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TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker

02-18-2017 , 06:18 PM
Be good to get confirmation from Joey that he is receiving all funds from the gofundme account.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-18-2017 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by pies01
Be good to get confirmation from Joey that he is receiving all funds from the gofundme account.

Firstly thanks for this. Thanks to Jarred for organising and thanks for everyone who has and will contribute.

As far as confirmation of funds, Jarred who set this up will send me the money to spend on the campaign on a regular basis.

I'm am not sure how well people in this thread know Jarred but he is an extremely solid guy and I would say the chances of the money not finding its way to this campaign is less than zero. No risk at all.

As to what the money will be spent on, predominantly advertising, travel and accommodation. We have bought ourselves a month and we need to use it wisely. Those first meetings were just the beginning. We need to follow them up with some consistent messaging and more widespread community support.

I will go into more details shortly but basically we need to all be doing a lot of the following over the next month.

- Letters to the editor
- Calling talkback radio
- Calling our MP
- Calling our Senators
- The daily tweets

In short, I basically need you guys to help 'bring the noise' while I implement a bit of political game theory with the government, opposition and the cross bench behind the scenes.

We have come a long way but we still have a lot to do. The amendment being moved by Senator Leyonhjelm is a huge win for us. Before the Minister could effectively ignore us and just wait for the bill to pass. Now that is no longer an option, he must address it. We just need to get 50% + 1 Senators to agree with us and the Bill is changed.

Anyway, I need to go as I am at my niece's birthday party (darn real life!). For those that can donate, thanks it is appreciated and will definitely help. For those that can't please just try to allocate 30 minutes a day over the next month to our cause and either follow the requests from the Facebook page or contact me directly if you want to do more (i.e talkback radio/letter etc).

Thanks everyone. Let's have a massive, monumental month for Australian poker!

Joey Del
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-19-2017 , 12:11 PM
Will start calling my senators this week. I think it might make sense to target a particular Senator who is likely an important vote in each state as part of the daily action plan and update the Senator being targeted with phone calls each few days; harder to ignore 10 phone calls about an issue in 2-3 days than 10 phone calls phone about an issue spaced out over a month

Senator contact details above
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-19-2017 , 07:40 PM
Monday Action Plan!

Click the links below and send tweets to these key decision makers. The time to act is now! #AusFight4Poker

Senator Linda Reynolds -
Senator Eric Abetz -
Senator Zed Seselja -
Senator Arthur Sinodinos -
Senator Cory Bernardi -
Senator Barry O’Sullivan -
Senator Mitch Fifield -

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TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-19-2017 , 07:41 PM
If you are interested in contacting your local radio station about #AusFight4Poker or writing a letter to your local paper please email and let us know where you live and what your preference is.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-20-2017 , 12:35 AM
Joey, I know you are a busy man, would it be possible to get some sort of trip report? An overall feel of the situation, something like that?
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-20-2017 , 01:10 AM
For the love of god guys, if you're going to do an interview. Do not make the premise of your argument one about 'Poker Professionals'. If you want wide spread support, talk about the tradie or busy professional relaxing after a long day playing a little $10 tournament in the comfort of their own home..

The general public have zero respect or sympathy for poker pro's...
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-20-2017 , 01:19 AM
Mark: Did you read the thread? Nobody is doing that. The argument is centered around personal freedom, regulating an industry as opposed to driving it underground, providing jobs and revenue, etc. Joey knows what he is doing and is an experienced political operator.

Red Dog: Did you check out the Australian Online Poker Alliance FB page? Joey posted pictures from several of his meetings, the gist of it is about 10-15 politicians are on board now and Sen. Leyonhjelm is sponsoring an amendment that will make online poker clearly legal in Australia. We need to get to 50%+1 support in the senate for the amendment, at which point online poker is safe. Until then it is not.

Also, daily action plan done.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-20-2017 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
Mark: Did you read the thread? Nobody is doing that. The argument is centered around personal freedom, regulating an industry as opposed to driving it underground, providing jobs and revenue, etc. Joey knows what he is doing and is an experienced political operator.
Firstly, let me start by saying I'll be donating to the gofundme, and really applaud the work you're doing. I'm sure JoeyDel is quite well versed on the political landscape.. I was basically referring to the general public media pieces.

I've read most of the thread, it is huge mind you so forgive me if I missed something....The last radio interview I heard, a few pages back was a pro talking about losing his livelihood. Plus, the article in the newspaper centering around a poker pro having to look for 'real' work garnered an abundance of negative commentary..

In order to gain as much public support as possible, you're better off focusing on the personal freedom angle (EG - Online poker being a far better option than pokies and sportsbetting) rather than anything else...

Then again - **** it, just get another aspy on the radio to whine some more about having to 'commute' to a job....
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-20-2017 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by _red_dog
Joey, I know you are a busy man, would it be possible to get some sort of trip report? An overall feel of the situation, something like that?
Hey mate,

I did mean to do this the other day but got sidetracked. I hopefully covered a lot of stuff in my previous post (the long one) but I will give a quick summary.

So all in all it was positive.

I ended up meeting with about a dozen MPs and all in all the feeling was positive.

As you are probably aware by now this has led to Senator Leyonhjelm moving an amendment on our behalf to legalise 'casino-style poker and blackjack'. I note a few comments from earlier on wishing he hadn't included blackjack. I appreciate these sentiments and I relayed to him my concerns about this as well as 'casino-style' poker.

It is important to understand though that Senator Leyonhjelm is a libertarian first and foremost so he will look for as much freedom as possible. This doesn't mean he wont negotiate his position down at a later date but his personal view is that players should be free to play both games.

I met with a lot of members from the government and these were largely strategic. We met with a lot of the more vocal libertarian leaning MPs such as Tim Wilson (Goldstein), Senator Paterson (Victoria), Jason Falinski (MacKellar), Rick Wilson (O'Connor), George Christensen (Dawson). Generally speaking a lot of the people I spoke to agreed with our position (albeit to varying degrees) and were happy to make representations to the Minister on our behalf calling for an amendment to allow online poker in Australia.

As the game will now be played out in the Senate I also spent some time discussing things with some of the crucial cross bench votes on the Senate (I spoke with Cory Bernardi and had a conversation with the office of Derryn Hinch and also with a One Nation Policy Advisor). Once again the view of all of these people was generally positive.

As mentioned we are in a much stronger place than we were a month ago.

Before it was possible for the Minister to not have a position on poker. He could just use the line that 'well that is the current law and we aren't changing it' and that would have been sufficient for the Bill to pass as is.

Now that Senator Leyonhjelm is calling for the amendment along with many members of his party he will need to make a decision one way or another.

I still come back to the point that I don't believe it was the Minister's intention to ban online poker so I am confident that we will eventually get him to realise that this is an issue and make the amendment himself. It is just important that we all continue to rally our local MPs etc to ensure that they all share this point with him to help him come to the decision sooner.

The next month is all about highlighting the cause. We have the month to get the word out there about our situation before it is too late.

Anyone that wants to help in anyway please let me know!

TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-20-2017 , 06:10 AM
He was on holiday till recently, hence response took a little while. The bold text of the email seems to support Joey's comments that its not really the direct intent of amendment to ban online poker.

Dear <6V6GT>,

Thank you for raising your concerns around online poker in relation to the Turnbull Government’s Interactive Gambling Amendment Bill (2016).

Labor agrees that a well-regulated gambling industry must be underpinned by appropriate harm minimisation measures. We know there are growing concerns around problem gambling in our community and the devastating social, financial and emotional consequences it can have.

You may be aware that the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications Legislation reported on the inquiry into the Interactive Gambling Amendment Bill 2016 on 30 November last year. On the topic of online poker the report stated the following:

2.61 The submissions relating to online poker services demonstrate the balance between individual freedoms and harm minimisation that gambling regulation strikes. People who gamble responsibly and are willing to take responsibility for their own actions understandably object to their activities being restricted. However, the regulatory framework recognises that problem and at-risk gamblers can be exposed to significant danger. Problem gambling affects not just the individuals concerned; there are considerable flow-on effects for others in society.

2.62 The bill does not change the existing policy decisions about what services should be available and how they should be regulated. Rather, the bill seeks to enforce the original intent of the IGA, which is to minimise the scope of problem gambling amongst Australians. Whether particular services should no longer be restricted under the IGA is a separate question that this committee was not asked to consider as part of this inquiry.

The Senate Inquiry report can be accessed via the link below:

Once again, thank you for writing to me and making me aware of your views.


Graham Perrett MP
Federal Member for Moreton
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-20-2017 , 05:34 PM
6V6GT looks like you got the standard template reply.

Swoop/joey, ty for the replies. Much appreciated.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-20-2017 , 07:11 PM
Tuesday Action Plan!

Click the links below and send tweets to these key decision makers. The time to act is now! #AusFight4Poker

Senator Jane Hume -

Julia Banks MP -

Jason Wood -

Chris Crewther MP - Federal Member for Dunkley -

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TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-20-2017 , 07:48 PM
Done the action plans for Tuesday and the previous that i missed !
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-20-2017 , 07:54 PM
Done. Have a busy day or two but still planning to make some calls to Senators when I get time

Not quite perfect (we'd prefer Blackjack etc remain a separate issue and the VPN part only partially applies to poker as it'll only apply to sites that get geoblocked by the govt/ISPs as opposed to those that stop accepting Australian customers) but on the plus side Leyonhjelm is actively fighting for us and I actually find the video pretty entertaining. Link below
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-20-2017 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
Done. Have a busy day or two but still planning to make some calls to Senators when I get time

Not quite perfect (we'd prefer Blackjack etc remain a separate issue and the VPN part only partially applies to poker as it'll only apply to sites that get geoblocked by the govt/ISPs as opposed to those that stop accepting Australian customers) but on the plus side Leyonhjelm is actively fighting for us and I actually find the video pretty entertaining. Link below
Have shared this on our page to help raise support.

For what it's worth I am not a massive fan of the blackjack and the VPN stuff as I think it runs contrary to our campaign.

However, he is his own man and he is supporting us so it is good to support this even if we don't agree with the entire message.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-21-2017 , 05:59 AM
Could someone that has a solid understandings of politics tell us how likely the poker ban will happen now that Joey has made this incredible progress.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-21-2017 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by gobbymcgee
Could someone that has a solid understandings of politics tell us how likely the poker ban will happen now that Joey has made this incredible progress.

I don't think anyone can give a definitive answer at this stage. However, because the work of Joey and co. we are definitely in a with a chance. The best thing to do to help is send out the tweets, donate a few bucks to Joey and msg one of the key members of this thread and ask what you can do after that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-22-2017 , 01:49 AM
I've been doing the daily tweets and made a donation. Keep it up Joey, you're a legend mate.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-22-2017 , 03:50 AM
Tweets sent, will donate at some point too.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-22-2017 , 05:48 PM
Thursday Action Plan!

Click the links below and send tweets to these key decision makers. The time to act is now! #AusFight4Poker

Senator Scott Ludlam -
Senator Penny Wong -
Senator Linda Reynolds -
Senator Eric Abetz -
Senator Zed Seselja -
Senator Arthur Sinodinos -
Senator Cory Bernardi -
Senator Barry O’Sullivan -
Senator Mitch Fifield -

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TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-23-2017 , 03:29 AM
Done, I also sent a much longer series of tweets to Scott Ludlam as he is probably the most tech literate Senator on the progressive side of the aisle and I think he may be able to draw logical conclusions from information regarding a regulated industry being better than a black market industry which will result from an online poker ban better than most.

Any chance of a meeting with Ludlam in the future Joey? He strikes me as the best way to reach out to the progressive side of the aisle and should be sympathetic to concerns like 'black market industries are bad and will lead to criminal enterprises cheating Australians out of their money' 'VPNs exist so a ban would be ineffective in a lot of ways anyway' 'problem gamblers should be protected by regulation not preyed upon by black market operators' and 'free tax revenue from licensing/regulating online poker industry can be spent on healthcare/education/protecting the environment/programs protecting problem gamblers/etc'
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-23-2017 , 05:36 AM
Yep have reached out to Ludlam re this. He is our hope of getting the Greens on board.
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-23-2017 , 06:47 AM
Aside from the go fund me is there anything I can do from the UK that could help?
TAKE ACTION: Need urgent help to keep Australian online poker. Deadline 21 July #AusFight4Poker Quote
02-23-2017 , 05:53 PM
Thursday Action Plan!

Click the links below and send tweets to these key decision makers. The time to act is now! #AusFight4Poker

Senator David Bushby -
Senator Brian Burston -
Senator Mathias Cormann -
Senator Scott Ludlam -
Senator Jane Hume -
Senator Linda Reynolds -
Senator Eric Abetz -
Senator Zed Seselja -
Senator Arthur Sinodinos -
Senator Mitch Fifield -

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