Originally Posted by 413AceKing
No surprise here. Carbon has been moving toward the recreational model for some time now. Clearly they don't see marketing to 2p2 as something that is very important. I would not be so nervous about this, seeing as it comes at a time when cashouts are super fast. If checks were taking 8+ weeks and this happened I could see being worried, but I think this is just a business decision.
This is pretty much how I feel, checks have been coming at an insane clip, not worried about my money on Carbon. I might be a little nervous that some of the higher value promotions are going away, in favor of a more recreational model, but that's a business decision Carbon is more than welcome to make, I just have a feeling the hell they would catch for it would be absurd on these forums.
EDIT: Also, none of us know exactly how much a support forum costs per month, that for sure would be a huge part of the equation.