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Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat

09-08-2011 , 10:25 PM
Dutch is 4th in chips EPL Main Event! One time Dutchy!!!! Do it for the epic, epic Epic League! Do it for Chino!

We love you Annie! Stay classy!
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 10:27 PM
Quit embarrassing Vikings fans VikingsFans93. He paid his debt. I hate pedophiles also but nothing was ever posted stating sex offenders or anyone else convicted of a felony could not play. If this is Annie on her high horse it is a complete joke. Yes she does have kids and she might think she is "protecting" others from this guy but she is not above the rules or laws.
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 10:37 PM
I guess, never heard of anyone getting D/Q'd in a poker tournament for being a criminal though. Stupid reason really.
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 10:50 PM

DO NOT turn this into a thread about whether 12 is bad, is 15 bad? what about 16? etc etc.

This thread is NOT about your opinions on what types of sexual offenses are as bad or not as bad etc. That tangent is just too far away from the actual topic at hand.

This thread is about the EPL and them banning a player for his sexual offenses.
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Johnson

The reports I have read are that he wasn't DQ'd but that he 'withdrew'. They must have known that they couldn't legally DQ him after the fact, just because he had a criminal record.
I'd guess that what you read is more accurate than the OP's account.

Arguing about the disqualification as reported by Chainsaw is silly because it likely didn't go down that way.

This reminds of when there is a 100-page thread bashing someone for how they played a hand and then it turns out that pokernews misreported the action.
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by dirtydiana73
Quit embarrassing Vikings fans VikingsFans93. He paid his debt. I hate pedophiles also but nothing was ever posted stating sex offenders or anyone else convicted of a felony could not play. If this is Annie on her high horse it is a complete joke. Yes she does have kids and she might think she is "protecting" others from this guy but she is not above the rules or laws.
Albeit everyone may not agree on who is or isn't allowed to play, it is a league and not a typical "public" tournament.

(Actually, I have no clue as to the legal differences. Not to bring up old tiresome subjects, but I have no understanding about why the requirements for entry is legally binding here but not for a ladies tournament. Assuming it is legal like qualifying for the US Open or whatever, who is to say there can't be a league for people who suck at cards and therefore keep the professionals out, etc)

As far as keeping him out of the main event, I have no problem with that (even though it would seem wrong if it was someone with an edge). The only real issue imo is whether he should get what he has already won and that doesn't seem debatable imo. He has already won 18.5k, but after that it seems perfectly reasonable to send him on his way (via bike) imo
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 10:58 PM
wow...this is so immoral....just wow. He should and probably will sue and I feel like his rights have been extremely violated.

If he had lost would they have refunded his buy in?! He's allowed to play poker for Christs sake. Negative freeroll FTL. He may be a pervert or scum but they should have figured this **** out beforehand not after he wins.
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 11:03 PM
This sets a bad precedent imo. If a sex offense conviction is deserving of a ban, where do other crimes rank? What about DUI, kidnapping, assault, manslaughter, tax evasion, etc.? Are criminal background checks going to be a requirement for all participants now?

Although I do not know of any specific cases, I'm sure several in the field have prior convictions for some type of offense. This opens a can of worms.
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Berlino
I'd guess that what you read is more accurate than the OP's account.

Arguing about the disqualification as reported by Chainsaw is silly because it likely didn't go down that way.

This reminds of when there is a 100-page thread bashing someone for how they played a hand and then it turns out that pokernews misreported the action.
Do you really think he voluntarily gave up his seat for $1500?
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 11:10 PM
This sentiment has probably been discussed previously in this thread. I haven't read the entire thread, so if that's the case I apologize.

I want to start this by saying that pedophiles are just absolutely disgusting, plain and simple. Now taking my emotions out of the equation and looking at everything in fairness, what troubles me is that Chino was excused for what he had done in the past and allowed to play while this guy is not. I personally think the fact that they didn't institute the same policy as they had done with Chino shows that EPL standards policies and enforcement is a total joke. Both are criminals in the past. If they set any kind of precedent with Chino, shouldn't it be that this guy isn't allowed to play if he continues to be a pedophile? It feels as if the EPL is saying we've set a line and it falls somewhere past Chino'ing people but before being a pedophile. Something seems very wrong here. If they are going to enforce this on Michael de Vita, they should really enforce all actions people have previously done, which would probably wipe out half of the field if not more.

Again I want to say the pedophile thing is absolutely disgusting, I'm just pointing out an inconsistency that troubles me.
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 11:13 PM
It's a private business so they can boot him out of their business if they want to. All of the players sign a code of conduct.

From their code of conduct:
Integrity and Honor: Players should act with honor and integrity in all of their personal
and professional actions, including meeting their financial responsibilities on time
and honoring contractual agreements.
The Players’ Code does not create a list of proscribed conduct. Instead, the importance of maintaining
professional conduct at all times is critical to continuing the successful growth of poker. As such, any conduct
that undermines or puts at risk the integrity or reputation of the poker community or the Epic Poker League is
subject to League discipline.
In agreeing to participate in the Epic Poker League, we understand the importance of complying fully and
completely with the law, the Players’ Code and League policies and procedures, including but not limited to, all
League rules. Player membership and continued eligibility to participate in the Epic Poker League and related
events is solely at the discretion of the League.
In agreeing to participate in the Epic Poker League, we understand the importance of complying fully and
completely with the law, the Players’ Code and League policies and procedures, including but not limited to, all
League rules. Player membership and continued eligibility to participate in the Epic Poker League and related
events is solely at the discretion of the League.
Knowing this, he should never have signed up for the tourney in the first place because he knows he can't meet the criteria set by the business. He wouldn't have been dealt a single hand if he had told the EPL that he was a convicted child molester so there's no way he would have won the satellite.

He took his $1500 and crawled back under his rock. GG pedo.
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 11:17 PM
The EPL is wrong in this case. They are going down a slippery slope on this one. How do they determine which kind of crime is ok and not?
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Men"the master"fan
The EPL is wrong in this case. They are going down a slippery slope on this one. How do they determine which kind of crime is ok and not?
its probably like anything else where you read a list of rules and then at the end it leaves discretion up to someone's judgement that pretty much makes whatever was printed above it essentially meaningless.
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Alizona
I choked my own chicken once or twice.
Did the chicken file a complaint?
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Schwags
If they did background checks on all the players, it would probably cut the field in half. Here comes a new wave of scams to jump a payout.
You become a registered sex offender in Florida if you patronize a prostitute. That IMHO would cut the poker ranks down to about 10% male elegible!
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 11:27 PM
They took his buy-in, he won his seat, they pay him his prize. It ends there.
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 11:28 PM
Its kind of obvious that this is completely ridiculous. Since when has being a registered sex offender mattered for whether or not you could play poker? You could have done time for murder and still be allowed to play poker, always have been.

Even if the casino or the EPL has the right to ban anyone that they please, it doesnt make it right for them to ban people for something which has nothing at all to do with their establishment.
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 11:36 PM

Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 11:38 PM
lol epicpokerfailaments
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-08-2011 , 11:59 PM
If he signed the release posted, it appears epic may have a case to exclude him.
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-09-2011 , 12:04 AM
Never thought I'd side with a sex offender.
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-09-2011 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Do you really think he voluntarily gave up his seat for $1500?
If poker were his primary source of income I wouldn't think so.

However, since he apparently is an amateur, he could easily have decided that bad publicity would be -EV for his business, so he went quietly.

Who is to say that he didn't approach the EPL wishing to withdraw in exchange for $20k, but was refused, which is 100% normal, but then was offered a $1.5k settlement which he accepted?
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-09-2011 , 12:05 AM
So do you have to be convicted, what if you are charged with a DUI, or Why not test for drugs, What if you are behind on your child support?

Will they give me a complete list on offenses so I know to register to play or not?
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-09-2011 , 12:10 AM
anything that ****s on a pedophiles day is ok in my book; doesnt matter how EPL treats him... as long as the public (us) are knowledgeable of these decisions, for future reference(s).
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
09-09-2011 , 12:10 AM
Didn't Randy Dorfman/randyd publicly out him in a campaign before this event started? I thought that was total BS.. if Randy wanted this guy banned, just go tell EPL staff simple, he had absolutely no right whatsoever to publicly trash someone's name on 2p2.
Sex offender Michael devita barred from epic poker league main event after winning 20k seat Quote
