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[Unibet] Official Thread [Unibet] Official Thread

08-04-2020 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Stubbe-Unibet
What I can share is an early mockup of something included in the loyalty project
I like that you can see how many multipliers you have played! This is unique. What would be nice for the future, a chart like Sharkscope or Pokerprolabs. I bet a lot of people love chart porn. Including me!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by PartyLove
You posted this within a week. Are you having a bad poker day?
Nope, great day thx And both of my statements do not mutually exclude each other, in case it might of oddly appeared as such (to you) In fact you can go back a couple of years ITT to read about my concerns over the (forever) imminent RB changes.

Originally Posted by PartyLove
You can control your mood by eating healthy every day. I feel great every day because I only eat (healthy) once a day. + You grow bigger and live longer because HGH (human growth hormone) is 2000% more active. I am 41 years old and look 25....
Congratulations friend, you have taken the first wholesome steps on your journey towards happiness Now this is a long path, so please do not get discouraged when the road gets bumpy... Your next step will be to start meditating until you reach a couple of hours daily. For further guidance, please send me a PM, I will be happy to assist you on your journey friend

Last edited by Dubnjoy000; 08-04-2020 at 06:31 PM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Dubnjoy000
Congratulations friend, you have taken the first wholesome steps on your journey towards happiness Now this is a long path, so please do not get discouraged when the road gets bumpy... Your next step will be to start meditating until you reach a couple of hours daily. For further guidance, please send me a PM, I will be happy to assist you on your journey friend
It crossed my mind that I could be wrong. I try to encourage people to play at Unibet. And I see you post often here and then you leave.... maybe.
Thank you for helping me meditate! I know a bit about meditating by Wim Hof. I do his breathing exercises and cold shower every day. I will think about and will pm you if it is necessary.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by PartyLove
It crossed my mind that I could be wrong. I try to encourage people to play at Unibet. And I see you post often here and then you leave.... maybe.
Thank you for helping me meditate! I know a bit about meditating by Wim Hof. I do his breathing exercises and cold shower every day. I will think about and will pm you if it is necessary.
I equally promote Unibet A TON. I am Canadian and have gotten a couple of handful of my friends (all rec players) to sign up with Unibet ; for the record, Unibet is usually not a go-to option for Canadian players

Moreover, I loved the (4, I believe...) Unibet Open's I have attended. I have played most of the other Major live Tournament series, and UO is BY FAR the most fun/player friendly and it's not close This said, I do play for a living and if the RB drops significantly in 2021, I could not justify paying AS MUCH rake on the site, unfortunately So I have accepted that these might be my last few months on Unibet, depending on the upcoming changes, obviously. Even if I was to leave, I would still strongly recommend Unibet (especially its long term philosophy), but would also point out that its rake is UP THERE.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-05-2020 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by Stubbe-Unibet
Still high on the backlog, but with the big projects there aren't a lot of resources to deal with the backlog items at the moment. I am sorry we didn't manage to deliver it in first half of 2020. It wasn't really that optimistic an estimate at the time, but you can never really know what compliance projects etc. come up, and we also ended up including more in the redesign than I thought we would - which is obviously great, but it does have an impact on for instance the ratholing mitigation.

Right now we've got 50 or so items related to the redesign, which I think we have to handle, before we consider looking at bigger backlog items. We wouldn't want to repeat the launch of V2 of the client, in terms of bugs etc.

While I do understand your frustration - there's a reason we've put it high on the list of backlog items; I do agree it's an important one to fix - we're just in a very special situation right now, with a client redesign and new loyalty system all coming in a 4 month period.

Sorry for not delivering on the previously mentioned deadline for it.
It has been high on the list of things to fix from the first two years of the new client. Every Unibet rep asked has agreed it needs fixing. Still nothing done about it.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-05-2020 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by Stubbe-Unibet
I can't say much right now, but I can assure you the RB % won't be as terrible as on for instance Stars
Are you bragging?!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-05-2020 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by mullion
It has been high on the list of things to fix from the first two years of the new client. Every Unibet rep asked has agreed it needs fixing. Still nothing done about it.
Again, I can't really comment on that, as I don't know enough about it before I joined. There weren't specs or anything for it, that's all I can say.

I've been quite transparent - maybe not so much here, but on our own community - in terms of the priorities the first year, and ratholing wasn't one I considered critical; I wanted the critical bugs fixed first (we fixed approx. 45 bugs the first 12 months).
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-05-2020 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by aprFool
Are you bragging?!
I don't think having better rake/RB terms than them can exactly be called bragging
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-05-2020 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Stubbe-Unibet
I don't think having better rake/RB terms than them can exactly be called bragging
i think we r on the same page. the RB right now is better than on PS but then what is the point of telling the new vip system will be better than PS.
imo this info has no more added value

not even thinking of you can lower the RB (new vip) and still be ahead of PS. if that's the case sad times coming. tbh i am hoping that the new vip will be more equal cos the current one supports the guys who genetare almost no rake and those who rake a **** ton. whilst ppl are in the middle are screwed over (i can imagine most of the players are in this category)

i am not mocking on unibet just afraid of new vip systems. these days they r getting worse on every sites

anyway i am curious of the new vip system and the software and looking forward to play on it. lets hope the ratholing situation is gonna be handled well as soon as possible (after these big updates)

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-05-2020 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by aprFool
Are you bragging?!
Did you click the wrong Quote button?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by aprFool
i think we r on the same page. the RB right now is better than on PS but then what is the point of telling the new vip system will be better than PS.
imo this info has no more added value

not even thinking of you can lower the RB (new vip) and still be ahead of PS. if that's the case sad times coming. tbh i am hoping that the new vip will be more equal cos the current one supports the guys who genetare almost no rake and those who rake a **** ton. whilst ppl are in the middle are screwed over (i can imagine most of the players are in this category)

i am not mocking on unibet just afraid of new vip systems. these days they r getting worse on every sites

anyway i am curious of the new vip system and the software and looking forward to play on it. lets hope the ratholing situation is gonna be handled well as soon as possible (after these big updates)

It was just meant as a cheeky reassurance that we aren't going to completely screw over the players, like others

I'm happy to say that the current drafts (again, it's not final, which is why it doesn't make much sense to give out details at this stage) don't have the same significant dip to just over 10%; the "whilst ppl are in the middle are screwed over".
Again, it's just drafts, but I think we'll see better terms for majority of customers in our core markets while the highest possible RB (currently around 60%) will be less than today - it might not be too far from the top reward possible on Party. I've said this twice already, but: it's just drafts.
When we get closer to the launch of the new loyalty system, I'll share some more info and graphs on our community.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 05:35 AM
Sounds nice. I am not here seeking top secret infos about future loyalty system especially when they are not set in stone.
Just shared my opinion on the current one and my hope about the more fair distribution.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 11:57 AM
Can you please send me cash game results for September NL100,200 and 400 username Apexpredator1
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by lolohebic
Can you please send me cash game results for September NL100,200 and 400 username Apexpredator1
You'll be break even for September, Marty McFly

... but seriously, do you mean since September 2019 or did you just type the wrong month?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Stubbe-Unibet
Again, it's just drafts, but I think we'll see better terms for majority of customers in our core markets while the highest possible RB (currently around 60%) will be less than today - it might not be too far from the top reward possible on Party. .
I understand that you mentioned a couple times that everything is still at the phase 1 of draft levels, but since Party has up to 65% in RB, I assume Unibet will remain competitive (especially when factoring in its already quite HIGH existing rake...) and close to its current 60% level??? Again, all apologies, but this upcoming RB changes has frightened me for quite some time now...
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Andy-Unibet
... but seriously, do you mean since September 2019 or did you just type the wrong month?
Or maybe September 2020? ReCorpH is slacking lately, give him a poke will ya Andy? Thanks.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Andy-Unibet
You'll be break even for September, Marty McFly

... but seriously, do you mean since September 2019 or did you just type the wrong month?
my bad hehe , for July please , sorry lol
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Dubnjoy000
I understand that you mentioned a couple times that everything is still at the phase 1 of draft levels, but since Party has up to 65% in RB, I assume Unibet will remain competitive (especially when factoring in its already quite HIGH existing rake...) and close to its current 60% level??? Again, all apologies, but this upcoming RB changes has frightened me for quite some time now...
Let's be fair here, when doing the comparison. Party is pretty much 40%. For like 10-20 players it'd be 50%. The Diamond Elite would hardly be achieved by anyone.
Will we be competitive with the 40%? I certainly think so, but there really isn't any point in speculating further about this. You'll just have to wait till the graphs are posted, which they will be, before we go live with it

NB no one says the higher stakes rake will remain as is for all eternity

Last edited by Stubbe-Unibet; 08-06-2020 at 05:04 PM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-07-2020 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by P0kerM0nk
Or maybe September 2020? ReCorpH is slacking lately, give him a poke will ya Andy? Thanks.
I know every day feels the same just now but September 2020 hasn't actually happened yet, so pulling results is going to be tough.

I'll nudge ReCorph about the results thread.

Originally Posted by lolohebic
my bad hehe , for July please , sorry lol
Sent to registered email address
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-07-2020 , 07:14 AM
Can I get my cash games results for july? Username: Carlcooling

Is it possible to get your HH from Unibet?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-08-2020 , 07:13 AM

could you please give us more details about VIP double trouble tickets? How many people getting them per week?
It feels a bit weird cause i've only got it once or twice though i'm playing there for 3 years and had many weeks with around 5-10k downswings...
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-09-2020 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by Stubbe-Unibet
Let's be fair here, when doing the comparison. Party is pretty much 40%. For like 10-20 players it'd be 50%. The Diamond Elite would hardly be achieved by anyone.
Will we be competitive with the 40%? I certainly think so, but there really isn't any point in speculating further about this. You'll just have to wait till the graphs are posted, which they will be, before we go live with it

NB no one says the higher stakes rake will remain as is for all eternity
For players who are gaining 2-3kk+ points in quater, these announcements looks scary
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-09-2020 , 04:51 PM
Would be really nice if there was an option to increase font size for those of us with poor vision.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-10-2020 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by carlstandard
Can I get my cash games results for july? Username: Carlcooling

Is it possible to get your HH from Unibet?
Sent to registered email address.

No downloadable HH at present. Hopefully it's something we can add in the future. You can view your last 500 hands in text format by going to Profile > History

Originally Posted by Bronislovas

could you please give us more details about VIP double trouble tickets? How many people getting them per week?
It feels a bit weird cause i've only got it once or twice though i'm playing there for 3 years and had many weeks with around 5-10k downswings...
The metrics for the VIP Double Trouble ticket distribution are not public but I can say they're not purely based on win/loss.

About as many people as you see in the freeroll get a ticket each week
It's 30 I believe.

Originally Posted by mement_mori
Would be really nice if there was an option to increase font size for those of us with poor vision.
Lobby, table or both? The current lobby font will increase if you make the window bigger and the table text will be improved with the redesign.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
08-10-2020 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by Andy-Unibet
About as many people as you see in the freeroll get a ticket each week
It's 30 I believe..
11-16 is what I have witnessed.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
