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Teddy Monroe barred from Bellagio Teddy Monroe barred from Bellagio

10-02-2008 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by Watchmaker
Noting his spelling of Caesar in the context of that post is like writing a jaywalking ticket for a man who just opened fire on a preschool.
10-02-2008 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by pncruse
Lol, you are the pony tail kid aka Ed Miller? You should play more online and less is for the noobs. Jk, more power to you if you can grind out live without the long dry spells I assumed were inevitable.
LOL. I agree with this. If you'd offered me a prop bet as to whether "Ed" aka Pony Tail aka Messenger Bag was an internet player, I'd have said he was and I'd have been willing to bet basically my entire roll on it. I should also point out that online, I've never won a pot and then had it pushed to the guy with the losing hand. Nor have I had to enact retribution by not tipping the dealers (or at least that dealer) until I'd recouped my loss.

OK, now that that's out of the way... when can we expect more posts from Ceasar Monroe?
10-02-2008 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by Bonified
This guy needs to get together with Raymond Davis. Between them, they have just about the right amount of commas.

Actually, maybe Raymond Davis won all his commas in a 5:4 coinflip.
10-02-2008 , 09:23 AM
I wonder what this "rich" coin flipper guy looked like. Perhaps Russ Hamilton?
10-02-2008 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by V12CL
I ran this scam in 10th grade with two quarters glued together, flipping in the grass. Anyone dumb enough to fall for this deserves to get scammed.
I was just thinking that. If the 10/20 players are actually that dumb I'm hopping over there, getting a room and running a 3 card monte game.
10-02-2008 , 09:57 AM
Here is an old LVPD Flyer looking for a suspected coin flipper. Note that they consider this a gaming license violation which is a felony.

Could this be the "Teddy's Millionaire"?

10-02-2008 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by uauaEEE
Ice to meet you, Teddy!
10-02-2008 , 10:14 AM
Teddy and his lackey should have brought their action here, ldo.
10-02-2008 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by ceasar
yall should be shame of yall self talking about something yall have no clue about he didnt know the man he just told someone about something he was told if you were stupid enough to go do it that was your fault he didnt take anyone to the room he wasnt there if they would have won it would have been something different and they did win a couple of times but because they are the gamblers that they are they stayed willing with noone making them so you cant say teddy scam you cause he didnt go he didnt make you go he only said something someone told him they know they lose they wanna blame him and i was playing that night and i heard what went on now that was there fault thats just like someone tell me about something its my decision to do it if im stupid enough to stay there not leave and keep losing my money i cant blame someone else cause i could have left no one made me stay that man been coming to bellagio for years he always played never ran a scam so why now so stop trying to destroy a good man rep.....................:::

I love the way he puts all his full stops and punctuation in at the end
10-02-2008 , 10:54 AM
teddy's house is somewhat of a joke.. have you seen the backyard?
10-02-2008 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Getcha_Popcorn
This thread needs pics

Wanna flip?
10-02-2008 , 12:36 PM
can someone PULEAZE do a Teddy / Harvey Twoface photoshop?
(pref Admo or Gazil or boybarnes or someone else who won't F it up)
10-02-2008 , 12:49 PM

Allow me to break the ice. My name is Freeze. Learn it well. For it's the chilling sound of your doom.
10-02-2008 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by scottmci
Coin tossing with apparently favorable odds is an old scam. Ken Uston (blackjack player) wrote about him and some of his team-mates falling for it back in the late 70's.

Snyder: The story goes like this: In an elevator, sometimes a parking lot, you got into a coin flipping, or a coin tossing contest with someone, and lost a lot of money. You then tried to get your blackjack team to pay for the money you lost out of the team bankroll, because had you won, you allegedly assured your teammates, you would have put your winnings into the team bankroll.

Uston: That's absolutely true.

Snyder: Well, maybe you can fill in some of the details. You've said that you never gamble, that you are an investor, and that you only risk money on positive expectation ventures. How do you justify a contest like this as a positive expectation gamble?

Uston:I was playing at the Holiday Inn. I remember driving down the Strip thinking, "Where the hell am I going to play?" I was feeling very paranoid at the time about the fact that I wasn't contributing to the team the way I should be, because of the fact that I couldn't play very many places. Somehow, I sauntered into the Holiday, and I got a game at the single deck table there. You know the one - the one that's colored red instead of green. And, I'm sitting at the table and playing - I don't remember if I was winning or losing but there was this crazy guy at third base, a big fat guy. He's talking and playing, and obviously recognizes me, but the people in the pit don't. At some point he comes over and sits next to me. He flipped a coin and he put it underneath a dollar bill. He said to me if I can guess what it is he'll give me . . . I think $500 - I can't remember the numbers - but if I guess wrong, I give him $100. He's a crazy guy. He just lost about $2000 over the third base. He's a terrible player, just throwing his goddamn money around. And I'm saying to myself, "Here I am playing through all this **** it was a full table - waiting through all this ****, waiting for a 2% edge. And this guy gives me an edge of . . . whatever the figure was. And I looked at him at first and said, "What?" And he meant it. So, I said "Okay, Heads." And I lost and I gave him a hundred bucks. He's a very good con. He does this for a living. His problem is he's an inveterate gambler. He's told me, and I fully believe him, that he's made two or three hundred thousand dollars doing this at various places around - race tracks is one place that he particularly does this.

Anyway, I left the table at that point, really fascinated with this thing. God, what the hell is going on? So we went to the bar and had a drink, then we went back to the Jockey Club. I invited him back. Initially, we were going to go to the Aladdin and have a drink, but at the last minute, I said (snaps fingers), "Let's go to the Jockey Club." That's a significant factor. We walked into the Jockey Club bar, and we're sitting there again, and he's good with the con, saying, "Ken, I don't want to do it again. You're too nice a guy." Naturally, he's sucking me in beautifully. So what he does the next time, he has it where these people sitting around the Jockey Club bar are all my friends. We came at the last minute. There could be nobody there he knew. There couldn't have been any way he knew we were going there. And he says to someone in the bar, "Why don't you flip the coin, and you call it. And if you're right, I'll give Kenny $800. But if you're wrong, Kenny's got to give me $100." And I'm thinking, "This guy's crazy." And I want to get my hundred bucks back. There's some con in me, too, sure. And I go along with it. And I lose. And then he offers me greater odds, to the extent that I finally end up losing just under $10,000 to him. I think it was $9,400.

So, at the very end, to get the nine grand to give him - I mean, it's not a lot of money. We're playing off a $100,000 bank. But, I lose $9,400, and I have to go to my safe deposit box at the front of the Jockey Club to get the money out of my box. Now, get this bit. This is incredible. He says, "I'll tell you what, Kenny. I don't want to take your money. You're too good a guy, really." All the rap, he goes on and on and on and on. And he turns to the clerk at the desk. May God be my witness, all this is totally true. He says to the clerk at the desk, "You flip the coin, and if the bellman calls it right, I'll call off the S9,400. And if he doesn't call it right, Kenny, you pay me $9,400. He's giving me a $9,400 to 0 bet. And I lost. And I gave him the money. I told the team about this, that I lost a total of $9,400. The first thing I did, I ran up to one of our rooms, and I said, "You would not believe I got a 90% edge over this guy!" And I explained what was going on, and they were all very suspicious. I'm saying, "No, you've got to see this!" But what happened was, to make a long story short, we had a meeting to determine whether or not it should come out of the team money, and the net result was that it didn't.

Snyder: That was just the way I heard it. They refused to cover your loss.

Uston: I took a polygraph on it. They were worried about the whole issue, why I'm out there flipping coins, and that the extent of the loss was exactly $9,400. We had a big team meeting, and a discussion, and they said, "No, it can't come out of the team money. It's got to come out of your money."

Snyder: Do you know how the con worked?

Uston: Yes, I met the guy. He came back a little later. He stayed away from me for a while because, he thought, with me being a big gambler and all that, I was going to get the mob after him. But he finally came back about 3 or 4 months later. To that day, 3 or 4 months later, I was convinced I'd had an edge over this man. There was no way - I wasn't flipping the coin, he wasn't flipping the coin, I wasn't calling it, somebody else was . . . Two totally different people! Well, he came back and he explained the way it worked. First of all, he said that he has very quick eyes, and he can flip a coin to land any way he wants - which is totally irrelevant because he wasn't flipping the coin. But because of his ability to see coins, he knew what the coins were when they were flipped by another person. And he said he was uncannily lucky that night. Eight out of ten times he won the bet legitimately. There were a couple times when he didn't, and what he did was somehow talk the person out of it. The way he did it, if this guy said "Heads," he'd say, "You sure you want to make it heads? You don't want to make it tails?" In other words, after the other guy guessed it, he would engage in a little rap for a while, and either he'd talk the person out of it, or increase the odds and have another flip. Somehow, by doing that, and being able to know whether the person was right or wrong, plus having the correct thing going for him 8 out of 10 times anyway, he totally pulled the wool over my eyes. That's how he did it. It's so funny, because later in Atlantic City he lured another team member of mine. I won't tell you his name, but it was December of '79. Anyway, the story's true.
Cool story
10-02-2008 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Jourdain

Wanna flip?
You know you are too fat when you have to bring your own fan to the poker table.
10-02-2008 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Jeff Boyardee
Teddy and his lackey should have brought their action here, ldo.


one of the dealers in this is (or used to be) actual craps dealer at bellagio.
10-02-2008 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by eastern motors
You know you are too fat when you have to bring your own fan to the poker table.
Especially since most casinos keep the temperature near freezing. Brrr...

I learned wearing fleece jackets to play poker wasn't just for looks.
10-02-2008 , 03:19 PM
can anyone find the wsop interview of him. I cant find it on youtube at all wanted to geek out
10-02-2008 , 03:42 PM
If flipping coins for r0llz on casino grounds is a felony, why wasn't Andy Beal arrested?
10-02-2008 , 04:26 PM
Where the F are the photoshops?
Get to work people!
10-02-2008 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Rivers
LOL. I agree with this. If you'd offered me a prop bet as to whether "Ed" aka Pony Tail aka Messenger Bag was an internet player, I'd have said he was and I'd have been willing to bet basically my entire roll on it. I should also point out that online, I've never won a pot and then had it pushed to the guy with the losing hand. Nor have I had to enact retribution by not tipping the dealers (or at least that dealer) until I'd recouped my loss.
I've been meaning to update that thread in the B&M forum. I have not been compensated by NGC but I have continued to tip the dealers. Anyways, playing online definately has its advantages. Not having to look out for ******ed conartists and hustlers being one of them.

Last edited by Delecto; 10-02-2008 at 05:29 PM. Reason: edit: unless you count AP and UB
10-02-2008 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Delecto
I've been meaning to update that thread in the B&M forum. I have not been compensated by NGC but I have continued to tip the dealers. Anyways, playing online definately has its advantages. Not having to look out for ******ed conartists and hustlers being one of them.
I hope you haven't been tipping that particular dealer. But, just so you know, there are definitely ******ed con-artists and hustlers online. They all try the same scams, the primary of which is to trade money on one site for another and then not go through with their end of the trade. Or they beg for a stake and never play or never pay out if they do. ******ed, for sure, but I have to imagine their tactics occasionally work on some unsuspecting sucker.

Your comportment and your game scream online player, so I guess that other guy was as surprised as I am to learn that you're an actual live grinder. That's a compliment, by the way... most of the pros who play that Bellagio 10/20 game probably couldn't beat the 2/4 games at Full Tilt.
10-02-2008 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by DrNo888
Where the F are the photoshops?
Get to work people!
I just threw this one together. It's not perfect, but it's OK enough to post. Enjoy.

10-02-2008 , 08:43 PM
10-02-2008 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by bleeper
I just threw this one together. It's not perfect, but it's OK enough to post. Enjoy.

lol nice
