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TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker

02-16-2017 , 12:42 AM
Environment and Communications Legislation Committee—Additional information—Interactive Gambling Amendment Bill 2016 (Government Whip, Senator Bushby)

Commenced 3:35 pm
Documents tabled

is what it has said on the Dynamic Red
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-16-2017 , 05:17 AM
so the quiet before the storm is confirmed extended for 1 month min?
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-16-2017 , 05:20 AM
Updates anyone? Super interested to hear if we're confirmed safe for another month?
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-16-2017 , 06:48 AM
Joey let me know he's driving home and tired and will be doing an update tomorrow.

No news today's good news I think
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-16-2017 , 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
Joey let me know he's driving home and tired and will be doing an update tomorrow.

No news today's good news I think
Quick note before I crash out.

Yes we have a month up our sleeves and we have a LOT of new friends so it certainly was a good week.

Please also brace yourselves though as we have a very big month ahead of us and we need ALL hands on deck!

Night all. Chat tomorrow.

TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-16-2017 , 07:19 AM
Someone should set up a gofundme account for joey. May be better at getting donations. Easy to share around FB etc.

TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-16-2017 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Try__An__Hit
Someone should set up a gofundme account for joey. May be better at getting donations. Easy to share around FB etc.

TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-16-2017 , 05:45 PM
Friday Action Plan!

Click the links below and send tweets to these key decision makers. The time to act is now! #AusFight4Poker

Senator Sam Dastyari -
Senator Kim Carr -

LIKE and SHARE this post to help spread the word!
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-16-2017 , 08:09 PM
+1, joey, definitely set up a gofundme
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-16-2017 , 09:11 PM
Good idea and Wow nice work Joey, now there is an extra month why doesn’t the community REALLY galvanise to try and actually do something, posting “Go Joey” and occasionally shipping $20 or promising to buy him beer is inept.

Suggestions? Mine would be;

# Form a war council of 5-6-9 who can Skype discussion to brainstorm tactics like;

1) Identify the current top earners in online poker cash/MTT.Contact all them. Point out their livelihood is seriously threatened. Ask for 1-2% donation of their annual. There were guys earlier in this thread claiming to win 100-200k a year right. Well 1% of that is 1-2k. Shouldnt be too much to ask? Accountability. Where is andymclead, monsterdong etc etc and what have they contributed

2) Look at each Oz casino with a poker room. Who plays here reg and knows the gregarious connectors within those rooms. Reach out to them all. Ask them to start discussion on the subject on every _table_they _play. This shouldn’t be live vs online, this **** is an insult to all poker players

3) Someone had a great idea earlier to spam tables with Aussies playing. The Skype group could dedicate one evening to this. Chop up the stakes and go

The last 2 are tactics aimed at reaching a lot of people yes..... but importantly this is about depth as well as width, you NEED the right_type of individual. You never know what whale businessman you might find playing 1-2 NL who has no idea about this, loves his poker will be angry about losing it and is extremely politically connected. This guy will also much more likely to make a decent donation that broke/ backed low-mid staked grinders on here

This maps to the all important thing that will define the success or failure ....MONEY. Joey needs cash support not only for his efforts but to run FC/Instagram ads. Once u get $$ I would investigate Aussies top non-poker Instagram/Twitter influencers and basically bribe them with stars $ transfer to post shout outs.

But most importantly .....FB ads. Peoples attention is disproportionately focussed on their mobile devices and FB’s targeting abilities are so on point. You could do interests; poker + politics. Poker + business etc etc Males Ages 40-60 GET THE BUSINESSMEN/WHALES one of them is worth 100 21-27 year old grinders

glgl it now, and execute at a high strategic level or lose it forever. Once its gone its almost certainly never coming back
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-16-2017 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDel
Friday Action Plan!

Click the links below and send tweets to these key decision makers. The time to act is now! #AusFight4Poker

Senator Sam Dastyari -
Senator Kim Carr -

LIKE and SHARE this post to help spread the word!
done gl
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-16-2017 , 10:39 PM
Just received this

My name is Rachel and I am writing to you on behalf of Senator Janet Rice. Thank you for taking the time to write to the office of Senator Rice in regards to the Interactive Gambling Amendment Bill. The Greens appreciate your concerns, and while the Greens believe that people are entitled to choose to gamble, they note that increased gambling has led to increased crime and public cost and must therefore be properly regulated.

It is worth noting that Colleen Hartland MLC is the spokesperson within the Greens for the issue of gambling, and would therefore be better placed to respond to your concerns regarding the Interactive Gambling Amendment Bill 2016. You can contact Colleen Hartland MLC directly at:

Thankyou again for taking the time to write to the office of Senator Rice.

Kind regards,

Rachel Chapman
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-17-2017 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Blissy6969
Just received this

My name is Rachel and I am writing to you on behalf of Senator Janet Rice. Thank you for taking the time to write to the office of Senator Rice in regards to the Interactive Gambling Amendment Bill. The Greens appreciate your concerns, and while the Greens believe that people are entitled to choose to gamble, they note that increased gambling has led to increased crime and public cost and must therefore be properly regulated.

It is worth noting that Colleen Hartland MLC is the spokesperson within the Greens for the issue of gambling, and would therefore be better placed to respond to your concerns regarding the Interactive Gambling Amendment Bill 2016. You can contact Colleen Hartland MLC directly at:

Thankyou again for taking the time to write to the office of Senator Rice.

Kind regards,

Rachel Chapman
I think we all need, as politely as possible, to continously point out how disingenuous replies like this are.
Nothing is being done about the biggest issue of them all, pokies. And now i hear more and more advertising about "betting on the outcome of US lottos". I mean cmon. Poker should be way further down the list of things that need looking at.

Iv only just learned in the last few days how dire the situation has become here and will be keeping a keen eye on the thread.
Great work Joey and Co, iv just shipped a lil your way to help with the fight.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-17-2017 , 02:54 AM
Well Greens have been anti-pokies longer than Xenophon so Rice isn't the one to go after about that
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-17-2017 , 03:41 AM
I was sweating that Thursday here all day, great news and great job gents
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-17-2017 , 05:02 AM
Originally Posted by bazooka87
Well Greens have been anti-pokies longer than Xenophon so Rice isn't the one to go after about that
i wasnt suggesting we should 'go after' anyone
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-17-2017 , 06:42 AM
Originally Posted by marke.
i wasnt suggesting we should 'go after' anyone
Don't think he meant go after in the sense you perceived
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-18-2017 , 06:29 AM
Gofundme is up, as the poster above mentioned, $721 raised in the first few hours of 5k goal, obviously the more we can raise the better as not only will it cover Joey's expenses but if we raise extra it can go towards FB advertising etc to expand the AOPA's reach in getting the action plans out there and encouraging people to contact their MPs prior to any vote to encourage support for the Leyonhjelm Amendment.

Anyone who hasn't donated already please make at least one token donation and those who have consider giving what you can afford to the cause or share the link on FB/Twitter even if you can't make a donation yourself - I put in another $20, which is my fourth small donation, at about $150 so far all up which isn't a lot, but if 33 people all kicked in a similar amount thats 5k right there; a few of the Aussie regs have already donated a few hundred bucks to the Gofundme.

Last edited by SwoopAE; 02-18-2017 at 06:37 AM.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-18-2017 , 06:39 AM
it looks good, I will donate and share but I think the page needs more information on it. like what the petition thing said, explaining why online poker should stay.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-18-2017 , 08:51 AM
I agree, and potentially a mention of the Leyonhjelm amendment to the IGA legislation specifically being the thing that will keep online poker legal if it's passed, and that it's what we're lobbying in favour of
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-18-2017 , 09:49 AM
Just a rec-fish, and I don't really play online any more - but this is obviously horrendous. Chucked in a 50.

Thanks for the efforts, Joey and Capitao. Good luck.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-18-2017 , 10:27 AM
If someone wants to write up something. Happy to post it

TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-18-2017 , 10:49 AM
I'll see what Joey thinks is best when I chat with him next, probably tomorrow

In the meantime i'm putting up a post on the Poker Asia Pacific page (13k+ likes) linking this thread for updates, the AOPA facebook page, the contact your MP form and the gofundme for Joey's lobbying
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
