and I don`t know where it did come from
Originally Posted by John_Sinclair
I just found mysterious 48€ in my account as well - perhaps a collusion got uncovered?
Would be nice if history had a line about that.
Yeah I got it too, I assume it was the collusion going on in the SNGs. There is actually a log in history but it is separate from poker logs. If you go to your Unibet account history and click "Money" on the left then in the dropdown click "Account History". There should be a log called "Premium Win". I know this because I asked about it a previous time.

Last edited by OldBurf; 01-12-2016 at 11:36 PM. Reason: Added Furo quote
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-12-2016 , 11:33 PM
Hi Andrew,

Please change 2x100 UK tour
to 7x25 6x4 1x1 UK tour

Alias:- PromoCrusher

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-12-2016 , 11:51 PM
Hi Andrew,

Is there a possibility to get an EV Graph for Unibet.

I am playing since 2 months on Unibet with a pretty good volume and would be curious to see my EV.

Greetings, PatrickStoia
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 01:38 AM
can you change my cash tickets en tournament tickets into a cash bonus pls ( also some tickets already expired)

alias : OHB
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 03:45 AM
Bug report.

I have 2 x 1euro Unibet open turbo tickets, if i try regging for the 1e UO turbo and select MTT tickets it tries to use my standard MTT tickets rather than these 2 that have the shortest date.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 03:55 AM
Hi Andrew. I have a 2UO expiring could you extend it?

Also can you convert 3 x 1Banzais + 1 sng = 4sng
2 x 1 sng + 2 x 1 tourney= 4sng

Thanks BradST
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by bhoywonder1970
hi andrew ..thanks for sorting earlier tickets for me.

i have 2x 90 euro sunday entitled tickets//both about to expire.

could you extend one and convert the other into 3x25 tickets and 3x5 tickets


Don't forget the alias
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 06:52 AM

Any idea when the butler leaugue (and tickets) will be presented?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 07:37 AM
hello andrew,

possible to send me a pm about my stats and winnings since i start on unibet?

alias rastafamalia
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by restorativejustice
I always thought a system that automatically incrementally shortens the time to act before a hand is folded for each additional SNG you play is the fairest solution (or if you are playing on more than one site it shortens the time to act by 2 seconds each time you let the time to act get below 5 seconds and so on). If you can play 8 tables as fast as someone can play 2 or 3 then fine. If you can't, well, play less tables or play faster because my lack of enjoyment in waiting is being used to subsidize your multi-tabling and that's not equitable.
But don't we run into problems where people who are currently comfortable playing four will now find themselves being timed out a lot?

Originally Posted by restorativejustice
Anything that makes SNGs less quick and less enjoyable --- like someone using up all the time each and every decision because they are playing many tables as I have encountered a few times --- is a reason why you will not or cannot play them at that moment of the day as I have for fear of running into that same player.
I think we all agree that we don't want people taking forever on each decision. I don't think we have much of a problem with this right now, but it affects other poker sites so eventually it'll affect us too.

Reducing the number of tables that someone can play isn't a particularly good solution to this problem because it harms people who aren't timing out but also encourages people to play on two or three sites at once instead, which doesn't stop the problem. It's analogous to getting false positives AND false negatives with the same system.

So I'm interested in better ways to do it.

Originally Posted by restorativejustice
I will accept a credit of 2 cents for my 2 cents just offered.
Sorry, smallest tickets are €1. 49x as much input required.

Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
1. An algorithm that reduced time to act preflop if you'd previously been slow.
I think this'd work in the medium term, but in the short term it'll increase the number of people timing out.

Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
2. Copy stars cash game approach, ie. Players got their table cap increased/reduced based on their average time to act.
I think I like this approach best. Let's assume that one day we don't have table cap limits due to software limitations. This kind of approach would let us reach players natural playing quantity if we can tune it right. We'd still need an upper table cap limit though because I don't particularly want to encourage people who 24 table while playing 12/8.

Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
3. Reduce time to act preflop, increase timebank
I don't think this works as well for us due to how our timebank works.

Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
In my opinion, slow multitablers contributed greatly to the reduction in popularity of sng's on stars once faster forms of poker got introduced. I don't see the problem to the same extent on unibet, yet, but would be great to see something implemented, not convinced that a hard table cap is the answer.
Yeh. This has come up in the thread before and is one of the reasons why we have an 8 table cap at NL4 and NL10 back before we had a global cash game table cap. It's the kind of improvement that I really like - it improves the gameplay experience of everyone AND makes us more money.

Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
It's been stated repeatedly here that unibet want to create an environment friendly to new/rec players, it's never been said that they want to deter pros/regs, one does not neccesarily follow the other.

The table cap idea was mentioned by Andrew only as a way to speed up the action (and reduce software issues), my point is that there's more effective ways to do this.
I don't particularly want to change the way that table caps work in order to allow people to play more tables, but I do like the idea of making it so that people don't make incredibly slow decisions all the time.

Although both approaches probably make us more money, the former benefits only the regs, the latter benefits every player on the site.

I suspect we'll end up implementing a lower table cap in the medium term just because of Adobe Air problems. In the longer term, once we solve the Air problems, I'd prefer to have a, say, 10-16 table absolute cap, but reduce the cap for people who are timing out a lot. That solves the multi-site problems too.

It's pretty hard to tune that kind of algorithm though, so I think it'd take a long time to get to the stage where we're happy with it. To do real analysis on it we'd need to do a lot of development work too, because we'd essentially need to know how long people take to act on each street and be able to summarise it accurately. That's database work, and that's going to take a lot of time to build, and that makes it hard to prioritise. We'll discuss it internally and see though.

Originally Posted by Furo86
What is a premium winning (or premium win, on german it stated "premium gewinn")? I got 20 eur in my account today and I don`t know where it did come from
Originally Posted by John_Sinclair
I just found mysterious 48€ in my account as well - perhaps a collusion got uncovered?
Would be nice if history had a line about that.
Originally Posted by OldBurf
Yeah I got it too, I assume it was the collusion going on in the SNGs. There is actually a log in history but it is separate from poker logs. If you go to your Unibet account history and click "Money" on the left then in the dropdown click "Account History". There should be a log called "Premium Win". I know this because I asked about it a previous time.
Each month we do all the refunds and mails for players who lost out because of other players breaking site rules. There was meant to be a mail that went out at the same time, I'm not sure what happened there, I'll chase those people.

Originally Posted by Furo86
PS: Will you exchange the freeroll tickets for 1€ if someone is able to win 100? ;D
Sorry, those are just a notional 1c in value as a way to let us do a multi-buy freeroll.

Originally Posted by LTU Westham
Damn, 750 players in the Double Trouble and I'm out 18 places to the money. But 750? I still remember the first DT, 70 players, 50 get paid., Good times

Andrew, given the fact how significantly DT has grown, any plans for increased prizepool?
First off, arguably we did double it in Nov by adding Super Double Trouble.

But yeh, I agree in principle. I'd like to make it so that SNG are also included, but I'm not sure on MTT. The problem with MTT is that if you lose €20 by entering a couple of tournaments and don't cash, that isn't really a surprise. It seems that the higher variance in tournaments doesn't work very well with Double Trouble.

If we included cash & SNG and made it so that there were two double troubles per week (say Tue & Sat) and increased the joint prize pool then I think we'd end up with a better system. There'd be more entrants due to SNG, and there'd be more entrants due to two days per week. We'd still only award one ticket per eligible person per week, so each one should have fewer entrants.

I think that by doing that, we'd need to make SDT include SNG too, but I don't expect we'll increase the number of entrants there too much.

Originally Posted by Startling Grope
Can you please change my UK Open €100 ticket to 3 x €25 tourny tickets, 6 x €4 tourny tickets and an titchy little €1 tourny ticket?
Just to be clear, the tickets you want created are UK tour ones right? As I don't exchange these tickets to regular ones I'm afraid.

Originally Posted by Startling Grope
On the off chance that you're steaming drunk can you also change my two €0.01 tickets into 2 x €2,000 UB Open Packages? Cheers.
Sorry, I saw through your subterfuge.

Originally Posted by quechecker
Just started doing mission 1 and cant complete the family omaha pot step. Played several pots with 4 players involved on the flop but it never complete for some reason.
Could you note down a hand number where this happened please?

Originally Posted by youCALLyouFALL
Aloha Andrew,
you don't happen to know, or have heard any rumours about the UO stop after London? I'm not sure yet if I will be able to attend my seat due to work obligations. So if it's possible I might have to move my package to the next one. Would be cool to know where that would be though or when that will be made public.
I've asked if I'm allowed to post it here yet, let's see. It's another department so I'm afraid I can't post without their permission.

Originally Posted by bhoywonder1970
hi andrew ..thanks for sorting earlier tickets for me.

i have 2x 90 euro sunday entitled tickets//both about to expire.

could you extend one and convert the other into 3x25 tickets and 3x5 tickets
Sure, what's your alias?

Originally Posted by NMPfan
Reporting one more visual bug in the Charlotte and the Squid Spectacular tournaments which have a bounty on the streamer. It seems like if the bounty player leaves the table, either due to an elimination or due to table balancing, some other player will get the bounty graphics on them.

From what I've heard from the players, most of them (probably all) will see that bounty graphics on that same (wrong) person, if they were at the table when the "move" happened. If you spectate the table, the bounty graphic will not appear (on that wrong person). Also I believe that new players joining the table later won't see it either, but I'm not sure about this one.

It's not a big deal tho since most of us know who's the bounty.
Originally Posted by jonny2192
Arghh thats what happened last week in the squid game, Sam got knocked out and a different player had the bounty, funny thing though that player was sat one seat to the left of sam(you might remember me asking bout it last week nmp)
Thanks, I'll pass this on to the developers.

Originally Posted by PatrickStoia
Is there a possibility to get an EV Graph for Unibet.

I am playing since 2 months on Unibet with a pretty good volume and would be curious to see my EV.
Sorry, we don't track that kind of thing.

Originally Posted by juarnes
can you change my cash tickets en tournament tickets into a cash bonus pls ( also some tickets already expired)
I exchange an active ticket, but I don't see what's expired lately. Which ones did you have in mind?

Originally Posted by jonny2192
I have 2 x 1euro Unibet open turbo tickets, if i try regging for the 1e UO turbo and select MTT tickets it tries to use my standard MTT tickets rather than these 2 that have the shortest date.
Weird, thanks, I'll pass this one on.

Originally Posted by SuperPtje
Any idea when the butler leaugue (and tickets) will be presented?
I'm not sure, I'll ask Jamie.

Originally Posted by Furo86
Also please convert all my tickets into bonus money nick: partyparty
Originally Posted by ursusmm
Can you please convert all my tickets to bonuses? Alias is: MRSPEW4
Originally Posted by ThomAnn
Could you please change all my Non-UO tickets to bonus please?
Originally Posted by Markopolo17
Kindly extend my 250€ UO tickets expire date. Appreciate
Originally Posted by PretzelMonies
Hello Andrew, please could you reinstate my UK Tour tickets which expired recently, thanks.
Originally Posted by Wilco666
Could you change my €25 cash ticket into 12x €2 MTT ticket and 1x €1 SNG ticket?
Originally Posted by OZSA
hey, please convert 10EU SNG + 2EU SNG into bonus,ty alias: blingling
Originally Posted by Pkrnit
Could you convert: 3 x €1 Banzai + 5x €1 SNG
into: 2 x €4 SNG?
Originally Posted by roddy17
Would it be possible for me to have: 3 x €1 Banzai changed to : 3 x €1 SNG
Originally Posted by CrazyScience
Can you please extend my Double Trouble and Super Double Trouble tickets?
Originally Posted by jonny2192
Please change 2x100 UK tour to 7x25 6x4 1x1 UK tour
Originally Posted by BradST
Hi Andrew. I have a 2UO expiring could you extend it?

Also can you convert 3 x 1Banzais + 1 sng = 4sng
2 x 1 sng + 2 x 1 tourney= 4sng

Thanks BradST
All done.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 08:45 AM
Hi Andrew,

Would you be so kind to exchange my UO50 ticket to 3*10 and 10*2 UO tickets?

Thanks in advance.

Alias: ItsNotMyName
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 09:00 AM
Hello Andrew,

Could you kindly extend my 3 x €50 UO tickets ? they are real close to expiration.

Alias: Alias_

Thank you
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 09:16 AM
Hi Andrew.

Could you change 18eur tourney tickets and 7eur cash tickets for one 25PLO ticket please?

Alias: TexasBliffEm

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 09:17 AM
I like the table cap based on avg time to act idea best too. I read something from one of the stars player meetings that said that a huge % of a players sng decisions, like 80%, are when folded to preflop, so the algorithm may not be super complicated to create, you only really need to look at the folded to preflop times.

It's certainly frustrating to read of a potential low absolute table cap due to Adobe air, I'm just not seeing any problems, I'm 16 tabling and I think my desktop is decent, i7 and 8gb ram, but it's a few years old and no supercomputer. Couldn't you just advise players that above x number of tables, they play at their own risk, or give higher minimum PC requirements above x tables?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 10:15 AM
Here are game numbers:

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Strahinjak
Hi Andrew,

Can u please exchange my 50UO into 4x10UO and 5x2UO and extend my 4 SNG ticket?

My Alias is Momuti
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by LTU Westham
Damn, 750 players in the Double Trouble and I'm out 18 places to the money. But 750? I still remember the first DT, 70 players, 50 get paid., Good times

Andrew, given the fact how significantly DT has grown, any plans for increased prizepool?
I agree with this... It was still manageable when it was 100 prizes/400 players but now it requires some serious luck. Would be nice to include 200 prizes or just have it capped at 25% / number of entrants

btw, I'm missing NL4 ticket from Monday stream
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew

Just to be clear, the tickets you want created are UK tour ones right? As I don't exchange these tickets to regular ones I'm afraid.
Yes please Andrew. Thanks for sorting it out.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 11:25 AM
@Thanks Andrew,

Is there any way to use a converter for the hands you played?
I'd like to post some for review
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
01-13-2016 , 11:31 AM
Hi Andrew,

Can you please exchange my tournament tickets to 2 x €10 SNG's. (two of my €2 SNG tickets are about to expire). Alias pay_off_wizard. Thanks!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
