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[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread [Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread

03-11-2015 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by WowLucky
I know this has been discussed briefly, so my apologies if it's been discussed enough already - but I've read about certain players getting table caps.

How is this decided? Based on how much money a player wins? Are tourney players getting table capped more or cash players getting capped the same?

I haven't put in a ton of volume lately but I am starting to -so I'm trying to figure out if I should expect my table cap to be limited by the end of the year. I play cash only fwiw
hasn't happened to anybody in well over a year.. You should be fine
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-11-2015 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by rraid4life
hasn't happened to anybody in well over a year.. You should be fine
Are capped players still capped or did anyone get it lifted ?
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-11-2015 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by rraid4life
hasn't happened to anybody in well over a year.. You should be fine
Your time frame is off, but your general sentiment is reasonable.

Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Are capped players still capped or did anyone get it lifted ?
I know of some who got theirs lifted/# of tables raised.

[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-11-2015 , 10:39 PM
Thanks for the responses everyone
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-12-2015 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by kahntrutahn
Your time frame is off, but your general sentiment is reasonable.
How long has it been?
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-12-2015 , 04:33 PM
Is carbon down? I wasn't able to login yesterday either.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-12-2015 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by FishAndChipss
Is carbon down? I wasn't able to login yesterday either.
working for me, in US with xfinity (comcast) connection
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 03:34 AM
Does anyone have ANY inside info on y this site takes so damn long to process checks? Will be amonth for me on monday
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by WowLucky
I know this has been discussed briefly, so my apologies if it's been discussed enough already - but I've read about certain players getting table caps.

How is this decided? Based on how much money a player wins? Are tourney players getting table capped more or cash players getting capped the same?

I haven't put in a ton of volume lately but I am starting to -so I'm trying to figure out if I should expect my table cap to be limited by the end of the year. I play cash only fwiw
I was capped to 1 table in November. I am a tourney player. I remember a few other people getting capped in the weeks before it happened.

At the time they restricted me, I happened to be pre-registered via satellites for 4 tournaments that would all be running at the same time (CarbonOPS events or something). After some back and forth with "management" for a few days, they raised my cap to 4 tables rather than refund me for the tourney buy ins.

I'd moved to Mexico and set up Skrill a couple months before they restricted me, so that may have had something to do with it. I don't think they like it when people can withdraw money so conveniently!

There appear to be no consistent criteria for who they restrict (other than being a winning player).
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 11:01 AM
what good is increasig the GTD, if they are paying out slow as ****. they keep boasting about how thye can increase GTDs due to demand, HOW ABOUT QUICK PAYOUTS ****ERS, im still waiting to be withdraw to be processed from almost 3 weeks while bovada has already sent the check and that was a week after i requested one from MERGE

HELL MAKE THE GTDS A ZILLION but tell everyone you aint gonna get your cash fast
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 12:11 PM
Hopefully all of the checks for february finish processing this week. Cuz the wait times have been insane. And they have the highest fees for check I think. U would think that they would speed up cashouts for such high fees etc, but nooopppee.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 01:29 PM
SInce they are all in the middle groound of the law anyways, why not just load prepaid visas or send money packs. Skip the processors totally

I just dont get the WERE UPPING THE GTDS TO MEET DEMAND, yet we cant even pay you the whole amount at once if you bink a big one, yet we cant even pay you quick for small withdrawls but were upping those GODDAMN GTDS

Make it a 10 trillion gtd if its gonna take years to get one big score off the site
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 02:22 PM
i know what we need
sng 18 player
6 per table 3 tables
no folds allin till over
just signup set allin till finished no folds

Last edited by RowdyOne; 03-15-2015 at 02:22 PM. Reason: rofl
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 03:32 PM
I'm no mathematician, but if pocket pairs like 99 have a 5% edge over two face card type hands all in and the rake is 5.5% in cash games on merge, doesn't that take your profitable edge away? Or do we half to count the rake as half that % since it takes from both peoples stack?

Last edited by DonkCommitted; 03-15-2015 at 03:56 PM.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 03:49 PM
I'm not a math expert either. I think that you need to keep in mind that your actual edge depends somewhat on how you play the hand. I think, though, in an all-in situation, presuming a cap doesn't come into play, the rake would, in fact, eat up your profit.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 04:06 PM
If you can only cash out 2500 every month and a half or so, what is the point of playing after winning a Sunday major?
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 04:09 PM
I think I understand it now. If you get it in for $25 at 25nl and opponent has you covered and you win the hand. 5.5% of your $25 will be given to the rake. The only time you can beat the rake in those situations is if you are playing higher limits where the rake is capped. Sure changes how you play mid pocket pairs at the micros.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
If you can only cash out 2500 every month and a half or so, what is the point of playing after winning a Sunday major?
The only way I can wrap my mind around it is if I were to think about such winnings as an annuity.....and hoping the company didn't go boobs up before I got all the money out.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by jayg320
Does anyone have ANY inside info on y this site takes so damn long to process checks? Will be amonth for me on monday
im sure kahn will come in here and tell everyone how great of a job carbon is doing payin their players and how tough of a task it is for US facing sites. Although no other US facing sites have any trouble doing so and do a great job paying their players...
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 04:38 PM
But their upping the GTDs so they cant pay you the upped GTDS JUST MAKES NO SENSE ON ANY LEVEL
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
If you can only cash out 2500 every month and a half or so, what is the point of playing after winning a Sunday major?
If I was so fortunate to win a Sunday major, I would continue to play and feel blessed that my work had resulted in a steady poker check for the next 10 months or so. Also, I could step up a level with comfort and confidence. A no brainer for me. Just sayin...
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by dzapp
But their upping the GTDs so they cant pay you the upped GTDS JUST MAKES NO SENSE ON ANY LEVEL
As I've stated several times in the Merge Withdrawal/Deposit Thread, sure would be nice if you fellows did your homework before signing up on Merge. These redundant complaints have gotten mighty old. Just a little research would have saved you some headache and angst. Just a little research.
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 06:59 PM
Lets get the MERGE FOLKS to quit already

Im glad i did my research to 3.5 years ago, not sure where i said i just signed up unless your making assumptions

NOW WHAT WAS YOUR POINT, dont offer higher GTDs if you cant pay the ones already there

AND i wont feel blessed if i Bink a big one and have to wait years to get my money and I wont have merge sending me to the forums to write crazy **** like that
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by DonkCommitted
I'm no mathematician, but if pocket pairs like 99 have a 5% edge over two face card type hands all in and the rake is 5.5% in cash games on merge, doesn't that take your profitable edge away? Or do we half to count the rake as half that % since it takes from both peoples stack?
9c9s vs AdKh aipf, 5.5% rake no cap:

You each put in one chip, and if you win the rake comes off of two chips, so you only win 0.89.

Win: 0.5553 * 0.890 = 0.4942
Tie: 0.0031 * -0.055 = -0.0002
Lose: 0.4416 * -1.000 = -0.4416

Total EV: +0.0524 (vs +0.1137 unraked)
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2015 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
If you can only cash out 2500 every month and a half or so, what is the point of playing after winning a Sunday major?
How about a chance to go back to back. I know that would give me a good reason to make an extended visit to my cousin in Canada. Got KO'ed 5 minutes after you min cashed in Sunday Big Ticket. Gonna take another shot next week?
[Merge Gaming Network] Discussion Thread Quote
