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Teddy Monroe barred from Bellagio Teddy Monroe barred from Bellagio

11-14-2008 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by jtvjon
Teddy Monroe has fans??? Wow he has not won sh**t in his entire life. Glad I dont have to see this guy at Bellagio anymore. Nice headphones you fu**ing idiot lol
11-14-2008 , 03:36 PM
Thats some expensive stuff hes wearing.

11-14-2008 , 11:10 PM
Gotta hand it to this guy tho.. He's gotta be doing something right? From what I can tell, the man's half ******ed but somehow found away to make himself semi-rich and famous.. I mean he's really inspiring cuz if this guy that I'm pretty sure was dropped on his head at a very young age can get money for all those shiny watches, then America just might be the greatest country in the world.
05-29-2010 , 06:36 AM
Soooo.. Just came across this thread after some guy with the same player alias started playing ....Whether it is him slumming it at the 1k and 2kNL games, from his clearly obvious high stakes living, or in fact is not him is not for me to decide....

Fact is.....

This thread actually made me feel like a child again, you know when you wet the bed, and didnt know what happened? Well I feel like that at at least 100 different points in this thread, I did not truly know if i was about to piss myself laughing or not!!!

Thread of the century...

Teddy M for the win baby... y'aaalll

Last edited by Mike Haven; 06-29-2011 at 04:37 PM.
06-01-2010 , 10:45 PM
no money in coinflips, everyones solid
06-02-2010 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by blitzforce
That fat ice turd tried the same bull**** on me, he is a fat brown turd. And my buddy allan who is a jeweler told me all his jewelry is fake.
post more please.
06-02-2010 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by ceasar
what do u mean hi teddy i dont think he even waste his time like yall and read his stupid stuff
I hear you can try that stuff in Tunica and nobody cares, how do you feel about MS
10-08-2010 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by ceasar
yall should be shame of yall self talking about something yall have no clue about he didnt know the man he just told someone about something he was told if you were stupid enough to go do it that was your fault he didnt take anyone to the room he wasnt there if they would have won it would have been something different and they did win a couple of times but because they are the gamblers that they are they stayed willing with noone making them so you cant say teddy scam you cause he didnt go he didnt make you go he only said something someone told him they know they lose they wanna blame him and i was playing that night and i heard what went on now that was there fault thats just like someone tell me about something its my decision to do it if im stupid enough to stay there not leave and keep losing my money i cant blame someone else cause i could have left no one made me stay that man been coming to bellagio for years he always played never ran a scam so why now so stop trying to destroy a good man rep.....................:::


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