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Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions)

09-29-2009 , 02:22 AM
Although the literal translation is "____ your mother", its meaning and use is slightly different in Russian culture. It can be used both as a "goddamnit!"-like expression of frustration not directed at anyone, which is the most common, or the literal meaning as a verbal insult towards someone. Ya, Russians curse a lot...
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-29-2009 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by nuisance
I actually didn't think it was to bad of a movie. It actually showed the struggle and pure degeneracy of poker pros.
It was pretty interesting in the way that it showed the hard life of poker pro's on the road, always having to search for a game, games being rare so players feel forced to play in shady circumstances where the risk of being beat up/robbed/cheated is substantial. And then only a few years later it's all outdated history because of internet poker and improved casino poker.

All the pool shark movies ensured that nowadays nobody is foolish enough to go to a pool hall to play for money with strangers because of all the sharks and hustlers. Rounders could have done the same for poker because all it shows is cheating and hustling and getting beat up when you win or get accused of cheating. Luckily Moneymaker and internet poker saved poker and showed you don't have to be a criminal to play it.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-29-2009 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by ~red0nkulous
New blood= A New person to join the game.

Stuck 2 racks= Guessing the movie they are playing with $100 Chips a rack would be $20K. So basically he's down 10 Grand.
And if it's Greens, He's be stuck 5K.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-29-2009 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by nuisance
This is actually what I thought about Lucky You I actually didn't think it was to bad of a movie. It actually showed the struggle and pure degeneracy of poker pros.

This is what I thought about Rounders
As for Rounders it was the best poker movie to date and I am surprised they didn't make a sequel during the poker boom. IMO they missed a great opportunity as the movie was left wide open.

And I don't think Matt Damon's character was the one cheating. He actually won without cheating. It was Worm who was the cheat. And if you don't think ppl cheat now, live and online. You are delusional. Sorry to say but when money is involved there will always be cheat's. Its always been that way and always will be.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-29-2009 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by nuisance

And I don't think Matt Damon's character was the one cheating. He actually won without cheating. It was Worm who was the cheat. And if you don't think ppl cheat now, live and online. You are delusional. Sorry to say but when money is involved there will always be cheat's. Its always been that way and always will be.
Okay, so Damon's character cheats at the frat party, but he wasn't a cheat? Good read.

Sorry, but you're the delusional one if you would interpret anything I said in my post to indicate I was suggesting there are no cheats in poker. The fact is, when Hollywood decided to do a movie on poker players, they made the characters all degens, cheats and morally bankrupt people.

Of course the same can be said for The Sting, etc. Whatever - that's fine. I'm just telling you what the general consensus among players in casinos at the time was. Most didn't like the fact that they chose to focus on the shady aspects of the game.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-29-2009 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Eaglesfan1
Also since when can you have oreo cookies at the table? I mean I know he owns the place and so he can do whatever he wants... But isn't it bad etiquette?
If u ever saw asian guyz eating squid @ Bay101...
What if somebody at the table is hungry and asks for one? Does he hog them or does he just give out cookies whenever someone asks until he runs out?
He better not say chit if i bring my own cookies next visit.
So many questions.
I'm still tryin' 2 figure out what happened to all the ciggies Worm won @ spades the day he was let out. It's possible THAT coulda got stacked on top of his 100.00 parting gift...
cigs traded inside, another 100+
cigs traded outside, 5 bux [this was AC in the late 90's btw]

Last edited by spike420211; 09-29-2009 at 01:01 PM.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-29-2009 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by spike420211
I'm still tryin' 2 figure out what happened to all the ciggies Worm won @ spades the day he was let out. It's possible THAT coulda got stacked on top of his 100.00 parting gift...
cigs traded inside, another 100+
cigs traded outside, 5 bux [this was AC in the late 90's btw]
I'm pretty sure there is an obvious scene where he dumps all the smokes in the garbage.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-29-2009 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by spike420211
I'm still tryin' 2 figure out what happened to all the ciggies Worm won @ spades the day he was let out. It's possible THAT coulda got stacked on top of his 100.00 parting gift...
cigs traded inside, another 100+
cigs traded outside, 5 bux [this was AC in the late 90's btw]
Originally Posted by sixsixtie
I'm pretty sure there is an obvious scene where he dumps all the smokes in the garbage.
ya, he dumps them in the garbage
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-29-2009 , 02:38 PM
What brand of felt do you think TeddyKGB uses on his tables?

(since we're about 9 miles away from OP's topic).
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-29-2009 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Mitch Evans
Okay, so Damon's character cheats at the frat party, but he wasn't a cheat? Good read. .
Ok..sorry I forgot about that scene. But at the Cop game he was trying his hardest not to cheat and folding the nuts. Also his life depending on getting that money up.

But I could see why the players at the casino's would have had a negative feeling about the movie.

I believe KGB used the green brand of felt.

And yes Hookers give you free comps to the noddle bar. So does 20 min or so BJ or on a Slot.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-29-2009 , 08:17 PM
Eatez ay jaoke enyvay
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-29-2009 , 08:36 PM
Sorry if this is a bit off topic, but does anyone know how to say "F**k your mother" in Russian?
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-29-2009 , 08:43 PM
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-30-2009 , 02:27 AM
If Mike (Matt Damon) is such a card shark and player, then why can't he handle his chips like it's not the first time he ever used them? Even Eric Bana in Lucky You can roll chips with his thumb. I guess he didn't go on an 14 hour a day, 6 week crash course in learning how to look and act like a real poker player.

By the way, don't Taj's comps expire in like 6 months? Of course back then the pit bosses weren't so reliant on computers to spit out the comps like they are today. They had a little leeway then I believe.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-30-2009 , 03:50 AM
okay... so, at the end, heads up... teddy announces blinds at 25/50

so... matt damon gets kings and raises it to 1000?

and teddy makes the natural play of repopping him x3... and then folding to the shove?

or... even better, the last hand

flop is 6-7-10 and kgb overbets to 2g and mikey flat calls and teddy puts him on a draw? 6-7-10 rainbow against a trappy player = draw?

then a 2 bricks on the turn and he flat calls another ridiculously huge bet?

so... kgb's putting him on 4-5 the entire time for the river jam? the legendary "mad russian" of new york's underground poker world? sick read!
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-30-2009 , 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by Texter
2. What does Teddy KGB say right at the end after he loses the final hand and says you sounds like "You Bolo Nut!!!"

Sonuvabitch, thanks for the friggin spoiler!
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
09-30-2009 , 06:55 AM
I think we still haven't concluded the important stuff - SHOULDN'T hookers give comp in the noodle bar?
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
11-11-2009 , 04:15 PM
I was watching Rounders on GTV few nights ago, right after Worm says "lets get some food, i got comped at the noodle bar" Kineche (sp?) says "look whos treating to a free meal, dont let that MSG **** up your head more then it is Mike". I would assume that since Worm sat down and kited/took Mike's chips since he's busto, and was going on about "**** this low level ****/i got comped at the noodle bar" that he was lying about getting comped. Since Mike had what looked to be a decent stack at the level he was playing(5/5?) the meal at the Noodle Bar was going to be on him?
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
10-04-2010 , 01:46 PM
What was that sweet book where mike kept his money? Is that a super system safe?
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
10-04-2010 , 01:55 PM
Remember the part where Johnny Chan beat Erik Sedel HU? So unrealistic.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
10-04-2010 , 02:28 PM
Worm had the comps built up from the spades game in the joint with the other gentlemen where he swiped his card prior to beginning play.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
10-04-2010 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Texter
2. What does Teddy KGB say right at the end after he loses the final hand and says you sounds like "You Bolo Nut!!!"
no. youtube link
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
10-04-2010 , 03:17 PM
In the televison show "B.J. and the Bear", when he was doing those long cross-country hauls, do you think the chimp used the roadside rest stop facilities, or did he have to go to the pet area?
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
10-04-2010 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Texter
and another thing, how does the Chesterfield make money...I assume a time charge but I never see them taking one up.

They also never show the janitor cleaning the bathroom at the Chesterfield. The bathroom must have been disgusting!
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
10-04-2010 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by meatballs
Ive seen Rounders. If I think about it isn't the plot he gets his bankroll up to enough to buy into the wsop main event then dives in a cab to take a shot? Not realistic.
He took a cab to the airport. Taking a cab to the airport in NYC is more realistic than driving to the airport.
Rounders: Do Hookers in Atlantic City give out comps to the noodle bar? (and other questions) Quote
