You then took to twitter complaining that Scott had bullied the TD into "changing" the payouts. This seems like a misrepresentation. Unless I have some facts wrong, it seems more accurate to say that Scott bullied them into "not changing" the payouts. This is important, because changing the payouts after they've been announced would be wrong, whereas insisting the payouts not be changed would be right.
Scott argued that the payouts should be changed. He clearly had an impact. I was told that if registration is closed early, under seminole rules, they are allowed to modify the structure of the tournament. They decided to modify it to pay two spots. FWIW I think Scott had a completely legitimate argument, as did the rest of the players in the tournaments. I don't think its fair to him that we were told it would be two people, I don't think its fair to us that it was scheduled for three but then changed because of a floor's mistake. IMO in these situations you have to go with written rules as a standard for consistency. I don't disagree with what Scott did, I probably would have argued his position if I was in his position. He even admitted the next day he wouldn't have argued as hard had he been shorter.
The only thing that is certain is that SHR ****ed up. We all make mistakes. It is in everyone's best interest that they are successful and run tournaments like this in the future. It is also important that they provide quality customer service and show that they care about their players.
I was completely satisfied with the resolution. They made a mistake, acknowledged it, and compensated the players for it.
I think in the future they should have included all the players in a discussion about it, if there was going to be one, before going public about changing it. When we left we were under the impression there was no discussion. I also think that I should have gone to address the casino staff before going nuts on twitter. At the time I was drunk, not sure what to do, and had to play in 15 hours, so I just went HAM on twitter. It is not my wish to make SHR or anyone look bad, I prefer to promote poker in the best possible light. In the future I will try to handle things more professionally and privately.
Sorry for waiting so long to post this. Thanks for the SHR for running an otherwise great event.