UltimateBet Concludes Investigation. Eighty-Eight usernames implicated (7/28)
, 05:09 PM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 548
Paul claimed that after the KGC and their independent auditor reviewed the data they compiled that they plan on pursuing legal action against the perpetrators and he plans for the names to be publicized. So I think theres a possibility that at sometime in the future we will know who was at least brought to court. We should expect refunds within the next several weeks. Apparently the independent investigator needs to take a look at the info they compiled. All player names will be listed in their next statement on this within the next couple of weeks along with refunds. The cheating dates back to 2004 again didnt give me a specific date but said it would be released in the statement.
situation is still hella sketchy though
, 06:12 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 583
1. When Tokwiro bought UB did they perform competent due diligence at the software level? Would not it be reasonable to think that inspecting critical source code, looking for cheating backdoors of any kind would be a high priority given the KGC/AP issues?
2. Where is the Canadian Government in all of this? Does not the RCMP, despite the constitutional "rights of indigenous peoples", have a duty to protect all Canadian citizens and cooperate with its counterparts, like the FBI, Interpol, etc? Is Mohawk Kahnawake sovereignty absolute?
3. Why play on any site that "governs" itself?
2. Where is the Canadian Government in all of this? Does not the RCMP, despite the constitutional "rights of indigenous peoples", have a duty to protect all Canadian citizens and cooperate with its counterparts, like the FBI, Interpol, etc? Is Mohawk Kahnawake sovereignty absolute?
3. Why play on any site that "governs" itself?
, 06:17 PM
[QUOTE=pacecar86;5348088]1. When Tokwiro bought UB did they perform competent due diligence at the software level? Would not it be reasonable to think that inspecting critical source code, looking for cheating backdoors of any kind would be a high priority given the KGC/AP issues?
2. Where is the Canadian Government in all of this? Does not the RCMP, despite the constitutional "rights of indigenous peoples", have a duty to protect all Canadian citizens and cooperate with its counterparts, like the FBI, Interpol, etc? Is Mohawk Kahnawake sovereignty absolute?
1.What due diligence do you need when you sell something to yourself?
2.Dudley Doright retired from the RCMP the Injuns are running wild
2. Where is the Canadian Government in all of this? Does not the RCMP, despite the constitutional "rights of indigenous peoples", have a duty to protect all Canadian citizens and cooperate with its counterparts, like the FBI, Interpol, etc? Is Mohawk Kahnawake sovereignty absolute?
1.What due diligence do you need when you sell something to yourself?
2.Dudley Doright retired from the RCMP the Injuns are running wild

, 07:17 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 59
from my understanding, the KGC does not own UB/AP. Joe Norton (Chief of the Kahnawke's)/ Tokwiro are the owners. KGC is just a regulatory arm not doing there job. and again i stress are they not the same regulatory arm that regulates full tilt??
, 11:38 PM
There was a great post on the Hard Boiled Poker blog that referred to the "truth effect" as it pertains to UltimateBet/Absolute Poker's press releases. The truth effect is a sociological/psychological concept that states repeated statements are more often believed than true statements.
UltimateTokwiroPoker must have gotten an A in their psych 101 class because they have repeated the terms "new ownership," "thorough investigation," "independent investigator" like a broken record over the course of the past year.
Unfortunately for their credibility (and yours,) UltimateTokwiroPoker has been caught in the middle of a lie after every single press release they issued over the course of the past year.
Every single press release: surely I must be exaggerating right? Sadly I am not. Please read my next post with a critical eye and see if you can count the lies. While Grand Chief Norton might have aced psychology he surely flunked his ethics class.
, 11:38 PM
Below is a chronology of statements released by Absolute Poker, Ultimate Bet, Tokwiro Enterprises, the KGC, and other related parties in regard to the crimes committed and the coverup orchestrated by Absolute Poker, UltimateBet, Tokwiro Enterprises, the KGC, and other related parties.
I did not want to turn this post into a complete time line of events but needless to say, every single instance where AP/UB/Tokwiro changed their statements and divulged more information had been immediately preceded by new evidence being posted on twoplustwo.
Absolute Poker: we have no evidence that substantiates claims that any of the players were involved in chip dumping, or any other improper activity.
September 17th, 2007
Absolute Poker: We performed an extensive investigation, no evidence of compromised security, no evidence anyone could see hole cards. A ‘super-user’ account does not exist in our software.
October 12th, 2007
Note: within 24 hours of the 10/12/07 press release the PotRipper hand history was posted proving the entire previous press release to be a deliberate lie
Video of PotRipper tournament with hole cards exposed (1/4)
Video of PotRipper tournament with hole cards exposed (2/4)
Video of PotRipper tournament with hole cards exposed (3/4)
Video of PotRipper tournament with hole cards exposed (4/4)
Absolute Poker: We have done extensive research, we are continuing to do a thorough and exhaustive investigation, we have yet to find any evidence of wrong doing. There are no "superuser" accounts that enable players to see other players' hole cards.
October 15th, 2007
Absolute Poker: We investigated and found no wrongdoing. We agree to hire independent Gaming Associates to conduct an audit. We reserve the rights to pursue legal action against anyone who says anything bad about us
October 17th, 2007
KGC: We have appointed experts to conduct a thorough audit of all circumstances, provide findings and recommendations to the Commission.
Absolute Poker: Absolute Poker has identified an internal security breach that compromised our systems for a limited period of time
October 19th, 2007
Chief Joe Tokwiro Norton: I own Absolute Poker. AP should have been been more forthcoming in providing a timely or comprehensive explanation. AP was compromised by a high ranking consultant. In addition to our own investigation and the audit by Gaming Associates, we have also submitted to an audit by the KGC. I promise to keep you updated
October 21st, 2007
Absolute Poker: AP was the victim of a breach of security. A high-ranking consultant devised a sophisticated scheme to view the hole cards. AP immediately contacted Gaming Associates and the KGC. AP intends to continue working with third party auditors to ensure game security.
October 24th, 2007
KGC: The investigation is ongoing...
November 22nd, 2007
KGC: Unfair play occurred. The perpetrators could see their opponents hole cards. The Commission has identified the person(s) responsible and has directed that AP take action to have these person(s) removed from playing any role in AP 'mind and management' and/or operations. The Commission is satisfied with the level of cooperation provided by AP management and staff throughout the investigation.
January 11th, 2008 (pdf)
Absolute Poker: We recognize the completeness and accuracy of the KGC conclusions. AP has appointed a team of both internal and external members to improve controls and install safeguards. The Company regrets the inadvertent deletion of certain gaming logs. We have taken it upon ourselves to convene on January 18, 2008 the first of a series of ‘poker security summits’.
January 11th, 2008
On January 8th the thread proving superuser activity at UltimateBet beyond any reasonable doubt was posted in HSNL
January 8th, 2008 - March 5th, 2008: No comments were made by Tokwiro, UltimateBet, or the KGC
UltimateBet: We immediately launched an extensive inquiry involving an independent third-party expert to review hundreds of thousands of hand histories. After three months, the initial findings of our third-party expert confirm that the NioNio account’s winning statistics were indeed abnormal, and we have expanded the investigation. We continue to aggressively pursue the matter and will communicate the findings of our full investigation to our regulatory authority and to our customer base as soon as practicable
March 6th, 2007
50 days pass
Tokwiro: Tokwiro has worked diligently in cooperation with the KGC, and with independent third-party experts. The individuals responsible were found to have worked for the previous ownership of UltimateBet prior to the sale of the business to Tokwiro in October 2006. The investigation confirms that the fraudulent activity took place from March 7, 2006 to December 3, 2007. Priorities were: remove superuser capability, complete investigation, refund customers, implement security measures.
May 29th, 2008
MONTREAL, CANADA (MAY 29, 2008) --- Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG ("Tokwiro"), proprietors of UltimateBet.com ("UltimateBet"), one of the world's largest online card rooms, today announced the results of its lengthy investigation into allegations of unfair play, which was triggered by concerns about an account named 'NioNio'. Tokwiro has worked diligently in cooperation with its regulatory body, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission ("KGC"), and with independent third-party experts to conduct a thorough investigation that included a comprehensive review of hand histories and game data, thorough analyses of software and network security, and audits of its security practices and procedures.
The investigation has concluded that certain player accounts did in fact have an unfair advantage, and that these accounts targeted the highest limit games on the site. The individuals responsible were found to have worked for the previous ownership of UltimateBet prior to the sale of the business to Tokwiro in October 2006. Tokwiro is taking full responsibility for this situation and will immediately begin refunding UltimateBet customers for any losses that were incurred as a result of unfair play.
The fraudulent activity was enabled by unauthorized software code that allowed the perpetrators to obtain hole card information during live play. The existence of this vulnerability was unknown to Tokwiro until February 2008 and existed prior to UltimateBet's acquisition by Tokwiro in October 2006. Our investigation has confirmed that the code was part of a legacy auditing system that was manipulated by the perpetrators. Gaming Associates, independent auditors hired by the KGC, have confirmed that the software code that provided the unfair advantage has been permanently removed.
Throughout the investigation of this incident, Tokwiro's consistent priorities have been:
1. To permanently remove the ability to engage in unfair play;
2. To complete its investigation and come to a full understanding of what occurred;
3. To refund the affected customers; and
4. To implement measures that prevents future incidents.
The Company said, "We would like to thank our customers for their patience, loyalty and support, as well as for their understanding that we are doing everything we can to correct this situation. The staff and management of UltimateBet are fully committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our players, and we want to assure customers of our unwavering resolve to monitor site security with every resource at our disposal."
Investigation Timeline
These are the key events in the course of the incident.
* January 2008: UltimateBet is alerted to suspicions of unfair play on the part of the account "NioNio". Within 24 hours, UltimateBet contacts the KGC to provide formal notice that UltimateBet has initiated an investigation of the incident. UltimateBet subsequently forwarded a copy of all related data to the KGC.
* January 2008: The "NioNio" account and related accounts are suspended pending further investigation.
* February 2008: Preliminary findings indicate abnormally high winning statistics for the suspect accounts. After discussions with the KGC, UltimateBet engages third-party gaming experts to assist with the analysis.
* February 2008: Investigators confirm that the suspect accounts are associated with individuals who had worked for UltimateBet under the previous ownership.
* February 2008: UltimateBet discovers the unauthorized code that allowed the perpetrators to obtain hole card information during live play. The code was part of a legacy auditing system that was manipulated by the perpetrators of the fraud.
* February 2008: UltimateBet immediately removes the unauthorized code and works with the KGC and with third-party auditors to verify that the security hole has been eliminated.
* March 2008: Six player accounts are confirmed to have participated in this scheme. No accounts were deleted at any point, although some account names were changed multiple times. The following account names are known to have been used in the fraudulent activity: NioNio, Sleepless, NoPaddles, nvtease, flatbroke33, ilike2win, UtakeIt2, FlipFlop2, erick456, WhackMe44, RockStarLA, stoned2nite, monizzle, FireNTexas, HeadKase01, LetsPatttty, NYMobser, and WhoWhereWhen.
* May 2008: The investigation confirms that the fraudulent activity took place from March 7, 2006 to December 3, 2007.
* May 2008: Gaming Associates certifies that the software code that enabled unfair play was removed from UltimateBet servers in February of 2008.
* May 2008: Customers affected by this incident are identified, and plans for corrective action are reviewed with the KGC.
Corrective Actions Taken
The following actions have been taken or are currently underway as a direct result of this investigation.
* The security hole identified in UltimateBet's investigation has been permanently eliminated.
* UltimateBet is establishing a state-of-the-art software Security Center that consolidates and greatly enhances existing security capabilities. The first release of the new Security Center focuses solely on the immediate detection of abnormal winnings. Gaming mathematicians, poker professionals, and security software developers have all contributed to the specifications for the new Security Center.
* UltimateBet customers are no longer permitted to change account names unless they have suffered abuse in chat rooms. Requests for changes must be supported by proof of abuse and must be approved by the Chief Compliance Officer.
* In addition to its existing security department, UltimateBet has established a new specialized Poker Security team of professionals dedicated to fraud prevention.
* The refund process will begin immediately. The accounts associated with fraudulent activity did not use an unfair advantage in all play sessions. Regardless, UltimateBet is refunding all losses to these accounts.
* Accounts related to the fraudulent activity have been disabled, and the individuals associated with those accounts permanently banned from the site.
* UltimateBet has worked closely and transparently with its governing body, the KGC and its designated expert auditors, to determine exactly what happened, how it happened, and who was involved, and has taken action to prevent any possibility of this situation recurring.
* Tokwiro is pursuing its legal options in regard to this incident.
For further inquiries please contract press@ultimatebet.com [/quote]
UB COO Paul Leggett: The investigation was comprehensive. The KGC and Gaming Associates both reviewed our press release before it came out. Cheating took place from Mar 06 to Dec 07. The perpetrators of that cheating were individuals employed by the previous ownership of UltimateBet prior to Tokwiro acquiring it in October of 2006.
une 3rd, 2008: Pokercast Radio Show with UB COO Paul Leggett
UltimateBet: UltimateBet began the process of issuing refunds to affected players. We are confident that we have uncovered the majority of the usernames involved in the fraud and processed the corresponding refunds. We expect to have the investigation concluded by June 30, 2008.
June 5, 2008
Annie Duke: UltimateBet “handled this particular issue not only with grace and integrity... management stepped up to the plate in a way that they actually didn’t have to
June 27th, 2008: Video interview
UltimateBet: The cheating began in January 2005. 14 new usernames have been identified. There are no new perpetrators involved, only new usernames. Tokwiro considers itself be a victim.
July 8, 2008
KGC: The KGC has appointed Frank Catania to be an independent monitor to investigate the KGC Licensee, Tokwiro Enterprises. The Independent Monitoring Team will be given the task of completing a full forensic audit/investigation of the online gaming business of both licensed entities. In the event that any criminal activity is found to have occurred, such activity will be reported to the appropriate authorities for possible prosecution. Tokwiro Enterprises has agreed to comply fully and submit to this independent monitor.
July 28, 2008
Tokwiro: The investigation is concluded. Tokwiro has identified a total of 19 accounts and 88 associated usernames that were involved in the cheating. There are no new perpetrators involved, only new usernames. The cheaters used an account that had the ability to view hole cards. No one associated with Tokwiro was involved in the cheating scheme at any point.
July 25th, 2008
I did not want to turn this post into a complete time line of events but needless to say, every single instance where AP/UB/Tokwiro changed their statements and divulged more information had been immediately preceded by new evidence being posted on twoplustwo.
Absolute Poker: we have no evidence that substantiates claims that any of the players were involved in chip dumping, or any other improper activity.
September 17th, 2007
Hi All,
Thank you for your patience in this urgent issue.
Let me start off by stating in 100% confidence that, fair play and security is of paramount importance to Absolute Poker. We have temporarily frozen accounts that have been brought to our attention while we perform an extensive investigation.
While we are continuing with our investigation, we have yet to find any evidence of wrong doing. Our game client only receives data regarding the individuals hand and no other players hole cards, except in the event of a showdown.
The player’s and their respective actions that are in question, all come from a small sample of Hands. We have researched their play exhaustively and have found no proof that they had any knowledge of other player’s hole cards.
There were hands that were played poorly -- from a poker strategy perspective -- and these players did receive a fortunate result. So far we have no evidence that substantiates claims that any of the players were involved in chip dumping, or any other improper activity.
Because of the seriousness of these allegations, we have not closed the investigation and are continuing to look very closely into this matter.We will notify you if we obtain any new information regarding these claims.
Kindest Regards, Danielle
Thank you for your patience in this urgent issue.
Let me start off by stating in 100% confidence that, fair play and security is of paramount importance to Absolute Poker. We have temporarily frozen accounts that have been brought to our attention while we perform an extensive investigation.
While we are continuing with our investigation, we have yet to find any evidence of wrong doing. Our game client only receives data regarding the individuals hand and no other players hole cards, except in the event of a showdown.
The player’s and their respective actions that are in question, all come from a small sample of Hands. We have researched their play exhaustively and have found no proof that they had any knowledge of other player’s hole cards.
There were hands that were played poorly -- from a poker strategy perspective -- and these players did receive a fortunate result. So far we have no evidence that substantiates claims that any of the players were involved in chip dumping, or any other improper activity.
Because of the seriousness of these allegations, we have not closed the investigation and are continuing to look very closely into this matter.We will notify you if we obtain any new information regarding these claims.
Kindest Regards, Danielle
Absolute Poker: We performed an extensive investigation, no evidence of compromised security, no evidence anyone could see hole cards. A ‘super-user’ account does not exist in our software.
October 12th, 2007
Official Absolute Poker Response To Player Fraud Allegations
Absolute Poker takes all allegations of player fraud and collusion extremely seriously. Fair play and security are of paramount importance to us. Our Security and Fraud Department is dedicated to ensuring that everyone on the site has a fair opportunity to win, and that no improper methods, devices, programs and/or other unfair advantages are ever utilized in our games.
We were greatly concerned by a recent thread on the 2+2 forums along with emails and other communications we received, regarding alleged player fraud. We thank the vigilant players who reported this matter to us, giving us an opportunity to investigate these serious allegations. We spent extensive resources thoroughly investigating and analyzing our players’ claims. While our investigation is ongoing, we feel that we have enough information at this point to share with you some of our findings.
Please be advised, that we will continue to investigate each and every claim of wrong-doing on an individual basis and we will report any further significant findings that are appropriate for public review. Also, please keep in mind, while we endeavor to provide as much information as possible on a public level, we take our players’ privacy issues very seriously, and will never compromise this. As a matter of Company policy, Absolute Poker never divulges personal information about our players nor do we make public any hand information that did not go to a showdown, ever. As a result, we are limited in terms of the level of information that we can provide for public review.
In response to the allegations, we froze the accounts of the players in question while we performed an extensive investigation. The result of our investigation is that we found no evidence that any of Absolute Poker’s redundant and varying levels of game client security were compromised. In other words, we have determined with reasonable certainty that it is impossible for any player or employee to see hole cards as was alleged. There is no part of the technology that allows for a “superuser” account, and there is no way for any person to influence the game software to their advantage. We base this finding on a thorough security check on a technological level, coupled with a thorough investigation of hand histories including those that did not go to a showdown. As a part of our investigation, we also tested the integrity of our certified random number generator (“RNG”.) We determined that our RNG was not compromised either.
Details of the investigation
We combed through all hands involving the accounts that were mentioned in the online forums. Please note that only a select number of hands were featured in the threads. Our ongoing investigation continues to show that there were countless instances where a somewhat unorthodox poker strategy resulted in a loss. Allegations that the player accounts at issue “always guessed right” are unfounded.
We examined screen shots from Poker Tracker Software that displayed an “infinite” river aggression factor for one of the player accounts at issue. We examined similar screen shots which showed a lower but still relatively high river aggression factor. We were very concerned by this anomaly. Accordingly, we reviewed each and every hand that this player played during the relevant time period and determined that while the play was extremely aggressive, particularly on the river, there were several instances where the player merely called on the river. Thus, the allegation that the player accounts at issue “never called on the river, they either raised or folded” are also without merit.
With respect to the allegation of chip dumping, we have determined that chip dumping by at least one of the accounts at issue, did in fact, take place. We have determined that the chip dumping was made to several seemingly unrelated accounts. We are continuing to investigate this issue.
A ‘super-user’ account does not exist in our software. Absolute Poker was created by poker players who value security and fair play. The back-end of the Absolute Poker software prevents the possibility of any such feature. Our game client only receives data regarding an individual’s hand and no other player hole cards are ever visible – by anyone – except in the event of a showdown. Having said that, we will continue this investigation as well as look into any other allegations of wrong-doing. If appropriate, we will freeze funds and reimburse effected players.
Absolute Poker remains a 100% secure place to play. We value all of our players and we will continue to provide our community with a safe, secure and exciting online poker experience.
The Absolute Poker Management
Absolute Poker takes all allegations of player fraud and collusion extremely seriously. Fair play and security are of paramount importance to us. Our Security and Fraud Department is dedicated to ensuring that everyone on the site has a fair opportunity to win, and that no improper methods, devices, programs and/or other unfair advantages are ever utilized in our games.
We were greatly concerned by a recent thread on the 2+2 forums along with emails and other communications we received, regarding alleged player fraud. We thank the vigilant players who reported this matter to us, giving us an opportunity to investigate these serious allegations. We spent extensive resources thoroughly investigating and analyzing our players’ claims. While our investigation is ongoing, we feel that we have enough information at this point to share with you some of our findings.
Please be advised, that we will continue to investigate each and every claim of wrong-doing on an individual basis and we will report any further significant findings that are appropriate for public review. Also, please keep in mind, while we endeavor to provide as much information as possible on a public level, we take our players’ privacy issues very seriously, and will never compromise this. As a matter of Company policy, Absolute Poker never divulges personal information about our players nor do we make public any hand information that did not go to a showdown, ever. As a result, we are limited in terms of the level of information that we can provide for public review.
In response to the allegations, we froze the accounts of the players in question while we performed an extensive investigation. The result of our investigation is that we found no evidence that any of Absolute Poker’s redundant and varying levels of game client security were compromised. In other words, we have determined with reasonable certainty that it is impossible for any player or employee to see hole cards as was alleged. There is no part of the technology that allows for a “superuser” account, and there is no way for any person to influence the game software to their advantage. We base this finding on a thorough security check on a technological level, coupled with a thorough investigation of hand histories including those that did not go to a showdown. As a part of our investigation, we also tested the integrity of our certified random number generator (“RNG”.) We determined that our RNG was not compromised either.
Details of the investigation
We combed through all hands involving the accounts that were mentioned in the online forums. Please note that only a select number of hands were featured in the threads. Our ongoing investigation continues to show that there were countless instances where a somewhat unorthodox poker strategy resulted in a loss. Allegations that the player accounts at issue “always guessed right” are unfounded.
We examined screen shots from Poker Tracker Software that displayed an “infinite” river aggression factor for one of the player accounts at issue. We examined similar screen shots which showed a lower but still relatively high river aggression factor. We were very concerned by this anomaly. Accordingly, we reviewed each and every hand that this player played during the relevant time period and determined that while the play was extremely aggressive, particularly on the river, there were several instances where the player merely called on the river. Thus, the allegation that the player accounts at issue “never called on the river, they either raised or folded” are also without merit.
With respect to the allegation of chip dumping, we have determined that chip dumping by at least one of the accounts at issue, did in fact, take place. We have determined that the chip dumping was made to several seemingly unrelated accounts. We are continuing to investigate this issue.
A ‘super-user’ account does not exist in our software. Absolute Poker was created by poker players who value security and fair play. The back-end of the Absolute Poker software prevents the possibility of any such feature. Our game client only receives data regarding an individual’s hand and no other player hole cards are ever visible – by anyone – except in the event of a showdown. Having said that, we will continue this investigation as well as look into any other allegations of wrong-doing. If appropriate, we will freeze funds and reimburse effected players.
Absolute Poker remains a 100% secure place to play. We value all of our players and we will continue to provide our community with a safe, secure and exciting online poker experience.
The Absolute Poker Management
Note: within 24 hours of the 10/12/07 press release the PotRipper hand history was posted proving the entire previous press release to be a deliberate lie
Video of PotRipper tournament with hole cards exposed (1/4)
Video of PotRipper tournament with hole cards exposed (2/4)
Video of PotRipper tournament with hole cards exposed (3/4)
Video of PotRipper tournament with hole cards exposed (4/4)
Absolute Poker: We have done extensive research, we are continuing to do a thorough and exhaustive investigation, we have yet to find any evidence of wrong doing. There are no "superuser" accounts that enable players to see other players' hole cards.
October 15th, 2007
Thank you for your email and please let us apologize for the delay in our response; even though we always try to answer all the emails that we receive as soon as possible, sometimes it could take a little bit longer to answer them depending on the amount of inquiries that we receive.
Allow us to kindly inform you that we have done an extensive research into the claims that have been brought to our attention. While we are continuing to do a thorough and exhaustive investigation, we have yet to find any evidence of wrong doing.
When you are logged in and playing your game client only receives data regarding your hole cards. As a result, it is impossible for a player to have information regarding any other player's hole cards. There are no "superuser" accounts that enable players to see other players' hole cards.
Despite our confidence in the security of our systems, we researched hands involving accounts that were mentioned in the online forum posts over the weekend and did not find any incidence of cheating by the accounts in question. Results mentioned in the forums were over a small sample of hands, and we have researched these hands as well as numerous other hands involving these players and have found that the pattern of play of the players did not lend credibility to the claim that the players knew the cards of other players at the table. Certainly there were hands that were played poorly, from a poker strategy perspective, and where these players received a fortunate result. However, a longer term review has shown that similar playing strategies have not resulted in the same results as these players achieved in the small sample of hands mentioned in the online discussion.
Furthermore, the play of the players in question did not substantiate claims that they were involved in chip dumping, or any other improper activity.
We take these matters very seriously, and stand by the results of our random number generator and game client security. Because of the seriousness of these allegations, we have not closed the investigation and are continuing to look very closely into this matter.
Should you have any further questions, please feel free to let me know and we will be happy to assist.
Thanks for playing at Absolute Poker! If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know. We are here for you!
Team Absolute ~ Customer Support
"To Continue to be the Best and Most Trusted"
We’re Here To Stay! All Players Welcome!
Come and join the action this weekend with our 150k guaranteed on Saturday and 60k on Sunday! With more and bigger guaranteed tournaments, Absolute Poker is your place to play. See you at the tables whenever, wherever!
Allow us to kindly inform you that we have done an extensive research into the claims that have been brought to our attention. While we are continuing to do a thorough and exhaustive investigation, we have yet to find any evidence of wrong doing.
When you are logged in and playing your game client only receives data regarding your hole cards. As a result, it is impossible for a player to have information regarding any other player's hole cards. There are no "superuser" accounts that enable players to see other players' hole cards.
Despite our confidence in the security of our systems, we researched hands involving accounts that were mentioned in the online forum posts over the weekend and did not find any incidence of cheating by the accounts in question. Results mentioned in the forums were over a small sample of hands, and we have researched these hands as well as numerous other hands involving these players and have found that the pattern of play of the players did not lend credibility to the claim that the players knew the cards of other players at the table. Certainly there were hands that were played poorly, from a poker strategy perspective, and where these players received a fortunate result. However, a longer term review has shown that similar playing strategies have not resulted in the same results as these players achieved in the small sample of hands mentioned in the online discussion.
Furthermore, the play of the players in question did not substantiate claims that they were involved in chip dumping, or any other improper activity.
We take these matters very seriously, and stand by the results of our random number generator and game client security. Because of the seriousness of these allegations, we have not closed the investigation and are continuing to look very closely into this matter.
Should you have any further questions, please feel free to let me know and we will be happy to assist.
Thanks for playing at Absolute Poker! If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know. We are here for you!
Team Absolute ~ Customer Support
"To Continue to be the Best and Most Trusted"
We’re Here To Stay! All Players Welcome!
Come and join the action this weekend with our 150k guaranteed on Saturday and 60k on Sunday! With more and bigger guaranteed tournaments, Absolute Poker is your place to play. See you at the tables whenever, wherever!
Absolute Poker: We investigated and found no wrongdoing. We agree to hire independent Gaming Associates to conduct an audit. We reserve the rights to pursue legal action against anyone who says anything bad about us
October 17th, 2007
AP Agrees to Independent Audit
Absolute Poker Management wishes to inform the poker community of the following information in response to the most recent claims posted over the past 48 hours on the 2+2 and Pocket Fives forums wherein again it is alleged that some person or persons breached Absolute Poker’s redundant and varying levels of game client security. As was stated in Absolute Poker’s Official Response released on Friday October 12, 2007, Absolute Poker conducted an extensive investigation in response to the claims it was made aware of and received. The results of that investigation indicated that to the best of Absolute Poker’s knowledge, information and belief there was no security breach. Specifically, Absolute Poker’s internal investigation determined that it is impossible for any person, device, program, script or other means to see hole cards.
Based on the most recent claims that Absolute Poker has been made aware of and at the request of some of our players and business partners, Absolute Poker has agreed to retain a widely acclaimed independent third party auditor, Gaming Associates, to conduct an independent audit of Absolute Poker’s security systems. Specifically, Absolute Poker has requested that Gaming Associates conduct a thorough and extensive review of Absolute Poker’s practices and security system’s to determine whether it is possible for any person, device, program, script or other means to see hole cards thereby gaining an unfair advantage.
Absolute Poker has agreed to fully cooperate with Gaming Associates and its investigative team and to provide the above with unfettered access to all systems, protocols and databases at Absolute Poker worldwide. Absolute Poker has also agreed to allow Gaming Associate’s final report to be made available to Pocket Fives and Bluff Media for their review.
With respect to the claims that Scott Tom, a former member of Team Absolute Poker, is in anyway involved in wrong-doing, Absolute Poker has requested a formal investigation into that matter as well. Mr. Tom has not been involved with Absolute Poker for over a year and to the best of our knowledge, information and belief has not had access to any of Absolute Poker’s systems, databases or information.
Absolute Poker reserves the right to pursue any and all remedies, including both legal and equitable which may inure to it as a result of any unlawful and/or injurious actions taken by any individuals who may have falsified any information, documents, files, or have by other means attempted to disparage and/or harm Absolute Poker, its players, management, employees, business partners or affiliates.
Absolute Poker shall bear all expenses related to such investigation and is eager to learn about Gaming Associate’s findings. Absolute Poker highly values and intends to protect its players, shareholders, business partners, and affiliates.
Absolute Poker Management
Absolute Poker Management wishes to inform the poker community of the following information in response to the most recent claims posted over the past 48 hours on the 2+2 and Pocket Fives forums wherein again it is alleged that some person or persons breached Absolute Poker’s redundant and varying levels of game client security. As was stated in Absolute Poker’s Official Response released on Friday October 12, 2007, Absolute Poker conducted an extensive investigation in response to the claims it was made aware of and received. The results of that investigation indicated that to the best of Absolute Poker’s knowledge, information and belief there was no security breach. Specifically, Absolute Poker’s internal investigation determined that it is impossible for any person, device, program, script or other means to see hole cards.
Based on the most recent claims that Absolute Poker has been made aware of and at the request of some of our players and business partners, Absolute Poker has agreed to retain a widely acclaimed independent third party auditor, Gaming Associates, to conduct an independent audit of Absolute Poker’s security systems. Specifically, Absolute Poker has requested that Gaming Associates conduct a thorough and extensive review of Absolute Poker’s practices and security system’s to determine whether it is possible for any person, device, program, script or other means to see hole cards thereby gaining an unfair advantage.
Absolute Poker has agreed to fully cooperate with Gaming Associates and its investigative team and to provide the above with unfettered access to all systems, protocols and databases at Absolute Poker worldwide. Absolute Poker has also agreed to allow Gaming Associate’s final report to be made available to Pocket Fives and Bluff Media for their review.
With respect to the claims that Scott Tom, a former member of Team Absolute Poker, is in anyway involved in wrong-doing, Absolute Poker has requested a formal investigation into that matter as well. Mr. Tom has not been involved with Absolute Poker for over a year and to the best of our knowledge, information and belief has not had access to any of Absolute Poker’s systems, databases or information.
Absolute Poker reserves the right to pursue any and all remedies, including both legal and equitable which may inure to it as a result of any unlawful and/or injurious actions taken by any individuals who may have falsified any information, documents, files, or have by other means attempted to disparage and/or harm Absolute Poker, its players, management, employees, business partners or affiliates.
Absolute Poker shall bear all expenses related to such investigation and is eager to learn about Gaming Associate’s findings. Absolute Poker highly values and intends to protect its players, shareholders, business partners, and affiliates.
Absolute Poker Management
KGC: We have appointed experts to conduct a thorough audit of all circumstances, provide findings and recommendations to the Commission.
KGC To Investigate Absolute Poker
The Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC) announced today an audit into the current and historic activities of Absolute Poker and interaction with its gaming and financial systems. As a KGC licence holder Absolute Poker is obliged to adhere to the Regulations Concerning Interactive Gaming.
Absolute Poker has agreed to fully cooperate with the KGC and / or its agents.
Mr David Montour, the Commission’s Chairman, said, “This week allegations of impropriety have been bought to the attention of the Kahnawá:ke Gaming Commission. We have appointed experts to conduct a thorough audit of all circumstances, provide findings and recommendations to the Commission. The audit will not be restricted to examining theories circulating in Internet chat rooms and fora”.
The Commission has instructed Gaming Associates to conduct the audit and report to the Commission. Gaming Associates is acknowledged world wide as an expert interactive gaming test and audit house – accredited by regulators worldwide. Gaming Associates’ consultants are pioneers in interactive gaming regulation - recognized as experts in this field since the 1990s, and information security experts.
“It is essential that all online gaming and wagering is conducted in a fair and honest manner where customers are protected. The Kahnawá:ke Gaming Commission is committed to ensuring fair and honest gaming. Nevertheless, it is important that we, as a Commission, act on findings and not allegations alone.” Click HERE to view official press release.
Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake 17 October, 2007
The Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC) announced today an audit into the current and historic activities of Absolute Poker and interaction with its gaming and financial systems. As a KGC licence holder Absolute Poker is obliged to adhere to the Regulations Concerning Interactive Gaming.
Absolute Poker has agreed to fully cooperate with the KGC and / or its agents.
Mr David Montour, the Commission’s Chairman, said, “This week allegations of impropriety have been bought to the attention of the Kahnawá:ke Gaming Commission. We have appointed experts to conduct a thorough audit of all circumstances, provide findings and recommendations to the Commission. The audit will not be restricted to examining theories circulating in Internet chat rooms and fora”.
The Commission has instructed Gaming Associates to conduct the audit and report to the Commission. Gaming Associates is acknowledged world wide as an expert interactive gaming test and audit house – accredited by regulators worldwide. Gaming Associates’ consultants are pioneers in interactive gaming regulation - recognized as experts in this field since the 1990s, and information security experts.
“It is essential that all online gaming and wagering is conducted in a fair and honest manner where customers are protected. The Kahnawá:ke Gaming Commission is committed to ensuring fair and honest gaming. Nevertheless, it is important that we, as a Commission, act on findings and not allegations alone.” Click HERE to view official press release.
Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake 17 October, 2007
Absolute Poker: Absolute Poker has identified an internal security breach that compromised our systems for a limited period of time
October 19th, 2007
Dear valued player,
Absolute Poker has identified an internal security breach that compromised our systems for a limited period of time. The cause of the breach has been determined and completely resolved. In addition, all necessary resources, both internal and external, have been engaged to ensure this does not happen again. Our investigation is not fully concluded, and we wish to thank the extended poker community for any and all assistance related to the matter.
Game integrity has always and continues to be of the utmost importance at Absolute Poker. The Management of Absolute Poker is appalled by these findings, and is committed to our players and to the integrity of our site and the online poker industry.
All players affected by the security breach will be identified during the audit process that has been initiated and all funds, including interest, will be returned. Absolute Poker would like to apologize for the recent events and is committed to diligently working with outside security firms, auditing firms, the extended poker community and the Kahnawake Gaming Commission to ensure the situation is entirely resolved.
A comprehensive statement will be forthcoming shortly providing more details of the situation.
Absolute Poker has identified an internal security breach that compromised our systems for a limited period of time. The cause of the breach has been determined and completely resolved. In addition, all necessary resources, both internal and external, have been engaged to ensure this does not happen again. Our investigation is not fully concluded, and we wish to thank the extended poker community for any and all assistance related to the matter.
Game integrity has always and continues to be of the utmost importance at Absolute Poker. The Management of Absolute Poker is appalled by these findings, and is committed to our players and to the integrity of our site and the online poker industry.
All players affected by the security breach will be identified during the audit process that has been initiated and all funds, including interest, will be returned. Absolute Poker would like to apologize for the recent events and is committed to diligently working with outside security firms, auditing firms, the extended poker community and the Kahnawake Gaming Commission to ensure the situation is entirely resolved.
A comprehensive statement will be forthcoming shortly providing more details of the situation.
Chief Joe Tokwiro Norton: I own Absolute Poker. AP should have been been more forthcoming in providing a timely or comprehensive explanation. AP was compromised by a high ranking consultant. In addition to our own investigation and the audit by Gaming Associates, we have also submitted to an audit by the KGC. I promise to keep you updated
October 21st, 2007
Dear AP Player:
I am the former Grand Chief of the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake and the owner of Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG, which holds a 100% interest in Absolute Poker.
As many of our players are aware, there has been a security breach in our system that allowed unlawful access to player information that resulted in unfair play. I am writing to you today to let you know what we know so far in order to set the record straight, and to assure you of AP’s commitment to player security. I am sure that this letter will not address all of the questions and concerns you may have, nor will it extinguish the heated discussion surrounding this issue. At this point, our intention is to let you know all we can disclose and to assure you of our continued efforts to keep you informed as best we can as the investigations continue.
We deeply regret this situation has occurred. A breach in security in online poker is serious and of great concern to players and the industry worldwide, and this particular situation has been the subject of debate within the poker player community and in the media, giving rise to the creation of several websites and hundreds and hundreds of comments, opinions, and theories of what occurred – some of which are accurate, and some that are not.
Like you, I have not been happy that during the initial stage of our investigation, AP has not been more forthcoming in providing a timely or comprehensive explanation on this matter, giving rise to anger, suspicion, and concern on the part of our valued customers. I hope that our customers can appreciate that this remains an incredibly complex and sensitive issue, and I want to give you my strongest possible assurance that we will be as forthcoming as possible on how this breach occurred and what we are doing to remedy the situation.
What We Know and Actions We Have Taken
AP was notified by a customer that a possible cheating incident occurred during a recent tournament, and in response forwarded players’ hand logs. This disclosure of the hand logs prompted our customers to determine that a more serious security breach had occurred. We immediately launched an internal investigation and also requested a formal audit by Gaming Associates, an acknowledged world-wide expert in audits, interactive gaming tests, and information security.
Based upon our preliminary findings, it appears that the integrity of our poker system was compromised by a high-ranking trusted consultant employed by AP whose position gave him extraordinary access to certain security systems. As has been speculated in several online forums, this consultant devised a sophisticated scheme to manipulate internal systems to access third-party computers and accounts to view hole cards of other customers during play without their knowledge. As this consultant was aware of the details of our fraud detection process, the likelihood that the scheme would be uncovered through our normal procedures was minimized. We consider this security breach to be a horrendous and inexcusable offense.
We will pay for all losses suffered by the affected players as soon as our audit is finished and the amounts are determined. Although we are in the process of attempting to recover all the winnings of this consultant, any unrecovered losses of affected players will be paid by Absolute Poker so that all affected persons will be made whole.
Next Steps
We are still investigating whether the consultant was acting alone or in concert with others, and it appears at this time that all account holders are innocent of collusion and were unaware of any wrong-doing by the consultant, who was immediately terminated. We continue to investigate this matter aggressively, and all of these preliminary findings are subject to the audits currently underway. We have recently uncovered additional accounts used by the consultant that have not been publicly reported. So as to not compromise the investigation, we are not releasing the names of these additional accounts at this time, and will contact these affected customers individually.
The specific allegations of unlawful activity are being investigated both by AP and by the authorized authorities, including the Kahnawake Gaming Commission. We will continue to actively cooperate with these authorities in full compliance with the Regulations Concerning Interactive Gaming. In addition to our own investigation and the audit by Gaming Associates, we have also submitted to an audit by the Kahnawake Gaming Commission.
Please be assured that we have corrected the problem that allowed the system to be unfairly manipulated. We are working furiously to increase the safeguards within our systems. While we are satisfied that our systems are secured, we realize that our security systems must be continuously monitored and enhanced.
Without question, this incident has been unfortunate for all concerned, and we will emerge as a stronger company. I realize it will take some time and much more information for AP to re-earn the trust and confidence of our customers who are in doubt of our commitment to the highest levels of security, privacy and integrity. As we move to address and correct this situation, our valued customers have played a vital role in uncovering this scheme through various online forums and have become an active part of the solution.
With my full sincerity, I thank you, and I promise to keep you updated as we bring this situation to a close.
Joe Norton
I am the former Grand Chief of the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake and the owner of Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG, which holds a 100% interest in Absolute Poker.
As many of our players are aware, there has been a security breach in our system that allowed unlawful access to player information that resulted in unfair play. I am writing to you today to let you know what we know so far in order to set the record straight, and to assure you of AP’s commitment to player security. I am sure that this letter will not address all of the questions and concerns you may have, nor will it extinguish the heated discussion surrounding this issue. At this point, our intention is to let you know all we can disclose and to assure you of our continued efforts to keep you informed as best we can as the investigations continue.
We deeply regret this situation has occurred. A breach in security in online poker is serious and of great concern to players and the industry worldwide, and this particular situation has been the subject of debate within the poker player community and in the media, giving rise to the creation of several websites and hundreds and hundreds of comments, opinions, and theories of what occurred – some of which are accurate, and some that are not.
Like you, I have not been happy that during the initial stage of our investigation, AP has not been more forthcoming in providing a timely or comprehensive explanation on this matter, giving rise to anger, suspicion, and concern on the part of our valued customers. I hope that our customers can appreciate that this remains an incredibly complex and sensitive issue, and I want to give you my strongest possible assurance that we will be as forthcoming as possible on how this breach occurred and what we are doing to remedy the situation.
What We Know and Actions We Have Taken
AP was notified by a customer that a possible cheating incident occurred during a recent tournament, and in response forwarded players’ hand logs. This disclosure of the hand logs prompted our customers to determine that a more serious security breach had occurred. We immediately launched an internal investigation and also requested a formal audit by Gaming Associates, an acknowledged world-wide expert in audits, interactive gaming tests, and information security.
Based upon our preliminary findings, it appears that the integrity of our poker system was compromised by a high-ranking trusted consultant employed by AP whose position gave him extraordinary access to certain security systems. As has been speculated in several online forums, this consultant devised a sophisticated scheme to manipulate internal systems to access third-party computers and accounts to view hole cards of other customers during play without their knowledge. As this consultant was aware of the details of our fraud detection process, the likelihood that the scheme would be uncovered through our normal procedures was minimized. We consider this security breach to be a horrendous and inexcusable offense.
We will pay for all losses suffered by the affected players as soon as our audit is finished and the amounts are determined. Although we are in the process of attempting to recover all the winnings of this consultant, any unrecovered losses of affected players will be paid by Absolute Poker so that all affected persons will be made whole.
Next Steps
We are still investigating whether the consultant was acting alone or in concert with others, and it appears at this time that all account holders are innocent of collusion and were unaware of any wrong-doing by the consultant, who was immediately terminated. We continue to investigate this matter aggressively, and all of these preliminary findings are subject to the audits currently underway. We have recently uncovered additional accounts used by the consultant that have not been publicly reported. So as to not compromise the investigation, we are not releasing the names of these additional accounts at this time, and will contact these affected customers individually.
The specific allegations of unlawful activity are being investigated both by AP and by the authorized authorities, including the Kahnawake Gaming Commission. We will continue to actively cooperate with these authorities in full compliance with the Regulations Concerning Interactive Gaming. In addition to our own investigation and the audit by Gaming Associates, we have also submitted to an audit by the Kahnawake Gaming Commission.
Please be assured that we have corrected the problem that allowed the system to be unfairly manipulated. We are working furiously to increase the safeguards within our systems. While we are satisfied that our systems are secured, we realize that our security systems must be continuously monitored and enhanced.
Without question, this incident has been unfortunate for all concerned, and we will emerge as a stronger company. I realize it will take some time and much more information for AP to re-earn the trust and confidence of our customers who are in doubt of our commitment to the highest levels of security, privacy and integrity. As we move to address and correct this situation, our valued customers have played a vital role in uncovering this scheme through various online forums and have become an active part of the solution.
With my full sincerity, I thank you, and I promise to keep you updated as we bring this situation to a close.
Joe Norton
Absolute Poker: AP was the victim of a breach of security. A high-ranking consultant devised a sophisticated scheme to view the hole cards. AP immediately contacted Gaming Associates and the KGC. AP intends to continue working with third party auditors to ensure game security.
October 24th, 2007
Interim Statement
Absolute Poker (AP) today issued the following statement concerning the recent security breach in its system:
Recently, AP was the victim of a breach of security in which a high-ranking consultant to the site devised a sophisticated scheme to manipulate internal systems and access third-party computers and accounts to view the hole cards of other customers during play and without their knowledge, resulting in unfair play. AP deeply regrets that this incident occurred and is committed to taking whatever steps are necessary to ensure the highest levels of security, privacy, trust and integrity throughout its entire system.
Upon learning of the incident, AP immediately contacted Gaming Associates, an independent worldwide expert in audits, interactive gaming tests and information security, to undertake an internal investigation. Immediately thereafter, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC), AP’s governing licensing authority, opened its own inquiry into the scheme. These investigations are active and on-going. AP is cooperating fully with the KGC investigation.
The Company’s internal investigation is ongoing, and its preliminary findings are subject to the final audit findings. Thus far, the Company’s preliminary findings are as follows:
1. The perpetrator of the scheme was immediately terminated upon discovery and the case was turned over to the KGC.
2. AP has fully corrected the problem that allowed its system to be unfairly manipulated and is working to enhance its existing safeguards.
3. Since the initiation of the internal investigation, the databases have been locked down to ensure the integrity of the auditors’ inquiry.
4. The scope of the audit will not be limited to a certain time period.
5. The suspected period of time of the security breach has been identified. This period is recent and confined to a relatively brief period. The actual dates will be publicly released upon confirmation by the third party auditor.
6. A thorough review of the game play has begun to identify all of the adversely affected players.
7. AP is committed to refunding 100% of the losses incurred by its affected customers. AP has begun the process of reimbursing its customers, and will continue to do so as quickly as possible until all customers are refunded in full.
8. Even after completion of this audit, AP intends to continue working with third party auditors and security firms to ensure that the highest level of game integrity is upheld.
9. AP is instituting strict guidelines to restrict its employees, consultants and contractors and members of their households from playing for money on its sites.
These preliminary findings remain subject to its final audit. AP expects its internal inquiry to last for at least several weeks, and it will continue to cooperate with the KGC’s investigation and to work with Gaming Associates until these outstanding investigations and inquiries are complete. AP will continue to issue interim statements related to its internal investigation as appropriate.
Absolute Poker (AP) today issued the following statement concerning the recent security breach in its system:
Recently, AP was the victim of a breach of security in which a high-ranking consultant to the site devised a sophisticated scheme to manipulate internal systems and access third-party computers and accounts to view the hole cards of other customers during play and without their knowledge, resulting in unfair play. AP deeply regrets that this incident occurred and is committed to taking whatever steps are necessary to ensure the highest levels of security, privacy, trust and integrity throughout its entire system.
Upon learning of the incident, AP immediately contacted Gaming Associates, an independent worldwide expert in audits, interactive gaming tests and information security, to undertake an internal investigation. Immediately thereafter, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC), AP’s governing licensing authority, opened its own inquiry into the scheme. These investigations are active and on-going. AP is cooperating fully with the KGC investigation.
The Company’s internal investigation is ongoing, and its preliminary findings are subject to the final audit findings. Thus far, the Company’s preliminary findings are as follows:
1. The perpetrator of the scheme was immediately terminated upon discovery and the case was turned over to the KGC.
2. AP has fully corrected the problem that allowed its system to be unfairly manipulated and is working to enhance its existing safeguards.
3. Since the initiation of the internal investigation, the databases have been locked down to ensure the integrity of the auditors’ inquiry.
4. The scope of the audit will not be limited to a certain time period.
5. The suspected period of time of the security breach has been identified. This period is recent and confined to a relatively brief period. The actual dates will be publicly released upon confirmation by the third party auditor.
6. A thorough review of the game play has begun to identify all of the adversely affected players.
7. AP is committed to refunding 100% of the losses incurred by its affected customers. AP has begun the process of reimbursing its customers, and will continue to do so as quickly as possible until all customers are refunded in full.
8. Even after completion of this audit, AP intends to continue working with third party auditors and security firms to ensure that the highest level of game integrity is upheld.
9. AP is instituting strict guidelines to restrict its employees, consultants and contractors and members of their households from playing for money on its sites.
These preliminary findings remain subject to its final audit. AP expects its internal inquiry to last for at least several weeks, and it will continue to cooperate with the KGC’s investigation and to work with Gaming Associates until these outstanding investigations and inquiries are complete. AP will continue to issue interim statements related to its internal investigation as appropriate.
KGC: The investigation is ongoing...
November 22nd, 2007
Absolute Poker active and ongoing investigation
The Kahnawake Gaming Commission's investigation into the Absolute Poker situation is active and on-going. The Commission's agents, Gaming Associates, are in the process of finalizing its audit of AP's operations and will be submitting a report to the Commission of its findings. The Commission will review this report and decide the appropriate course of action. To avoid the possibility of jeopardizing its investigation, the Commission will not comment on this matter until such time as it has reached a decision. The Commission expects to receive a final copy of the audit report by December 7, 2007.
The Kahnawake Gaming Commission's investigation into the Absolute Poker situation is active and on-going. The Commission's agents, Gaming Associates, are in the process of finalizing its audit of AP's operations and will be submitting a report to the Commission of its findings. The Commission will review this report and decide the appropriate course of action. To avoid the possibility of jeopardizing its investigation, the Commission will not comment on this matter until such time as it has reached a decision. The Commission expects to receive a final copy of the audit report by December 7, 2007.
KGC: Unfair play occurred. The perpetrators could see their opponents hole cards. The Commission has identified the person(s) responsible and has directed that AP take action to have these person(s) removed from playing any role in AP 'mind and management' and/or operations. The Commission is satisfied with the level of cooperation provided by AP management and staff throughout the investigation.
January 11th, 2008 (pdf)
In the matter of Absolute Poker Investigation regarding complaints of cheating
The Kahnawá:ke Gaming Commission (the "Commission") first received complaints concerning this matter on or about October 16th 2007. The essence of the complaints was that one or more persons associated with Absolute Poker ("AP"), while participating in live poker games with players, had been using software that enabled that person or those persons to see the "hole cards" of each of the other players. For the purposes of this decision, the aforementioned activity, and activities necessarily incidental thereto, will be referred to as the "impugned activities".
As a result of the received complaints, the Commission initiated an investigation into AP's operations. The scope of the investigation was broadly defined with the objective of determining whether the impugned activities had occurred and, if so:
? All the facts and circumstances related thereto;
? Whether affected players had been reimbursed for any losses that resulted from the impugned activities;
? Whether AP had breached one or more of the Commission's Regulations concerning Interactive Gaming (the "Regulations") and, if so, the appropriate sanctions that should be applied.
? The appropriate measures that should be implemented to ensure that the impugned activities - or any other improprieties - would not be repeated.
On October 17th 2007, the Commission mandated its approved agent, Gaming Associates, to carry out the necessary inquiries, audits and reviews of AP's systems and personnel. Over the course of approximately 10 weeks Gaming Associates fulfilled its mandate and obtained extensive information from AP's operations in various locations around the world; which it has provided to the commission. Based on this information, the Commission makes the following findings of fact:
1. That commencing on August 14 2007 and thereafter for a period of approximately six weeks, the accounts listed below were used to compromise AP's system by participating in live poker games with players using software that enabled the viewing of the "hole cards" of each of the other players, resulting in unfair play. The Commission has identified the person(s) responsible for the impugned activities and has directed that AP take action to have these person(s) removed from playing any role in AP 'mind and management' and/or operations, and to provide proof, acceptable to the Commission, that this has been done.
2. That subsequent to the impugned activities taking place, person(s) associated with AP's operations deleted certain gaming logs and records which had the effect of hampering the Commission's investigation ? but which did not prevent the commission from obtaining sufficient information on which to base finding number 1. Except with respect to these actions, the Commission is satisfied with the level of cooperation provided by AP management and staff throughout the investigation.
3. That there is no evidence to indicate that the impugned activities were authorised or sanctioned by AP as a corporate entity ? either through its Board of Directors or its principal ownership. There is no evidence that the impugned activities benefited, or were intended to benefit, AP as a corporate entity.
4. That the principles of AP failed to contact the Commission within 24 hours after they became aware the impugned activities had occurred.
5. That shortly after the impugned activities became publicly known, AP made expeditious efforts to appropriately reimburse all players who had participated in games in which the impugned activities had occurred, with interest. The Commission is satisfied that affected players have been appropriately reimbursed. However, if any player provides the Commission the evidence that he or she participated in a game in which the impugned activity occurred, and that such player has not been appropriately reimbursed, the Commission will direct AP to appropriately reimburse that player. To be considered, any such complaints from players must be received by the Commission within sixty days of the date of this decision.
6. That AP has taken the appropriate actions to address the vulnerability in its systems that allowed the impugned activities to occur and to prevent its systems from being compromised again by the impugned activities.
In view of these findings of fact, the Commission finds that AP has breached the following sections of the Commission's regulations:
261. A person must not, in relation to an authorised game, dishonestly obtain a benefit by any act, practice or scheme or otherwise dishonestly obtain a benefit through the use of any device, equipment or software.
270. In the event of an Authorised Client Provider, Approved Agent or any other employee or agent of the commission becomes aware, or reasonably suspects that
a) a person, by dishonest or unlawful act affecting the conduct or play of an authorised game, has obtained a benefit for the person or another person; or
b) there has been an unlawful act affecting the conduct or playing of an authorised game;
within twenty four (24) hours of becoming aware of, or suspecting, the dishonest or unlawful act, the person who becomes aware must give the Commission a written notice advising the Commission of all the facts known about the matter.
245. Unless the information previously contained in the gaming record is kept in another way under an approval of the Commission, an Authorised Client Provider must keep a gaming record for five years after the end of the transaction to which the record relates.
275. A person must not obstruct an Inspector in the exercise of a power or someone helping an inspector in the exercise of a power.
As a result of its breaches of its Regulations, the Commission hereby imposes on AP the following sanctions:
1. The Client Provider Authorisation ("CPA") held by AP is hereby amended to include the following conditions:
(a) All aspects of AP's operation will be subject to random audits of logs and records, conducted by the Commission or its approved agents, over the next two years ? the costs of which will be paid by AP. If, as a result of these random audits, the Commission is provided with information indicating that AP has breached any provision of the Kahnawá:ke Gaming Law, the Regulations, the conditions attached to its CPA or any other directions of the Commission, AP's CPA may be suspended or revoked in accordance with the procedures set out in the Regulations.
(b) AP must immediately implement a continuous compliance program, and other related remedial measures, as directed by the Commission.
(c) Those person(s) responsible for the impugned activities to be permanently removed from playing any role in AP ?Mind and Management? and/or operations and proof, satisfactory to Commission, that this has been done.
2. Fine the amount of US $500,000 payable in full within 60 days.
3. Posting of a security deposit of such type and amount that is acceptable to the Commission to be held by the Commission for two years, or such other period of time that the Commission deems necessary, to be used to off-set the cost associated with any future breaches of the Kahnawake Gaming Law, the Regulations, the conditions attached to its CPA or any other directions of the Commission.
4. AP to pay to the Commission all costs associated with the Commission's investigation into this matter, including costs related to the audit conducted by Gaming Associates and any follow-up matters. These costs include any ongoing work that must be performed as a result of the audit and the decision.
ISSUED within the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake, this 11th day of TsoThohrkowa January, 2008.
The Kahnawá:ke Gaming Commission (the "Commission") first received complaints concerning this matter on or about October 16th 2007. The essence of the complaints was that one or more persons associated with Absolute Poker ("AP"), while participating in live poker games with players, had been using software that enabled that person or those persons to see the "hole cards" of each of the other players. For the purposes of this decision, the aforementioned activity, and activities necessarily incidental thereto, will be referred to as the "impugned activities".
As a result of the received complaints, the Commission initiated an investigation into AP's operations. The scope of the investigation was broadly defined with the objective of determining whether the impugned activities had occurred and, if so:
? All the facts and circumstances related thereto;
? Whether affected players had been reimbursed for any losses that resulted from the impugned activities;
? Whether AP had breached one or more of the Commission's Regulations concerning Interactive Gaming (the "Regulations") and, if so, the appropriate sanctions that should be applied.
? The appropriate measures that should be implemented to ensure that the impugned activities - or any other improprieties - would not be repeated.
On October 17th 2007, the Commission mandated its approved agent, Gaming Associates, to carry out the necessary inquiries, audits and reviews of AP's systems and personnel. Over the course of approximately 10 weeks Gaming Associates fulfilled its mandate and obtained extensive information from AP's operations in various locations around the world; which it has provided to the commission. Based on this information, the Commission makes the following findings of fact:
1. That commencing on August 14 2007 and thereafter for a period of approximately six weeks, the accounts listed below were used to compromise AP's system by participating in live poker games with players using software that enabled the viewing of the "hole cards" of each of the other players, resulting in unfair play. The Commission has identified the person(s) responsible for the impugned activities and has directed that AP take action to have these person(s) removed from playing any role in AP 'mind and management' and/or operations, and to provide proof, acceptable to the Commission, that this has been done.
2. That subsequent to the impugned activities taking place, person(s) associated with AP's operations deleted certain gaming logs and records which had the effect of hampering the Commission's investigation ? but which did not prevent the commission from obtaining sufficient information on which to base finding number 1. Except with respect to these actions, the Commission is satisfied with the level of cooperation provided by AP management and staff throughout the investigation.
3. That there is no evidence to indicate that the impugned activities were authorised or sanctioned by AP as a corporate entity ? either through its Board of Directors or its principal ownership. There is no evidence that the impugned activities benefited, or were intended to benefit, AP as a corporate entity.
4. That the principles of AP failed to contact the Commission within 24 hours after they became aware the impugned activities had occurred.
5. That shortly after the impugned activities became publicly known, AP made expeditious efforts to appropriately reimburse all players who had participated in games in which the impugned activities had occurred, with interest. The Commission is satisfied that affected players have been appropriately reimbursed. However, if any player provides the Commission the evidence that he or she participated in a game in which the impugned activity occurred, and that such player has not been appropriately reimbursed, the Commission will direct AP to appropriately reimburse that player. To be considered, any such complaints from players must be received by the Commission within sixty days of the date of this decision.
6. That AP has taken the appropriate actions to address the vulnerability in its systems that allowed the impugned activities to occur and to prevent its systems from being compromised again by the impugned activities.
In view of these findings of fact, the Commission finds that AP has breached the following sections of the Commission's regulations:
261. A person must not, in relation to an authorised game, dishonestly obtain a benefit by any act, practice or scheme or otherwise dishonestly obtain a benefit through the use of any device, equipment or software.
270. In the event of an Authorised Client Provider, Approved Agent or any other employee or agent of the commission becomes aware, or reasonably suspects that
a) a person, by dishonest or unlawful act affecting the conduct or play of an authorised game, has obtained a benefit for the person or another person; or
b) there has been an unlawful act affecting the conduct or playing of an authorised game;
within twenty four (24) hours of becoming aware of, or suspecting, the dishonest or unlawful act, the person who becomes aware must give the Commission a written notice advising the Commission of all the facts known about the matter.
245. Unless the information previously contained in the gaming record is kept in another way under an approval of the Commission, an Authorised Client Provider must keep a gaming record for five years after the end of the transaction to which the record relates.
275. A person must not obstruct an Inspector in the exercise of a power or someone helping an inspector in the exercise of a power.
As a result of its breaches of its Regulations, the Commission hereby imposes on AP the following sanctions:
1. The Client Provider Authorisation ("CPA") held by AP is hereby amended to include the following conditions:
(a) All aspects of AP's operation will be subject to random audits of logs and records, conducted by the Commission or its approved agents, over the next two years ? the costs of which will be paid by AP. If, as a result of these random audits, the Commission is provided with information indicating that AP has breached any provision of the Kahnawá:ke Gaming Law, the Regulations, the conditions attached to its CPA or any other directions of the Commission, AP's CPA may be suspended or revoked in accordance with the procedures set out in the Regulations.
(b) AP must immediately implement a continuous compliance program, and other related remedial measures, as directed by the Commission.
(c) Those person(s) responsible for the impugned activities to be permanently removed from playing any role in AP ?Mind and Management? and/or operations and proof, satisfactory to Commission, that this has been done.
2. Fine the amount of US $500,000 payable in full within 60 days.
3. Posting of a security deposit of such type and amount that is acceptable to the Commission to be held by the Commission for two years, or such other period of time that the Commission deems necessary, to be used to off-set the cost associated with any future breaches of the Kahnawake Gaming Law, the Regulations, the conditions attached to its CPA or any other directions of the Commission.
4. AP to pay to the Commission all costs associated with the Commission's investigation into this matter, including costs related to the audit conducted by Gaming Associates and any follow-up matters. These costs include any ongoing work that must be performed as a result of the audit and the decision.
ISSUED within the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake, this 11th day of TsoThohrkowa January, 2008.
Absolute Poker: We recognize the completeness and accuracy of the KGC conclusions. AP has appointed a team of both internal and external members to improve controls and install safeguards. The Company regrets the inadvertent deletion of certain gaming logs. We have taken it upon ourselves to convene on January 18, 2008 the first of a series of ‘poker security summits’.
January 11th, 2008
Contact: Anna Molley
Vice President, Public and Community Relations
(JANUARY 11, 2008) --- Absolute Poker (AP) issued the following statement today in response to the Kahnawake Gaming Commission’s (KGC) release of its report “In the Matter of Absolute Poker Investigation Regarding Complaints of Cheating.”
“When Absolute Poker notified the KGC of the security breach in our system, we had every expectation that the Commission would undertake a comprehensive and fair investigation. After reviewing the published report, we recognize the completeness and accuracy of the KGC conclusions, and we accept without reservation the KGC’s findings and sanctions. Most importantly, we are pleased, after these many months, that Absolute Poker can finally put behind it a most distressing and regrettable experience for the Company, its employees, and its customers.
“The KGC points out that ‘AP has taken the appropriate actions to address the vulnerability in its systems…and to prevent its systems from being compromised again…’ AP has appointed a team of both internal and external members to improve controls and install safeguards, and accepts the audit findings as an opportunity to improve our internal practices and guarantee the safest playing environment in the industry.
“We are pleased that the KGC’s findings of fact point out that ‘there is no evidence to indicate that the impugned activities were initiated or sanctioned by AP…or were intended to benefit AP, as a corporate entity.’ The report also states that ‘AP made expeditious efforts to appropriately reimburse all players…with interest’ who were affected by the cheating.
“The Company also regrets the inadvertent deletion of certain gaming logs and records during the course of the investigation, although AP is relieved that these deletions did not, according to the KGC, ‘prevent the Commission from obtaining sufficient information…’
“Having experienced first-hand the devastating impact of a security breach, we fully appreciate the importance of trust and security for AP itself and the broader industry. A secure site goes to the heart of player confidence, and we are more committed than ever to ensuring that confidence. To that end, we have taken it upon ourselves to convene on January 18, 2008 the first of a series of ‘poker security summits’. AP will invite respected and independent members of the poker community to focus on innovative and cutting-edge ways to further improve AP’s security and enhance its transparency.
“As AP has repeatedly stated in the past, we regret the damage done to our players and to our own reputation by this incident. We acknowledge that the Company did not act with sufficient speed to uncover the fraud; however, once we were convinced of the veracity of the allegations, we moved quickly to inform the KGC and to reimburse affected players. While AP is paying a severe penalty for the fraud perpetrated upon the Company and its customers, we are gratified that we can now close the book on this sordid affair and return our full focus to providing the safest, most secure, and most eenjoyable [SIC] poker playing experience in the industry.”
Vice President, Public and Community Relations
(JANUARY 11, 2008) --- Absolute Poker (AP) issued the following statement today in response to the Kahnawake Gaming Commission’s (KGC) release of its report “In the Matter of Absolute Poker Investigation Regarding Complaints of Cheating.”
“When Absolute Poker notified the KGC of the security breach in our system, we had every expectation that the Commission would undertake a comprehensive and fair investigation. After reviewing the published report, we recognize the completeness and accuracy of the KGC conclusions, and we accept without reservation the KGC’s findings and sanctions. Most importantly, we are pleased, after these many months, that Absolute Poker can finally put behind it a most distressing and regrettable experience for the Company, its employees, and its customers.
“The KGC points out that ‘AP has taken the appropriate actions to address the vulnerability in its systems…and to prevent its systems from being compromised again…’ AP has appointed a team of both internal and external members to improve controls and install safeguards, and accepts the audit findings as an opportunity to improve our internal practices and guarantee the safest playing environment in the industry.
“We are pleased that the KGC’s findings of fact point out that ‘there is no evidence to indicate that the impugned activities were initiated or sanctioned by AP…or were intended to benefit AP, as a corporate entity.’ The report also states that ‘AP made expeditious efforts to appropriately reimburse all players…with interest’ who were affected by the cheating.
“The Company also regrets the inadvertent deletion of certain gaming logs and records during the course of the investigation, although AP is relieved that these deletions did not, according to the KGC, ‘prevent the Commission from obtaining sufficient information…’
“Having experienced first-hand the devastating impact of a security breach, we fully appreciate the importance of trust and security for AP itself and the broader industry. A secure site goes to the heart of player confidence, and we are more committed than ever to ensuring that confidence. To that end, we have taken it upon ourselves to convene on January 18, 2008 the first of a series of ‘poker security summits’. AP will invite respected and independent members of the poker community to focus on innovative and cutting-edge ways to further improve AP’s security and enhance its transparency.
“As AP has repeatedly stated in the past, we regret the damage done to our players and to our own reputation by this incident. We acknowledge that the Company did not act with sufficient speed to uncover the fraud; however, once we were convinced of the veracity of the allegations, we moved quickly to inform the KGC and to reimburse affected players. While AP is paying a severe penalty for the fraud perpetrated upon the Company and its customers, we are gratified that we can now close the book on this sordid affair and return our full focus to providing the safest, most secure, and most eenjoyable [SIC] poker playing experience in the industry.”
On January 8th the thread proving superuser activity at UltimateBet beyond any reasonable doubt was posted in HSNL
January 8th, 2008 - March 5th, 2008: No comments were made by Tokwiro, UltimateBet, or the KGC
UltimateBet: We immediately launched an extensive inquiry involving an independent third-party expert to review hundreds of thousands of hand histories. After three months, the initial findings of our third-party expert confirm that the NioNio account’s winning statistics were indeed abnormal, and we have expanded the investigation. We continue to aggressively pursue the matter and will communicate the findings of our full investigation to our regulatory authority and to our customer base as soon as practicable
March 6th, 2007
Montreal, Canada (March 6, 2008) – UltimateBet (UB), one of the ten largest online Poker cardrooms, today issued the following interim statement with respect to allegations of unfair play on its site.
“On January 12, 2008, UltimateBet was alerted to allegations that a player with the online handle “NioNio” exhibited abnormally high winning statistics and was accused of having an unfair advantage during play. These allegations were made both directly to UltimateBet by concerned players and the KGC, and indirectly through several web forums. The allegations also included reports of suspicious activity concerning the deletion of the NioNio account and other accounts that may have been related to this scheme.
“We immediately launched an extensive inquiry involving an independent third-party expert to review hundreds of thousands of hand histories, all of which were promptly locked down and made available to this expert. The initial findings of our third-party expert confirm that the NioNio account’s winning statistics were indeed abnormal, and we have expanded the investigation to look into whether an unfair advantage existed, how such a scheme might have been perpetrated, and whether additional accounts beyond those of NioNio were involved.
“UltimateBet is in regular communications and contact with its regulatory authority, The Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC), and will continue to cooperate fully with that body.
“UltimateBet is determined to complete a full and thorough investigation. We pride ourselves on providing a safe, secure playing environment for our customers. The investigation has proven to be extremely complex and, therefore, has been more extensive and taken much longer than initially expected. We continue to aggressively pursue the matter and will communicate the findings of our full investigation to our regulatory authority and to our customer base as soon as practicable.”
“On January 12, 2008, UltimateBet was alerted to allegations that a player with the online handle “NioNio” exhibited abnormally high winning statistics and was accused of having an unfair advantage during play. These allegations were made both directly to UltimateBet by concerned players and the KGC, and indirectly through several web forums. The allegations also included reports of suspicious activity concerning the deletion of the NioNio account and other accounts that may have been related to this scheme.
“We immediately launched an extensive inquiry involving an independent third-party expert to review hundreds of thousands of hand histories, all of which were promptly locked down and made available to this expert. The initial findings of our third-party expert confirm that the NioNio account’s winning statistics were indeed abnormal, and we have expanded the investigation to look into whether an unfair advantage existed, how such a scheme might have been perpetrated, and whether additional accounts beyond those of NioNio were involved.
“UltimateBet is in regular communications and contact with its regulatory authority, The Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC), and will continue to cooperate fully with that body.
“UltimateBet is determined to complete a full and thorough investigation. We pride ourselves on providing a safe, secure playing environment for our customers. The investigation has proven to be extremely complex and, therefore, has been more extensive and taken much longer than initially expected. We continue to aggressively pursue the matter and will communicate the findings of our full investigation to our regulatory authority and to our customer base as soon as practicable.”
50 days pass
Tokwiro: Tokwiro has worked diligently in cooperation with the KGC, and with independent third-party experts. The individuals responsible were found to have worked for the previous ownership of UltimateBet prior to the sale of the business to Tokwiro in October 2006. The investigation confirms that the fraudulent activity took place from March 7, 2006 to December 3, 2007. Priorities were: remove superuser capability, complete investigation, refund customers, implement security measures.
May 29th, 2008
MONTREAL, CANADA (MAY 29, 2008) --- Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG ("Tokwiro"), proprietors of UltimateBet.com ("UltimateBet"), one of the world's largest online card rooms, today announced the results of its lengthy investigation into allegations of unfair play, which was triggered by concerns about an account named 'NioNio'. Tokwiro has worked diligently in cooperation with its regulatory body, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission ("KGC"), and with independent third-party experts to conduct a thorough investigation that included a comprehensive review of hand histories and game data, thorough analyses of software and network security, and audits of its security practices and procedures.
The investigation has concluded that certain player accounts did in fact have an unfair advantage, and that these accounts targeted the highest limit games on the site. The individuals responsible were found to have worked for the previous ownership of UltimateBet prior to the sale of the business to Tokwiro in October 2006. Tokwiro is taking full responsibility for this situation and will immediately begin refunding UltimateBet customers for any losses that were incurred as a result of unfair play.
The fraudulent activity was enabled by unauthorized software code that allowed the perpetrators to obtain hole card information during live play. The existence of this vulnerability was unknown to Tokwiro until February 2008 and existed prior to UltimateBet's acquisition by Tokwiro in October 2006. Our investigation has confirmed that the code was part of a legacy auditing system that was manipulated by the perpetrators. Gaming Associates, independent auditors hired by the KGC, have confirmed that the software code that provided the unfair advantage has been permanently removed.
Throughout the investigation of this incident, Tokwiro's consistent priorities have been:
1. To permanently remove the ability to engage in unfair play;
2. To complete its investigation and come to a full understanding of what occurred;
3. To refund the affected customers; and
4. To implement measures that prevents future incidents.
The Company said, "We would like to thank our customers for their patience, loyalty and support, as well as for their understanding that we are doing everything we can to correct this situation. The staff and management of UltimateBet are fully committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our players, and we want to assure customers of our unwavering resolve to monitor site security with every resource at our disposal."
Investigation Timeline
These are the key events in the course of the incident.
* January 2008: UltimateBet is alerted to suspicions of unfair play on the part of the account "NioNio". Within 24 hours, UltimateBet contacts the KGC to provide formal notice that UltimateBet has initiated an investigation of the incident. UltimateBet subsequently forwarded a copy of all related data to the KGC.
* January 2008: The "NioNio" account and related accounts are suspended pending further investigation.
* February 2008: Preliminary findings indicate abnormally high winning statistics for the suspect accounts. After discussions with the KGC, UltimateBet engages third-party gaming experts to assist with the analysis.
* February 2008: Investigators confirm that the suspect accounts are associated with individuals who had worked for UltimateBet under the previous ownership.
* February 2008: UltimateBet discovers the unauthorized code that allowed the perpetrators to obtain hole card information during live play. The code was part of a legacy auditing system that was manipulated by the perpetrators of the fraud.
* February 2008: UltimateBet immediately removes the unauthorized code and works with the KGC and with third-party auditors to verify that the security hole has been eliminated.
* March 2008: Six player accounts are confirmed to have participated in this scheme. No accounts were deleted at any point, although some account names were changed multiple times. The following account names are known to have been used in the fraudulent activity: NioNio, Sleepless, NoPaddles, nvtease, flatbroke33, ilike2win, UtakeIt2, FlipFlop2, erick456, WhackMe44, RockStarLA, stoned2nite, monizzle, FireNTexas, HeadKase01, LetsPatttty, NYMobser, and WhoWhereWhen.
* May 2008: The investigation confirms that the fraudulent activity took place from March 7, 2006 to December 3, 2007.
* May 2008: Gaming Associates certifies that the software code that enabled unfair play was removed from UltimateBet servers in February of 2008.
* May 2008: Customers affected by this incident are identified, and plans for corrective action are reviewed with the KGC.
Corrective Actions Taken
The following actions have been taken or are currently underway as a direct result of this investigation.
* The security hole identified in UltimateBet's investigation has been permanently eliminated.
* UltimateBet is establishing a state-of-the-art software Security Center that consolidates and greatly enhances existing security capabilities. The first release of the new Security Center focuses solely on the immediate detection of abnormal winnings. Gaming mathematicians, poker professionals, and security software developers have all contributed to the specifications for the new Security Center.
* UltimateBet customers are no longer permitted to change account names unless they have suffered abuse in chat rooms. Requests for changes must be supported by proof of abuse and must be approved by the Chief Compliance Officer.
* In addition to its existing security department, UltimateBet has established a new specialized Poker Security team of professionals dedicated to fraud prevention.
* The refund process will begin immediately. The accounts associated with fraudulent activity did not use an unfair advantage in all play sessions. Regardless, UltimateBet is refunding all losses to these accounts.
* Accounts related to the fraudulent activity have been disabled, and the individuals associated with those accounts permanently banned from the site.
* UltimateBet has worked closely and transparently with its governing body, the KGC and its designated expert auditors, to determine exactly what happened, how it happened, and who was involved, and has taken action to prevent any possibility of this situation recurring.
* Tokwiro is pursuing its legal options in regard to this incident.
For further inquiries please contract press@ultimatebet.com [/quote]
UB COO Paul Leggett: The investigation was comprehensive. The KGC and Gaming Associates both reviewed our press release before it came out. Cheating took place from Mar 06 to Dec 07. The perpetrators of that cheating were individuals employed by the previous ownership of UltimateBet prior to Tokwiro acquiring it in October of 2006.
une 3rd, 2008: Pokercast Radio Show with UB COO Paul Leggett
UltimateBet: UltimateBet began the process of issuing refunds to affected players. We are confident that we have uncovered the majority of the usernames involved in the fraud and processed the corresponding refunds. We expect to have the investigation concluded by June 30, 2008.
June 5, 2008
Status Update on NioNio Investigation, and on Refunds to Players
June 5, 2008 - As announced previously, UltimateBet began the process of issuing refunds to affected players on May 29, 2008. Since then, we have continued to investigate additional accounts and data surrounding the unfair play. We have also received inquiries from our customers for a few accounts that we have included in our investigation.
We are confident that we have uncovered the majority of the usernames involved in the fraud and processed the corresponding refunds. However, we are currently analyzing data for additional usernames that appear to have suspicious activity.
If we determine that these usernames were in fact part of the scheme, we will refund the net losses incurred by any customers who played against them.
We expect to have the investigation concluded by June 30, 2008.
June 5, 2008 - As announced previously, UltimateBet began the process of issuing refunds to affected players on May 29, 2008. Since then, we have continued to investigate additional accounts and data surrounding the unfair play. We have also received inquiries from our customers for a few accounts that we have included in our investigation.
We are confident that we have uncovered the majority of the usernames involved in the fraud and processed the corresponding refunds. However, we are currently analyzing data for additional usernames that appear to have suspicious activity.
If we determine that these usernames were in fact part of the scheme, we will refund the net losses incurred by any customers who played against them.
We expect to have the investigation concluded by June 30, 2008.
Annie Duke: UltimateBet “handled this particular issue not only with grace and integrity... management stepped up to the plate in a way that they actually didn’t have to
June 27th, 2008: Video interview
UltimateBet: The cheating began in January 2005. 14 new usernames have been identified. There are no new perpetrators involved, only new usernames. Tokwiro considers itself be a victim.
July 8, 2008
UltimateBet’s continuing investigation has confirmed that other usernames, in addition to those previously identified on this site, were associated with the cheating scandal.
The additional usernames include: Crackcorn55, GrabBag123, gravitation, Bgroup, H_Curtis, Twenty 1, WacoManiac, Broke_In_L_A, ShaqTack, BlueBerry101, 55WasHere, Xnomas, dannyboy55, Indy05. The same perpetrators we had previously identified controlled all of these usernames; there are no new perpetrators involved, only new usernames.
We have also confirmed that the cheating dates back further then we initially believed. We can now confirm that the cheating began in January 2005, long before Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG acquired UltimateBet from the previous ownership.
Tokwiro regrets that we did not discover this scheme during our due diligence when we purchased UltimateBet in October 2006, and that we did not identify the fraudulent activity until this recent investigation. We remain committed to our players, and to resolving this problem completely. We will start refunding players for any net losses in hands played with the usernames listed above once we complete our investigation.
Tokwiro considers itself to have been a victim of this fraud and we are continuing to explore our legal options. As part of this effort, we are compiling all of the information we have gathered in regard to the perpetrators and their activities, for possible use in any legal action.
We will continue to provide updates on our investigation, as we are still looking at a few accounts. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the poker community for their invaluable contributions to this investigation and remind them that we remain committed to fully examining any claims of fraud that we receive.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this investigation, please contact us at pokersecurity@ultimatebet.com
The additional usernames include: Crackcorn55, GrabBag123, gravitation, Bgroup, H_Curtis, Twenty 1, WacoManiac, Broke_In_L_A, ShaqTack, BlueBerry101, 55WasHere, Xnomas, dannyboy55, Indy05. The same perpetrators we had previously identified controlled all of these usernames; there are no new perpetrators involved, only new usernames.
We have also confirmed that the cheating dates back further then we initially believed. We can now confirm that the cheating began in January 2005, long before Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG acquired UltimateBet from the previous ownership.
Tokwiro regrets that we did not discover this scheme during our due diligence when we purchased UltimateBet in October 2006, and that we did not identify the fraudulent activity until this recent investigation. We remain committed to our players, and to resolving this problem completely. We will start refunding players for any net losses in hands played with the usernames listed above once we complete our investigation.
Tokwiro considers itself to have been a victim of this fraud and we are continuing to explore our legal options. As part of this effort, we are compiling all of the information we have gathered in regard to the perpetrators and their activities, for possible use in any legal action.
We will continue to provide updates on our investigation, as we are still looking at a few accounts. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the poker community for their invaluable contributions to this investigation and remind them that we remain committed to fully examining any claims of fraud that we receive.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this investigation, please contact us at pokersecurity@ultimatebet.com
KGC: The KGC has appointed Frank Catania to be an independent monitor to investigate the KGC Licensee, Tokwiro Enterprises. The Independent Monitoring Team will be given the task of completing a full forensic audit/investigation of the online gaming business of both licensed entities. In the event that any criminal activity is found to have occurred, such activity will be reported to the appropriate authorities for possible prosecution. Tokwiro Enterprises has agreed to comply fully and submit to this independent monitor.
July 28, 2008
Effective immediately, the Kahnawa:ke Gaming Commission (KGC) has appointed an independent monitor to investigate the KGC Licensee, Tokwiro Ent., parent company of both Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet, led by former New Jersey State Gaming Regulator, Frank Catania.
Mr. Catania is a former Director of the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement (DGE), the regulatory and enforcement agency responsible for maintaining integrity and trust in all Atlantic City gaming operations. As division director, he was a driving force in updating the New Jersey Casino Control Act by fine tuning the balance between regulatory necessity and economic stewardship. After leaving the DGE, he served as the vice president in charge of compliance for Players International, Inc. where he was instrumental in resolving compliance issues the company had encountered in the State of Louisiana, prior to his appointment. He is a principal in Catania Gaming Consultants and the Law Offices of Catania & Associates LLC
The Independent Monitoring Team will be given the task of completing a full forensic audit/investigation of the online gaming business of both licensed entities. The main purpose of the investigation is to ensure that the games offered to the public are fair and honest and that all player protections as required by the Kahnawa:ke Gaming Regulations are being complied with, without exception. The monitoring team will also be charged with verification that all those involved in the fraudulent activities in any manner, no matter how slight, have been or are removed from the licensee company and verify that Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker have submitted to full compliance with the directives issued by the KGC and recommended by the independent monitor.
Furthermore, Mr. Catania's team will be empowered by the KGC to have full access to interview all employees, past or present, review all records, contact and interview all sub contractors and individuals whom the monitoring team believes necessary. Any failure by the licensees could result in immediate revocation of their license privileges with the KGC. In the event that any criminal activity is found to have occurred, such activity will be reported to the appropriate authorities for possible prosecution.
KGC License Holder, Tokwiro Enterprises has agreed to comply fully and submit to this independent monitor.
KGC Chairman, Dean Montour adds, "While the ongoing investigative process has dominated the attention of the KGC in recent months, we are fully confident in the ability of the Independent Monitoring Team to deliver results and assist the Commission in bringing this matter to a decisive conclusion."
As per the terms of the monitoring agreement, and at the conclusion of the process, the KGC will review the report of the monitoring team and enter the results into their final considerations at the time of ruling in the Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker investigations.
Murray Marshall
Senior Advisor
Kahnawa:ke Gaming Commission
Effective immediately, the Kahnawa:ke Gaming Commission (KGC) has appointed an independent monitor to investigate the KGC Licensee, Tokwiro Ent., parent company of both Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet, led by former New Jersey State Gaming Regulator, Frank Catania.
Mr. Catania is a former Director of the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement (DGE), the regulatory and enforcement agency responsible for maintaining integrity and trust in all Atlantic City gaming operations. As division director, he was a driving force in updating the New Jersey Casino Control Act by fine tuning the balance between regulatory necessity and economic stewardship. After leaving the DGE, he served as the vice president in charge of compliance for Players International, Inc. where he was instrumental in resolving compliance issues the company had encountered in the State of Louisiana, prior to his appointment. He is a principal in Catania Gaming Consultants and the Law Offices of Catania & Associates LLC
The Independent Monitoring Team will be given the task of completing a full forensic audit/investigation of the online gaming business of both licensed entities. The main purpose of the investigation is to ensure that the games offered to the public are fair and honest and that all player protections as required by the Kahnawa:ke Gaming Regulations are being complied with, without exception. The monitoring team will also be charged with verification that all those involved in the fraudulent activities in any manner, no matter how slight, have been or are removed from the licensee company and verify that Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker have submitted to full compliance with the directives issued by the KGC and recommended by the independent monitor.
Furthermore, Mr. Catania's team will be empowered by the KGC to have full access to interview all employees, past or present, review all records, contact and interview all sub contractors and individuals whom the monitoring team believes necessary. Any failure by the licensees could result in immediate revocation of their license privileges with the KGC. In the event that any criminal activity is found to have occurred, such activity will be reported to the appropriate authorities for possible prosecution.
KGC License Holder, Tokwiro Enterprises has agreed to comply fully and submit to this independent monitor.
KGC Chairman, Dean Montour adds, "While the ongoing investigative process has dominated the attention of the KGC in recent months, we are fully confident in the ability of the Independent Monitoring Team to deliver results and assist the Commission in bringing this matter to a decisive conclusion."
As per the terms of the monitoring agreement, and at the conclusion of the process, the KGC will review the report of the monitoring team and enter the results into their final considerations at the time of ruling in the Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker investigations.
Murray Marshall
Senior Advisor
Kahnawa:ke Gaming Commission
Tokwiro: The investigation is concluded. Tokwiro has identified a total of 19 accounts and 88 associated usernames that were involved in the cheating. There are no new perpetrators involved, only new usernames. The cheaters used an account that had the ability to view hole cards. No one associated with Tokwiro was involved in the cheating scheme at any point.
July 25th, 2008
Findings Turned Over to KGC
Refunds to Affected Players Continue
Company Will Pursue All Legal Remedies
MONTREAL, CANADA - (July 25, 2008) - Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG ("Tokwiro"), proprietors of UltimateBet.com ("UB"), one of the ten largest on-line poker cardrooms, today announced that it has concluded the investigation into allegations of unfair play on UB’s web site.
Tokwiro has compiled complete forensic evidence including the IP addresses, devices, transfer and withdrawal histories, and names associated with the player accounts that benefited from illicitly viewing hole card information. The results of Tokwiro's internal investigation have been turned over to the Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC) and its auditors, as that regulatory body continues its independent investigation. These results are in addition to the data which Tokwiro has already shared with the KGC.
Tokwiro has identified a total of 19 accounts and 88 associated usernames that were involved in the cheating, including the accounts that were named in Tokwiro's publicly posted investigation updates of May 29, 2008 and July 8, 2008. The same perpetrators that were previously identified controlled all of these usernames. There are no new perpetrators involved, only new usernames. Usernames were changed many times over the course of the cheating scam in an apparent scheme to avoid detection. Our complete list of usernames involved in the cheating scheme has now been turned over to the KGC, and the Company does not expect to uncover any additional usernames.
Paul Leggett, Tokwiro's Chief Operating Officer, said, "Make no mistake: our management team is outraged that this cheating occurred on our site through illicit software placed on the UB servers prior to our purchasing UltimateBet. Tokwiro is aggressively pursuing legal avenues of redress in order to protect and compensate our players and the business. Rest assured that we will release more information to the poker community and to the public at large as we enforce our and our players' rights."
"With respect to refunds to the affected players, we are continuing our analysis in order to determine the refund amounts. We will move forward with another round of refunds in the weeks ahead. We thank the poker community for its invaluable contributions to this investigation and assure it that we remain committed to fully investigating any claims of fraud on our site," Mr. Leggett said.
The investigation revealed that the perpetrators logged into the client software, using an account that had the ability to view hole cards. The ability of a specific account to view hole cards was enabled by illicit software that was placed on the UltimateBet servers prior to October 2006, which was before Tokwiro acquired the business.
The account that was used to view hole cards never actually played in a game. Instead, the perpetrators used hole card information gained from logging in with this account while playing on other accounts, which thereby benefited from the cheating. The money won by the accounts that received hole card information was then moved around and off the site in a complex web of player-to-player transfers and withdrawals. This contributed to the complexity of Tokwiro's efforts to uncover the truth.
Mr. Leggett concluded: "We cannot over-emphasize the fact that Tokwiro and its entire management team had no knowledge of the illicit software until it was revealed by our investigation; and no one associated with Tokwiro was involved in the cheating scheme at any point."
Findings Turned Over to KGC
Refunds to Affected Players Continue
Company Will Pursue All Legal Remedies
MONTREAL, CANADA - (July 25, 2008) - Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG ("Tokwiro"), proprietors of UltimateBet.com ("UB"), one of the ten largest on-line poker cardrooms, today announced that it has concluded the investigation into allegations of unfair play on UB’s web site.
Tokwiro has compiled complete forensic evidence including the IP addresses, devices, transfer and withdrawal histories, and names associated with the player accounts that benefited from illicitly viewing hole card information. The results of Tokwiro's internal investigation have been turned over to the Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC) and its auditors, as that regulatory body continues its independent investigation. These results are in addition to the data which Tokwiro has already shared with the KGC.
Tokwiro has identified a total of 19 accounts and 88 associated usernames that were involved in the cheating, including the accounts that were named in Tokwiro's publicly posted investigation updates of May 29, 2008 and July 8, 2008. The same perpetrators that were previously identified controlled all of these usernames. There are no new perpetrators involved, only new usernames. Usernames were changed many times over the course of the cheating scam in an apparent scheme to avoid detection. Our complete list of usernames involved in the cheating scheme has now been turned over to the KGC, and the Company does not expect to uncover any additional usernames.
Paul Leggett, Tokwiro's Chief Operating Officer, said, "Make no mistake: our management team is outraged that this cheating occurred on our site through illicit software placed on the UB servers prior to our purchasing UltimateBet. Tokwiro is aggressively pursuing legal avenues of redress in order to protect and compensate our players and the business. Rest assured that we will release more information to the poker community and to the public at large as we enforce our and our players' rights."
"With respect to refunds to the affected players, we are continuing our analysis in order to determine the refund amounts. We will move forward with another round of refunds in the weeks ahead. We thank the poker community for its invaluable contributions to this investigation and assure it that we remain committed to fully investigating any claims of fraud on our site," Mr. Leggett said.
The investigation revealed that the perpetrators logged into the client software, using an account that had the ability to view hole cards. The ability of a specific account to view hole cards was enabled by illicit software that was placed on the UltimateBet servers prior to October 2006, which was before Tokwiro acquired the business.
The account that was used to view hole cards never actually played in a game. Instead, the perpetrators used hole card information gained from logging in with this account while playing on other accounts, which thereby benefited from the cheating. The money won by the accounts that received hole card information was then moved around and off the site in a complex web of player-to-player transfers and withdrawals. This contributed to the complexity of Tokwiro's efforts to uncover the truth.
Mr. Leggett concluded: "We cannot over-emphasize the fact that Tokwiro and its entire management team had no knowledge of the illicit software until it was revealed by our investigation; and no one associated with Tokwiro was involved in the cheating scheme at any point."
, 11:45 PM
Below is a chronology of unedited statements released by Absolute Poker, Ultimate Bet, Tokwiro Enterprises, the KGC, and other related parties in regard to the crimes committed and the coverup orchestrated by Absolute Poker, UltimateBet, Tokwiro Enterprises, the KGC, and other related parties.
You will notice many inconsistencies.
Absolute Poker: we have no evidence that substantiates claims that any of the players were involved in chip dumping, or any other improper activity.
September 17th, 2007
Absolute Poker: We performed an extensive investigation, no evidence of compromised security, no evidence anyone could see hole cards. A ‘super-user’ account does not exist in our software.
October 12th, 2007
Note: within 24 hours of the 10/12/07 press release the PotRipper hand history was posted proving the entire previous press release to be a deliberate lie
Video of PotRipper tournament with hole cards exposed (1/4)
Video of PotRipper tournament with hole cards exposed (2/4)
Video of PotRipper tournament with hole cards exposed (3/4)
Video of PotRipper tournament with hole cards exposed (4/4)
Absolute Poker: We have done extensive research, we are continuing to do a thorough and exhaustive investigation, we have yet to find any evidence of wrong doing. There are no "superuser" accounts that enable players to see other players' hole cards.
October 15th, 2007
Absolute Poker: We investigated and found no wrongdoing. We agree to hire independent Gaming Associates to conduct an audit. We reserve the rights to pursue legal action against anyone who says anything bad about us
October 17th, 2007
KGC: We have appointed experts to conduct a thorough audit of all circumstances, provide findings and recommendations to the Commission.
Absolute Poker: Absolute Poker has identified an internal security breach that compromised our systems for a limited period of time
October 19th, 2007
Chief Joe Tokwiro Norton: I own Absolute Poker. AP should have been been more forthcoming in providing a timely or comprehensive explanation. AP was compromised by a high ranking consultant. In addition to our own investigation and the audit by Gaming Associates, we have also submitted to an audit by the KGC. I promise to keep you updated
October 21st, 2007
Absolute Poker: AP was the victim of a breach of security. A high-ranking consultant devised a sophisticated scheme to view the hole cards. AP immediately contacted Gaming Associates and the KGC. AP intends to continue working with third party auditors to ensure game security.
October 24th, 2007
KGC: The investigation is ongoing...
November 22nd, 2007
KGC: Unfair play occurred. The perpetrators could see their opponents hole cards. The Commission has identified the person(s) responsible and has directed that AP take action to have these person(s) removed from playing any role in AP 'mind and management' and/or operations. The Commission is satisfied with the level of cooperation provided by AP management and staff throughout the investigation.
January 11th, 2008 (pdf)
Absolute Poker: We recognize the completeness and accuracy of the KGC conclusions. AP has appointed a team of both internal and external members to improve controls and install safeguards. The Company regrets the inadvertent deletion of certain gaming logs. We have taken it upon ourselves to convene on January 18, 2008 the first of a series of ‘poker security summits’.
January 11th, 2008
On January 8th the thread proving superuser activity at UltimateBet beyond any reasonable doubt was posted in HSNL
75 days pass without a statement from Tokwiro, the KGC, or UltimateBet
UltimateBet: We immediately launched an extensive inquiry involving an independent third-party expert to review hundreds of thousands of hand histories. After three months, the initial findings of our third-party expert confirm that the NioNio account’s winning statistics were indeed abnormal, and we have expanded the investigation. We continue to aggressively pursue the matter and will communicate the findings of our full investigation to our regulatory authority and to our customer base as soon as practicable
March 6th, 2007
50 days pass
Tokwiro: Tokwiro has worked diligently in cooperation with the KGC, and with independent third-party experts. The individuals responsible were found to have worked for the previous ownership of UltimateBet prior to the sale of the business to Tokwiro in October 2006. The investigation confirms that the fraudulent activity took place from March 7, 2006 to December 3, 2007. Priorities were: remove superuser capability, complete investigation, refund customers, implement security measures.
May 29th, 2008
UB COO Paul Leggett: The investigation was comprehensive. The KGC and Gaming Associates both reviewed our press release before it came out. Cheating took place from Mar 06 to Dec 07. The perpetrators of that cheating were individuals employed by the previous ownership of UltimateBet prior to Tokwiro acquiring it in October of 2006.
une 3rd, 2008: Pokercast Radio Show with UB COO Paul Leggett
Full transcript of interview (provided by Mookman5):
UltimateBet: UltimateBet began the process of issuing refunds to affected players. We are confident that we have uncovered the majority of the usernames involved in the fraud and processed the corresponding refunds. We expect to have the investigation concluded by June 30, 2008.
June 5, 2008
Annie Duke: UltimateBet “handled this particular issue not only with grace and integrity... management stepped up to the plate in a way that they actually didn’t have to
June 27th, 2008: Video interview
UltimateBet: The cheating began in January 2005. 14 new usernames have been identified. There are no new perpetrators involved, only new usernames. Tokwiro considers itself be a victim.
July 8, 2008
KGC: The KGC has been continuously regulating online gaming for over 9 years – longer than most, if not all, other jurisdictions. The KGC has proven to be a world leader with regulations and methodologies. The KGC’s record has been exemplary. The KGC has been closely involved in an in-depth investigation of the Ultimate Bet to identify and correct the flaws in Ultimate Bet’s system; to identify the individuals that were responsible for the cheating; and to ensure that all affected players were fully reimbursed. Unfortunately, the KGC’s actions were not well communicated to the poker industry or public at large, creating an incorrect perception that the KGC was ‘doing nothing’.
July 25, 2008
KGC: The KGC has appointed Frank Catania to be an independent monitor to investigate the KGC Licensee, Tokwiro Enterprises. The Independent Monitoring Team will be given the task of completing a full forensic audit/investigation of the online gaming business of both licensed entities. In the event that any criminal activity is found to have occurred, such activity will be reported to the appropriate authorities for possible prosecution. Tokwiro Enterprises has agreed to comply fully and submit to this independent monitor.
July 28, 2008
Tokwiro: The investigation is concluded. Tokwiro has identified a total of 19 accounts and 88 associated usernames that were involved in the cheating. There are no new perpetrators involved, only new usernames. The cheaters used an account that had the ability to view hole cards. No one associated with Tokwiro was involved in the cheating scheme at any point.
July 25th, 2008
You will notice many inconsistencies.
Absolute Poker: we have no evidence that substantiates claims that any of the players were involved in chip dumping, or any other improper activity.
September 17th, 2007
Hi All,
Thank you for your patience in this urgent issue.
Let me start off by stating in 100% confidence that, fair play and security is of paramount importance to Absolute Poker. We have temporarily frozen accounts that have been brought to our attention while we perform an extensive investigation.
While we are continuing with our investigation, we have yet to find any evidence of wrong doing. Our game client only receives data regarding the individuals hand and no other players hole cards, except in the event of a showdown.
The player’s and their respective actions that are in question, all come from a small sample of Hands. We have researched their play exhaustively and have found no proof that they had any knowledge of other player’s hole cards.
There were hands that were played poorly -- from a poker strategy perspective -- and these players did receive a fortunate result. So far we have no evidence that substantiates claims that any of the players were involved in chip dumping, or any other improper activity.
Because of the seriousness of these allegations, we have not closed the investigation and are continuing to look very closely into this matter.We will notify you if we obtain any new information regarding these claims.
Kindest Regards, Danielle
Thank you for your patience in this urgent issue.
Let me start off by stating in 100% confidence that, fair play and security is of paramount importance to Absolute Poker. We have temporarily frozen accounts that have been brought to our attention while we perform an extensive investigation.
While we are continuing with our investigation, we have yet to find any evidence of wrong doing. Our game client only receives data regarding the individuals hand and no other players hole cards, except in the event of a showdown.
The player’s and their respective actions that are in question, all come from a small sample of Hands. We have researched their play exhaustively and have found no proof that they had any knowledge of other player’s hole cards.
There were hands that were played poorly -- from a poker strategy perspective -- and these players did receive a fortunate result. So far we have no evidence that substantiates claims that any of the players were involved in chip dumping, or any other improper activity.
Because of the seriousness of these allegations, we have not closed the investigation and are continuing to look very closely into this matter.We will notify you if we obtain any new information regarding these claims.
Kindest Regards, Danielle
Absolute Poker: We performed an extensive investigation, no evidence of compromised security, no evidence anyone could see hole cards. A ‘super-user’ account does not exist in our software.
October 12th, 2007
Official Absolute Poker Response To Player Fraud Allegations
Absolute Poker takes all allegations of player fraud and collusion extremely seriously. Fair play and security are of paramount importance to us. Our Security and Fraud Department is dedicated to ensuring that everyone on the site has a fair opportunity to win, and that no improper methods, devices, programs and/or other unfair advantages are ever utilized in our games.
We were greatly concerned by a recent thread on the 2+2 forums along with emails and other communications we received, regarding alleged player fraud. We thank the vigilant players who reported this matter to us, giving us an opportunity to investigate these serious allegations. We spent extensive resources thoroughly investigating and analyzing our players’ claims. While our investigation is ongoing, we feel that we have enough information at this point to share with you some of our findings.
Please be advised, that we will continue to investigate each and every claim of wrong-doing on an individual basis and we will report any further significant findings that are appropriate for public review. Also, please keep in mind, while we endeavor to provide as much information as possible on a public level, we take our players’ privacy issues very seriously, and will never compromise this. As a matter of Company policy, Absolute Poker never divulges personal information about our players nor do we make public any hand information that did not go to a showdown, ever. As a result, we are limited in terms of the level of information that we can provide for public review.
In response to the allegations, we froze the accounts of the players in question while we performed an extensive investigation. The result of our investigation is that we found no evidence that any of Absolute Poker’s redundant and varying levels of game client security were compromised. In other words, we have determined with reasonable certainty that it is impossible for any player or employee to see hole cards as was alleged. There is no part of the technology that allows for a “superuser” account, and there is no way for any person to influence the game software to their advantage. We base this finding on a thorough security check on a technological level, coupled with a thorough investigation of hand histories including those that did not go to a showdown. As a part of our investigation, we also tested the integrity of our certified random number generator (“RNG”.) We determined that our RNG was not compromised either.
Details of the investigation
We combed through all hands involving the accounts that were mentioned in the online forums. Please note that only a select number of hands were featured in the threads. Our ongoing investigation continues to show that there were countless instances where a somewhat unorthodox poker strategy resulted in a loss. Allegations that the player accounts at issue “always guessed right” are unfounded.
We examined screen shots from Poker Tracker Software that displayed an “infinite” river aggression factor for one of the player accounts at issue. We examined similar screen shots which showed a lower but still relatively high river aggression factor. We were very concerned by this anomaly. Accordingly, we reviewed each and every hand that this player played during the relevant time period and determined that while the play was extremely aggressive, particularly on the river, there were several instances where the player merely called on the river. Thus, the allegation that the player accounts at issue “never called on the river, they either raised or folded” are also without merit.
With respect to the allegation of chip dumping, we have determined that chip dumping by at least one of the accounts at issue, did in fact, take place. We have determined that the chip dumping was made to several seemingly unrelated accounts. We are continuing to investigate this issue.
A ‘super-user’ account does not exist in our software. Absolute Poker was created by poker players who value security and fair play. The back-end of the Absolute Poker software prevents the possibility of any such feature. Our game client only receives data regarding an individual’s hand and no other player hole cards are ever visible – by anyone – except in the event of a showdown. Having said that, we will continue this investigation as well as look into any other allegations of wrong-doing. If appropriate, we will freeze funds and reimburse effected players.
Absolute Poker remains a 100% secure place to play. We value all of our players and we will continue to provide our community with a safe, secure and exciting online poker experience.
The Absolute Poker Management
Absolute Poker takes all allegations of player fraud and collusion extremely seriously. Fair play and security are of paramount importance to us. Our Security and Fraud Department is dedicated to ensuring that everyone on the site has a fair opportunity to win, and that no improper methods, devices, programs and/or other unfair advantages are ever utilized in our games.
We were greatly concerned by a recent thread on the 2+2 forums along with emails and other communications we received, regarding alleged player fraud. We thank the vigilant players who reported this matter to us, giving us an opportunity to investigate these serious allegations. We spent extensive resources thoroughly investigating and analyzing our players’ claims. While our investigation is ongoing, we feel that we have enough information at this point to share with you some of our findings.
Please be advised, that we will continue to investigate each and every claim of wrong-doing on an individual basis and we will report any further significant findings that are appropriate for public review. Also, please keep in mind, while we endeavor to provide as much information as possible on a public level, we take our players’ privacy issues very seriously, and will never compromise this. As a matter of Company policy, Absolute Poker never divulges personal information about our players nor do we make public any hand information that did not go to a showdown, ever. As a result, we are limited in terms of the level of information that we can provide for public review.
In response to the allegations, we froze the accounts of the players in question while we performed an extensive investigation. The result of our investigation is that we found no evidence that any of Absolute Poker’s redundant and varying levels of game client security were compromised. In other words, we have determined with reasonable certainty that it is impossible for any player or employee to see hole cards as was alleged. There is no part of the technology that allows for a “superuser” account, and there is no way for any person to influence the game software to their advantage. We base this finding on a thorough security check on a technological level, coupled with a thorough investigation of hand histories including those that did not go to a showdown. As a part of our investigation, we also tested the integrity of our certified random number generator (“RNG”.) We determined that our RNG was not compromised either.
Details of the investigation
We combed through all hands involving the accounts that were mentioned in the online forums. Please note that only a select number of hands were featured in the threads. Our ongoing investigation continues to show that there were countless instances where a somewhat unorthodox poker strategy resulted in a loss. Allegations that the player accounts at issue “always guessed right” are unfounded.
We examined screen shots from Poker Tracker Software that displayed an “infinite” river aggression factor for one of the player accounts at issue. We examined similar screen shots which showed a lower but still relatively high river aggression factor. We were very concerned by this anomaly. Accordingly, we reviewed each and every hand that this player played during the relevant time period and determined that while the play was extremely aggressive, particularly on the river, there were several instances where the player merely called on the river. Thus, the allegation that the player accounts at issue “never called on the river, they either raised or folded” are also without merit.
With respect to the allegation of chip dumping, we have determined that chip dumping by at least one of the accounts at issue, did in fact, take place. We have determined that the chip dumping was made to several seemingly unrelated accounts. We are continuing to investigate this issue.
A ‘super-user’ account does not exist in our software. Absolute Poker was created by poker players who value security and fair play. The back-end of the Absolute Poker software prevents the possibility of any such feature. Our game client only receives data regarding an individual’s hand and no other player hole cards are ever visible – by anyone – except in the event of a showdown. Having said that, we will continue this investigation as well as look into any other allegations of wrong-doing. If appropriate, we will freeze funds and reimburse effected players.
Absolute Poker remains a 100% secure place to play. We value all of our players and we will continue to provide our community with a safe, secure and exciting online poker experience.
The Absolute Poker Management
Note: within 24 hours of the 10/12/07 press release the PotRipper hand history was posted proving the entire previous press release to be a deliberate lie
Video of PotRipper tournament with hole cards exposed (1/4)
Video of PotRipper tournament with hole cards exposed (2/4)
Video of PotRipper tournament with hole cards exposed (3/4)
Video of PotRipper tournament with hole cards exposed (4/4)
Absolute Poker: We have done extensive research, we are continuing to do a thorough and exhaustive investigation, we have yet to find any evidence of wrong doing. There are no "superuser" accounts that enable players to see other players' hole cards.
October 15th, 2007
Thank you for your email and please let us apologize for the delay in our response; even though we always try to answer all the emails that we receive as soon as possible, sometimes it could take a little bit longer to answer them depending on the amount of inquiries that we receive.
Allow us to kindly inform you that we have done an extensive research into the claims that have been brought to our attention. While we are continuing to do a thorough and exhaustive investigation, we have yet to find any evidence of wrong doing.
When you are logged in and playing your game client only receives data regarding your hole cards. As a result, it is impossible for a player to have information regarding any other player's hole cards. There are no "superuser" accounts that enable players to see other players' hole cards.
Despite our confidence in the security of our systems, we researched hands involving accounts that were mentioned in the online forum posts over the weekend and did not find any incidence of cheating by the accounts in question. Results mentioned in the forums were over a small sample of hands, and we have researched these hands as well as numerous other hands involving these players and have found that the pattern of play of the players did not lend credibility to the claim that the players knew the cards of other players at the table. Certainly there were hands that were played poorly, from a poker strategy perspective, and where these players received a fortunate result. However, a longer term review has shown that similar playing strategies have not resulted in the same results as these players achieved in the small sample of hands mentioned in the online discussion.
Furthermore, the play of the players in question did not substantiate claims that they were involved in chip dumping, or any other improper activity.
We take these matters very seriously, and stand by the results of our random number generator and game client security. Because of the seriousness of these allegations, we have not closed the investigation and are continuing to look very closely into this matter.
Should you have any further questions, please feel free to let me know and we will be happy to assist.
Thanks for playing at Absolute Poker! If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know. We are here for you!
Team Absolute ~ Customer Support
"To Continue to be the Best and Most Trusted"
We’re Here To Stay! All Players Welcome!
Come and join the action this weekend with our 150k guaranteed on Saturday and 60k on Sunday! With more and bigger guaranteed tournaments, Absolute Poker is your place to play. See you at the tables whenever, wherever!
Allow us to kindly inform you that we have done an extensive research into the claims that have been brought to our attention. While we are continuing to do a thorough and exhaustive investigation, we have yet to find any evidence of wrong doing.
When you are logged in and playing your game client only receives data regarding your hole cards. As a result, it is impossible for a player to have information regarding any other player's hole cards. There are no "superuser" accounts that enable players to see other players' hole cards.
Despite our confidence in the security of our systems, we researched hands involving accounts that were mentioned in the online forum posts over the weekend and did not find any incidence of cheating by the accounts in question. Results mentioned in the forums were over a small sample of hands, and we have researched these hands as well as numerous other hands involving these players and have found that the pattern of play of the players did not lend credibility to the claim that the players knew the cards of other players at the table. Certainly there were hands that were played poorly, from a poker strategy perspective, and where these players received a fortunate result. However, a longer term review has shown that similar playing strategies have not resulted in the same results as these players achieved in the small sample of hands mentioned in the online discussion.
Furthermore, the play of the players in question did not substantiate claims that they were involved in chip dumping, or any other improper activity.
We take these matters very seriously, and stand by the results of our random number generator and game client security. Because of the seriousness of these allegations, we have not closed the investigation and are continuing to look very closely into this matter.
Should you have any further questions, please feel free to let me know and we will be happy to assist.
Thanks for playing at Absolute Poker! If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know. We are here for you!
Team Absolute ~ Customer Support
"To Continue to be the Best and Most Trusted"
We’re Here To Stay! All Players Welcome!
Come and join the action this weekend with our 150k guaranteed on Saturday and 60k on Sunday! With more and bigger guaranteed tournaments, Absolute Poker is your place to play. See you at the tables whenever, wherever!
Absolute Poker: We investigated and found no wrongdoing. We agree to hire independent Gaming Associates to conduct an audit. We reserve the rights to pursue legal action against anyone who says anything bad about us
October 17th, 2007
AP Agrees to Independent Audit
Absolute Poker Management wishes to inform the poker community of the following information in response to the most recent claims posted over the past 48 hours on the 2+2 and Pocket Fives forums wherein again it is alleged that some person or persons breached Absolute Poker’s redundant and varying levels of game client security. As was stated in Absolute Poker’s Official Response released on Friday October 12, 2007, Absolute Poker conducted an extensive investigation in response to the claims it was made aware of and received. The results of that investigation indicated that to the best of Absolute Poker’s knowledge, information and belief there was no security breach. Specifically, Absolute Poker’s internal investigation determined that it is impossible for any person, device, program, script or other means to see hole cards.
Based on the most recent claims that Absolute Poker has been made aware of and at the request of some of our players and business partners, Absolute Poker has agreed to retain a widely acclaimed independent third party auditor, Gaming Associates, to conduct an independent audit of Absolute Poker’s security systems. Specifically, Absolute Poker has requested that Gaming Associates conduct a thorough and extensive review of Absolute Poker’s practices and security system’s to determine whether it is possible for any person, device, program, script or other means to see hole cards thereby gaining an unfair advantage.
Absolute Poker has agreed to fully cooperate with Gaming Associates and its investigative team and to provide the above with unfettered access to all systems, protocols and databases at Absolute Poker worldwide. Absolute Poker has also agreed to allow Gaming Associate’s final report to be made available to Pocket Fives and Bluff Media for their review.
With respect to the claims that Scott Tom, a former member of Team Absolute Poker, is in anyway involved in wrong-doing, Absolute Poker has requested a formal investigation into that matter as well. Mr. Tom has not been involved with Absolute Poker for over a year and to the best of our knowledge, information and belief has not had access to any of Absolute Poker’s systems, databases or information.
Absolute Poker reserves the right to pursue any and all remedies, including both legal and equitable which may inure to it as a result of any unlawful and/or injurious actions taken by any individuals who may have falsified any information, documents, files, or have by other means attempted to disparage and/or harm Absolute Poker, its players, management, employees, business partners or affiliates.
Absolute Poker shall bear all expenses related to such investigation and is eager to learn about Gaming Associate’s findings. Absolute Poker highly values and intends to protect its players, shareholders, business partners, and affiliates.
Absolute Poker Management
Absolute Poker Management wishes to inform the poker community of the following information in response to the most recent claims posted over the past 48 hours on the 2+2 and Pocket Fives forums wherein again it is alleged that some person or persons breached Absolute Poker’s redundant and varying levels of game client security. As was stated in Absolute Poker’s Official Response released on Friday October 12, 2007, Absolute Poker conducted an extensive investigation in response to the claims it was made aware of and received. The results of that investigation indicated that to the best of Absolute Poker’s knowledge, information and belief there was no security breach. Specifically, Absolute Poker’s internal investigation determined that it is impossible for any person, device, program, script or other means to see hole cards.
Based on the most recent claims that Absolute Poker has been made aware of and at the request of some of our players and business partners, Absolute Poker has agreed to retain a widely acclaimed independent third party auditor, Gaming Associates, to conduct an independent audit of Absolute Poker’s security systems. Specifically, Absolute Poker has requested that Gaming Associates conduct a thorough and extensive review of Absolute Poker’s practices and security system’s to determine whether it is possible for any person, device, program, script or other means to see hole cards thereby gaining an unfair advantage.
Absolute Poker has agreed to fully cooperate with Gaming Associates and its investigative team and to provide the above with unfettered access to all systems, protocols and databases at Absolute Poker worldwide. Absolute Poker has also agreed to allow Gaming Associate’s final report to be made available to Pocket Fives and Bluff Media for their review.
With respect to the claims that Scott Tom, a former member of Team Absolute Poker, is in anyway involved in wrong-doing, Absolute Poker has requested a formal investigation into that matter as well. Mr. Tom has not been involved with Absolute Poker for over a year and to the best of our knowledge, information and belief has not had access to any of Absolute Poker’s systems, databases or information.
Absolute Poker reserves the right to pursue any and all remedies, including both legal and equitable which may inure to it as a result of any unlawful and/or injurious actions taken by any individuals who may have falsified any information, documents, files, or have by other means attempted to disparage and/or harm Absolute Poker, its players, management, employees, business partners or affiliates.
Absolute Poker shall bear all expenses related to such investigation and is eager to learn about Gaming Associate’s findings. Absolute Poker highly values and intends to protect its players, shareholders, business partners, and affiliates.
Absolute Poker Management
KGC: We have appointed experts to conduct a thorough audit of all circumstances, provide findings and recommendations to the Commission.
KGC To Investigate Absolute Poker
The Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC) announced today an audit into the current and historic activities of Absolute Poker and interaction with its gaming and financial systems. As a KGC licence holder Absolute Poker is obliged to adhere to the Regulations Concerning Interactive Gaming.
Absolute Poker has agreed to fully cooperate with the KGC and / or its agents.
Mr David Montour, the Commission’s Chairman, said, “This week allegations of impropriety have been bought to the attention of the Kahnawá:ke Gaming Commission. We have appointed experts to conduct a thorough audit of all circumstances, provide findings and recommendations to the Commission. The audit will not be restricted to examining theories circulating in Internet chat rooms and fora”.
The Commission has instructed Gaming Associates to conduct the audit and report to the Commission. Gaming Associates is acknowledged world wide as an expert interactive gaming test and audit house – accredited by regulators worldwide. Gaming Associates’ consultants are pioneers in interactive gaming regulation - recognized as experts in this field since the 1990s, and information security experts.
“It is essential that all online gaming and wagering is conducted in a fair and honest manner where customers are protected. The Kahnawá:ke Gaming Commission is committed to ensuring fair and honest gaming. Nevertheless, it is important that we, as a Commission, act on findings and not allegations alone.” Click HERE to view official press release.
Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake 17 October, 2007
The Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC) announced today an audit into the current and historic activities of Absolute Poker and interaction with its gaming and financial systems. As a KGC licence holder Absolute Poker is obliged to adhere to the Regulations Concerning Interactive Gaming.
Absolute Poker has agreed to fully cooperate with the KGC and / or its agents.
Mr David Montour, the Commission’s Chairman, said, “This week allegations of impropriety have been bought to the attention of the Kahnawá:ke Gaming Commission. We have appointed experts to conduct a thorough audit of all circumstances, provide findings and recommendations to the Commission. The audit will not be restricted to examining theories circulating in Internet chat rooms and fora”.
The Commission has instructed Gaming Associates to conduct the audit and report to the Commission. Gaming Associates is acknowledged world wide as an expert interactive gaming test and audit house – accredited by regulators worldwide. Gaming Associates’ consultants are pioneers in interactive gaming regulation - recognized as experts in this field since the 1990s, and information security experts.
“It is essential that all online gaming and wagering is conducted in a fair and honest manner where customers are protected. The Kahnawá:ke Gaming Commission is committed to ensuring fair and honest gaming. Nevertheless, it is important that we, as a Commission, act on findings and not allegations alone.” Click HERE to view official press release.
Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake 17 October, 2007
Absolute Poker: Absolute Poker has identified an internal security breach that compromised our systems for a limited period of time
October 19th, 2007
Dear valued player,
Absolute Poker has identified an internal security breach that compromised our systems for a limited period of time. The cause of the breach has been determined and completely resolved. In addition, all necessary resources, both internal and external, have been engaged to ensure this does not happen again. Our investigation is not fully concluded, and we wish to thank the extended poker community for any and all assistance related to the matter.
Game integrity has always and continues to be of the utmost importance at Absolute Poker. The Management of Absolute Poker is appalled by these findings, and is committed to our players and to the integrity of our site and the online poker industry.
All players affected by the security breach will be identified during the audit process that has been initiated and all funds, including interest, will be returned. Absolute Poker would like to apologize for the recent events and is committed to diligently working with outside security firms, auditing firms, the extended poker community and the Kahnawake Gaming Commission to ensure the situation is entirely resolved.
A comprehensive statement will be forthcoming shortly providing more details of the situation.
Absolute Poker has identified an internal security breach that compromised our systems for a limited period of time. The cause of the breach has been determined and completely resolved. In addition, all necessary resources, both internal and external, have been engaged to ensure this does not happen again. Our investigation is not fully concluded, and we wish to thank the extended poker community for any and all assistance related to the matter.
Game integrity has always and continues to be of the utmost importance at Absolute Poker. The Management of Absolute Poker is appalled by these findings, and is committed to our players and to the integrity of our site and the online poker industry.
All players affected by the security breach will be identified during the audit process that has been initiated and all funds, including interest, will be returned. Absolute Poker would like to apologize for the recent events and is committed to diligently working with outside security firms, auditing firms, the extended poker community and the Kahnawake Gaming Commission to ensure the situation is entirely resolved.
A comprehensive statement will be forthcoming shortly providing more details of the situation.
Chief Joe Tokwiro Norton: I own Absolute Poker. AP should have been been more forthcoming in providing a timely or comprehensive explanation. AP was compromised by a high ranking consultant. In addition to our own investigation and the audit by Gaming Associates, we have also submitted to an audit by the KGC. I promise to keep you updated
October 21st, 2007
Dear AP Player:
I am the former Grand Chief of the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake and the owner of Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG, which holds a 100% interest in Absolute Poker.
As many of our players are aware, there has been a security breach in our system that allowed unlawful access to player information that resulted in unfair play. I am writing to you today to let you know what we know so far in order to set the record straight, and to assure you of AP’s commitment to player security. I am sure that this letter will not address all of the questions and concerns you may have, nor will it extinguish the heated discussion surrounding this issue. At this point, our intention is to let you know all we can disclose and to assure you of our continued efforts to keep you informed as best we can as the investigations continue.
We deeply regret this situation has occurred. A breach in security in online poker is serious and of great concern to players and the industry worldwide, and this particular situation has been the subject of debate within the poker player community and in the media, giving rise to the creation of several websites and hundreds and hundreds of comments, opinions, and theories of what occurred – some of which are accurate, and some that are not.
Like you, I have not been happy that during the initial stage of our investigation, AP has not been more forthcoming in providing a timely or comprehensive explanation on this matter, giving rise to anger, suspicion, and concern on the part of our valued customers. I hope that our customers can appreciate that this remains an incredibly complex and sensitive issue, and I want to give you my strongest possible assurance that we will be as forthcoming as possible on how this breach occurred and what we are doing to remedy the situation.
What We Know and Actions We Have Taken
AP was notified by a customer that a possible cheating incident occurred during a recent tournament, and in response forwarded players’ hand logs. This disclosure of the hand logs prompted our customers to determine that a more serious security breach had occurred. We immediately launched an internal investigation and also requested a formal audit by Gaming Associates, an acknowledged world-wide expert in audits, interactive gaming tests, and information security.
Based upon our preliminary findings, it appears that the integrity of our poker system was compromised by a high-ranking trusted consultant employed by AP whose position gave him extraordinary access to certain security systems. As has been speculated in several online forums, this consultant devised a sophisticated scheme to manipulate internal systems to access third-party computers and accounts to view hole cards of other customers during play without their knowledge. As this consultant was aware of the details of our fraud detection process, the likelihood that the scheme would be uncovered through our normal procedures was minimized. We consider this security breach to be a horrendous and inexcusable offense.
We will pay for all losses suffered by the affected players as soon as our audit is finished and the amounts are determined. Although we are in the process of attempting to recover all the winnings of this consultant, any unrecovered losses of affected players will be paid by Absolute Poker so that all affected persons will be made whole.
Next Steps
We are still investigating whether the consultant was acting alone or in concert with others, and it appears at this time that all account holders are innocent of collusion and were unaware of any wrong-doing by the consultant, who was immediately terminated. We continue to investigate this matter aggressively, and all of these preliminary findings are subject to the audits currently underway. We have recently uncovered additional accounts used by the consultant that have not been publicly reported. So as to not compromise the investigation, we are not releasing the names of these additional accounts at this time, and will contact these affected customers individually.
The specific allegations of unlawful activity are being investigated both by AP and by the authorized authorities, including the Kahnawake Gaming Commission. We will continue to actively cooperate with these authorities in full compliance with the Regulations Concerning Interactive Gaming. In addition to our own investigation and the audit by Gaming Associates, we have also submitted to an audit by the Kahnawake Gaming Commission.
Please be assured that we have corrected the problem that allowed the system to be unfairly manipulated. We are working furiously to increase the safeguards within our systems. While we are satisfied that our systems are secured, we realize that our security systems must be continuously monitored and enhanced.
Without question, this incident has been unfortunate for all concerned, and we will emerge as a stronger company. I realize it will take some time and much more information for AP to re-earn the trust and confidence of our customers who are in doubt of our commitment to the highest levels of security, privacy and integrity. As we move to address and correct this situation, our valued customers have played a vital role in uncovering this scheme through various online forums and have become an active part of the solution.
With my full sincerity, I thank you, and I promise to keep you updated as we bring this situation to a close.
Joe Norton
I am the former Grand Chief of the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake and the owner of Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG, which holds a 100% interest in Absolute Poker.
As many of our players are aware, there has been a security breach in our system that allowed unlawful access to player information that resulted in unfair play. I am writing to you today to let you know what we know so far in order to set the record straight, and to assure you of AP’s commitment to player security. I am sure that this letter will not address all of the questions and concerns you may have, nor will it extinguish the heated discussion surrounding this issue. At this point, our intention is to let you know all we can disclose and to assure you of our continued efforts to keep you informed as best we can as the investigations continue.
We deeply regret this situation has occurred. A breach in security in online poker is serious and of great concern to players and the industry worldwide, and this particular situation has been the subject of debate within the poker player community and in the media, giving rise to the creation of several websites and hundreds and hundreds of comments, opinions, and theories of what occurred – some of which are accurate, and some that are not.
Like you, I have not been happy that during the initial stage of our investigation, AP has not been more forthcoming in providing a timely or comprehensive explanation on this matter, giving rise to anger, suspicion, and concern on the part of our valued customers. I hope that our customers can appreciate that this remains an incredibly complex and sensitive issue, and I want to give you my strongest possible assurance that we will be as forthcoming as possible on how this breach occurred and what we are doing to remedy the situation.
What We Know and Actions We Have Taken
AP was notified by a customer that a possible cheating incident occurred during a recent tournament, and in response forwarded players’ hand logs. This disclosure of the hand logs prompted our customers to determine that a more serious security breach had occurred. We immediately launched an internal investigation and also requested a formal audit by Gaming Associates, an acknowledged world-wide expert in audits, interactive gaming tests, and information security.
Based upon our preliminary findings, it appears that the integrity of our poker system was compromised by a high-ranking trusted consultant employed by AP whose position gave him extraordinary access to certain security systems. As has been speculated in several online forums, this consultant devised a sophisticated scheme to manipulate internal systems to access third-party computers and accounts to view hole cards of other customers during play without their knowledge. As this consultant was aware of the details of our fraud detection process, the likelihood that the scheme would be uncovered through our normal procedures was minimized. We consider this security breach to be a horrendous and inexcusable offense.
We will pay for all losses suffered by the affected players as soon as our audit is finished and the amounts are determined. Although we are in the process of attempting to recover all the winnings of this consultant, any unrecovered losses of affected players will be paid by Absolute Poker so that all affected persons will be made whole.
Next Steps
We are still investigating whether the consultant was acting alone or in concert with others, and it appears at this time that all account holders are innocent of collusion and were unaware of any wrong-doing by the consultant, who was immediately terminated. We continue to investigate this matter aggressively, and all of these preliminary findings are subject to the audits currently underway. We have recently uncovered additional accounts used by the consultant that have not been publicly reported. So as to not compromise the investigation, we are not releasing the names of these additional accounts at this time, and will contact these affected customers individually.
The specific allegations of unlawful activity are being investigated both by AP and by the authorized authorities, including the Kahnawake Gaming Commission. We will continue to actively cooperate with these authorities in full compliance with the Regulations Concerning Interactive Gaming. In addition to our own investigation and the audit by Gaming Associates, we have also submitted to an audit by the Kahnawake Gaming Commission.
Please be assured that we have corrected the problem that allowed the system to be unfairly manipulated. We are working furiously to increase the safeguards within our systems. While we are satisfied that our systems are secured, we realize that our security systems must be continuously monitored and enhanced.
Without question, this incident has been unfortunate for all concerned, and we will emerge as a stronger company. I realize it will take some time and much more information for AP to re-earn the trust and confidence of our customers who are in doubt of our commitment to the highest levels of security, privacy and integrity. As we move to address and correct this situation, our valued customers have played a vital role in uncovering this scheme through various online forums and have become an active part of the solution.
With my full sincerity, I thank you, and I promise to keep you updated as we bring this situation to a close.
Joe Norton
Absolute Poker: AP was the victim of a breach of security. A high-ranking consultant devised a sophisticated scheme to view the hole cards. AP immediately contacted Gaming Associates and the KGC. AP intends to continue working with third party auditors to ensure game security.
October 24th, 2007
Interim Statement
Absolute Poker (AP) today issued the following statement concerning the recent security breach in its system:
Recently, AP was the victim of a breach of security in which a high-ranking consultant to the site devised a sophisticated scheme to manipulate internal systems and access third-party computers and accounts to view the hole cards of other customers during play and without their knowledge, resulting in unfair play. AP deeply regrets that this incident occurred and is committed to taking whatever steps are necessary to ensure the highest levels of security, privacy, trust and integrity throughout its entire system.
Upon learning of the incident, AP immediately contacted Gaming Associates, an independent worldwide expert in audits, interactive gaming tests and information security, to undertake an internal investigation. Immediately thereafter, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC), AP’s governing licensing authority, opened its own inquiry into the scheme. These investigations are active and on-going. AP is cooperating fully with the KGC investigation.
The Company’s internal investigation is ongoing, and its preliminary findings are subject to the final audit findings. Thus far, the Company’s preliminary findings are as follows:
1. The perpetrator of the scheme was immediately terminated upon discovery and the case was turned over to the KGC.
2. AP has fully corrected the problem that allowed its system to be unfairly manipulated and is working to enhance its existing safeguards.
3. Since the initiation of the internal investigation, the databases have been locked down to ensure the integrity of the auditors’ inquiry.
4. The scope of the audit will not be limited to a certain time period.
5. The suspected period of time of the security breach has been identified. This period is recent and confined to a relatively brief period. The actual dates will be publicly released upon confirmation by the third party auditor.
6. A thorough review of the game play has begun to identify all of the adversely affected players.
7. AP is committed to refunding 100% of the losses incurred by its affected customers. AP has begun the process of reimbursing its customers, and will continue to do so as quickly as possible until all customers are refunded in full.
8. Even after completion of this audit, AP intends to continue working with third party auditors and security firms to ensure that the highest level of game integrity is upheld.
9. AP is instituting strict guidelines to restrict its employees, consultants and contractors and members of their households from playing for money on its sites.
These preliminary findings remain subject to its final audit. AP expects its internal inquiry to last for at least several weeks, and it will continue to cooperate with the KGC’s investigation and to work with Gaming Associates until these outstanding investigations and inquiries are complete. AP will continue to issue interim statements related to its internal investigation as appropriate.
Absolute Poker (AP) today issued the following statement concerning the recent security breach in its system:
Recently, AP was the victim of a breach of security in which a high-ranking consultant to the site devised a sophisticated scheme to manipulate internal systems and access third-party computers and accounts to view the hole cards of other customers during play and without their knowledge, resulting in unfair play. AP deeply regrets that this incident occurred and is committed to taking whatever steps are necessary to ensure the highest levels of security, privacy, trust and integrity throughout its entire system.
Upon learning of the incident, AP immediately contacted Gaming Associates, an independent worldwide expert in audits, interactive gaming tests and information security, to undertake an internal investigation. Immediately thereafter, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC), AP’s governing licensing authority, opened its own inquiry into the scheme. These investigations are active and on-going. AP is cooperating fully with the KGC investigation.
The Company’s internal investigation is ongoing, and its preliminary findings are subject to the final audit findings. Thus far, the Company’s preliminary findings are as follows:
1. The perpetrator of the scheme was immediately terminated upon discovery and the case was turned over to the KGC.
2. AP has fully corrected the problem that allowed its system to be unfairly manipulated and is working to enhance its existing safeguards.
3. Since the initiation of the internal investigation, the databases have been locked down to ensure the integrity of the auditors’ inquiry.
4. The scope of the audit will not be limited to a certain time period.
5. The suspected period of time of the security breach has been identified. This period is recent and confined to a relatively brief period. The actual dates will be publicly released upon confirmation by the third party auditor.
6. A thorough review of the game play has begun to identify all of the adversely affected players.
7. AP is committed to refunding 100% of the losses incurred by its affected customers. AP has begun the process of reimbursing its customers, and will continue to do so as quickly as possible until all customers are refunded in full.
8. Even after completion of this audit, AP intends to continue working with third party auditors and security firms to ensure that the highest level of game integrity is upheld.
9. AP is instituting strict guidelines to restrict its employees, consultants and contractors and members of their households from playing for money on its sites.
These preliminary findings remain subject to its final audit. AP expects its internal inquiry to last for at least several weeks, and it will continue to cooperate with the KGC’s investigation and to work with Gaming Associates until these outstanding investigations and inquiries are complete. AP will continue to issue interim statements related to its internal investigation as appropriate.
KGC: The investigation is ongoing...
November 22nd, 2007
Absolute Poker active and ongoing investigation
The Kahnawake Gaming Commission's investigation into the Absolute Poker situation is active and on-going. The Commission's agents, Gaming Associates, are in the process of finalizing its audit of AP's operations and will be submitting a report to the Commission of its findings. The Commission will review this report and decide the appropriate course of action. To avoid the possibility of jeopardizing its investigation, the Commission will not comment on this matter until such time as it has reached a decision. The Commission expects to receive a final copy of the audit report by December 7, 2007.
The Kahnawake Gaming Commission's investigation into the Absolute Poker situation is active and on-going. The Commission's agents, Gaming Associates, are in the process of finalizing its audit of AP's operations and will be submitting a report to the Commission of its findings. The Commission will review this report and decide the appropriate course of action. To avoid the possibility of jeopardizing its investigation, the Commission will not comment on this matter until such time as it has reached a decision. The Commission expects to receive a final copy of the audit report by December 7, 2007.
KGC: Unfair play occurred. The perpetrators could see their opponents hole cards. The Commission has identified the person(s) responsible and has directed that AP take action to have these person(s) removed from playing any role in AP 'mind and management' and/or operations. The Commission is satisfied with the level of cooperation provided by AP management and staff throughout the investigation.
January 11th, 2008 (pdf)
In the matter of Absolute Poker Investigation regarding complaints of cheating
The Kahnawá:ke Gaming Commission (the "Commission") first received complaints concerning this matter on or about October 16th 2007. The essence of the complaints was that one or more persons associated with Absolute Poker ("AP"), while participating in live poker games with players, had been using software that enabled that person or those persons to see the "hole cards" of each of the other players. For the purposes of this decision, the aforementioned activity, and activities necessarily incidental thereto, will be referred to as the "impugned activities".
As a result of the received complaints, the Commission initiated an investigation into AP's operations. The scope of the investigation was broadly defined with the objective of determining whether the impugned activities had occurred and, if so:
? All the facts and circumstances related thereto;
? Whether affected players had been reimbursed for any losses that resulted from the impugned activities;
? Whether AP had breached one or more of the Commission's Regulations concerning Interactive Gaming (the "Regulations") and, if so, the appropriate sanctions that should be applied.
? The appropriate measures that should be implemented to ensure that the impugned activities - or any other improprieties - would not be repeated.
On October 17th 2007, the Commission mandated its approved agent, Gaming Associates, to carry out the necessary inquiries, audits and reviews of AP's systems and personnel. Over the course of approximately 10 weeks Gaming Associates fulfilled its mandate and obtained extensive information from AP's operations in various locations around the world; which it has provided to the commission. Based on this information, the Commission makes the following findings of fact:
1. That commencing on August 14 2007 and thereafter for a period of approximately six weeks, the accounts listed below were used to compromise AP's system by participating in live poker games with players using software that enabled the viewing of the "hole cards" of each of the other players, resulting in unfair play. The Commission has identified the person(s) responsible for the impugned activities and has directed that AP take action to have these person(s) removed from playing any role in AP 'mind and management' and/or operations, and to provide proof, acceptable to the Commission, that this has been done.
2. That subsequent to the impugned activities taking place, person(s) associated with AP's operations deleted certain gaming logs and records which had the effect of hampering the Commission's investigation ? but which did not prevent the commission from obtaining sufficient information on which to base finding number 1. Except with respect to these actions, the Commission is satisfied with the level of cooperation provided by AP management and staff throughout the investigation.
3. That there is no evidence to indicate that the impugned activities were authorised or sanctioned by AP as a corporate entity ? either through its Board of Directors or its principal ownership. There is no evidence that the impugned activities benefited, or were intended to benefit, AP as a corporate entity.
4. That the principles of AP failed to contact the Commission within 24 hours after they became aware the impugned activities had occurred.
5. That shortly after the impugned activities became publicly known, AP made expeditious efforts to appropriately reimburse all players who had participated in games in which the impugned activities had occurred, with interest. The Commission is satisfied that affected players have been appropriately reimbursed. However, if any player provides the Commission the evidence that he or she participated in a game in which the impugned activity occurred, and that such player has not been appropriately reimbursed, the Commission will direct AP to appropriately reimburse that player. To be considered, any such complaints from players must be received by the Commission within sixty days of the date of this decision.
6. That AP has taken the appropriate actions to address the vulnerability in its systems that allowed the impugned activities to occur and to prevent its systems from being compromised again by the impugned activities.
In view of these findings of fact, the Commission finds that AP has breached the following sections of the Commission's regulations:
261. A person must not, in relation to an authorised game, dishonestly obtain a benefit by any act, practice or scheme or otherwise dishonestly obtain a benefit through the use of any device, equipment or software.
270. In the event of an Authorised Client Provider, Approved Agent or any other employee or agent of the commission becomes aware, or reasonably suspects that
a) a person, by dishonest or unlawful act affecting the conduct or play of an authorised game, has obtained a benefit for the person or another person; or
b) there has been an unlawful act affecting the conduct or playing of an authorised game;
within twenty four (24) hours of becoming aware of, or suspecting, the dishonest or unlawful act, the person who becomes aware must give the Commission a written notice advising the Commission of all the facts known about the matter.
245. Unless the information previously contained in the gaming record is kept in another way under an approval of the Commission, an Authorised Client Provider must keep a gaming record for five years after the end of the transaction to which the record relates.
275. A person must not obstruct an Inspector in the exercise of a power or someone helping an inspector in the exercise of a power.
As a result of its breaches of its Regulations, the Commission hereby imposes on AP the following sanctions:
1. The Client Provider Authorisation ("CPA") held by AP is hereby amended to include the following conditions:
(a) All aspects of AP's operation will be subject to random audits of logs and records, conducted by the Commission or its approved agents, over the next two years ? the costs of which will be paid by AP. If, as a result of these random audits, the Commission is provided with information indicating that AP has breached any provision of the Kahnawá:ke Gaming Law, the Regulations, the conditions attached to its CPA or any other directions of the Commission, AP's CPA may be suspended or revoked in accordance with the procedures set out in the Regulations.
(b) AP must immediately implement a continuous compliance program, and other related remedial measures, as directed by the Commission.
(c) Those person(s) responsible for the impugned activities to be permanently removed from playing any role in AP ?Mind and Management? and/or operations and proof, satisfactory to Commission, that this has been done.
2. Fine the amount of US $500,000 payable in full within 60 days.
3. Posting of a security deposit of such type and amount that is acceptable to the Commission to be held by the Commission for two years, or such other period of time that the Commission deems necessary, to be used to off-set the cost associated with any future breaches of the Kahnawake Gaming Law, the Regulations, the conditions attached to its CPA or any other directions of the Commission.
4. AP to pay to the Commission all costs associated with the Commission's investigation into this matter, including costs related to the audit conducted by Gaming Associates and any follow-up matters. These costs include any ongoing work that must be performed as a result of the audit and the decision.
ISSUED within the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake, this 11th day of TsoThohrkowa January, 2008.
The Kahnawá:ke Gaming Commission (the "Commission") first received complaints concerning this matter on or about October 16th 2007. The essence of the complaints was that one or more persons associated with Absolute Poker ("AP"), while participating in live poker games with players, had been using software that enabled that person or those persons to see the "hole cards" of each of the other players. For the purposes of this decision, the aforementioned activity, and activities necessarily incidental thereto, will be referred to as the "impugned activities".
As a result of the received complaints, the Commission initiated an investigation into AP's operations. The scope of the investigation was broadly defined with the objective of determining whether the impugned activities had occurred and, if so:
? All the facts and circumstances related thereto;
? Whether affected players had been reimbursed for any losses that resulted from the impugned activities;
? Whether AP had breached one or more of the Commission's Regulations concerning Interactive Gaming (the "Regulations") and, if so, the appropriate sanctions that should be applied.
? The appropriate measures that should be implemented to ensure that the impugned activities - or any other improprieties - would not be repeated.
On October 17th 2007, the Commission mandated its approved agent, Gaming Associates, to carry out the necessary inquiries, audits and reviews of AP's systems and personnel. Over the course of approximately 10 weeks Gaming Associates fulfilled its mandate and obtained extensive information from AP's operations in various locations around the world; which it has provided to the commission. Based on this information, the Commission makes the following findings of fact:
1. That commencing on August 14 2007 and thereafter for a period of approximately six weeks, the accounts listed below were used to compromise AP's system by participating in live poker games with players using software that enabled the viewing of the "hole cards" of each of the other players, resulting in unfair play. The Commission has identified the person(s) responsible for the impugned activities and has directed that AP take action to have these person(s) removed from playing any role in AP 'mind and management' and/or operations, and to provide proof, acceptable to the Commission, that this has been done.
2. That subsequent to the impugned activities taking place, person(s) associated with AP's operations deleted certain gaming logs and records which had the effect of hampering the Commission's investigation ? but which did not prevent the commission from obtaining sufficient information on which to base finding number 1. Except with respect to these actions, the Commission is satisfied with the level of cooperation provided by AP management and staff throughout the investigation.
3. That there is no evidence to indicate that the impugned activities were authorised or sanctioned by AP as a corporate entity ? either through its Board of Directors or its principal ownership. There is no evidence that the impugned activities benefited, or were intended to benefit, AP as a corporate entity.
4. That the principles of AP failed to contact the Commission within 24 hours after they became aware the impugned activities had occurred.
5. That shortly after the impugned activities became publicly known, AP made expeditious efforts to appropriately reimburse all players who had participated in games in which the impugned activities had occurred, with interest. The Commission is satisfied that affected players have been appropriately reimbursed. However, if any player provides the Commission the evidence that he or she participated in a game in which the impugned activity occurred, and that such player has not been appropriately reimbursed, the Commission will direct AP to appropriately reimburse that player. To be considered, any such complaints from players must be received by the Commission within sixty days of the date of this decision.
6. That AP has taken the appropriate actions to address the vulnerability in its systems that allowed the impugned activities to occur and to prevent its systems from being compromised again by the impugned activities.
In view of these findings of fact, the Commission finds that AP has breached the following sections of the Commission's regulations:
261. A person must not, in relation to an authorised game, dishonestly obtain a benefit by any act, practice or scheme or otherwise dishonestly obtain a benefit through the use of any device, equipment or software.
270. In the event of an Authorised Client Provider, Approved Agent or any other employee or agent of the commission becomes aware, or reasonably suspects that
a) a person, by dishonest or unlawful act affecting the conduct or play of an authorised game, has obtained a benefit for the person or another person; or
b) there has been an unlawful act affecting the conduct or playing of an authorised game;
within twenty four (24) hours of becoming aware of, or suspecting, the dishonest or unlawful act, the person who becomes aware must give the Commission a written notice advising the Commission of all the facts known about the matter.
245. Unless the information previously contained in the gaming record is kept in another way under an approval of the Commission, an Authorised Client Provider must keep a gaming record for five years after the end of the transaction to which the record relates.
275. A person must not obstruct an Inspector in the exercise of a power or someone helping an inspector in the exercise of a power.
As a result of its breaches of its Regulations, the Commission hereby imposes on AP the following sanctions:
1. The Client Provider Authorisation ("CPA") held by AP is hereby amended to include the following conditions:
(a) All aspects of AP's operation will be subject to random audits of logs and records, conducted by the Commission or its approved agents, over the next two years ? the costs of which will be paid by AP. If, as a result of these random audits, the Commission is provided with information indicating that AP has breached any provision of the Kahnawá:ke Gaming Law, the Regulations, the conditions attached to its CPA or any other directions of the Commission, AP's CPA may be suspended or revoked in accordance with the procedures set out in the Regulations.
(b) AP must immediately implement a continuous compliance program, and other related remedial measures, as directed by the Commission.
(c) Those person(s) responsible for the impugned activities to be permanently removed from playing any role in AP ?Mind and Management? and/or operations and proof, satisfactory to Commission, that this has been done.
2. Fine the amount of US $500,000 payable in full within 60 days.
3. Posting of a security deposit of such type and amount that is acceptable to the Commission to be held by the Commission for two years, or such other period of time that the Commission deems necessary, to be used to off-set the cost associated with any future breaches of the Kahnawake Gaming Law, the Regulations, the conditions attached to its CPA or any other directions of the Commission.
4. AP to pay to the Commission all costs associated with the Commission's investigation into this matter, including costs related to the audit conducted by Gaming Associates and any follow-up matters. These costs include any ongoing work that must be performed as a result of the audit and the decision.
ISSUED within the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake, this 11th day of TsoThohrkowa January, 2008.
Absolute Poker: We recognize the completeness and accuracy of the KGC conclusions. AP has appointed a team of both internal and external members to improve controls and install safeguards. The Company regrets the inadvertent deletion of certain gaming logs. We have taken it upon ourselves to convene on January 18, 2008 the first of a series of ‘poker security summits’.
January 11th, 2008
Contact: Anna Molley
Vice President, Public and Community Relations
(JANUARY 11, 2008) --- Absolute Poker (AP) issued the following statement today in response to the Kahnawake Gaming Commission’s (KGC) release of its report “In the Matter of Absolute Poker Investigation Regarding Complaints of Cheating.”
“When Absolute Poker notified the KGC of the security breach in our system, we had every expectation that the Commission would undertake a comprehensive and fair investigation. After reviewing the published report, we recognize the completeness and accuracy of the KGC conclusions, and we accept without reservation the KGC’s findings and sanctions. Most importantly, we are pleased, after these many months, that Absolute Poker can finally put behind it a most distressing and regrettable experience for the Company, its employees, and its customers.
“The KGC points out that ‘AP has taken the appropriate actions to address the vulnerability in its systems…and to prevent its systems from being compromised again…’ AP has appointed a team of both internal and external members to improve controls and install safeguards, and accepts the audit findings as an opportunity to improve our internal practices and guarantee the safest playing environment in the industry.
“We are pleased that the KGC’s findings of fact point out that ‘there is no evidence to indicate that the impugned activities were initiated or sanctioned by AP…or were intended to benefit AP, as a corporate entity.’ The report also states that ‘AP made expeditious efforts to appropriately reimburse all players…with interest’ who were affected by the cheating.
“The Company also regrets the inadvertent deletion of certain gaming logs and records during the course of the investigation, although AP is relieved that these deletions did not, according to the KGC, ‘prevent the Commission from obtaining sufficient information…’
“Having experienced first-hand the devastating impact of a security breach, we fully appreciate the importance of trust and security for AP itself and the broader industry. A secure site goes to the heart of player confidence, and we are more committed than ever to ensuring that confidence. To that end, we have taken it upon ourselves to convene on January 18, 2008 the first of a series of ‘poker security summits’. AP will invite respected and independent members of the poker community to focus on innovative and cutting-edge ways to further improve AP’s security and enhance its transparency.
“As AP has repeatedly stated in the past, we regret the damage done to our players and to our own reputation by this incident. We acknowledge that the Company did not act with sufficient speed to uncover the fraud; however, once we were convinced of the veracity of the allegations, we moved quickly to inform the KGC and to reimburse affected players. While AP is paying a severe penalty for the fraud perpetrated upon the Company and its customers, we are gratified that we can now close the book on this sordid affair and return our full focus to providing the safest, most secure, and most eenjoyable [SIC] poker playing experience in the industry.”
Vice President, Public and Community Relations
(JANUARY 11, 2008) --- Absolute Poker (AP) issued the following statement today in response to the Kahnawake Gaming Commission’s (KGC) release of its report “In the Matter of Absolute Poker Investigation Regarding Complaints of Cheating.”
“When Absolute Poker notified the KGC of the security breach in our system, we had every expectation that the Commission would undertake a comprehensive and fair investigation. After reviewing the published report, we recognize the completeness and accuracy of the KGC conclusions, and we accept without reservation the KGC’s findings and sanctions. Most importantly, we are pleased, after these many months, that Absolute Poker can finally put behind it a most distressing and regrettable experience for the Company, its employees, and its customers.
“The KGC points out that ‘AP has taken the appropriate actions to address the vulnerability in its systems…and to prevent its systems from being compromised again…’ AP has appointed a team of both internal and external members to improve controls and install safeguards, and accepts the audit findings as an opportunity to improve our internal practices and guarantee the safest playing environment in the industry.
“We are pleased that the KGC’s findings of fact point out that ‘there is no evidence to indicate that the impugned activities were initiated or sanctioned by AP…or were intended to benefit AP, as a corporate entity.’ The report also states that ‘AP made expeditious efforts to appropriately reimburse all players…with interest’ who were affected by the cheating.
“The Company also regrets the inadvertent deletion of certain gaming logs and records during the course of the investigation, although AP is relieved that these deletions did not, according to the KGC, ‘prevent the Commission from obtaining sufficient information…’
“Having experienced first-hand the devastating impact of a security breach, we fully appreciate the importance of trust and security for AP itself and the broader industry. A secure site goes to the heart of player confidence, and we are more committed than ever to ensuring that confidence. To that end, we have taken it upon ourselves to convene on January 18, 2008 the first of a series of ‘poker security summits’. AP will invite respected and independent members of the poker community to focus on innovative and cutting-edge ways to further improve AP’s security and enhance its transparency.
“As AP has repeatedly stated in the past, we regret the damage done to our players and to our own reputation by this incident. We acknowledge that the Company did not act with sufficient speed to uncover the fraud; however, once we were convinced of the veracity of the allegations, we moved quickly to inform the KGC and to reimburse affected players. While AP is paying a severe penalty for the fraud perpetrated upon the Company and its customers, we are gratified that we can now close the book on this sordid affair and return our full focus to providing the safest, most secure, and most eenjoyable [SIC] poker playing experience in the industry.”
On January 8th the thread proving superuser activity at UltimateBet beyond any reasonable doubt was posted in HSNL
75 days pass without a statement from Tokwiro, the KGC, or UltimateBet
UltimateBet: We immediately launched an extensive inquiry involving an independent third-party expert to review hundreds of thousands of hand histories. After three months, the initial findings of our third-party expert confirm that the NioNio account’s winning statistics were indeed abnormal, and we have expanded the investigation. We continue to aggressively pursue the matter and will communicate the findings of our full investigation to our regulatory authority and to our customer base as soon as practicable
March 6th, 2007
Montreal, Canada (March 6, 2008) – UltimateBet (UB), one of the ten largest online Poker cardrooms, today issued the following interim statement with respect to allegations of unfair play on its site.
“On January 12, 2008, UltimateBet was alerted to allegations that a player with the online handle “NioNio” exhibited abnormally high winning statistics and was accused of having an unfair advantage during play. These allegations were made both directly to UltimateBet by concerned players and the KGC, and indirectly through several web forums. The allegations also included reports of suspicious activity concerning the deletion of the NioNio account and other accounts that may have been related to this scheme.
“We immediately launched an extensive inquiry involving an independent third-party expert to review hundreds of thousands of hand histories, all of which were promptly locked down and made available to this expert. The initial findings of our third-party expert confirm that the NioNio account’s winning statistics were indeed abnormal, and we have expanded the investigation to look into whether an unfair advantage existed, how such a scheme might have been perpetrated, and whether additional accounts beyond those of NioNio were involved.
“UltimateBet is in regular communications and contact with its regulatory authority, The Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC), and will continue to cooperate fully with that body.
“UltimateBet is determined to complete a full and thorough investigation. We pride ourselves on providing a safe, secure playing environment for our customers. The investigation has proven to be extremely complex and, therefore, has been more extensive and taken much longer than initially expected. We continue to aggressively pursue the matter and will communicate the findings of our full investigation to our regulatory authority and to our customer base as soon as practicable.”
“On January 12, 2008, UltimateBet was alerted to allegations that a player with the online handle “NioNio” exhibited abnormally high winning statistics and was accused of having an unfair advantage during play. These allegations were made both directly to UltimateBet by concerned players and the KGC, and indirectly through several web forums. The allegations also included reports of suspicious activity concerning the deletion of the NioNio account and other accounts that may have been related to this scheme.
“We immediately launched an extensive inquiry involving an independent third-party expert to review hundreds of thousands of hand histories, all of which were promptly locked down and made available to this expert. The initial findings of our third-party expert confirm that the NioNio account’s winning statistics were indeed abnormal, and we have expanded the investigation to look into whether an unfair advantage existed, how such a scheme might have been perpetrated, and whether additional accounts beyond those of NioNio were involved.
“UltimateBet is in regular communications and contact with its regulatory authority, The Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC), and will continue to cooperate fully with that body.
“UltimateBet is determined to complete a full and thorough investigation. We pride ourselves on providing a safe, secure playing environment for our customers. The investigation has proven to be extremely complex and, therefore, has been more extensive and taken much longer than initially expected. We continue to aggressively pursue the matter and will communicate the findings of our full investigation to our regulatory authority and to our customer base as soon as practicable.”
50 days pass
Tokwiro: Tokwiro has worked diligently in cooperation with the KGC, and with independent third-party experts. The individuals responsible were found to have worked for the previous ownership of UltimateBet prior to the sale of the business to Tokwiro in October 2006. The investigation confirms that the fraudulent activity took place from March 7, 2006 to December 3, 2007. Priorities were: remove superuser capability, complete investigation, refund customers, implement security measures.
May 29th, 2008
MONTREAL, CANADA (MAY 29, 2008) --- Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG ("Tokwiro"), proprietors of UltimateBet.com ("UltimateBet"), one of the world's largest online card rooms, today announced the results of its lengthy investigation into allegations of unfair play, which was triggered by concerns about an account named 'NioNio'. Tokwiro has worked diligently in cooperation with its regulatory body, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission ("KGC"), and with independent third-party experts to conduct a thorough investigation that included a comprehensive review of hand histories and game data, thorough analyses of software and network security, and audits of its security practices and procedures.
The investigation has concluded that certain player accounts did in fact have an unfair advantage, and that these accounts targeted the highest limit games on the site. The individuals responsible were found to have worked for the previous ownership of UltimateBet prior to the sale of the business to Tokwiro in October 2006. Tokwiro is taking full responsibility for this situation and will immediately begin refunding UltimateBet customers for any losses that were incurred as a result of unfair play.
The fraudulent activity was enabled by unauthorized software code that allowed the perpetrators to obtain hole card information during live play. The existence of this vulnerability was unknown to Tokwiro until February 2008 and existed prior to UltimateBet's acquisition by Tokwiro in October 2006. Our investigation has confirmed that the code was part of a legacy auditing system that was manipulated by the perpetrators. Gaming Associates, independent auditors hired by the KGC, have confirmed that the software code that provided the unfair advantage has been permanently removed.
Throughout the investigation of this incident, Tokwiro's consistent priorities have been:
1. To permanently remove the ability to engage in unfair play;
2. To complete its investigation and come to a full understanding of what occurred;
3. To refund the affected customers; and
4. To implement measures that prevents future incidents.
The Company said, "We would like to thank our customers for their patience, loyalty and support, as well as for their understanding that we are doing everything we can to correct this situation. The staff and management of UltimateBet are fully committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our players, and we want to assure customers of our unwavering resolve to monitor site security with every resource at our disposal."
Investigation Timeline
These are the key events in the course of the incident.
* January 2008: UltimateBet is alerted to suspicions of unfair play on the part of the account "NioNio". Within 24 hours, UltimateBet contacts the KGC to provide formal notice that UltimateBet has initiated an investigation of the incident. UltimateBet subsequently forwarded a copy of all related data to the KGC.
* January 2008: The "NioNio" account and related accounts are suspended pending further investigation.
* February 2008: Preliminary findings indicate abnormally high winning statistics for the suspect accounts. After discussions with the KGC, UltimateBet engages third-party gaming experts to assist with the analysis.
* February 2008: Investigators confirm that the suspect accounts are associated with individuals who had worked for UltimateBet under the previous ownership.
* February 2008: UltimateBet discovers the unauthorized code that allowed the perpetrators to obtain hole card information during live play. The code was part of a legacy auditing system that was manipulated by the perpetrators of the fraud.
* February 2008: UltimateBet immediately removes the unauthorized code and works with the KGC and with third-party auditors to verify that the security hole has been eliminated.
* March 2008: Six player accounts are confirmed to have participated in this scheme. No accounts were deleted at any point, although some account names were changed multiple times. The following account names are known to have been used in the fraudulent activity: NioNio, Sleepless, NoPaddles, nvtease, flatbroke33, ilike2win, UtakeIt2, FlipFlop2, erick456, WhackMe44, RockStarLA, stoned2nite, monizzle, FireNTexas, HeadKase01, LetsPatttty, NYMobser, and WhoWhereWhen.
* May 2008: The investigation confirms that the fraudulent activity took place from March 7, 2006 to December 3, 2007.
* May 2008: Gaming Associates certifies that the software code that enabled unfair play was removed from UltimateBet servers in February of 2008.
* May 2008: Customers affected by this incident are identified, and plans for corrective action are reviewed with the KGC.
Corrective Actions Taken
The following actions have been taken or are currently underway as a direct result of this investigation.
* The security hole identified in UltimateBet's investigation has been permanently eliminated.
* UltimateBet is establishing a state-of-the-art software Security Center that consolidates and greatly enhances existing security capabilities. The first release of the new Security Center focuses solely on the immediate detection of abnormal winnings. Gaming mathematicians, poker professionals, and security software developers have all contributed to the specifications for the new Security Center.
* UltimateBet customers are no longer permitted to change account names unless they have suffered abuse in chat rooms. Requests for changes must be supported by proof of abuse and must be approved by the Chief Compliance Officer.
* In addition to its existing security department, UltimateBet has established a new specialized Poker Security team of professionals dedicated to fraud prevention.
* The refund process will begin immediately. The accounts associated with fraudulent activity did not use an unfair advantage in all play sessions. Regardless, UltimateBet is refunding all losses to these accounts.
* Accounts related to the fraudulent activity have been disabled, and the individuals associated with those accounts permanently banned from the site.
* UltimateBet has worked closely and transparently with its governing body, the KGC and its designated expert auditors, to determine exactly what happened, how it happened, and who was involved, and has taken action to prevent any possibility of this situation recurring.
* Tokwiro is pursuing its legal options in regard to this incident.
For further inquiries please contract press@ultimatebet.com
The investigation has concluded that certain player accounts did in fact have an unfair advantage, and that these accounts targeted the highest limit games on the site. The individuals responsible were found to have worked for the previous ownership of UltimateBet prior to the sale of the business to Tokwiro in October 2006. Tokwiro is taking full responsibility for this situation and will immediately begin refunding UltimateBet customers for any losses that were incurred as a result of unfair play.
The fraudulent activity was enabled by unauthorized software code that allowed the perpetrators to obtain hole card information during live play. The existence of this vulnerability was unknown to Tokwiro until February 2008 and existed prior to UltimateBet's acquisition by Tokwiro in October 2006. Our investigation has confirmed that the code was part of a legacy auditing system that was manipulated by the perpetrators. Gaming Associates, independent auditors hired by the KGC, have confirmed that the software code that provided the unfair advantage has been permanently removed.
Throughout the investigation of this incident, Tokwiro's consistent priorities have been:
1. To permanently remove the ability to engage in unfair play;
2. To complete its investigation and come to a full understanding of what occurred;
3. To refund the affected customers; and
4. To implement measures that prevents future incidents.
The Company said, "We would like to thank our customers for their patience, loyalty and support, as well as for their understanding that we are doing everything we can to correct this situation. The staff and management of UltimateBet are fully committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our players, and we want to assure customers of our unwavering resolve to monitor site security with every resource at our disposal."
Investigation Timeline
These are the key events in the course of the incident.
* January 2008: UltimateBet is alerted to suspicions of unfair play on the part of the account "NioNio". Within 24 hours, UltimateBet contacts the KGC to provide formal notice that UltimateBet has initiated an investigation of the incident. UltimateBet subsequently forwarded a copy of all related data to the KGC.
* January 2008: The "NioNio" account and related accounts are suspended pending further investigation.
* February 2008: Preliminary findings indicate abnormally high winning statistics for the suspect accounts. After discussions with the KGC, UltimateBet engages third-party gaming experts to assist with the analysis.
* February 2008: Investigators confirm that the suspect accounts are associated with individuals who had worked for UltimateBet under the previous ownership.
* February 2008: UltimateBet discovers the unauthorized code that allowed the perpetrators to obtain hole card information during live play. The code was part of a legacy auditing system that was manipulated by the perpetrators of the fraud.
* February 2008: UltimateBet immediately removes the unauthorized code and works with the KGC and with third-party auditors to verify that the security hole has been eliminated.
* March 2008: Six player accounts are confirmed to have participated in this scheme. No accounts were deleted at any point, although some account names were changed multiple times. The following account names are known to have been used in the fraudulent activity: NioNio, Sleepless, NoPaddles, nvtease, flatbroke33, ilike2win, UtakeIt2, FlipFlop2, erick456, WhackMe44, RockStarLA, stoned2nite, monizzle, FireNTexas, HeadKase01, LetsPatttty, NYMobser, and WhoWhereWhen.
* May 2008: The investigation confirms that the fraudulent activity took place from March 7, 2006 to December 3, 2007.
* May 2008: Gaming Associates certifies that the software code that enabled unfair play was removed from UltimateBet servers in February of 2008.
* May 2008: Customers affected by this incident are identified, and plans for corrective action are reviewed with the KGC.
Corrective Actions Taken
The following actions have been taken or are currently underway as a direct result of this investigation.
* The security hole identified in UltimateBet's investigation has been permanently eliminated.
* UltimateBet is establishing a state-of-the-art software Security Center that consolidates and greatly enhances existing security capabilities. The first release of the new Security Center focuses solely on the immediate detection of abnormal winnings. Gaming mathematicians, poker professionals, and security software developers have all contributed to the specifications for the new Security Center.
* UltimateBet customers are no longer permitted to change account names unless they have suffered abuse in chat rooms. Requests for changes must be supported by proof of abuse and must be approved by the Chief Compliance Officer.
* In addition to its existing security department, UltimateBet has established a new specialized Poker Security team of professionals dedicated to fraud prevention.
* The refund process will begin immediately. The accounts associated with fraudulent activity did not use an unfair advantage in all play sessions. Regardless, UltimateBet is refunding all losses to these accounts.
* Accounts related to the fraudulent activity have been disabled, and the individuals associated with those accounts permanently banned from the site.
* UltimateBet has worked closely and transparently with its governing body, the KGC and its designated expert auditors, to determine exactly what happened, how it happened, and who was involved, and has taken action to prevent any possibility of this situation recurring.
* Tokwiro is pursuing its legal options in regard to this incident.
For further inquiries please contract press@ultimatebet.com
UB COO Paul Leggett: The investigation was comprehensive. The KGC and Gaming Associates both reviewed our press release before it came out. Cheating took place from Mar 06 to Dec 07. The perpetrators of that cheating were individuals employed by the previous ownership of UltimateBet prior to Tokwiro acquiring it in October of 2006.
une 3rd, 2008: Pokercast Radio Show with UB COO Paul Leggett
Full transcript of interview (provided by Mookman5):
Paul Leggett on Pokercast joins in show at 45:00 into program.
Transcript of interview that took place on 6-2-08 by Mookman5
For those who cannot listen to the file
Question #1
Poker Cast: Can You give us UB’S version starting from January to now (June). How it started and where it is at this point?
Paul Leggett - Sure. Thanks for having me guys. Well I guess it, it started January 12, 2008. We were first alerted to um, by one of our customers that there were allegations on unfair play on the Ultimate Bet site. We immediately then contacted the, KGC, out regulatory body, and notified them we were launching and investigation. That investigation was comprehensive and it lasted several months. Through out investigation we were able to determine that cheating did in fact occur on the site. The cheating took place from March 2006 to December 2007. The perpetrators of the cheating were employed by previous ownership of Ultimate Bet prior to Tokwiro purchasing UB in October 2006. The method that was used by the perpetrators was the yused unauthorized software on our servers in order to gain hold card information during live play. Again that software code was on our servers prior to Tokwiro acquiring the business.
Question #2
Poker Cast – How much money are we talking about here? Do You have a sum total of how much money was stolen? How much money will be refunded to the players?
Paul Leggett – Um I do have rough numbers but at this point for operational legal reasons, we’re not able to come out with it, but I believe the number will come out in the future.
Question #3
Poker Cast – Ok. One of the questions that I think a lot of people are a little confused with is a lot of the talk about previous ownership vs. current ownership. I was wondering if and the assertion in the press release is that the wrongdoing was done by employees of the previous ownership. Is it completely different people that own and rn the company compared to pre-2006? Is / Are the people that owned before are no longer involved with UltimateBet in anyway and it is totally different people? Or is it just a new company name sorta paperwise that owns it, but there’s a lot of the same people running the company now and involved in the decision making that were involved prior to the change of ownership? What is the old ownership versus new ownership situation?
Paul Leggett – Well the old ownership of UB, I believe the company name is E-World Holdings which is a private company. I belive by… I am not sure, I am not an expert on the previous ownership. Then the software service was provided by Excapsa Software Services which is a publicly traded company. None of these people have any involvement with business or Tokwiro anymore, um so it is completely different people, completely different ownership.
Question #4
Poker Cast – Paul we had a situation over at Absolute poker as well. You know through the investigation, some 2p2’ers come across the fact that it was Scott Tom and AJ Green, it wasn’t like it was forthcoming or anything. So I guess the concern there was it wasn’t a low-level employee, it was actually a founder of the company that was doing this. You haven’t released who it was involved at UltimateBet can you do that for us, tell us who it was?
Paul Leggett – I cannot at this time. Frankly we are very upset that cheating, that individuals were able to cheat our players and steal money from our site. Our priority throughout this whole thing has been to complete the investigation. Through the investigation our priorities have been to: Make sure that the ability to cheat has been closed and fixed, Find out exactly what went on here, Refund our players which we were able to do this week, Put in preventative measures to ensure that this can never happen again. At this point we are pursuing our legal options both criminal and civil.
Question #5
Poker Cast – Can you see how the transparency is important though? I mean it is not a low level employee at Absolute Poker, it’s a founder, we are sort of going forward with Ultimate Bet, if you hope to have the players trust, I think it is important to come out and be completely transparent about this and it really doesn’t seem like, you know, not talking about who it was and how it happened actually, like specifically, seems to be a bit of a sore spot.
Paul Leggett – And I realize that. And We tried to be as forthcoming as possible in the statement we came out with this week. I believe there’s a lot of information um, that well, we released a lot of information from our investigation however there are some things we just cannot come and publicly say immediately. I have a lot of evidence that has been turned over to the KGC, like I said we are pursuing our legal options both criminally and civil now.
Question #6
Poker Cast – Paul, One of the obvious questions people are going to ask. You started the investigation when the NioNio account was brought to your attention in January. And then it says in the timeline here that UB discovered the unauthorized codes in February, so basically one month later. So the question a lot of people would of course ask is, When you purchased the company from the previous ownership, obviously a review of the security would have been done at that time, you would think. And After the Absolut Poker Scandal you would think at that time another review would have been done, particularly when a third party auditor had come on and all of that stuff. How was this not picked up either when you reviewed it when you first took over the company, or how was this not picked up at the same time of the AP poker scandal? When once it was brought to your attention you were able to discover it in a period of about a month or so?
Paul Leggett – Well I think that the key part to this is that the individuals who perpetrated the cheating were employees of the previous ownership. That gave them access to this unauthorized code that we had no idea existed. It gave them access to change usernames. It gave them a complete understanding of how our business worked. They could get around, uh, They could create this scheme where they could cheat fomr us, or cheat the UB players, while working there and to continue to do so after the business was sold. If they weren’t employees at some point for UB, there is no way they would have been able to perpetrate this scheme. Obviously we are very upset that this did happen on our watch and we are doing everything we can because of this to ensure the business is secure. We are investing a lot of money in security. We’re..The most important priority for me is watching the new security center which is the first release, its sole purpose is to immediately detect any abnormal winning statistics. In that security center application we had input from professional poker player, gaming mathematicians, and individuals that were instrumental in exposing the AP scandal. We have also established a new poker security department that is completely separate from our security team we have now. Its sole priority is to identify fraud that relates to the poker room. We are also going through a risk assessment with Gaming Associates and the KGC. There’s tons of confined stuff that we have to adhere to in order to keep a license. It is horrible the incidents that happened but I really believe we are more secure because of it.
Question #8
Poker Cast – I want to get to the Gaming Associates and the KGC in a minute. You are talking about it happening on your watch. Other sites, even UltimateBet as well, when somebody wins a fair amount of money or wants to cash-out, you really get a lot of stopguards there, where people who are with the site will look at these accounts and see what is exactly going on. The part of this for a lot of people that is so hard to believe from all of this. How in the world can an account like NioNio or others, play for almost two years, win at a rate that is equivalent to winning the powerball lottery three days in a row, cashing out millions of dollars, change the account name over and over, and no one in the entire organization takes five minutes to investigate any of the accounts. When they are cashing out over and over and over again. That’s the hard part to believe. Yeah it might have happened and might have been done by somebody that used to work at the company, but all this happened with current ownership in place.
Paul Leggett – That’s Correct. Again we are very upset that the cheating….That our players were able to be cheated while we have been running the business. Again that the key part of this is that they were employees, and what they were bale to do was set up so these accounts so that they appeared as VIP professionals. They were able to change their usernames, because these players had this type of status they were able to make fast withdrawals and basically bypass our security checks.
Question #9
Poker Cast – You talked about the people you are responsible, the KGC. You have also brought in an independent auditor called Gaming Associates. One of the questions I had, particularly with the connection to the Absolute Poker Thing and now this happening. You would think that UltimateBet would want a third party to come out and make an actual statement backing up your press release, saying that yes we have done this review and we stand behind what UB is saying. I think that a lot of people know that one of the main parties in the ownership of Tokwiro Enterprises is Joe Norton, who used to be Chief of the Kanawake Territory and that there may not be a complete arms reach distance as far as that relationship goes. Can you maybe talk about why the KGC and Gaming Associates haven’t come out with their own statements, saying yes we have reviewed this and we agree or we are now making a statement that everything UB is saying is in fact true and correct?
Paul Leggett – The KGC and Gaming Associates have both reviewed our press release before it went out to make sure it was accurate and factual. So that has happened. And I believe very, very soon the KGC will come out with an announcement or some kind of press release confirming a lot of facts from our press release. Specifically that the hole has been fixed, that the individuals involved were from the previous owners, im mean were employees of previous owners, and have never had any relationship with Tokwiro or Absolute Poker in any way, if they already haven’t come out with it. I believe they will come out with it very, very soon, early, early this week or next week. Sorry. With regards to Joe and the KGC. I know there are a lot of rumors out there regarding that relationship. As I am sure you guys now, Joseph Norton was the Grand Chief of the Mohawks of Kanawake and He served there two years in public office. He then went into private business in early 2000. In 2006 He established Tokwiro Enterprises and acquired both Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet. Both Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet have license’s with the KGC, gaming license’s, and that is the relationship…….The KGC has many, many licensees, Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet are just two of the many. And Joseph’s relationship is no different from than a U.S. Congressman becoming a Lobbyist. So I know there is a lot of rumors but these are the facts.
Question #10
Poker Cast - Paul looking at it from the outside looking, you know that is all we obviously have. It seems like the purchase of Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker by Tokwiro or Joe Norton is sort of this extra added level of, removal, for the lack of a better word, for the previous owners to still continue on gaining profits from the site, but not actually own the site. For instance, we have got with Absolute Poker where Scott Tom or AJ Green that set up their salaries as a large portion of the profits from Absolute Poker. So while they removed themselves from responsibility, for bad things, taxes and whatever happens. And it seemed like that is what happened with Ultimate Bet as well. The question is, How are we to know that all the stuff that happened before won’t just keep going on. And if that is true?
Paul Leggett – Again there is a lot of rumors out there. Joe Norton owns 100% of Tokwiro Enterprises. And Joe Norton is the owner of UB and AP. With regards to individuals that might have been involved in ownership staying on as consultants, after the sale, I am pretty confident that that has happened. I cant speak to it in detail, but Joe Norton owns both businesses 100% With regards to it never happening again, really our goal is not to just say that we are secure, we want to prove that we are secure. The things like the new poker security center, the new poker security department and after the WSOP, we will be hosting a security meeting, we are inviting many representatives from the poker industry. All the Big Poker Sites are inviting people, All the big poker businesses are inviting representatives, and we would love for 2p2 to participate in that. We really want the Poker Community involved in observing what we have in place for security, and help us to see what the priorities should be going forward, and we want to be as transparent & secure as possible. The security center I think is the most important thing we can do at this time and that is the priority for our company. So we are doing everything we can to learn what had happened in both these incidents and become better for it, a more secure company.
Question #11
Poker Cast – I think that was said after the Absolute Scandal, that there was going to be a security conference and it didn’t seem to happen. Is this the same one you are talking about before?
Paul Leggett – It is the same one. The main goal was to get the requirements for the security center and we are having a hard time establishing A. That we could get everybody to participate; we did get lots of peoples input into the security center. Everybody that we asked to come wanted the Ultimate Bet investigation completed before they came to participate, so we postponed it. We are trying to do it after the WSOP when everybody is available.
Question #12
Poker Cast – Just to confirm, none of these individuals that were associated with the cheating on Ultimate Bet, are no longer employed or receiving compensation from the company, is that right?
Paul Leggett – That is 100% correct
Question #13
Poker Cast – There is sort of a common statement I am hearing out there from people who have played on Ultimate Bet and are now gun shy to play there again. And that statement is whether UB knew that this was happening and was involved in it and don’t believe the press release. Or whether they believe the press release, and also they are basically then interpreting the level of security at UB not to be able to pick up on this. To only to be able to detect it after it was brought to their attention by the players that were victimized on it. Either way they are dealing with a site that is not being truthful or they are dealing with a site that doesn’t have adequate security. Whether it is A or B I just can’t trust myself to play at this site anymore. What would you say to those people?
Paul Leggett – I guess it goes back to the point I made that, well the number one that it was employees from the previous ownership, so it had nothing to do with Tokwiro Enterprises. Second, that it was very unfortunate that this did happen on our watch and we are very upset that we allowed the players to be cheated. Again, if they were not employees of the previous ownership there is no way this would have been able to bypass our security. However, because of these incidents we have been increasing our security. Like I said before that we have, we are working on many things that make sure the site is secure. To open up our security to the community. The security Center, The ew Security Department, and the Security Meeting that we will be having after the WSOP. So I believe we are more secure than we ever have been before and our goal is to be the most scure site on the Internet. That is why I would recommend players to come play back and play at Ultimate Bet. Also our ability too, that when this thing did happen, realize the investigation was lengthy. The end result was we did the right thing, came out with as much information as we could, as fast as we could. It was necessary that the investigation took so long because it was very complex. But in the end we refunded the players that were affected and that was our priority.
Question #14
Poker Cast – Just quickly on criminal charges, It is saying right now in the press release they are being considered. They haven’t been promised yet. The assumption is you would want to seek justice and would want your name further distanced from this, by turning over files if you know who the guilty parties are to the authorities in whatever jurisdictions they live in. Why wouldn’t this be a no-brainer to automatically pursue that to clear your name?
Paul Leggett – Well again out priority was to complete the investigation as thoroughly as possible and now we are pursuing our legal options both criminal or civil. We are very upset. Money was stolen from our player and from the site. We do want people brought to justice. We turned over all of the evidence about the perpetrators and all of the supporting evidence to the KGC and now we are pursuing our legal options to determine what to do next.
Question #15
Poker Cast – Would the person or people involved. I guess it is hard for us to understand how the KGC or the Kanawake Tribe could prosecute, ot would actually be interested in prosecuting anybody if it happened on the reserve. Is it a question of jurisdiction for it, or what’s going on there?
Paul Leggett – Well Again our legal team is providing us with advice now on what our options are and they are looking into many different options. That is one thing that is complicated. I’m not an expert in this area. I don’t know. I know I can’t just use the data I have and condemn someone publicly, so a jurisdictional thing is a problem. That’s one of the many things we are looking into now.
Question #16
Poker Cast – Paul, you came over from Absolute Poker, what are your feelings on why A.J. Green or Scott Tom were not prosecuted?
Paul Leggett – Essentially there was, After the investigation on Absolute Poker and the audit from the KGC & Gaming Associates, there was confirmation that a perpetrator, an individual perpetrator was responsible for the cheating. That the perpetrator provided us with a statement about how they did and what was done exactly. At that time, as I understand it, A decision was made from the business to get that statement from them in order to determine exactly what happened, fix the hole, get players back the money, and finish the investigation. In exchange for that, there was protection of the person’s name, except for exposing it obviously to the KGC and Gaming Associates with a commitment that no legal action be pursued.
Question #17
Poker Cast – Hey Paul, why do you think that Tokwiro, Absolute Poker, and Ultimate bet specifically haven’t been punished by the KGC at all? This has now happened twice. You stil have 100% seal of approval from them. A complete endorsement that this is a great, secure site to play at. Even though the two biggest cheating scandals have now happened within the same company. How has there not been any penalty, any punishment, or taking away that seal of approval from the KGC. Are you surprised by that?
Paul Leggett – I am not surprised, no. With the Absolute Poker incident, or cheating scandal there was obviously, players were refunded immediately. I believe the total damage was $800 thousand. $1.6 million was refunded. There was a fine of $500,000. There was a fee that had to be paid of $225,000 for the gaming associates audit.There was an extensive amount of corrective actions that had to be implemented by Absolute Poker. I believe it Is June 15, 2008 when the Gaming Associates & KGC are coming to our offices to confirm and verify that we are in compliance with those corrective actions. In addition to that there is a Risk Assessment that will happen that will require a lot more corrective actions after those initial ones are verified. There is monthly reporting requirements that we have complied with. There is ongoing spot audits. As well we’ll have to deal with the KGC and Gaming Assocaites. With the UB situation, there has not been any fine or any sanctions yet. But they have an investigation and audit ongoing. I am fairly confident as it concludes that there will be sanctions, corrective actions, and fines, but I can’t comment on what actions will be presented.
Question #18
Poker Cast– Tough one at you Paul. Was there any discussion at all of just shutting down the operation of these sites, of saying listen we just don’t have good enough security at UB and AP to continue to offeronline poker to these customers, and we just don’t feel it is a safe place to play, Was shutting down these sites brought up as an option?
Paul Leggett – It was never brought up to me. It is possible those discussions have happened within the KGC. Again, these are horrible incidents that have happened. That are no different than the many other things that have happened in Land Based Gaming, government based gaming, or in the financial sector. You could take Society-General, with the four-billion dollar scandal there. Either the whole company is not bad because the actions of a few people and obviously the investigation in these situations are complex. We are a company of 500 people and a lot of those people care about the poker community. They care about this business and take a lot of pride in it, so this is just very unfortunate that a few people’s actions can have an effect on our business. Again these things happen and we are learning from them and dealing with the ramifications, and the sanctions from the KGC and the fines and hopefully we become a better business for it. Hopefully poker is more secure because of it. It is not an excuse, two horrible cheating incidents happened and we deserved the backburn. We have to implement measures to prevent them from ever happening again and deal with the ramifications of the KGC’s findings.
Question #19
Poker Cast – I will ask you about Gaming Associates. It seems like they are the third party independent auditor so to speak. They come in and really haven’t been good at what they are supposed to be doing, really you know, catching things like this that were goin on. Was there thoughts to choosing a different auditor, maybe that didn’t have the problems the Gaming Associates ran into?
Paul Leggett – I don’t know what problems you are talking about specifically with Gaming Associates. I’m not aware of any problems but it is one of those situations you are kind of, there is no right way to go. If we change auditor’s people question that. If it is the same auditors people will question it as well. It is kind of a no-win situation. I think the KGC decided to keep them there for consistency and to monitor.
Question #20
Poker Cast – Do you think this kind of hole-card cheating is going on at other poker sites as well, Paul? But they (the cheaters) have been more subtle about it, have been doing in am anne not to get caught, where as In this case it has brought negative press to Ultimate Bet because they were doing it in such an outlandish way that it was available to be caught?
Paul Leggett – I have no reason to believe there is cheating going on other sites. However I am very concerned that cheating incidents have happened on such a large scale on the Tokwiro Sites, so that is why I think it is so important that we invest in security and open up our business to the Poker Community, to let them see what we are doing to ensure that nothing can happen on a smaller scale and that they are very happy and have an impact into our security.
Question #21
Poker Cast – If you were a high stakes cash game player and played online poker, I don’t know if you do or you don’t, but would you play at Ultimate Bet today?
Paul Leggett – Yes I would. Again many players that have contacted myself after the refunds are very happy that we took this step. They believe we did the right thing. Obviously we have to keep doing the right thing in order for them to trust us. Several of these people, specifically the ones have spoken to me before and have played on the site since we have given them their refunds and know that we are trying to do everything possible to get players their money back and make sure that this can never happen again, so Absolutely I would.
Question #22
Poker Cast – On Absolute Poker there was interest paid. Is there interest being paid this time around with the UltimateBet issue?
Paul Leggett – The way that we have determined the refund on the UB incidents was to give anybody the entire net loss for any hand played against any of the accounts that were involved in the cheating, or associated with the cheating, We are not paying the interest this time because with the Absolute Poker situation, from my understanding, the company felt a greater liability because of the internal employee(s) 1:13 minutes in And where they overpaid in that situation to ensure that everyone was happy and paid with interest as well on top of that. In this situation there are some hands it seems like were not involved in cheating, we just wanted to blanket every single hand that anybody played against these accounts, and that is where we are at this point. It is possible we may do something in addition for customer service reasons for the players that were affected though.
Question #23
Poker Cast – was there a though in the interest of transparency, when you are doing the refunds to players, to give them the hand histories & give them all the information. I guess without getting all the information each player kind of just has to hope that that is all that was stolen from them, correct?
Paul Leggett - That is correct. We have taken all the requests people have for hand histories, it is pretty complicated because of the duration of the cheating. Some of the requests for entire HH’s from their entire history at UltimateBet. It is an enormous amount of data so it requires setting up like an ftp site. Then give them access for each person, it is not a simple thing but it was 100% our priority to make sure that they could take all of our HH’s from UB and put them into a Poker Tracker 2 or similar application and see the two numbers. Our refund amount and their number would match 100% It took a lot of analysis to make sure and a lot of testing to ensure refund amounts were perfect. Again if anyone had any complaints they can email us at pokersecurity@ultimatebet.com and anything to do with this investigation is 100% priority and we will work with them to get the refund amount.
Question #24
Poker Cast – Paul, if online poker was legal and regulated all around the world, do you think something like this would have happened?
Paul Leggett – It is definitely possible. Again the individuals like the banking or the government lotteries that have scandals. It doesn’t mean they are immune to employees or individuals stealing or cheating. These things happen in all kinds of industries. Well I think regulation in every country will help, but I don’t think it is immune to these kinds of incidents from occurring.
Question #25
Poker Cast – Would you characterize both situations with Absolute & Ultimatebet as happening in a similar fashion? That is it is a piece of software the person had. Is it a similar sort of software hole in both Poker Sites?
Paul Leggett – They definitely are similar in a sense that cheating occurred. The cheaters were able to see hole cards during live play. However, they are in fact quite different. UB and AP are run on completely separate software and platforms. I think the key thing that separates the UB from the AP is that the perpetrators in no way worked for Tokwiro or Absolute Poker. That the KGC’s report will confirm this fact.
Question #26
Poker Cast – What are your high profile sponsored players saying to you now, or to Joe at this point in time? Are they wanting to distance themselves from you? What kind of conversations have taken place between UltimateBet and the Phil Hellmuths or Annie Dukes of the world the last couple of days?
Paul Leggett – Obviously they are not thrilled that anything like this occurred on a site the are endorsing. Both Phil nd Annie Duke are happy with the way that we have dealt with the situation. It is something we inherited, a problem we inherited and we have taken full responsibility for it and made it right. They know what we are working on from a security standpoint and they are going to make sure that this can never happen again. We are actually getting others to come in and endorse our site. There will be release’s in the next few weeks of new poker professionals coming on board to endorse UB.
Question #27
Poker Cast – Are they part owners of the company, like some of the sponsored players at Full Tilt are? Or are they unconnected entirely more like PokerStars?
Paul Leggett – They are unconnected entirely like PokerStars. They are just celebrity endorsements. Annie Duke has come on board recently as our tournament director to rebuild our tournament schedule. Again which is a new product and I think is fantastic
Question #28
Poker Cast – Paul I want to thank you for coming on the program. We really appreciate it. I know this is a trying time. A lot of people out there are probably saying this guy has been with the company less than a year and been through two crises, what the heck is he doing still working there? What keeps you with the company after these two devastating hits?
Paul Leggett – That’s a really good question. Basically when the AP scandal hit I was considering leaving the company but Joe convinced me to stay. He charge me with making sure players got their money back, that we could get through the investigation, found out exactly what happened, and deal with the ramifications of it. Putting measure in place to make sure it could never happen again. I decided to stay on board because of Joe’s approach to the whole thing. Again with the Ultimatebet situation, I just want to make sure it was handled well, that we fix the problem, make sure it can never happen again, and refund money to the players that was owed to them. That is why I am here. It has been a trying year. I am committed to this business and helping it rebuild and grow.
Question #29
Poker Cast – What can we expect from here on out as a timeline as far as how all of these things are going to come down specifically, transparency as talking about how it happened and who it happened with, and some of the criminal charge things? Is there sort of a timeline?
Paul Leggett – I do not have a timeline at this point. Really because of our effort to get that release out and refund out players and concluding the investigation. Now we are obviously dealing with the Media and focusing our efforts on that stuff, so I don’t have a timeline at this point, but there will be updates from UB and the KGC in the near future I am sure.
Question #30
Poker Cast – Now you have paid back money that you are claiming that somebody has taken that is no longer connected to the company. Do you ever think you are going to see that money yourselves? You have distanced yourself as the guilty party. So you could have also said we were not the ones that took the money so we are not responsible for paying it back. Based on the press release, you paid back money you didn’t take. Do you ever think you are going to recover that money that you paid back, that you didn’t steal in the first place?
Paul Leggett – I don’t know. I would certainly hope so, however I do not know how it is all going to unfold at this time.
End of interview
Transcript of interview that took place on 6-2-08 by Mookman5
For those who cannot listen to the file
Question #1
Poker Cast: Can You give us UB’S version starting from January to now (June). How it started and where it is at this point?
Paul Leggett - Sure. Thanks for having me guys. Well I guess it, it started January 12, 2008. We were first alerted to um, by one of our customers that there were allegations on unfair play on the Ultimate Bet site. We immediately then contacted the, KGC, out regulatory body, and notified them we were launching and investigation. That investigation was comprehensive and it lasted several months. Through out investigation we were able to determine that cheating did in fact occur on the site. The cheating took place from March 2006 to December 2007. The perpetrators of the cheating were employed by previous ownership of Ultimate Bet prior to Tokwiro purchasing UB in October 2006. The method that was used by the perpetrators was the yused unauthorized software on our servers in order to gain hold card information during live play. Again that software code was on our servers prior to Tokwiro acquiring the business.
Question #2
Poker Cast – How much money are we talking about here? Do You have a sum total of how much money was stolen? How much money will be refunded to the players?
Paul Leggett – Um I do have rough numbers but at this point for operational legal reasons, we’re not able to come out with it, but I believe the number will come out in the future.
Question #3
Poker Cast – Ok. One of the questions that I think a lot of people are a little confused with is a lot of the talk about previous ownership vs. current ownership. I was wondering if and the assertion in the press release is that the wrongdoing was done by employees of the previous ownership. Is it completely different people that own and rn the company compared to pre-2006? Is / Are the people that owned before are no longer involved with UltimateBet in anyway and it is totally different people? Or is it just a new company name sorta paperwise that owns it, but there’s a lot of the same people running the company now and involved in the decision making that were involved prior to the change of ownership? What is the old ownership versus new ownership situation?
Paul Leggett – Well the old ownership of UB, I believe the company name is E-World Holdings which is a private company. I belive by… I am not sure, I am not an expert on the previous ownership. Then the software service was provided by Excapsa Software Services which is a publicly traded company. None of these people have any involvement with business or Tokwiro anymore, um so it is completely different people, completely different ownership.
Question #4
Poker Cast – Paul we had a situation over at Absolute poker as well. You know through the investigation, some 2p2’ers come across the fact that it was Scott Tom and AJ Green, it wasn’t like it was forthcoming or anything. So I guess the concern there was it wasn’t a low-level employee, it was actually a founder of the company that was doing this. You haven’t released who it was involved at UltimateBet can you do that for us, tell us who it was?
Paul Leggett – I cannot at this time. Frankly we are very upset that cheating, that individuals were able to cheat our players and steal money from our site. Our priority throughout this whole thing has been to complete the investigation. Through the investigation our priorities have been to: Make sure that the ability to cheat has been closed and fixed, Find out exactly what went on here, Refund our players which we were able to do this week, Put in preventative measures to ensure that this can never happen again. At this point we are pursuing our legal options both criminal and civil.
Question #5
Poker Cast – Can you see how the transparency is important though? I mean it is not a low level employee at Absolute Poker, it’s a founder, we are sort of going forward with Ultimate Bet, if you hope to have the players trust, I think it is important to come out and be completely transparent about this and it really doesn’t seem like, you know, not talking about who it was and how it happened actually, like specifically, seems to be a bit of a sore spot.
Paul Leggett – And I realize that. And We tried to be as forthcoming as possible in the statement we came out with this week. I believe there’s a lot of information um, that well, we released a lot of information from our investigation however there are some things we just cannot come and publicly say immediately. I have a lot of evidence that has been turned over to the KGC, like I said we are pursuing our legal options both criminally and civil now.
Question #6
Poker Cast – Paul, One of the obvious questions people are going to ask. You started the investigation when the NioNio account was brought to your attention in January. And then it says in the timeline here that UB discovered the unauthorized codes in February, so basically one month later. So the question a lot of people would of course ask is, When you purchased the company from the previous ownership, obviously a review of the security would have been done at that time, you would think. And After the Absolut Poker Scandal you would think at that time another review would have been done, particularly when a third party auditor had come on and all of that stuff. How was this not picked up either when you reviewed it when you first took over the company, or how was this not picked up at the same time of the AP poker scandal? When once it was brought to your attention you were able to discover it in a period of about a month or so?
Paul Leggett – Well I think that the key part to this is that the individuals who perpetrated the cheating were employees of the previous ownership. That gave them access to this unauthorized code that we had no idea existed. It gave them access to change usernames. It gave them a complete understanding of how our business worked. They could get around, uh, They could create this scheme where they could cheat fomr us, or cheat the UB players, while working there and to continue to do so after the business was sold. If they weren’t employees at some point for UB, there is no way they would have been able to perpetrate this scheme. Obviously we are very upset that this did happen on our watch and we are doing everything we can because of this to ensure the business is secure. We are investing a lot of money in security. We’re..The most important priority for me is watching the new security center which is the first release, its sole purpose is to immediately detect any abnormal winning statistics. In that security center application we had input from professional poker player, gaming mathematicians, and individuals that were instrumental in exposing the AP scandal. We have also established a new poker security department that is completely separate from our security team we have now. Its sole priority is to identify fraud that relates to the poker room. We are also going through a risk assessment with Gaming Associates and the KGC. There’s tons of confined stuff that we have to adhere to in order to keep a license. It is horrible the incidents that happened but I really believe we are more secure because of it.
Question #8
Poker Cast – I want to get to the Gaming Associates and the KGC in a minute. You are talking about it happening on your watch. Other sites, even UltimateBet as well, when somebody wins a fair amount of money or wants to cash-out, you really get a lot of stopguards there, where people who are with the site will look at these accounts and see what is exactly going on. The part of this for a lot of people that is so hard to believe from all of this. How in the world can an account like NioNio or others, play for almost two years, win at a rate that is equivalent to winning the powerball lottery three days in a row, cashing out millions of dollars, change the account name over and over, and no one in the entire organization takes five minutes to investigate any of the accounts. When they are cashing out over and over and over again. That’s the hard part to believe. Yeah it might have happened and might have been done by somebody that used to work at the company, but all this happened with current ownership in place.
Paul Leggett – That’s Correct. Again we are very upset that the cheating….That our players were able to be cheated while we have been running the business. Again that the key part of this is that they were employees, and what they were bale to do was set up so these accounts so that they appeared as VIP professionals. They were able to change their usernames, because these players had this type of status they were able to make fast withdrawals and basically bypass our security checks.
Question #9
Poker Cast – You talked about the people you are responsible, the KGC. You have also brought in an independent auditor called Gaming Associates. One of the questions I had, particularly with the connection to the Absolute Poker Thing and now this happening. You would think that UltimateBet would want a third party to come out and make an actual statement backing up your press release, saying that yes we have done this review and we stand behind what UB is saying. I think that a lot of people know that one of the main parties in the ownership of Tokwiro Enterprises is Joe Norton, who used to be Chief of the Kanawake Territory and that there may not be a complete arms reach distance as far as that relationship goes. Can you maybe talk about why the KGC and Gaming Associates haven’t come out with their own statements, saying yes we have reviewed this and we agree or we are now making a statement that everything UB is saying is in fact true and correct?
Paul Leggett – The KGC and Gaming Associates have both reviewed our press release before it went out to make sure it was accurate and factual. So that has happened. And I believe very, very soon the KGC will come out with an announcement or some kind of press release confirming a lot of facts from our press release. Specifically that the hole has been fixed, that the individuals involved were from the previous owners, im mean were employees of previous owners, and have never had any relationship with Tokwiro or Absolute Poker in any way, if they already haven’t come out with it. I believe they will come out with it very, very soon, early, early this week or next week. Sorry. With regards to Joe and the KGC. I know there are a lot of rumors out there regarding that relationship. As I am sure you guys now, Joseph Norton was the Grand Chief of the Mohawks of Kanawake and He served there two years in public office. He then went into private business in early 2000. In 2006 He established Tokwiro Enterprises and acquired both Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet. Both Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet have license’s with the KGC, gaming license’s, and that is the relationship…….The KGC has many, many licensees, Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet are just two of the many. And Joseph’s relationship is no different from than a U.S. Congressman becoming a Lobbyist. So I know there is a lot of rumors but these are the facts.
Question #10
Poker Cast - Paul looking at it from the outside looking, you know that is all we obviously have. It seems like the purchase of Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker by Tokwiro or Joe Norton is sort of this extra added level of, removal, for the lack of a better word, for the previous owners to still continue on gaining profits from the site, but not actually own the site. For instance, we have got with Absolute Poker where Scott Tom or AJ Green that set up their salaries as a large portion of the profits from Absolute Poker. So while they removed themselves from responsibility, for bad things, taxes and whatever happens. And it seemed like that is what happened with Ultimate Bet as well. The question is, How are we to know that all the stuff that happened before won’t just keep going on. And if that is true?
Paul Leggett – Again there is a lot of rumors out there. Joe Norton owns 100% of Tokwiro Enterprises. And Joe Norton is the owner of UB and AP. With regards to individuals that might have been involved in ownership staying on as consultants, after the sale, I am pretty confident that that has happened. I cant speak to it in detail, but Joe Norton owns both businesses 100% With regards to it never happening again, really our goal is not to just say that we are secure, we want to prove that we are secure. The things like the new poker security center, the new poker security department and after the WSOP, we will be hosting a security meeting, we are inviting many representatives from the poker industry. All the Big Poker Sites are inviting people, All the big poker businesses are inviting representatives, and we would love for 2p2 to participate in that. We really want the Poker Community involved in observing what we have in place for security, and help us to see what the priorities should be going forward, and we want to be as transparent & secure as possible. The security center I think is the most important thing we can do at this time and that is the priority for our company. So we are doing everything we can to learn what had happened in both these incidents and become better for it, a more secure company.
Question #11
Poker Cast – I think that was said after the Absolute Scandal, that there was going to be a security conference and it didn’t seem to happen. Is this the same one you are talking about before?
Paul Leggett – It is the same one. The main goal was to get the requirements for the security center and we are having a hard time establishing A. That we could get everybody to participate; we did get lots of peoples input into the security center. Everybody that we asked to come wanted the Ultimate Bet investigation completed before they came to participate, so we postponed it. We are trying to do it after the WSOP when everybody is available.
Question #12
Poker Cast – Just to confirm, none of these individuals that were associated with the cheating on Ultimate Bet, are no longer employed or receiving compensation from the company, is that right?
Paul Leggett – That is 100% correct
Question #13
Poker Cast – There is sort of a common statement I am hearing out there from people who have played on Ultimate Bet and are now gun shy to play there again. And that statement is whether UB knew that this was happening and was involved in it and don’t believe the press release. Or whether they believe the press release, and also they are basically then interpreting the level of security at UB not to be able to pick up on this. To only to be able to detect it after it was brought to their attention by the players that were victimized on it. Either way they are dealing with a site that is not being truthful or they are dealing with a site that doesn’t have adequate security. Whether it is A or B I just can’t trust myself to play at this site anymore. What would you say to those people?
Paul Leggett – I guess it goes back to the point I made that, well the number one that it was employees from the previous ownership, so it had nothing to do with Tokwiro Enterprises. Second, that it was very unfortunate that this did happen on our watch and we are very upset that we allowed the players to be cheated. Again, if they were not employees of the previous ownership there is no way this would have been able to bypass our security. However, because of these incidents we have been increasing our security. Like I said before that we have, we are working on many things that make sure the site is secure. To open up our security to the community. The security Center, The ew Security Department, and the Security Meeting that we will be having after the WSOP. So I believe we are more secure than we ever have been before and our goal is to be the most scure site on the Internet. That is why I would recommend players to come play back and play at Ultimate Bet. Also our ability too, that when this thing did happen, realize the investigation was lengthy. The end result was we did the right thing, came out with as much information as we could, as fast as we could. It was necessary that the investigation took so long because it was very complex. But in the end we refunded the players that were affected and that was our priority.
Question #14
Poker Cast – Just quickly on criminal charges, It is saying right now in the press release they are being considered. They haven’t been promised yet. The assumption is you would want to seek justice and would want your name further distanced from this, by turning over files if you know who the guilty parties are to the authorities in whatever jurisdictions they live in. Why wouldn’t this be a no-brainer to automatically pursue that to clear your name?
Paul Leggett – Well again out priority was to complete the investigation as thoroughly as possible and now we are pursuing our legal options both criminal or civil. We are very upset. Money was stolen from our player and from the site. We do want people brought to justice. We turned over all of the evidence about the perpetrators and all of the supporting evidence to the KGC and now we are pursuing our legal options to determine what to do next.
Question #15
Poker Cast – Would the person or people involved. I guess it is hard for us to understand how the KGC or the Kanawake Tribe could prosecute, ot would actually be interested in prosecuting anybody if it happened on the reserve. Is it a question of jurisdiction for it, or what’s going on there?
Paul Leggett – Well Again our legal team is providing us with advice now on what our options are and they are looking into many different options. That is one thing that is complicated. I’m not an expert in this area. I don’t know. I know I can’t just use the data I have and condemn someone publicly, so a jurisdictional thing is a problem. That’s one of the many things we are looking into now.
Question #16
Poker Cast – Paul, you came over from Absolute Poker, what are your feelings on why A.J. Green or Scott Tom were not prosecuted?
Paul Leggett – Essentially there was, After the investigation on Absolute Poker and the audit from the KGC & Gaming Associates, there was confirmation that a perpetrator, an individual perpetrator was responsible for the cheating. That the perpetrator provided us with a statement about how they did and what was done exactly. At that time, as I understand it, A decision was made from the business to get that statement from them in order to determine exactly what happened, fix the hole, get players back the money, and finish the investigation. In exchange for that, there was protection of the person’s name, except for exposing it obviously to the KGC and Gaming Associates with a commitment that no legal action be pursued.
Question #17
Poker Cast – Hey Paul, why do you think that Tokwiro, Absolute Poker, and Ultimate bet specifically haven’t been punished by the KGC at all? This has now happened twice. You stil have 100% seal of approval from them. A complete endorsement that this is a great, secure site to play at. Even though the two biggest cheating scandals have now happened within the same company. How has there not been any penalty, any punishment, or taking away that seal of approval from the KGC. Are you surprised by that?
Paul Leggett – I am not surprised, no. With the Absolute Poker incident, or cheating scandal there was obviously, players were refunded immediately. I believe the total damage was $800 thousand. $1.6 million was refunded. There was a fine of $500,000. There was a fee that had to be paid of $225,000 for the gaming associates audit.There was an extensive amount of corrective actions that had to be implemented by Absolute Poker. I believe it Is June 15, 2008 when the Gaming Associates & KGC are coming to our offices to confirm and verify that we are in compliance with those corrective actions. In addition to that there is a Risk Assessment that will happen that will require a lot more corrective actions after those initial ones are verified. There is monthly reporting requirements that we have complied with. There is ongoing spot audits. As well we’ll have to deal with the KGC and Gaming Assocaites. With the UB situation, there has not been any fine or any sanctions yet. But they have an investigation and audit ongoing. I am fairly confident as it concludes that there will be sanctions, corrective actions, and fines, but I can’t comment on what actions will be presented.
Question #18
Poker Cast– Tough one at you Paul. Was there any discussion at all of just shutting down the operation of these sites, of saying listen we just don’t have good enough security at UB and AP to continue to offeronline poker to these customers, and we just don’t feel it is a safe place to play, Was shutting down these sites brought up as an option?
Paul Leggett – It was never brought up to me. It is possible those discussions have happened within the KGC. Again, these are horrible incidents that have happened. That are no different than the many other things that have happened in Land Based Gaming, government based gaming, or in the financial sector. You could take Society-General, with the four-billion dollar scandal there. Either the whole company is not bad because the actions of a few people and obviously the investigation in these situations are complex. We are a company of 500 people and a lot of those people care about the poker community. They care about this business and take a lot of pride in it, so this is just very unfortunate that a few people’s actions can have an effect on our business. Again these things happen and we are learning from them and dealing with the ramifications, and the sanctions from the KGC and the fines and hopefully we become a better business for it. Hopefully poker is more secure because of it. It is not an excuse, two horrible cheating incidents happened and we deserved the backburn. We have to implement measures to prevent them from ever happening again and deal with the ramifications of the KGC’s findings.
Question #19
Poker Cast – I will ask you about Gaming Associates. It seems like they are the third party independent auditor so to speak. They come in and really haven’t been good at what they are supposed to be doing, really you know, catching things like this that were goin on. Was there thoughts to choosing a different auditor, maybe that didn’t have the problems the Gaming Associates ran into?
Paul Leggett – I don’t know what problems you are talking about specifically with Gaming Associates. I’m not aware of any problems but it is one of those situations you are kind of, there is no right way to go. If we change auditor’s people question that. If it is the same auditors people will question it as well. It is kind of a no-win situation. I think the KGC decided to keep them there for consistency and to monitor.
Question #20
Poker Cast – Do you think this kind of hole-card cheating is going on at other poker sites as well, Paul? But they (the cheaters) have been more subtle about it, have been doing in am anne not to get caught, where as In this case it has brought negative press to Ultimate Bet because they were doing it in such an outlandish way that it was available to be caught?
Paul Leggett – I have no reason to believe there is cheating going on other sites. However I am very concerned that cheating incidents have happened on such a large scale on the Tokwiro Sites, so that is why I think it is so important that we invest in security and open up our business to the Poker Community, to let them see what we are doing to ensure that nothing can happen on a smaller scale and that they are very happy and have an impact into our security.
Question #21
Poker Cast – If you were a high stakes cash game player and played online poker, I don’t know if you do or you don’t, but would you play at Ultimate Bet today?
Paul Leggett – Yes I would. Again many players that have contacted myself after the refunds are very happy that we took this step. They believe we did the right thing. Obviously we have to keep doing the right thing in order for them to trust us. Several of these people, specifically the ones have spoken to me before and have played on the site since we have given them their refunds and know that we are trying to do everything possible to get players their money back and make sure that this can never happen again, so Absolutely I would.
Question #22
Poker Cast – On Absolute Poker there was interest paid. Is there interest being paid this time around with the UltimateBet issue?
Paul Leggett – The way that we have determined the refund on the UB incidents was to give anybody the entire net loss for any hand played against any of the accounts that were involved in the cheating, or associated with the cheating, We are not paying the interest this time because with the Absolute Poker situation, from my understanding, the company felt a greater liability because of the internal employee(s) 1:13 minutes in And where they overpaid in that situation to ensure that everyone was happy and paid with interest as well on top of that. In this situation there are some hands it seems like were not involved in cheating, we just wanted to blanket every single hand that anybody played against these accounts, and that is where we are at this point. It is possible we may do something in addition for customer service reasons for the players that were affected though.
Question #23
Poker Cast – was there a though in the interest of transparency, when you are doing the refunds to players, to give them the hand histories & give them all the information. I guess without getting all the information each player kind of just has to hope that that is all that was stolen from them, correct?
Paul Leggett - That is correct. We have taken all the requests people have for hand histories, it is pretty complicated because of the duration of the cheating. Some of the requests for entire HH’s from their entire history at UltimateBet. It is an enormous amount of data so it requires setting up like an ftp site. Then give them access for each person, it is not a simple thing but it was 100% our priority to make sure that they could take all of our HH’s from UB and put them into a Poker Tracker 2 or similar application and see the two numbers. Our refund amount and their number would match 100% It took a lot of analysis to make sure and a lot of testing to ensure refund amounts were perfect. Again if anyone had any complaints they can email us at pokersecurity@ultimatebet.com and anything to do with this investigation is 100% priority and we will work with them to get the refund amount.
Question #24
Poker Cast – Paul, if online poker was legal and regulated all around the world, do you think something like this would have happened?
Paul Leggett – It is definitely possible. Again the individuals like the banking or the government lotteries that have scandals. It doesn’t mean they are immune to employees or individuals stealing or cheating. These things happen in all kinds of industries. Well I think regulation in every country will help, but I don’t think it is immune to these kinds of incidents from occurring.
Question #25
Poker Cast – Would you characterize both situations with Absolute & Ultimatebet as happening in a similar fashion? That is it is a piece of software the person had. Is it a similar sort of software hole in both Poker Sites?
Paul Leggett – They definitely are similar in a sense that cheating occurred. The cheaters were able to see hole cards during live play. However, they are in fact quite different. UB and AP are run on completely separate software and platforms. I think the key thing that separates the UB from the AP is that the perpetrators in no way worked for Tokwiro or Absolute Poker. That the KGC’s report will confirm this fact.
Question #26
Poker Cast – What are your high profile sponsored players saying to you now, or to Joe at this point in time? Are they wanting to distance themselves from you? What kind of conversations have taken place between UltimateBet and the Phil Hellmuths or Annie Dukes of the world the last couple of days?
Paul Leggett – Obviously they are not thrilled that anything like this occurred on a site the are endorsing. Both Phil nd Annie Duke are happy with the way that we have dealt with the situation. It is something we inherited, a problem we inherited and we have taken full responsibility for it and made it right. They know what we are working on from a security standpoint and they are going to make sure that this can never happen again. We are actually getting others to come in and endorse our site. There will be release’s in the next few weeks of new poker professionals coming on board to endorse UB.
Question #27
Poker Cast – Are they part owners of the company, like some of the sponsored players at Full Tilt are? Or are they unconnected entirely more like PokerStars?
Paul Leggett – They are unconnected entirely like PokerStars. They are just celebrity endorsements. Annie Duke has come on board recently as our tournament director to rebuild our tournament schedule. Again which is a new product and I think is fantastic
Question #28
Poker Cast – Paul I want to thank you for coming on the program. We really appreciate it. I know this is a trying time. A lot of people out there are probably saying this guy has been with the company less than a year and been through two crises, what the heck is he doing still working there? What keeps you with the company after these two devastating hits?
Paul Leggett – That’s a really good question. Basically when the AP scandal hit I was considering leaving the company but Joe convinced me to stay. He charge me with making sure players got their money back, that we could get through the investigation, found out exactly what happened, and deal with the ramifications of it. Putting measure in place to make sure it could never happen again. I decided to stay on board because of Joe’s approach to the whole thing. Again with the Ultimatebet situation, I just want to make sure it was handled well, that we fix the problem, make sure it can never happen again, and refund money to the players that was owed to them. That is why I am here. It has been a trying year. I am committed to this business and helping it rebuild and grow.
Question #29
Poker Cast – What can we expect from here on out as a timeline as far as how all of these things are going to come down specifically, transparency as talking about how it happened and who it happened with, and some of the criminal charge things? Is there sort of a timeline?
Paul Leggett – I do not have a timeline at this point. Really because of our effort to get that release out and refund out players and concluding the investigation. Now we are obviously dealing with the Media and focusing our efforts on that stuff, so I don’t have a timeline at this point, but there will be updates from UB and the KGC in the near future I am sure.
Question #30
Poker Cast – Now you have paid back money that you are claiming that somebody has taken that is no longer connected to the company. Do you ever think you are going to see that money yourselves? You have distanced yourself as the guilty party. So you could have also said we were not the ones that took the money so we are not responsible for paying it back. Based on the press release, you paid back money you didn’t take. Do you ever think you are going to recover that money that you paid back, that you didn’t steal in the first place?
Paul Leggett – I don’t know. I would certainly hope so, however I do not know how it is all going to unfold at this time.
End of interview
UltimateBet: UltimateBet began the process of issuing refunds to affected players. We are confident that we have uncovered the majority of the usernames involved in the fraud and processed the corresponding refunds. We expect to have the investigation concluded by June 30, 2008.
June 5, 2008
Status Update on NioNio Investigation, and on Refunds to Players
June 5, 2008 - As announced previously, UltimateBet began the process of issuing refunds to affected players on May 29, 2008. Since then, we have continued to investigate additional accounts and data surrounding the unfair play. We have also received inquiries from our customers for a few accounts that we have included in our investigation.
We are confident that we have uncovered the majority of the usernames involved in the fraud and processed the corresponding refunds. However, we are currently analyzing data for additional usernames that appear to have suspicious activity.
If we determine that these usernames were in fact part of the scheme, we will refund the net losses incurred by any customers who played against them.
We expect to have the investigation concluded by June 30, 2008.
June 5, 2008 - As announced previously, UltimateBet began the process of issuing refunds to affected players on May 29, 2008. Since then, we have continued to investigate additional accounts and data surrounding the unfair play. We have also received inquiries from our customers for a few accounts that we have included in our investigation.
We are confident that we have uncovered the majority of the usernames involved in the fraud and processed the corresponding refunds. However, we are currently analyzing data for additional usernames that appear to have suspicious activity.
If we determine that these usernames were in fact part of the scheme, we will refund the net losses incurred by any customers who played against them.
We expect to have the investigation concluded by June 30, 2008.
Annie Duke: UltimateBet “handled this particular issue not only with grace and integrity... management stepped up to the plate in a way that they actually didn’t have to
June 27th, 2008: Video interview
UltimateBet: The cheating began in January 2005. 14 new usernames have been identified. There are no new perpetrators involved, only new usernames. Tokwiro considers itself be a victim.
July 8, 2008
UltimateBet’s continuing investigation has confirmed that other usernames, in addition to those previously identified on this site, were associated with the cheating scandal.
The additional usernames include: Crackcorn55, GrabBag123, gravitation, Bgroup, H_Curtis, Twenty 1, WacoManiac, Broke_In_L_A, ShaqTack, BlueBerry101, 55WasHere, Xnomas, dannyboy55, Indy05. The same perpetrators we had previously identified controlled all of these usernames; there are no new perpetrators involved, only new usernames.
We have also confirmed that the cheating dates back further then we initially believed. We can now confirm that the cheating began in January 2005, long before Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG acquired UltimateBet from the previous ownership.
Tokwiro regrets that we did not discover this scheme during our due diligence when we purchased UltimateBet in October 2006, and that we did not identify the fraudulent activity until this recent investigation. We remain committed to our players, and to resolving this problem completely. We will start refunding players for any net losses in hands played with the usernames listed above once we complete our investigation.
Tokwiro considers itself to have been a victim of this fraud and we are continuing to explore our legal options. As part of this effort, we are compiling all of the information we have gathered in regard to the perpetrators and their activities, for possible use in any legal action.
We will continue to provide updates on our investigation, as we are still looking at a few accounts. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the poker community for their invaluable contributions to this investigation and remind them that we remain committed to fully examining any claims of fraud that we receive.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this investigation, please contact us at pokersecurity@ultimatebet.com
The additional usernames include: Crackcorn55, GrabBag123, gravitation, Bgroup, H_Curtis, Twenty 1, WacoManiac, Broke_In_L_A, ShaqTack, BlueBerry101, 55WasHere, Xnomas, dannyboy55, Indy05. The same perpetrators we had previously identified controlled all of these usernames; there are no new perpetrators involved, only new usernames.
We have also confirmed that the cheating dates back further then we initially believed. We can now confirm that the cheating began in January 2005, long before Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG acquired UltimateBet from the previous ownership.
Tokwiro regrets that we did not discover this scheme during our due diligence when we purchased UltimateBet in October 2006, and that we did not identify the fraudulent activity until this recent investigation. We remain committed to our players, and to resolving this problem completely. We will start refunding players for any net losses in hands played with the usernames listed above once we complete our investigation.
Tokwiro considers itself to have been a victim of this fraud and we are continuing to explore our legal options. As part of this effort, we are compiling all of the information we have gathered in regard to the perpetrators and their activities, for possible use in any legal action.
We will continue to provide updates on our investigation, as we are still looking at a few accounts. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the poker community for their invaluable contributions to this investigation and remind them that we remain committed to fully examining any claims of fraud that we receive.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this investigation, please contact us at pokersecurity@ultimatebet.com
KGC: The KGC has been continuously regulating online gaming for over 9 years – longer than most, if not all, other jurisdictions. The KGC has proven to be a world leader with regulations and methodologies. The KGC’s record has been exemplary. The KGC has been closely involved in an in-depth investigation of the Ultimate Bet to identify and correct the flaws in Ultimate Bet’s system; to identify the individuals that were responsible for the cheating; and to ensure that all affected players were fully reimbursed. Unfortunately, the KGC’s actions were not well communicated to the poker industry or public at large, creating an incorrect perception that the KGC was ‘doing nothing’.
July 25, 2008
Kahnawake Gaming Commission (the “KGC”) has been continuously regulating online gaming for over 9 years – longer than most, if not all, other jurisdictions. During that period of time, the KGC has proven to be a world leader with regulations and methodologies that have established a regulatory environment in which online gaming can be conducted fairly and securely. The KGC’s success as a regulator is evidenced by the fact that a significant percentage of the online gaming industry has chosen to locate and operate within Kahnawáke. Given the length of time that it has regulated this new industry and the significant number of licensees under its control, the KGC’s record has been exemplary.
As commentators have correctly noted, even the most well regulated industries are not immune from abuse. Examples can be found in the banking, securities and land-based gaming industries. The fact that the online gaming industry is new and is technologically driven creates additional regulatory challenges. Throughout its history, the KGC has met these challenges and its regulations have been emulated in a number of other jurisdictions around the world.
Over the past several months, it was discovered that individuals within two of the KGC’s licensees – Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet – had created and carried out a scheme to cheat players. In both cases, the improper conduct of these individuals was brought to the attention of the licensees, and the KGC, by affected players. The KGC acknowledges the diligence and sophistication displayed by these players and the role they played in bringing these matters to light.
The first case involved Absolute Poker. After a thorough investigation carried out by the KGC and its agents, Gaming Associates, the KGC rendered its decision in this matter on January 11, 2008. This decision concluded that the cheating that took place was not initiated, nor did it benefit, Absolute Poker as a corporate entity, or its directors or principal ownership. The decision imposed a number of sanctions and conditions on Absolute Poker, including twenty-four specific directions for changes to its management and systems. The KGC was provided evidence that all players affected by the cheating that took place were fully reimbursed for their losses.
Shortly after its decision was rendered in the Absolute Poker matter, the KGC first became aware of similar allegations of cheating involving individuals within Absolute Poker’s sister company: Ultimate Bet.
Over the past several months, the KGC has been closely involved in an in-depth investigation of the Ultimate Bet cheating allegations. Significant efforts have been expended to identify and correct the flaws in Ultimate Bet’s system that permitted the cheating to take place; to identify the individuals that were responsible for the cheating and to ensure that all affected players were fully reimbursed. Unfortunately, the KGC’s actions were not well communicated to the poker industry or public at large, creating an incorrect perception that the KGC was ‘doing nothing’.
The KGC’s investigation into the Ultimate Bet matter has yielded a number of key findings which, within the next several days, will enable the KGC to issue its decision on the appropriate steps to be taken.
It should be stressed that the KGC’s primary concern throughout both matters was to ensure that affected players were fully reimbursed and that corrective measures were implemented to prevent against any further incidents of cheating. Both of these objectives have been accomplished – as evidenced by the fact that the recent concerns that have been raised about the Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet matters are not being driven by affected players.
As commentators have correctly noted, even the most well regulated industries are not immune from abuse. Examples can be found in the banking, securities and land-based gaming industries. The fact that the online gaming industry is new and is technologically driven creates additional regulatory challenges. Throughout its history, the KGC has met these challenges and its regulations have been emulated in a number of other jurisdictions around the world.
Over the past several months, it was discovered that individuals within two of the KGC’s licensees – Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet – had created and carried out a scheme to cheat players. In both cases, the improper conduct of these individuals was brought to the attention of the licensees, and the KGC, by affected players. The KGC acknowledges the diligence and sophistication displayed by these players and the role they played in bringing these matters to light.
The first case involved Absolute Poker. After a thorough investigation carried out by the KGC and its agents, Gaming Associates, the KGC rendered its decision in this matter on January 11, 2008. This decision concluded that the cheating that took place was not initiated, nor did it benefit, Absolute Poker as a corporate entity, or its directors or principal ownership. The decision imposed a number of sanctions and conditions on Absolute Poker, including twenty-four specific directions for changes to its management and systems. The KGC was provided evidence that all players affected by the cheating that took place were fully reimbursed for their losses.
Shortly after its decision was rendered in the Absolute Poker matter, the KGC first became aware of similar allegations of cheating involving individuals within Absolute Poker’s sister company: Ultimate Bet.
Over the past several months, the KGC has been closely involved in an in-depth investigation of the Ultimate Bet cheating allegations. Significant efforts have been expended to identify and correct the flaws in Ultimate Bet’s system that permitted the cheating to take place; to identify the individuals that were responsible for the cheating and to ensure that all affected players were fully reimbursed. Unfortunately, the KGC’s actions were not well communicated to the poker industry or public at large, creating an incorrect perception that the KGC was ‘doing nothing’.
The KGC’s investigation into the Ultimate Bet matter has yielded a number of key findings which, within the next several days, will enable the KGC to issue its decision on the appropriate steps to be taken.
It should be stressed that the KGC’s primary concern throughout both matters was to ensure that affected players were fully reimbursed and that corrective measures were implemented to prevent against any further incidents of cheating. Both of these objectives have been accomplished – as evidenced by the fact that the recent concerns that have been raised about the Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet matters are not being driven by affected players.
KGC: The KGC has appointed Frank Catania to be an independent monitor to investigate the KGC Licensee, Tokwiro Enterprises. The Independent Monitoring Team will be given the task of completing a full forensic audit/investigation of the online gaming business of both licensed entities. In the event that any criminal activity is found to have occurred, such activity will be reported to the appropriate authorities for possible prosecution. Tokwiro Enterprises has agreed to comply fully and submit to this independent monitor.
July 28, 2008
Effective immediately, the Kahnawa:ke Gaming Commission (KGC) has appointed an independent monitor to investigate the KGC Licensee, Tokwiro Ent., parent company of both Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet, led by former New Jersey State Gaming Regulator, Frank Catania.
Mr. Catania is a former Director of the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement (DGE), the regulatory and enforcement agency responsible for maintaining integrity and trust in all Atlantic City gaming operations. As division director, he was a driving force in updating the New Jersey Casino Control Act by fine tuning the balance between regulatory necessity and economic stewardship. After leaving the DGE, he served as the vice president in charge of compliance for Players International, Inc. where he was instrumental in resolving compliance issues the company had encountered in the State of Louisiana, prior to his appointment. He is a principal in Catania Gaming Consultants and the Law Offices of Catania & Associates LLC
The Independent Monitoring Team will be given the task of completing a full forensic audit/investigation of the online gaming business of both licensed entities. The main purpose of the investigation is to ensure that the games offered to the public are fair and honest and that all player protections as required by the Kahnawa:ke Gaming Regulations are being complied with, without exception. The monitoring team will also be charged with verification that all those involved in the fraudulent activities in any manner, no matter how slight, have been or are removed from the licensee company and verify that Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker have submitted to full compliance with the directives issued by the KGC and recommended by the independent monitor.
Furthermore, Mr. Catania's team will be empowered by the KGC to have full access to interview all employees, past or present, review all records, contact and interview all sub contractors and individuals whom the monitoring team believes necessary. Any failure by the licensees could result in immediate revocation of their license privileges with the KGC. In the event that any criminal activity is found to have occurred, such activity will be reported to the appropriate authorities for possible prosecution.
KGC License Holder, Tokwiro Enterprises has agreed to comply fully and submit to this independent monitor.
KGC Chairman, Dean Montour adds, "While the ongoing investigative process has dominated the attention of the KGC in recent months, we are fully confident in the ability of the Independent Monitoring Team to deliver results and assist the Commission in bringing this matter to a decisive conclusion."
As per the terms of the monitoring agreement, and at the conclusion of the process, the KGC will review the report of the monitoring team and enter the results into their final considerations at the time of ruling in the Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker investigations.
Murray Marshall
Senior Advisor
Kahnawa:ke Gaming Commission
Effective immediately, the Kahnawa:ke Gaming Commission (KGC) has appointed an independent monitor to investigate the KGC Licensee, Tokwiro Ent., parent company of both Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet, led by former New Jersey State Gaming Regulator, Frank Catania.
Mr. Catania is a former Director of the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement (DGE), the regulatory and enforcement agency responsible for maintaining integrity and trust in all Atlantic City gaming operations. As division director, he was a driving force in updating the New Jersey Casino Control Act by fine tuning the balance between regulatory necessity and economic stewardship. After leaving the DGE, he served as the vice president in charge of compliance for Players International, Inc. where he was instrumental in resolving compliance issues the company had encountered in the State of Louisiana, prior to his appointment. He is a principal in Catania Gaming Consultants and the Law Offices of Catania & Associates LLC
The Independent Monitoring Team will be given the task of completing a full forensic audit/investigation of the online gaming business of both licensed entities. The main purpose of the investigation is to ensure that the games offered to the public are fair and honest and that all player protections as required by the Kahnawa:ke Gaming Regulations are being complied with, without exception. The monitoring team will also be charged with verification that all those involved in the fraudulent activities in any manner, no matter how slight, have been or are removed from the licensee company and verify that Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker have submitted to full compliance with the directives issued by the KGC and recommended by the independent monitor.
Furthermore, Mr. Catania's team will be empowered by the KGC to have full access to interview all employees, past or present, review all records, contact and interview all sub contractors and individuals whom the monitoring team believes necessary. Any failure by the licensees could result in immediate revocation of their license privileges with the KGC. In the event that any criminal activity is found to have occurred, such activity will be reported to the appropriate authorities for possible prosecution.
KGC License Holder, Tokwiro Enterprises has agreed to comply fully and submit to this independent monitor.
KGC Chairman, Dean Montour adds, "While the ongoing investigative process has dominated the attention of the KGC in recent months, we are fully confident in the ability of the Independent Monitoring Team to deliver results and assist the Commission in bringing this matter to a decisive conclusion."
As per the terms of the monitoring agreement, and at the conclusion of the process, the KGC will review the report of the monitoring team and enter the results into their final considerations at the time of ruling in the Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker investigations.
Murray Marshall
Senior Advisor
Kahnawa:ke Gaming Commission
Tokwiro: The investigation is concluded. Tokwiro has identified a total of 19 accounts and 88 associated usernames that were involved in the cheating. There are no new perpetrators involved, only new usernames. The cheaters used an account that had the ability to view hole cards. No one associated with Tokwiro was involved in the cheating scheme at any point.
July 25th, 2008
Findings Turned Over to KGC
Refunds to Affected Players Continue
Company Will Pursue All Legal Remedies
MONTREAL, CANADA - (July 25, 2008) - Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG ("Tokwiro"), proprietors of UltimateBet.com ("UB"), one of the ten largest on-line poker cardrooms, today announced that it has concluded the investigation into allegations of unfair play on UB’s web site.
Tokwiro has compiled complete forensic evidence including the IP addresses, devices, transfer and withdrawal histories, and names associated with the player accounts that benefited from illicitly viewing hole card information. The results of Tokwiro's internal investigation have been turned over to the Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC) and its auditors, as that regulatory body continues its independent investigation. These results are in addition to the data which Tokwiro has already shared with the KGC.
Tokwiro has identified a total of 19 accounts and 88 associated usernames that were involved in the cheating, including the accounts that were named in Tokwiro's publicly posted investigation updates of May 29, 2008 and July 8, 2008. The same perpetrators that were previously identified controlled all of these usernames. There are no new perpetrators involved, only new usernames. Usernames were changed many times over the course of the cheating scam in an apparent scheme to avoid detection. Our complete list of usernames involved in the cheating scheme has now been turned over to the KGC, and the Company does not expect to uncover any additional usernames.
Paul Leggett, Tokwiro's Chief Operating Officer, said, "Make no mistake: our management team is outraged that this cheating occurred on our site through illicit software placed on the UB servers prior to our purchasing UltimateBet. Tokwiro is aggressively pursuing legal avenues of redress in order to protect and compensate our players and the business. Rest assured that we will release more information to the poker community and to the public at large as we enforce our and our players' rights."
"With respect to refunds to the affected players, we are continuing our analysis in order to determine the refund amounts. We will move forward with another round of refunds in the weeks ahead. We thank the poker community for its invaluable contributions to this investigation and assure it that we remain committed to fully investigating any claims of fraud on our site," Mr. Leggett said.
The investigation revealed that the perpetrators logged into the client software, using an account that had the ability to view hole cards. The ability of a specific account to view hole cards was enabled by illicit software that was placed on the UltimateBet servers prior to October 2006, which was before Tokwiro acquired the business.
The account that was used to view hole cards never actually played in a game. Instead, the perpetrators used hole card information gained from logging in with this account while playing on other accounts, which thereby benefited from the cheating. The money won by the accounts that received hole card information was then moved around and off the site in a complex web of player-to-player transfers and withdrawals. This contributed to the complexity of Tokwiro's efforts to uncover the truth.
Mr. Leggett concluded: "We cannot over-emphasize the fact that Tokwiro and its entire management team had no knowledge of the illicit software until it was revealed by our investigation; and no one associated with Tokwiro was involved in the cheating scheme at any point."
Findings Turned Over to KGC
Refunds to Affected Players Continue
Company Will Pursue All Legal Remedies
MONTREAL, CANADA - (July 25, 2008) - Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG ("Tokwiro"), proprietors of UltimateBet.com ("UB"), one of the ten largest on-line poker cardrooms, today announced that it has concluded the investigation into allegations of unfair play on UB’s web site.
Tokwiro has compiled complete forensic evidence including the IP addresses, devices, transfer and withdrawal histories, and names associated with the player accounts that benefited from illicitly viewing hole card information. The results of Tokwiro's internal investigation have been turned over to the Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC) and its auditors, as that regulatory body continues its independent investigation. These results are in addition to the data which Tokwiro has already shared with the KGC.
Tokwiro has identified a total of 19 accounts and 88 associated usernames that were involved in the cheating, including the accounts that were named in Tokwiro's publicly posted investigation updates of May 29, 2008 and July 8, 2008. The same perpetrators that were previously identified controlled all of these usernames. There are no new perpetrators involved, only new usernames. Usernames were changed many times over the course of the cheating scam in an apparent scheme to avoid detection. Our complete list of usernames involved in the cheating scheme has now been turned over to the KGC, and the Company does not expect to uncover any additional usernames.
Paul Leggett, Tokwiro's Chief Operating Officer, said, "Make no mistake: our management team is outraged that this cheating occurred on our site through illicit software placed on the UB servers prior to our purchasing UltimateBet. Tokwiro is aggressively pursuing legal avenues of redress in order to protect and compensate our players and the business. Rest assured that we will release more information to the poker community and to the public at large as we enforce our and our players' rights."
"With respect to refunds to the affected players, we are continuing our analysis in order to determine the refund amounts. We will move forward with another round of refunds in the weeks ahead. We thank the poker community for its invaluable contributions to this investigation and assure it that we remain committed to fully investigating any claims of fraud on our site," Mr. Leggett said.
The investigation revealed that the perpetrators logged into the client software, using an account that had the ability to view hole cards. The ability of a specific account to view hole cards was enabled by illicit software that was placed on the UltimateBet servers prior to October 2006, which was before Tokwiro acquired the business.
The account that was used to view hole cards never actually played in a game. Instead, the perpetrators used hole card information gained from logging in with this account while playing on other accounts, which thereby benefited from the cheating. The money won by the accounts that received hole card information was then moved around and off the site in a complex web of player-to-player transfers and withdrawals. This contributed to the complexity of Tokwiro's efforts to uncover the truth.
Mr. Leggett concluded: "We cannot over-emphasize the fact that Tokwiro and its entire management team had no knowledge of the illicit software until it was revealed by our investigation; and no one associated with Tokwiro was involved in the cheating scheme at any point."
Last edited by Cornell Fiji; 08-05-2008 at 02:50 PM.
, 03:25 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 639
Doesn't it feel good when you make a great read...
From: Stuart Taylor
To: memberservices@ultimatebet.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 5:11:10 PM
Subject: Ending my relationship with UB
Dear UB,
It has recently come to my attention that:
1) Absolute Poker has been compromised involving some of its owners/management cheating its players
2) That although players are being reimbursed for any losses, the owners involved in this scandal will continue to own/control AP (via a complex web of shell companies)
3) That these same owners ultimately own/control UB (via a complex web of shell companies)
No amount of assurance could convince me to continue to put my trust in UB with the exception of an unequivocal and publicly validated 100% ownership disassociation between UB and these corrupt individuals.
As such I have pretty much emptied my account, uninstalled your software from my PC, un-subscribed from your e-mail promotions and hereby end my relationship with UB.
Yours Faithfully,
Stuart "Zpaceman" Taylor
From: "memberservices@ultimatebet.com" <memberservices@ultimatebet.com>
To: stuart@XXXXX
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2007 6:54:01 PM
Subject: No Subject [#7111510]
Dear Valued Customer,
We appreciate and understand your concerns. UltimateBet and Absolute Poker offer different poker sites on different software platforms.
Absolute Poker recently found a security breach that was reported to be the result of the unauthorized use of an internal software tool by an Absolute Poker consultant who was subsequently terminated. This internal software tool is not used by UltimateBet. We understand that Absolute Poker has corrected the breach, and is in the process of returning any lost funds to the affected players. These problems are therefore not related to UltimateBet, and UltimateBet has not been compromised in any way by this incident.
Nonetheless, in light of Absolute Poker's unfortunate experience, UltimateBet is remains vigilant in improving security and controls to ensure that UltimateBet remains a safe and secure place to enjoy online gaming.
UltimateBet Management
From: Stuart Taylor
To: memberservices@ultimatebet.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 5:11:10 PM
Subject: Ending my relationship with UB
Dear UB,
It has recently come to my attention that:
1) Absolute Poker has been compromised involving some of its owners/management cheating its players
2) That although players are being reimbursed for any losses, the owners involved in this scandal will continue to own/control AP (via a complex web of shell companies)
3) That these same owners ultimately own/control UB (via a complex web of shell companies)
No amount of assurance could convince me to continue to put my trust in UB with the exception of an unequivocal and publicly validated 100% ownership disassociation between UB and these corrupt individuals.
As such I have pretty much emptied my account, uninstalled your software from my PC, un-subscribed from your e-mail promotions and hereby end my relationship with UB.
Yours Faithfully,
Stuart "Zpaceman" Taylor
From: "memberservices@ultimatebet.com" <memberservices@ultimatebet.com>
To: stuart@XXXXX
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2007 6:54:01 PM
Subject: No Subject [#7111510]
Dear Valued Customer,
We appreciate and understand your concerns. UltimateBet and Absolute Poker offer different poker sites on different software platforms.
Absolute Poker recently found a security breach that was reported to be the result of the unauthorized use of an internal software tool by an Absolute Poker consultant who was subsequently terminated. This internal software tool is not used by UltimateBet. We understand that Absolute Poker has corrected the breach, and is in the process of returning any lost funds to the affected players. These problems are therefore not related to UltimateBet, and UltimateBet has not been compromised in any way by this incident.
Nonetheless, in light of Absolute Poker's unfortunate experience, UltimateBet is remains vigilant in improving security and controls to ensure that UltimateBet remains a safe and secure place to enjoy online gaming.
UltimateBet Management
, 04:46 AM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 351
Cornell....honest injun we should put some kind of benefit tournament together on some site to give you some kind of compensation for your tireless owning of these ass clowns.
I appreciate your work and efforts and your fearless stance with these douchebags.
I appreciate your work and efforts and your fearless stance with these douchebags.
, 06:16 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 164
Great work as always CF.
, 11:57 AM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 150
I hope 60 minutes ships you at least 5k for your research and work on this.
You do good work, sir.
I hope 60 minutes ships you at least 5k for your research and work on this.
You do good work, sir.
, 12:16 PM
JANUARY 11, 2008) --- Absolute Poker (AP) issued the following statement today in response to the Kahnawake Gaming Commission’s (KGC) release of its report “In the Matter of Absolute Poker Investigation Regarding Complaints of Cheating.”
“When Absolute Poker notified the KGC of the security breach in our system, we had every expectation that the Commission would undertake a comprehensive and fair investigation. After reviewing the published report, we recognize the completeness and accuracy of the KGC conclusions, and we accept without reservation the KGC’s findings and sanctions. Most importantly, we are pleased, after these many months, that Absolute Poker can finally put behind it a most distressing and regrettable experience for the Company, its employees, and its customers.
“The KGC points out that ‘AP has taken the appropriate actions to address the vulnerability in its systems…and to prevent its systems from being compromised again…’ AP has appointed a team of both internal and external members to improve controls and install safeguards, and accepts the audit findings as an opportunity to improve our internal practices and guarantee the safest playing environment in the industry.
“We are pleased that the KGC’s findings of fact point out that ‘there is no evidence to indicate that the impugned activities were initiated or sanctioned by AP…or were intended to benefit AP, as a corporate entity.’ The report also states that ‘AP made expeditious efforts to appropriately reimburse all players…with interest’ who were affected by the cheating.
“The Company also regrets the inadvertent deletion of certain gaming logs and records during the course of the investigation, although AP is relieved that these deletions did not, according to the KGC, ‘prevent the Commission from obtaining sufficient information…’
“Having experienced first-hand the devastating impact of a security breach, we fully appreciate the importance of trust and security for AP itself and the broader industry. A secure site goes to the heart of player confidence, and we are more committed than ever to ensuring that confidence. To that end, we have taken it upon ourselves to convene on January 18, 2008 the first of a series of ‘poker security summits’. AP will invite respected and independent members of the poker community to focus on innovative and cutting-edge ways to further improve AP’s security and enhance its transparency.
“As AP has repeatedly stated in the past, we regret the damage done to our players and to our own reputation by this incident........
Regret inadvertent deletions? Totally bogus! What was done to retrieve the "deletions" ? just brush it off? No "after extensive and exhausted effort to retrieve the deletions we were unsuccessful.....(bs bs bs) in retrieval? How could they honestly state it didn't make a difference?
No doubt cover up and big lie
“When Absolute Poker notified the KGC of the security breach in our system, we had every expectation that the Commission would undertake a comprehensive and fair investigation. After reviewing the published report, we recognize the completeness and accuracy of the KGC conclusions, and we accept without reservation the KGC’s findings and sanctions. Most importantly, we are pleased, after these many months, that Absolute Poker can finally put behind it a most distressing and regrettable experience for the Company, its employees, and its customers.
“The KGC points out that ‘AP has taken the appropriate actions to address the vulnerability in its systems…and to prevent its systems from being compromised again…’ AP has appointed a team of both internal and external members to improve controls and install safeguards, and accepts the audit findings as an opportunity to improve our internal practices and guarantee the safest playing environment in the industry.
“We are pleased that the KGC’s findings of fact point out that ‘there is no evidence to indicate that the impugned activities were initiated or sanctioned by AP…or were intended to benefit AP, as a corporate entity.’ The report also states that ‘AP made expeditious efforts to appropriately reimburse all players…with interest’ who were affected by the cheating.
“The Company also regrets the inadvertent deletion of certain gaming logs and records during the course of the investigation, although AP is relieved that these deletions did not, according to the KGC, ‘prevent the Commission from obtaining sufficient information…’
“Having experienced first-hand the devastating impact of a security breach, we fully appreciate the importance of trust and security for AP itself and the broader industry. A secure site goes to the heart of player confidence, and we are more committed than ever to ensuring that confidence. To that end, we have taken it upon ourselves to convene on January 18, 2008 the first of a series of ‘poker security summits’. AP will invite respected and independent members of the poker community to focus on innovative and cutting-edge ways to further improve AP’s security and enhance its transparency.
“As AP has repeatedly stated in the past, we regret the damage done to our players and to our own reputation by this incident........
Regret inadvertent deletions? Totally bogus! What was done to retrieve the "deletions" ? just brush it off? No "after extensive and exhausted effort to retrieve the deletions we were unsuccessful.....(bs bs bs) in retrieval? How could they honestly state it didn't make a difference?
No doubt cover up and big lie
, 01:47 PM
Jurisdiction is a big issue that is not clear when it comes to the UB/AP situation. The US has tried to assert many times that it has jurisdiction over the internet, however, it is unsettled law and many of our international treaties come into play.
The spin that we should put on this whole incident is that effective US regulation of the industry, while it may not prevent deliberate criminal acts, will at least have criminal jurisdiction over the industry which would perhaps be domiciled in the US. Ignorance and prohibition leads directly to bootleggers and criminals.
The spin that we should put on this whole incident is that effective US regulation of the industry, while it may not prevent deliberate criminal acts, will at least have criminal jurisdiction over the industry which would perhaps be domiciled in the US. Ignorance and prohibition leads directly to bootleggers and criminals.
, 10:00 PM
Paul claimed that after the KGC and their independent auditor reviewed the data they compiled that they plan on pursuing legal action against the perpetrators and he plans for the names to be publicized. So I think theres a possibility that at sometime in the future we will know who was at least brought to court.
Also, I second a benefit tourney for CF (and Nate etc?)... mega rebuy on Stars anyone?
, 10:56 AM
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 112
hey, just a dumb question, in the video of potripper in the tourny, was tht actually everyhand, or did htey skip some? he played every single hand.. Wat makes me wonder is, if i could see the cards of other players, I would not be playing every hand, I would want to make it as if I am playing the tourny, not just playing every hand..
, 11:00 AM
hey, just a dumb question, in the video of potripper in the tourny, was tht actually everyhand, or did htey skip some? he played every single hand.. Wat makes me wonder is, if i could see the cards of other players, I would not be playing every hand, I would want to make it as if I am playing the tourny, not just playing every hand..
, 11:45 PM
bump. What are the 88 usernames?
Thanks Cornell Fiji, I wish I still had you to work with on this scandal. These bastards are getting away with it and I don't know what to do!
Thanks Cornell Fiji, I wish I still had you to work with on this scandal. These bastards are getting away with it and I don't know what to do!
, 12:31 AM
When was the last we have heard from UB regarding this scandal?
Are they ever going to release the names??
I bet there something crazy (even moreso than the superusing) controversial thats why they havent, eg Hellmuth/Duke accounts were used?...
Obv speculation but cmon why not release the rest of the names???
GL Mookman hope u can find a resolution to this!
Are they ever going to release the names??
I bet there something crazy (even moreso than the superusing) controversial thats why they havent, eg Hellmuth/Duke accounts were used?...
Obv speculation but cmon why not release the rest of the names???
GL Mookman hope u can find a resolution to this!
, 12:34 AM
I'm torn between making CF or UB jokes now.
, 12:36 AM
Saw this thread out of the corner of my eye. Saw the words UB, investigation, implicated, CF, and just laughed for a good 10 seconds
, 12:37 AM
The last statement from UB was on 11-5-08, It was regarding the settlement with Excapsa and refunding players.
The KGC made a statement on 11-5-08 confirming UB was completing refunds. It said a final report was forthcoming. Still nothing.
That is it.
The KGC issued a statement on 12-1-08 about the 60 minutes story. Much of this statement was proved false a few days later by the XMT liquidator.
It has been roughly since November 2008 That either UB or KGC has made a statement about the Scandal
The KGC made a statement on 11-5-08 confirming UB was completing refunds. It said a final report was forthcoming. Still nothing.
That is it.
The KGC issued a statement on 12-1-08 about the 60 minutes story. Much of this statement was proved false a few days later by the XMT liquidator.
It has been roughly since November 2008 That either UB or KGC has made a statement about the Scandal
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